Tag: Donald Trump

Is All that Liberal Hypocrisy about to Bite them in the Butt?

Is All that Liberal Hypocrisy about to Bite them in the Butt?

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Show Summary: Everyone knows the Left is nothing if not hypocritical. And examples of liberal hypocrisy abound. Like Madonna the tolerant liberal spewing hate at a march supporting democracy while rejecting the results of an election. Or Hillary mishandling over 1,000 highly classified emails but getting off scott free—while prosecuting a Navy sailor for having six photos of “sensitive” areas on his cell phone. But is all that hypocrisy about to bite them back?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month # & #, 2017 | Kathleen Saucier, Lt. Col (ret.) Jeffrey Addicott, & James Hirsen

More liberal hypocrisy - Al Gore the eco hypocriteLiberal hypocrisy not only thrives in D.C. and Hollywood but is often rewarded. The problem is, it’s not just “free speech” but their hate speech and hatred of anything they disagree with has ripple effects through society but the justice system as well.

We just finished up a proud tradition in America, the presidential inaugural celebration. We watched as President Trump was sworn into office and the solemnity of the moment when America invested him with the power to be the leader of the free world.

Liberal hypocrisy or just plain stupidity? But with all the excitement of the day, compare that to people on the Left were rioting and destroying property on the streets of DC—along with Congressional members who could have set an example of unity for the good of the country but instead chose to sit out the inaugural ceremony.

And then of course we saw the women’s march and the terrible tone they and many elites in Hollywood set, hypocritically spewing vile hate from their platform—about President Trump’s supposed hate speech. And this right on the heels of Inauguration Day’s pomp and circumstance.

More liberal hypocrisy - Russia was good when Obama was president now its badBut it’s not just hate speech. We’ve seen how Hillary Clinton broke the public trust by skirting federal laws to up a personal server that was proven to be hacked by foreign governments and used that private server to mishandle more than 1,000 classified emails. Was she punished? No. She was allowed to run for president despite flaunting the laws.

Meanwhile, a Navy sailor who took 6 pictures of sensitive areas of a submarine was sentenced to a year in federal court.  Both people did something wrong but the judicial system was clearly not blind and instead tipped the scales for the one who had money and power.
liberal hypocrisy - pro-illegal immigrant; but hating on Melania Trump, an actual legal immigrationThis week, we take on the double standards by interviewing Kathleen Saucier, mother of that Navy sailor, Kristian Saucier, along with his attorney Jeffrey Addicott.  You’ll hear the specific details of the double standards imposed on Saucier’s sentencing and what a President Trump might do to bring back some balance to the scales of justice—both for Kristian and for Hillary.  Since Mr. Addicott is  a world-renowned expert in terrorism law we discuss some of the new executive orders President Trump has put forward this past week.  Don’t miss our conversation about terrorist training camps on U.S. soil and their complicated relationship with the Constitution.

Fact: Obama issued 1,385 commutations and 212 pardons

Then we talk to media analyst James Hirsen (author of Tales from the Left Coast) about some of the outrageous examples of far-left attacks on President Trump and his family.  Listen to find out whether their hypocrisy is so out of control that it will finally cost them. And, if you want to do something about it, stay through to the end on how you can still see the movies without rewarding the studios that push these the hate-baiters.


Kathleen Saucier & Jeffrey Addicott (Segments 1–4)

James Hirsen (segments 5–6)

History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

Show Summary: Celebrating Inauguration Day Weekend! We explore the history and traditions of Inauguration Day in depth. Changes to the oath of office, parades, balls, Bibles, and how they became traditions.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Jan. 21 & 22, 2017 | Greg Leo

Answering the call of many Americans who were tired of Washington working for itself and not for them, President Trump gave an inaugural speech that declared today was the start of putting the people back in control of their government.  And his speech gave Americans the chance to witness once again the peaceful passing of power, without war, following our Constitution, which supersedes all those who have taken office.

Full Transcript of President Trump’s Inaugural Speech

John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.
John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address

So we take a look at the history and traditions of America’s Presidents taking power. The Inaugural Balls, the parade, even the Inaugural Speech itself. Some of these traditions date back to Washington but many of them are recent innovations.

