Tag: Donald Trump

Leadership and Prosperity | Plus Oregon’s War on Business

Leadership and Prosperity | Plus Oregon’s War on Business

Show Summary: Oregon’s Democrat Governor Kate Brown is unleashing hell on small businesses. Find out what small businesses are up against and how candidate Greg Wooldridge says he’ll stop it. Plus: can it be? How one of those “it will start a trade war with China” tariffs  actually paid off big for Oregon and Oregon workers. If they can survive Kate Brown.

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Never miss a show! All stations stream live!
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande) | Live Feed
8:00AM Sunday: KWVR (Enterprise) | KWVR’s Tune In Live Feed
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass) | KAJO’s Live Feed

Original Air Dates: Apr. 28 & 29, 2018 | Capt. Greg Wooldridge & Jeff Ferry

This Week:  It’s politics and trade deals—and how good leadership can lead to good deals and prosperity.

Pundits on the Left and Right spewed economic doom and disaster after Trump announced tariffs on China.  Once again, Trump proves the critics wrong as China largely gave in and there was no trade war. But there’s more to the story than just tariffs.

In fact, the tariffs are the least scary aspect of trade with China.

Candidate Greg Wooldridge for Oregon Governor

Greg Wooldridge, Republican candidate for Oregon Governor
Greg Wooldridge, Republican candidate for Oregon Governor

Before we get to those scarier aspects of the trade war, there’s a war being waged in Oregon. Against Oregon businesses and especially small business owners.

We start our show with Captain Greg Wooldridge, a Republican running for Oregon governor. We ask him many of the same questions we asked last week of his primary opponent, businessman Sam Carpenter.  Our goal is to bring you as much information about these two conservatives that we possibly can so that when you fill out your ballot you feel confident of your decision about whom you think can win in November.

We talk with Greg about Oregon’s economics thanks to the Democrats:

  • Kate Brown’s decision to punish small businesses in Oregon by eliminating the Trump tax break (kept by all the other states);
  • The possible Internet Sales Tax that was just heard before the Supreme Court (and how Oregon’s Democrat Attorney General quietly signed the Amicus Brief in favor of it), which will force businesses in Oregon, which has no sales tax, to collect sales taxes — for other states
  • And the suicide-vest of State funding, PERS — which all of us are about to spend a lot more on just to bail out years of Democrat overspending on it

And it’s Governor Kate Brown who’s led us to this financial cliff.

Mentioned on the show: See Knute Buehler’s flyer sent not to Republicans but to Independents

Tariffs are the Least Scary Part of a China Trade War

As the saying goes, love him or hate him, President Trump is delivering.  And it has to drive his detractors crazy to see him succeed time and again. And it’s both sides of the aisle.

When Trump proposed huge tariffs on China, many on the Right screamed foul. Tariffs are always bad, or so goes the meme. Except the supposed trade war that was supposedly about to be unleashed… never happened. In fact, it’s about to benefit a company right here in Oregon. All thanks to one of those evil, “trade-war” tariffs.

How One of those “Trade War” Tariffs is a Win for Oregon

Recently, a solar company in California — which had been making panels in Asia and which was adamantly against Trump’s tariffs — suddenly realized the tariffs meant it was cheaper to make them in the good ol’ U.S.A. They just announced the purchase of a solar manufacturing company right here in Hillsboro, Oregon.

So, yes elections matter.  Whether you personally love him or hate any politician, you need to determine your vote on what you think they’ll deliver for the state or country.

Podcast Version

Links & More Info

Greg Wooldridge (Segments 1–3)

Knute Buehler Independent Party flyer
Knute Buehler flyer sent to members of the Independent Party. Why not Republicans.

More info on Greg Wooldridge for Governor:

Greg Wooldridge’s campaign website: WooldridgeforOregon.com
Greg’s Facebook page.
Follow Greg Wooldridge on Twitter: @greg_wooldridge.

Knute Buehler’s flyer sent to members of the Independent Party. “Compassionate, pro-choice, pro-marriage equality medical doctor.” Why not send this to Republicans?

Jeff Ferry Segments (4–6)

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What’s Missing in Oregon? Good Leaders and Good Leadership

What’s Missing in Oregon? Good Leaders and Good Leadership

Show Summary: Good leaders don’t lead people off cliffs. As we learned last week, Oregon’s current leaders are leading Oregon off a financial cliff. And small businesses are about to get crushed. This week, we talk about good leadership: Trump’s successes and a Republican candidate for Oregon governor who hopes to make Oregon great again.

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Never miss a show! All stations stream live!
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande) | Live Feed
8:00AM Sunday: KWVR (Enterprise) | KWVR’s Tune In Live Feed
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass) | KAJO’s Live Feed

Original Air Dates: April 21 & 22, 2018 | Sam Carpenter & Ron Kessler

I Spy Radio Welcomes Wallowa County!