Listen to hear about the President who stayed outside in the cold giving the longest inaugural address and then passed away 30 days later due to pneumonia.  Or hear about the president-elect and president who couldn’t even talk to each other as they rode to the Capitol for the inauguration, the different Bibles some presidents chose, and lots more.

America’s rich history comes to light this weekend as we watch President Trump take office.

Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural
Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural (click for larger view)

And just think. If it were up to the likes of Karl Rove, we’d be watching Hillary give her speech while Karl explained why the John Kasich/Marco Rublio ticket hadn’t reached out enough to Hispanics.

Thank the Lord!

Join us for a celebration of the traditions of Inauguration Day!


Links Mentioned

Historical Photos of Inauguration Day

Additional Traditions of Inauguration Day Links


Everything you Suspected about Obama is True

Everything you Suspected about Obama is True

Show Summary: If you always suspected Obama didn’t have America’s best interests at heart, if you believed there were enemies in our midst pulling the strings—you’re right. We talk with a former jihadist about the Islamic training camps and then gives the evidence of Islamic influence not just on Obama but both Bushes and both Clintons. Everything you suspected about Obama is true.

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All Stations Stream Live!
New Time! 7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month # & #, 2017 | Guest(s)

If not for Trump, Hillary would be about to take the oath as our next president — with Huma Abedin as her closest presidential advisor.  Despite the mainstream media’s blackout on the matter, many people have heard that Huma has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. But did you know that Huma was specifically placed with Hillary Clinton when the Clintons were still living in Arkansas?

Known Islamic training camps in the US
Known Islamic training camps in the US

On this week’s I Spy Radio Show, when we ask who is allowing these Islamic training camps and why, we get a shocking look at the behind-the-scenes manipulation of our nation’s highest office. And it’s not just Obama.

Kamal Saleem is a former jihadist. He was sent here, commissioned, by the Muslim Brotherhood (the very same Islamic organization that put Huma next to Hillary) to attack America from within. That means he knows the Muslim Brotherhood’s inner workings, their strategies, their tactics, and their goals.

Some known members of the Muslim Brotherhood
Some known members of the Muslim Brotherhood

When last we spoke with Kamal in December, there was one story that we just couldn’t get to with him: jihadist training camps right here in America.  Within the camps, they are preaching hate for America and actually undergoing military training on how to kill Americans. And they are operating with the full knowledge of the FBI and Dept of Justice. Why? And who permitted them?

And that opens the door to a world that many people always suspected was happening but didn’t have the proof until now. Do not miss this weekend’s show.

This week’s show will open your eyes to how perilously close we came to losing our country. You’ll hear why our own intelligence agencies are attacking President-elect Trump. You’ll learn the inner mechanisms that have created so much anger and division in our country.

Don’t miss this show. You’re about to hear why everything you always suspected about Obama is true.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Obama’s Last Minute Damage | The Russians are Coming

Obama’s Last Minute Damage | The Russians are Coming

Show 7-01 Summary: Russian hacking or Obama trying to do as much damage as he can on the way out the door? Obama grabbed another 1.8 million acres in Utah and Nevada — can this be undone or is it another victory for the U.N. enviro-nazis? Plus, the Russians are coming! Did the Russians actually do any hacking or didn’t they?

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: Jan 7 & 8, 2017 | Rep. Ken Ivory (R-UT) & Kevin Freeman

Welcome to our 2017 kickoff show as we watch President Obama packing up and getting ready to leave White House while President Trump prepares to take control.

As if to cause whatever trouble he can on the way out, in true community-organizer fashion, two big things have happened during the remaining days of Obama’s presidency.  First was his most recent land grab of over 1.3 million acres in Utah, adding to the half a billion acres he’s already taken out of state control.  And second is the last gasps of politicization of intelligence agencies as they muddle through whether Russia hacked files that may or may not have impacted on the elections.