Before we get to this week’s show, a special shout-out to listeners in Wallowa County! We’re pleased to now be airing on KWVR in Enterprise OR, our newest addition to the I Spy Radio network.  We’ll be airing on KWVR from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sundays.

For those of you who aren’t in Wallowa County, but who listen to our show via the internet, note that KWVR streams live, which gives you another option of when to listen.

This Week:  we will be following up on last week’s conversation about Oregon’s economic woes with Jonathan Williams of ALEC. Our conversation with Jonathan was a real eye opener on how Oregon’s current leadership is about to punish small businesses. We move from last week’s diagnostics to some actual remedies this week with guest, business owner and consultant, Sam Carpenter.

Sam Carpenter for Oregon's governor
I Spy Radio interviews Sam Carpenter who is running for Oregon’s governor

Sam is one of the Republican candidates for Oregon governor. A successful businessman himself, he is also a consultant and turnaround specialist. He has helped over 200 companies find their own path to prosperity.  Sam is hired to identify the problems and then design the way for the company to correct them and get back to prosperity.  And that’s just what he wants to do for Oregon—fix the economic problems.

And with Kate Brown’s “leadership,” we have a ton of problems.

Oregon governor Kate Brown and the Salem Democrats made Oregon a sanctuary state. Have you signed the petition yet? Your signature can help get it on the ballot so voters can decide. Head to StopOregonSanctuaries.org. Just print, sign, mail. Do it today!

Oregon Democrat’s Punish Small Business Tax becomes law

We talk to Sam about three major problems that he would face from Day One of taking the reins in Oregon and start to immediately change our direction.  Sam talks to us about what we’ve termed The Punish Small Business Tax (SB 1528) that Kate already signed into law and how devastating it will be for small business.

And we talk about PERS. Especially the lack of good information to even know how much in debt we truly are, with some saying $25 billion, others say $50 billion, and still other reliable estimates that put it up to $100 and even as high as $200 billion.  Who’s right?

Crush Small Businesses Part II: The Internet Sales Tax

We also talk with Sam about the little known Internet Sales Tax that the Supreme Court heard this week. Governor Kate Brown’s Attorney General signed an Amicus Brief in support of yet another punishing blow to Oregon’s small businesses.  If it stands, it will mean that business owners in Oregon, which has no sales tax of its own (yet), will be forced to collect tax for over 12,000 taxing jurisdictions—in other states.

Why exactly did Oregon’s Attorney General sign onto this idea…?

Ron Kessler on the Trump White House

The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game by Ron KesslerNext, we turn to NY Times bestselling author, Ronald Kessler, with his new book The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the GameRon has authored over 20 books investigating life in Washington D. C., from Presidents to the CIA and the FBI  Ron has also been a friend of President Trump for years and gives us insights into the personality, mindset, and life of our President.  Including the surprising role of Melania.

Tune in to hear how Trump looks at people, and how he determines whom to hire and why.  We also talk to him about the FBI and the Deep State, Jeff Sessions’ and Rod Rosenstein’s job security, and how President Trump finds the energy to keep fighting the good fight.

Podcast Version

Links & Additional Information

Sam Carpenter (Segments 1–3)

Ron Kessler (Segments 4–6)

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

Show Summary: Tune in to hear how small business is about to be crushed in Oregon. If you are running for office you need to listen to this show. If you plan to vote for someone running for office you need to listen to this show. If you own a small business or work for one, you really need to listen to this show. You need to know the storm that’s about to be unleashed on small business, thanks to Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Original Air Dates: April 14 & 15, 2018 | Guest: Jonathan Williams of ALEC

Some states are scrambling for money as big debts are coming due. And Oregon is leading the way—just not in finding the right answers that would promote economic health.

Instead, Democrat Governor Kate Brown seems to be almost working overtime to crush our state’s innovative spirit. So she’s not only killing our ability to not only pay our bills but taking an axe to what could be (with better management) a positive economic environment for small businesses. Or even attract them from other states.

But not in Oregon. Instead, there is a real storm coming for small businesses here in Oregon.

Crushing Small Business. Oregon Style

One of the things you’ll hear in the show this week is how Oregon is targeting small business by divorcing them from the Trump tax break. But then there’s a coming sales tax.

Yes. A sales tax in Oregon.

This is the internet sales tax that is being heard next week in front of the Supreme Court. Oregon small businesses would be forced to collect taxes for states like New York and Washington that have their own sales tax.

Regulations and taxes crush small businesses. Oregon is the example of what NOT to do.But unbeknownst to many, Oregon’s own State Attorney General has signed onto an Amicus Brief to allow a national sales tax on internet purchases.  This will be crushing to Oregon’s small businesses with the increased costs of processing this sales tax. For other states.

It’s the foot in the door to finally create the sales tax Oregon’s Democrats and Big Government Republicans have been longing for.

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See below for an excerpt from the brief that includes not only more taxes but more prying into your personal lives. Have our elected leaders gone insane? Has no one heard of cutting spending?

Oregon Democrats hate cutting spending almost as much as they hate cutting trees.

Show Flow

We start by discussing Congress’s Omnibus bill, which sets the stage for the rest of the discussion.

Then we move to the Left’s “boogeyman”: Kansas and their ill-advised massive tax cut and spending increase. Why? Because the Left uses Kansas to try to scare other states away from cutting taxes. We debunk the myth because what happened in Kansas can help other states learn what not to do (hint, hint Oregon!).

Next, we talk about what Oregon is doing to crush small business, including taking away tax cuts. It’s a punishment that falls on small businesses and only small businesses. Then, it’s the internet sales tax and the grand daddy of spending boondoggles, PERS.

But there is good news (just not in Oregon). Don’t miss what nearby state to watch as the primary example of how smart policies really can create economic health.

Oregon’s Attorney General Rosenblum’s Amicus Brief

“Their [businesses] advanced online platforms boast impressive technology that enables them to not only comply (easily) with State [tax] collection laws, but also capture extensive data about their customers. According to one commentator, an online retailer can effortlessly track demographic information that includes “‘your age, whether you are married and have kids, which part of town you live in, how long it takes you to drive to the store, your estimated salary, whether you’ve moved recently, what credit cards you carry in your wallet and what Websites you visit … data about your ethnicity, job history, the magazines you read, if you’ve ever declared bankruptcy or got divorced, the year you bought (or lost) your house, where you went to college, what kinds of topics you talk about online, whether you prefer certain brands of coffee, paper towels, cereal or applesauce, your political leanings, reading habits, charitable giving and the number of cars you own.’”

The full Amicus brief can be read here (PDF)

Podcast Version

Links and Related Information

Oregon Governor Kate Brown to Crush Small Business


  • Editorial: Lawmakers can’t duck Oregon’s PERS burden (The Bulletin, Mar 17, 2018)
  • Huge Bill Is Coming Due For Oregon’s Past Pension System Mistakes (OPB, Feb 2, 2018)
  • Once again, Oregon makes national news. Except, as usual, it’s not for good reasons: “A $76,000 Monthly Pension: Why States and Cities Are Short on Cash” (New York Times, April 14, 2018)
  • PERS task force suggests ways to pay down system’s debt (OSBA, November 1, 2017)
  • PERS: Panel delivers ideas to cut pension deficit by $5 billion (Oregon Live, November 1, 2017)
    • “The panel’s mandate was to leave no stone unturned. But the governor, who is up for reelection in 2018, specifically directed members not to consider changes to pension benefits. Any such changes would be deeply unpopular with public employee unions, who typically back Democrats. Brown also said upfront that she wasn’t interested in selling state parks or forests, which would have proven deeply unpopular with environmental and conservation groups.”
  • If you thought what you read before was bad, read this: Time Bomb: PERS (via Senate Republicans, 2017)

Kansas: the Left’s Anti-Tax-cut Boogeyman

  • VIDEO: Jonathan on a panel at Heritage Foundation, discussing Kansas as the example Leftists point to about tax cuts hurting the government. “What Was Really the Matter with the Kansas Tax Plan: The Undoing of a Good Idea” (Heritage Foundation, Apr 10, 2018) The three key takeaways: don’t cut taxes and increase spending; have a plan to balance the budget, and have the right systems in place.

Here’s some Leftist spin on what happened in Kansas

The Coming Storm for Small Businesses: the Internet Sales Tax

  • Video – Online Sales Tax: Crushing Small Business (ALEC, March 2018)
  • See how the Internet sales tax (and taxes in general) pushes businesses out of state: Internet Sales Tax Hurts Businesses and the States that Pass Them (ALEC, Jan 2014)




Liberal Hypocrisy: Facebook & Guns | Plus Trump’s Real Strategy in China

Liberal Hypocrisy: Facebook & Guns | Plus Trump’s Real Strategy in China

Show Summary: Hollywood liberal hypocrisy. Celebrities wouldn’t have any standards if they didn’t have double standards, whether it’s about guns or Facebook. Another law Obama broke. Plus, Trump’s real strategy in China. We talk with two bestselling authors, James Hirsen (Tales from the Left Coast) and Scott McEwen (co-author of American Sniper).

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 7 & 8, 2018 | James Hirsen & Scott McEwen

What do all slaves, since the beginning of human history have in common?

Well, you’ll have to tune in to find out the answer to that one.

But what do all Liberals have in common? Hypocrisy of course. Liberal hypocrisy is rooted in their subjective reasoning. It’s not “murder” if it’s the unborn. It’s not “breaking the law” if it’s illegal immigrants coming here to take advantage of America’s generosity.