Obama’s Land Grab

We start with Rep. Ken Ivory (R-UT) who discusses what it means to have Obama seize yet more land for the federal government, the difference of national forest status to national monument, and all the rights removed from people being able to access the land for any use.  In Oregon we know firsthand the painful reality of having so much land removed from tax rolls with some counties having no resources to pay for school funding. Over the next two weeks remaining to Obama’s powers of pen and phone, will Malheur Forest and Siskiyou Crest National forest be added to the list of national monument designations?

Russians Hacking or Not?

Putin releases the identity of the Russian hacking spies who influenced the electionWe’ll also be talking about the alleged Russian “hacking” and whether it did, in fact, influence the elections. Agencies are alleging that they have proof the Russians did hand off hacked material to WikiLeaks. We talk to Kevin Freeman about the truth of all this, as well as the politicization of our intelligence agencies and how it’s gone wild under President Obama.  This is the president whose intelligence agencies told the American public that ISIS wasn’t to be  worried about and in the weeks before the “Arab Spring” that the Muslim Brotherhood was essentially a civic organization and nothing to worry about.

We’ve watched as Obama used our spy agencies to push political agendas rather than giving us, the people, the straight scoop—or do what they were designed to do: defend the U.S. from outside attacks. Are their solutions to “de-politicizing” our intel agencies? Don’t miss the steps we need to take.

Links & Further Information

Ken Ivory (Segments 1–3)

Kevin Freeman


Mainstream media is lying by ignoring

Mainstream media is lying by ignoring

Show Summary: While the mainstream media is inventing news about alleged “Russian hacking” there are calls for war from Muslims—right in the middle of London. Former jihadist, Kamal Saleem, on the terrifying aspects of what these Islamists are really calling for and explains why. Plus, bestselling author Scott McEwen (of American Sniper fame) on what his intelligence agency contacts tell him about the alleged Russian hack, his friend Ryan Zinke’s appointment to Department of Interior, and what it means for the movement for the transfer of public lands to the states.

Visit our Christmas Store! All the books from our guests this year all in one convenient spot!

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Dec 17 & 18, 2016 | Kamal Saleem & Scott McEwen

With the mainstream media so focused on inventing news about the alleged “Russian hacking” of our election, there is a lot of real news that’s being ignored—like open calls for war and rebellion from Muslim immigrants right in the heart of London.

We’ll talk with Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist who came to America to destroy it from within but after an accident changed his life, he converted to Christianity. He is now the president of Koome Ministries, which has as its mission to wake up the Church and alert Americans about the un-discussed dangers of Islam and how they really are at war with America, whether America wants to admit it or not.

Then we talk with New York Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the alleged Russian hack and what his military sources are telling him. Also, Scott’s latest book is American Commander, which follows the life and career of Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL who became a SEAL trainer. Zinke explains his never-surrender, always-win attitude as he trains the next generation of SEALs. Now that Zinke has been nominated as the Secretary of the Interior, what will this winning mentality mean to this failing federal department?

Links Mentioned

Visit our Christmas Store! You can order Scott McEwen’s books and find the books of any of the authors who have been guests this year on I Spy Radio!

Kamal Saleem’s Segments

Scott McEwen’s Segments


It’s beginning to look a lot like Trumpmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like Trumpmas

Show Summary: Remember how the NeverTrumpers said Trump and Hillary were exactly alike? Would Hillary have picked an anti-EPA guy like Scott Pruitt? Yeah. We didn’t think so. It’s beginning to look a lot like Trumpmas — and environmentalists are getting coal in their stocking

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

Air Dates: Dec 10 & 11, 2016 | Ron Arnold & John Whitehead

There’s a sense of relief for many with President-Elect Trump’s fresh and energized entrance into Washington politics with the emphasis of working for the forgotten.  And boy has he lived up to his word.  Cabinet picks that focus on people who know how to take apart systems and rebuild them focused on value and efficiency. People that have been fighting against regulations that have been holding back the American people.

Unlike the Obama administration, Trump’s focus is to build up America’s wealth and unleash our natural resources.  It’s exciting to think of what the difference will be for our country in just a few years.

To find out more about one of the most important cabinet picks, the Director of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, we talk with Ron Arnold.  Mr. Arnold has spent years tracking the money sources going into the far-left environmental groups and how they have impacted American’s way of life.  We talk with him about what a Pruitt EPA will look like, the types of changes to look for within the EPA, and what will happen with the EPA’s relationship to the U.N.  We also discuss the possible appointment of Congresswoman Cathy Rogers for Dept. of Interior.  A woman who has grown up ranching and understands the bullying of the BLM and federal takeover of lands in the western states.

Remember all that taxpayer funding going from the EPA to all those far-Left environmental groups? That’s about to change. Big league. And isn’t that a good thing. Stop funding the people trying to stop development and spend it instead on actual development. Yes indeed, more Trumpmas on the way.

Article: Will Trump purge climate-change policymakers? (Daily Mail, Dec 10, 1016)

Then we turn to John Whitehead, a Constitutional attorney and founder of the Rutherford Institute.  They have recently released “12 rules of Christmas” that gives us the Constitutional do’s (with some don’ts) of how to celebrate Christmas in public venues.  Listen to find out that there are case laws protecting people’s rights in their schools and public parks to celebrate Christmas without the left stopping your fun.

Here’s one of our own “rules” for Christmas:

Links Mentioned

Ron Arnold Segments

John Whitehead Segments

Related Links

An Insider’s Peek at the Trump Effect on National Defense

An Insider’s Peek at the Trump Effect on National Defense

Show Summary: Obama has wreaked havoc on our military and military readiness — with help from Republicans. Remember that whole sequester fiasco? This week, we take a look ahead at the Trump administration and talk with a member of Trump’s National Defense Transition Team on what it will take to rebuild our military. Because while Obama has been degrading our military, China and Russia haven’t slowed down one bit.

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Dec 3 & 4, 2016 | Carl Higbie and Brendan Kirby

After our series of shows on what a Hillary presidency would look like, we’re now into our second show on what a Trump presidency will look like.  Last week was cybersecurity, the future battlefield for warfare with Kevin Freeman (see our archives page if you missed it) but this week is about national defense: the military and our military readiness after eight years of Obama.

This week we’ll talk with Carl Higbie, a former Navy SEAL who during two combat deployments in Iraq led the group who captured the “Butcher of Fallujah”.  Returning to the states he taught high risk situations such as close quarters combats and air operations.

America's National Defense - What challenges does Trump face as he tries to rebuild it?
America’s National Defense – What challenges does Trump face as he tries to rebuild it?

We talk to Carl about our current military readiness and what it will take for a Trump administration to get us ready. Russia and China have not slowed down one bit during Obama’s tenure, tune in to find out where we stand on combat readiness. We also dig into his thoughts on the impact of what the military budget sequester has done and how an Obama Presidency our impacted our defense systems. Carl also gives us his insights into Trump’s cabinet picks such as Secretary Flynn and expectations for him as National Security Advisor on what we’ll see now that he will be advising President Trump.

The other half of our show is with Brendan Kirby, senior political reporter for Lifezette.  Tune in to find out why Mexico may actually end up embrace Trump’s wall—could it be they may actually want to pay for the wall?   And don’t miss our discussion about the Tom Price appointment who will be dismantling Obamacare and what it will take to get the job done.

Links Mentioned During the Show

Carl Higbie Segments (1–4)

Brendan Kirby Segments (5 & 6)

Not Mentioned but Related Links

Cybersecurity in the Trump Administration

Cybersecurity in the Trump Administration

Show Summary: With cybersecurity increasingly important, America dodged a bullet when we did not elect Hillary Clinton, the FBI-certified techno-nincompoop. This week, we take a look ahead at cybersecurity in the Trump administration, the challenges and opportunities.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: Nov. 25 & 26, 2016 | Kevin Freeman

Did you catch that article on the Drudge Report earlier this week about how Donald Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner, used a tremendous amount of data mining and social media analysis and lean-startup business principles to win the election—throwing out the old model of campaigning, which Hillary used. So much for that whole not having a ground game bit.