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James Hirsen on Liberal Hypocrisy

James Hirsen is a NT Times bestselling author (Tales from the Left Coast), international business attorney and commentator on all things Hollywood. He’s also a frequent guest on I Spy Radio.

Liberal hypocrisy is always apparent (except to them) but no more so than in the recent Facebook scandal and the anti-gun “March for our lives” protest. Why?

There is no why. It’s just the bottomless barrel of liberal hypocrisy of course.

Liberals and Hollywood celebrities are fleeing Facebook. And shrieking at Mark Zuckerburg as they slam the door behind them.Why? Because Facebook sold data on 87 million users to Cambridge Analytica who bought it for the  Trump campaign. Gasp!

Liberal hypocrisy. Ban everything. Ban America!You’ve probably heard elsewhere that Liberals were perfectly okay with Facebook giving Obama access to data—and the Liberals even praised Obama for being oh-so-clever. But not just 87 million users. Facebook gave away data on 190 million users.

Did you know Obama and Facebook may have actually broken a law by doing this? (Don’t hold your breath about the DOJ going after either of them.)

And then there’s guns. The Hollywood liberals—who make their millions selling movies about guns, using guns, shooting guns, and making it all look cool—took to the streets to march for gun confiscation — while surrounded by armed guards.

Trump Strategy on China

Up next, it’s bestselling author, Scott McEwen (co-author of American Sniper) on some international issues. We’ll talk over some strategic war games being played out on the world stage — not so much militarily but economically as well.

Remember: economics IS warfare. Scott has some surprising insights into what Trump is doing with China and why.

Scott lives on the border in San Diego. What’s he think of the horde of illegal immigrants marching their way through Mexico?

Scott’s fans will also want to hear the updates on his upcoming movie. And some updates on two new books that will be released this year  which have already been optioned for movies.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned


The Real Depth of the Deep State

The Real Depth of the Deep State

Show Summary: Most of us now know about the Deep State. But few realize just how deep the Deep State is. We talk with Dr. Jerome Corsi about what Trump is truly up against. Plus, rock star Ted Nugent, a superstar defender of the Second Amendment on Oregon’s war on guns. And what’s the difference between Patriots and the Deep State anyway?

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 24 & 25, 2018 | Jerome Corsi & Ted Nugent

This Week:  We are in a constant state of war. If you heard last week’s show with a former jihadist, you know there are many forces trying to destroy it from within and without.  It’s a constant barrage against our way of life and the belief of our inalienable rights to freedom. The freedom given to us by our maker and reflected in our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

When it comes to threats to our country, we think of military threats. Countries building up their militaries and nuclear powers.

But there are also hidden threats. Hidden right in our midst.

The Depths of the Deep State

For decades, we’ve had the invisible and sinister attempts to destroy our freedoms by people working within our government agencies to form the Deep State, who go undetected as they dig deeply into our systems with loyalty to themselves and to the government, not the people.  The Deep State will lash out and oppose anyone who wants to deprive the government of power or anyone who wants to return power to citizens.

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Fortunately, our country has many patriots who are rooted in our Constitutional rights and work feverishly in preserving them for all Americans. This week I Spy is honored to have two of those Patriots on our show.

Jerome Corsi: Killing the Deep State

First up we are joined by Dr. Jerome Corsi author of many bestsellers including Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry and Obama Nation. Now, Dr. Corsi has a new book out Killing the Deep State: A Fight to Save President Trump.

Tune in to hear just how deep the roots go in agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and EPA. You’ll hear how those and other agencies are tied to gaining power to destroy America and leave us helpless to fight off their silent coup—and the lengths they’ll go to sabotage President Trump.

Is Jeff Sessions incompetent? Or a lurking menace about to strike the Deep State?

Do members of the Deep State see themselves as patriots?

Ted Nugent: Second Amendment Superstar

Then we’re joined by 1st and 2nd Amendment advocate, and rock star, Ted Nugent.  We talk to him about Oregon’s new gun control laws as he calls out to voters to show up for the governor’s election to turn this state red.  Ted Nugent adds the energy and commitment as he discusses why we can win back our gun rights while reversing draconian legislation approved by far-left Kate Brown.  And in doing so we have a chance to make this state red — and get us into the black.

Stop Oregon Sanctuaries

A handful of lawmakers and Democrat Governor Kate Brown, have turned Oregon into a sanctuary state. Shouldn’t Oregon voters get to decide? You can help get it on the ballot. Head to StopOregonSanctuaries.org. Print, sign, and mail. It’s that simple.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Jerome Corsi (Segments 1 – 4)

Ted Nugent (Segments 5 & 6)

When Empires Fall | Russian Collusion and … the NFL?

When Empires Fall | Russian Collusion and … the NFL?

Show Summary: The more the Russian collusion onion is peeled back, the more clear it becomes the Democrats are at the center of it. Story after story this week shows the underhandedness of the Democrats, including setting up their political opponents by using the power of the federal government. Another empire of sorts is falling—the NFL. But could the whole “take a knee” scandal be part of a larger strategy? We know about the Democrats and Russian collusion. but the “NFL collusion” — with whom and by whom — will surprise you.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 10 & 11, 2018 | Jayne Carroll & Burgess Owens

The more we peel back the Russian collusion onion the more we see the Democrats fingerprints on every aspect.  As the Inspector General rolls out the recovered text messages we see how Hillary, Warner, Schiff, and Obama look to be involved.

Russian Collusion Collusion Collusion

The latest domino, Senator Warner, wanted to secretly meet with a Russian oligarch in London while being careful of any paper trail.  We find out that two Russian comedians tripped up Schiff when he tried to get dirt on President Trump.  Hmm… These are the same people that jump in front of the nearest microphone to say how Trump is lying and that we shouldn’t trust him.  Hmm…

Forget Russian collusion. Forget Democrat collusion. This is about America.

If we could remove the ugliness of politics, shouldn’t both Democrats and Republicans be united against using the federal government to go after political opponents.? You’d think that even in today’s highly partisan Washington, this ought to be something that everyone could agree on.

But in reality we’re witnessing a moment in history when one side used the federal government to spy, got caught, and is now using the federal government to try to cover it all up. This is horrifying. Or should be.

Are the Democrats only sorry they got caught? Are the Republicans wishing they’d thought of it first? Why aren’t both sides united against stopping it from ever happening again?

KUIK Superstar Jayne Carroll talks Russian collusion on I Spy Radio
KUIK Superstar, Jayne Carroll

But who set the stage for changing the FBI into a weaponized agency?  Was it Obama, who, we found out this week, ” wants to know everything we’re doing.”

We welcome KUIK’s radio superstar, Jayne Carroll to discuss these actions by corrupted FBI agents and DOJ personnel and how our government, that is suppose to be responsive to the American people, are instead being used to do harm and not protect us as they’re supposed to do.

Super Bowl Wrap-Up

Burgess Owens - We know about the Democrats and Russian collusion but is there collusion in the NFL? And Why?
Former NFL star, Burgess Owens. “As heard on I Spy Radio…”

Then we talk with former Super Bowl winner, Burgess Owens, on what is really going on in the NFL and his thoughts of why they’re so protective of those who chose to kneel. He has some fascinating takes on the real reasons why they’re doing it.

Then we discuss the Congressional Black Caucus and their embarrassing performance at the State of the Union Address along with how the Black community is handling Obama’s lies about being involved in the FBI’s surveillance of Trump and the Hillary email scandal, his promises, and what he actually delivered. And is there a shift in the their outlook on Trump?

From Twitter

A great video via @Fight4TruthNow from Twitter that echoes Burgess Owen’s take on what Trump’s first year has meant to the Black community

There’s also this from @MsAvaArmstrong:

Podcast Version


  • Catch the Jayne Carroll Show! LIVE Mondays–Fridays, 3-6pm on KUIK 1360. Don’t live near Portland/Hillsboro? Head to KUIK.com and use their free player.
    Burgess Owens’ book is Liberalism: or how to turn good men into whiners, weenies, and wimps. Check it out in our I Spy Radio Store or jump here to go right to it on Amazon.com
  • FBI Text Message:  POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing (The Blacksphere, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Texts between FBI lovers reveal Obama wanted to be briefed on EVERYTHING happening in Clinton email investigation – after he ‘guaranteed’ he wouldn’t get involved (Daily Mail, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Historical Reference, King Henry II and Thomas becket (Wikipedia article)
  • Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress (The Hill, Feb 7, 2018)
  • FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake (Daily Caller, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal (NY Times, April 23, 2015)
Surprise! When Government Makes Sense

Surprise! When Government Makes Sense

Show Summary: North Dakota is a state that understands people need natural resources. They went through a lot of growing pains with the fracking boom. Just imagine: a state that actually has a budget surplus. Hear how they are are using their success to plan for the future—and some surprising developments in working with some environmental groups that may provide a blueprint for Oregon. Also, Trump is making deals on DACA and the border. What do people on the border, who see the negative impacts of illegal immigration think about the deals?

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 3 & 4, 2018 | Vicky Steiner & Jeff Schwilke

A State that Actually USES its Natural Resources?

About five years ago I Spy jealously watched states whose government was working for the people — especially considering the mess Oregon was in: implementing Obamacare, the CCO’s, PERS, and other devastating public costs, while ignoring an obvious source of revenue. Timber.  So, we wanted to see what other states were doing to succeed, and how they were keeping their state in the black.