We are in a new era. So many of the NeverTrump people I spoke to thought he’d lose because the Never Trumpers  looked at things through the old way of thinking. Didn’t have a ground game. Wasn’t spending on ads. Trust the polls.

It’s like when the telephone started taking off . People’s mindset still existed around the telegraph and land stations and a host of messenger boys to relay messages. But why do that, when you can directly speak to people? And before that, why rely on the post office and the pony express that takes days for a message to get there when you can get a message there in minutes over the telegraph? Each era brings a disruptive force that makes the previous obsolete. As we go forward in the Trump administration, keep that in mind — we are in the dawn of a new era. We stand at the edge of new era, a new way how the govt operates and  business – and gets out of the way to unleash the power of business. And that’s exciting

And that brings me around to today’s topic. Technology and security is the new field of business — and the new battlefield.

Two hundred years ago, whoever controlled the waterways controlled the world. In today, some hacker 19-year-old in Brazil can without ever leaving his bedroom. ISIS. Russia. China. You name it. They can all wipe out the  equivalent of the Erie Canal. They can steal customer information, take over bank accounts. They can shut down websites or millions of lanes of traffic, steal corporate secrets, or worse, steal our national security secrets.

Now, just a few weeks ago, Obama has handed over the  controls of internet—the 21st century waterways—to foreign countries.

Fortunately, the adults have taken over. We talk with Kevin Freeman, a world-renowned expert in cybersecurity and financial terrorism. What will cybersecurity look like in the Trump Administration? Kevin should know, since he’s been advising the Trump transition team.

Tune in to get an inside look at what’s happening behind the scenes with the Trump transition team—and to hear some rather frightening capabilities of our enemies and their targets. Hint: it’s not just computers.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • Be sure to check out our previous shows with Kevin Freeman on the archives page

Resources to Protect Yourself and Family

  • Be sure to have a supply of food on hand, a minimum of two weeks would be best but you can buy a month’s worth or more of dehydrated food. See Wise Food Storage or My Patriot Supply for food options.
  • Water is hard to store so look to buy a water purification system (consider that you may not be able to boil water). You can find many options out there but a $16 LifeStraw could literally be a lifesaver
  • EMP Protection: one of the best things you can do to protect yourself against an EMP is to store drinking water, food, and other survival items (e.g., heating/cooking sources, and home-protection). Consider that it could take weeks at a minimum for vital systems to recover and probably years to fully recover.
  • Protecting your electronic devices… If you have no other options, or need something quick while you build a better option, an old microwave apparently can be used as a makeshift Faraday cage but it not as reliable as a true Faraday cage
  • A better option is to make a Faraday cage out of a metal trash can
  • EMP cover – this is a unique lined, multi-layer “envelope” that you can slip electronics into
The Coming Trump Effect on the EPA

The Coming Trump Effect on the EPA

Show Summary: You can expect big changes in the coming Trump administration — especially from the Obama administration and compared to what a Hillary administration might have looked like. But what will the Trump effect be on the EPA? From our vantage point, it’ll all be good. (Certainly, it can’t be any worse than what it is under Obama’s EPA!) We talk with one victim of Obama’s EPA — John Shively of the Pebble Mine — and our resident expert on the environmental movement and the EPA, Dr. Tim Ball.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: Nov. 19 & 20, 2016 | John Shivley & Dr. Tim Ball

In 2014 the White House, under President Obama, spent 22.2 billion dollars alone on climate change, helping to fund the very far left groups who support global warming and its affiliated organizations.  Just think what that much funding means to those far left groups and how it enables them to fight things such as the Pebble Mine.  It also means our own government endorsed and paid for lawsuits and other protests to stop economic development.

Listeners of I Spy will remember Pebble Mine was the mine near Bristol Bay in Alaska, an area that the environmentalists treasure.  Pebble Mine has over $500 billion of gold and copper just waiting to be dug up. And it’s also the mine that the EPA preemptively moved to deny even before they’d applied for a permit.