We were fortunate to have our research come upon Vicky Steiner, who was at that time working in the oil industry, as North Dakota was experiencing a real economic boom.  Vicky told us about the fast-paced growth spurt they were experiencing and what the state’s leadership was doing to improve their state’s future by providing important infrastructure and designing a savings plan that tucked away millions in the state coffers should there be a downturn.

Now, five years later, we have Vicky Steiner back to update us on where they are as a state and how using their natural resources has paid off.  Due to their careful planning, North Dakota has weathered the downturn when the oil prices dropped and production slowed.  Under President Trump and the U.S. actually exporting oil, along with prices rising, Vicky discusses how they are now expanding their oil fields but have become so much more efficient in their production because they invested in new and better technologies.

Meanwhile, Oregon’s Congressional representatives are asking Ryan Zinke not to allow drilling off of Oregon’s coast.


A Surprise for Everyone

Not only did they use their success to develop better, more efficient production techniques, they also built partnerships with responsible environmental groups who helped to ensure oil production was friendly to their treasured land.  Something that Oregon’s vast forest, that burn or rot because they are not managed and logged, could benefit from its own legislative leadership.

Could what they have learned be a roadmap for Oregon to begin using their own natural resources?

Illegal Immigration

Two brand new illegals
Two brand new illegals. Notice how clean and well-dressed these Hondurans are. All ready for their new (illegal) lives in America

Then we go south to San Diego and welcome border security activist and retired Master Sergeant, Jeff Schwilk.  Jeff has strong and great insights into what is currently occurring on the border.  He describes his experiences of what happens in communities near a border that brings illegal immigrants into their communities — and into their local voting booths.

Jeff discusses what he’s recently seen and some of the gaps on the border wall/fence during his tour with a border security team. Jeff tells us his thoughts on President Trump’s recent position on DACA and explains what he feels needs to happen to get to a workable final deal as he offers his ideas and what his anti-amnesty colleagues are pushing for.  These are important insights from people who live smack in the middle of the immigration issues that you won’t want to miss.

Jeff’s Email on Illegal Immigrants as Invaders

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 2:32 PM
To: Jeff Schwilk
Subject: Illegal alien DACA Punks DEMAND full Amnesty for ALL Illegal Aliens, not just Dreamers

Illegal immigrant invaders
From Jeff’s email — to us, these are clearly illegal immigrant invaders

They don’t want DACA, they don’t want a “deal”, they want our country!  They are demanding that we leave our borders wide open for all their relatives to sneak in.  (see attached recent photo and new email from them below).  They have now taken over the entire Democrat party who is terrified to stand up to them.  Now they have their sights set on weak-kneed and open border Republicans, of which there are far too many, through their increasing demands and hostile actions.

They meet the very definition of foreign terrorists or insurgents on our soil.  The enemy within.  The Reconquista is real and these foreign aliens can taste it, not just in California where they have have nearly taken over state and many local governments, but now they want the whole U.S. for their “raza” and revenge against America.

No DACA, no Dream Act, no amnesty.  Enforce our Laws and Secure our Homeland first!

What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let us know by commenting below.

Tweet of the Week

This has to be the tweet of the week on illegal immigration/DACA…

Podcast Version


  • Vicky’s article: Davis Refinery would mean jobs, prosperity for southwest ND (Inforum, Jan. 15, 2018)
  • Jeff Schwilke’s website, sdsb.weebly.com. To sign up for his newsletter, send him an email, jeffschwilk@cox.net
  • The Goodlatt bill is HR4760

North Dakota, Oil, Economics, Environmentalists (Segments 1–3)

Immigration, DACA, and Border (Segments 4–6)

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Show Summary: The Trump administration is winning against extreme environmentalists. Tune in to hear some exciting news about the Pebble Mine project in Alaska, its tremendous wealth just waiting to be taken, and how the rabid environmentalists are the past,  not the future. Also, we talk with Jeff Jimerson of Oregon Life United about their plans to turn the tide for pro-life in Oregon in 2018.

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7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Jan. 13 & 14, 2018 | Jeff Jimerson & Mike Heatwole

Welcome to another edition and another year of I Spy Radio — helping you to get a little more intelligence on big govt. If this is your first time joining us, a special welcome to you as we kick off a new year. We hope you’ll join us every week as we give you more intelligence in one hour than most shows do in three.

This week

The first part of a two-part series focused on natural resources. And there is some good news on that front—for once.

Speak Life 2018

But before we get to the natural resources portion, our first guest is Jeff Jimerson, founder of Oregon Life United and lead petitioner to stop taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon.  To help get the word out on this signature initiative, his organization is bringing Mike Huckabee to Oregon, January 21st and 22nd.

We talk to Jeff about whether it’s true or not that Oregon has no pro-life laws to protect the unborn. No parental notification, no limits?  And then don’t miss the information on Gov. Huckabee’s visit to Oregon at their Speak Life 2018 event—and that’s not all.  This group has some exciting plans coming up, so we’ll be having Jeff back on to give updates as plans come to fruition.

Progressive politicians are wrong if they think free abortions for all is a winning strategy. Especially for today’s youth. Polls show an overwhelming majority of today’s youth are pro-life. Why? Because they’re the sonogram generation. They grew up at a time mom came home from the doctor with sonogram pictures and say, “See? This is your baby brother or this is your baby sister. Here’s the head… Here’s her arm…” They know that’s a baby in there, not some “blob of tissue.”

Pebble Mine

Then we switch hats to focus on natural resources something environmentalists have fought against for years.  But what these extremists don’t understand is that being an environmentalist doesn’t mean we can’t touch natural resources, it’s more about how you treat the lands and the people when you do harvest resources.

The Pebble Mine. Just waiting for permit approvalWe head back to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to talk about one of the most richest mineral deposits in the world: the Pebble Mine project.  A mine that has been put on hold for years as the Obama administration refused to even allow the permitting process to begin.

Long-time listeners of I Spy will remember that Pebble Partnership was forced to sue the EPA to give them same rights as any other mining company and discovered that the EPA had been conspiring with environmental groups to stop the Pebble Mine from ever submitting a permit application.

Now with the Trump administration in place the EPA has allowed the permitting process to begin, a process that will take years to finalize.  And with a growing economy, America will need the gold, copper, and other minerals of Pebble Mine to build computers, cell phones, and other essentials that we use daily in our lives.

Winning against Environmentalists

But it’s more than just Pebble Mine. Tune in to hear how after years of shutting down and, dare we say, terrorizing industry, the extreme environmentalists are on the defensive.  It’s about time. Don’t miss to hear how the extremists are “old school” and their fear-mongering is out of touch with modern-day approaches to natural resources.

And don’t miss next week’s show as we continue our focus on natural resources: Could there be some hope for Oregon?

Speak Life! 2018

We’re pleased to announce that Oregon Life United is bringing out Mike Huckabee on January 21st and 22nd to help with the signature gathering effort. He’ll be speaking at Portland, Salem, and Medford.  To get the details go to https://www.oregonlifeunited.org/speaklife/ and order your $20 tickets online.  Look for the discount code button and type in ISpyRadio (all one word) to get $5 off per ticket. That’s 25% off!

Podcast Version

Speak Life and Oregon Life United Links

  • More information and to order tickets for Mike Huckabee and Speak Life! 2018 can be found at Oregon Life United
    • Don’t forget to use the discount code ispyradio and save $5 per ticket!
  • An unintentionally pro-life article from The Huffington Post: “Are You a Miracle? On the Probability of Your Being Born” (Aug 16, 2011).
  • Breitbart News – “Study: India Performs 15.6 Million Abortions per Year” (Dec 30, 2017): “A new study finds that about 15.6 million abortions were performed in India in 2015”
  • The new pro-life generation High-school students are organizing and engaging in the fight for life, despite sharp opposition from some administrators and peers (Jan. 2018)
    • “Despite the hostility, Curran and other members of Students for Life Dripping Springs continue to gather once a month in the school cafeteria to hand out flyers describing scientific facts about unborn babies. The students are part of the latest front lines of the pro-life battle: Winning the hearts and minds of the next generation means finding even younger activists.”

Pebble Mine Segment Links

  • More information about the Pebble Mine can be found at pebblepartnership.com
  • Breaking the backs of the Enviro movement (something we’ll see more of under the Trump administration): “Exxon Prepares To Sue California Cities, Says They Contradict Themselves On Climate Change” (Jan. 8, 2018)
    • Cities in CA at sea-level on the one hand claim in their lawsuits against Exxon a high risk of flooding due to Climate Change, in some cases, a 99% chance of flooding due to sea levels rising. But now Exxon is suing them, saying that if that’s true then those cities defrauded investors who bought bonds those cities issued, which somehow failed to mention flooding risks.
  • Trump moves to give local communities more control over public lands near those communities — opening it up to mining, mineral exploration, farming, etc. (need link)
  • (Gov) Walker doubles down on opposing Pebble Mine (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Oct 8, 2017)
  • Trump’s EPA Is On Course To Retire Half Its Staff (Daily Caller, Jan 9, 2018)
  • The EPA’s Waters of the United States Rule pits the EPA against farmers, miners, and other industry (Politico, May 27, 2015)
  • With new life under Trump administration, fresh Pebble Mine details released (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Jan 5, 2018)
  • Pebble Partnership EPA Application (Application Dec 22, 2017)
  • First glance at Pebble’s new plans (KDLG Bristol Bay Public Radio, Oct 5,2017)
  • Pebble names First Quantum Minerals as new partner (KDLG, Dec 18, 2017)
  • The Senate tax bill would allow oil drilling in Alaskan wildlife refuge (CNN Money, Dec 4, 2017)
  • Developing Alaska’s wildlife refuge is a win-win-win (WA Post, Nov 30, 2017)
The Second Scenario

The Second Scenario

Show Summary: There was collusion in our election—but it wasn’t Trump, it wasn’t just Russia and it wasn’t just 2016. Tune in to hear the evidence of who was doing the conspiring and why.

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Never miss a show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Dec. 2 & 3, 2017 | Kevin Freeman

This Week: When have you last heard a progressive say “I want America to win”?  And if they say it what have they described that America would look like?  Well, this week we’re looking into that description, what it was, when it was used, and who used it.  Interestingly, the Carnegie Foundation wrote a report that gave us three scenarios of how we could measure the US’s relationship with China: China winning, America winning, or a draw. And even though it was written in 2013, long before President Trump announced his candidacy, the scenarios unintentionally summarized what the United States would look like under a President Trump versus what President Obama was doing.

Actual Collusion

Don’t miss this fascinating, free-ranging discussion with guest, Kevin Freeman, one of the world’s leading authority on cyber security. We head into directions the main stream media does not want to —and refuses to—report on. We start on trade, mix in technology, and uncover deliberate sabotage.

Here’s a hint: it’s not just Russia. And it’s home-grown.

We break down how certain relationships, such as with Russia, were allowed that corrupted our election and why it was important to Russia to sabotage the election. No, not the 2016 election. The 2008 election. Tune in to find out who else was involved. And the collusion goes back even further than 2008, right back to the 1980s.

The Democrats' Russian collusion delusion. The Democrats' Russian collusion delusion. It's all an illusion.
The Democrat collusion delusion. It’s all an illusion.

It’s not just interfering in our elections but tampering with our financial markets. Listen in to hear how, intentionally or not, President Obama weakened the US by turning his back on financial markets—and turned a blind eye to actual interference. Don’t miss the evidence after evidence of the sabotaging of America—from within. And a lot of people lined their pockets as they corrupted their country and sold their souls to other countries.

Buckle up and hold tight.  This is a show you don’t want to miss.

Exciting News!

Right now, volunteers in Oregon are working overtime to try and stop the taxpayer funding of this ugly new abortion law. As Students for Life head home on Christmas break, they’ll be bringing petitions with them to gather signatures to help stop the funding. Also, we’re pleased to announce that StoptheFunding.org is bringing out Mike Huckabee in late January (20th and 21st) to help with the signature gathering effort. So far, we can confirm he’ll be speaking in Portland, Salem, and Medford. Stay tuned for more details on locations and times!

Head here for the news so far and how to get updates 

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Protect yourself and your family! Order Kevin’s books in the I Spy Radio Store — give the gift of knowledge this Christmas!

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The One Simple Question Republicans Need to Ask about Tax Reform

The One Simple Question Republicans Need to Ask about Tax Reform

Show Summary: This week’s show is all about tax reform. Yeah, we know. You think that’s boring. But the fight over tax reform is really about the fight for the soul of America. We talk with Jonathan Williams of ALEC to get to the truth a dose of reality about the good, bad, and ugly about the Republican tax reform plan. And it really comes down to one simple question we all should ask.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov. 11 & 12, 2017 | Jonathan Williams

As Trump supporters we’ve been anticipating the swamp will try anything to stop President Trump’s attempts to reform Washington and drain the swamp.  And what we’ve witnessed are spineless Republicans who, instead of charging up the hill behind President Trump they are cowering in the trenches or worse, working to undermine his plans.

It’s a simple question: do you want to create wealth for people or for government? But what we’re seeing right now are Republicans who are tentative about creating a simple and straightforward — and bold! — tax reform system that would grow wealth for people. Could it be because they are more attached to their power and are afraid to shrink government?

Tax reform analogy

Spelled out perfectly by Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee, using reporters & beer

pre-engineered steel building Landmark Pacific for wineries, agricultural, business, churches, and more
Agricultural, commercial, churches, wineries … Need a steel building? Visit Landmark Pacific

So, as we sit with our toes tapping we at I Spy decided to take a look at what the House has proposed in the way of tax reform.  We talk about it all: the good and the bad and maybe some ugly, so you, the citizen, can decide on the plan’s merits.  And now that the Senate’s version has been released, you’ll know what to look for in their plan. Because in the back of your mind, you should always be asking, “Whose side are they on? The taxpayer or the government—and their own career in Congress?”

Don’t miss the show! You’ll get more in-depth analysis in one hour than most shows will give you in three..

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • Interesting history on the initial income tax and the debates of them (Tax History Project, 2013)
  • Gov. Brown’s education ‘vision’ blurred by contradictions: Editorial Agenda 2017 (OregonLive.com, Oct. 21, 2017) Puts Oregon’s PERS unfunded liability at $25 billion