That time the EPA destroyed a river in Colorado because, you know, mining is bad
Remember that time the EPA destroyed a river in Colorado because, you know, mining is bad

In their ensuing lawsuit, Pebble Mine executives found that there was collusion between the EPA and environmental groups in clear violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.  This act mandates that the federal government is to get feedback on a project from all sides of the aisle.  But the EPA was not getting information and feedback from all sides of the aisle; instead, they were colluding with the environmental left, manipulating public meeting laws and so much more.  Pebble Mine executives were able to prove the collusion due to e-mails that had been passed back and forth between EPA staff and the environmental groups who were lining up by the dozens to get their share of the money to help stop the Pebble Mine work.

So we check in with John Shivley, Chairman of the Board of Pebble Partnership, to get updated on where the project stands and their more hopeful outlook given how the election turned out.  We also discuss what changes he would like to see to happen at the EPA and what reforms would benefit this development as well as future developments.

Then we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, our go-to expert on climate change nonsense and who is also very familiar with the inner workings of the EPA.  We’ll ask him what he foresees might be some changing roles of the EPA in a Trump administration.  We look at some of the policies that need to be pulled out of the EPA and those that need to be added in to make the EPA a commonsense agency.  Is it even possible? We’ll also get his take on new policies and operational changes that are needed to end some of the nonsense that is coming out of the current administration.

Just imagine the difference! After eight years of a far-left lawless Obama administration who did not follow their own rules but also never held government officials responsible (Lois Lerner still has faced any punishment), can we look for a Trump administration to do the opposite and finally hold officials accountable?  Join us this week as we take a look down the road.

Links Mentioned & Related

Opposition to the Pebble Mine

Tim Ball

The Final Countdown – Obamacare Slavery vs Freedom

The Final Countdown – Obamacare Slavery vs Freedom

Show Summary: This is it. The final countdown. And if there’s one issue that sums up this entire race for the presidency, if there’s one issue that truly defines the difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump it is Obamacare. It is a choice between Obamacare slavery or the freedom of repeal and replace. Tune in to find out why Obamacare is not—and never has been—just about health care.

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To download the show, right-click the mic, then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov 5 & 6, 2016 | Lisa Lettenmaier

It all comes down to this. Will America choose Obamacare slavery? Or freedom through repeal and replace?

Single-payer, universal health care.  It’s been Hillary’s dream for decades and now she is on the verge of fulfilling her dream to make America slaves again. Because Obamacare is not just about health insurance. That’s just how you pay for health care. The reality of Obamacare is how it gives the government permission to control nearly every aspect of your life. Because when you give the government control over your health, it’s an open door.

This belief of total government control stands in stark contrast to Trump’s wish of repealing and replacing. It’s about freedom vs. Hillary’s all-intrusive “health care.”

Obamacare Slavery

Exactly how would that affect us?  We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier, who clues us in how Oregonians are already feeling the intrusion of big government. For those who are in CCOs (Coordinated Care Organizations) here in Oregon, in-home inspections are occurring where medical staff go to the home to make suggestions on “lifestyle changes.”

This is the crux of what we’re facing: what happens if there is a single payer system combined with an all-too-powerful government? It is the proverbial “slippery slope.” In just a few years, we could literally be opening the door to government intrusions as voluntary assessments become mandatory. And government bureaucrats will be making decisions for you. Think about that. What if they determine you’re mentally unfit because you’re an “intolerant Christian” and find guns in your home?  What if they determine you shouldn’t be parenting because of your faith’s “biases”?  If the expansion of government is bad now what can happen if Obamacare becomes a single payer system under a Hillary presidency?

Our guest, Lisa Lettenmaier, truly opens the door to expose what is going on in the health care world, and gives us insights into why insurance costs are escalating and what we can be looking at if Obamacare expands even further.  So many promises of savings and better care have never materialized. This week we take a look at Obamacare and, in the last of our series of shows to compare Hillary and Trump, we compare their two very different health care plans.

If you or someone you know is still on the fence, this week’s show will push them over. Don’t miss it!

Donald Trump’s Gettysburg Address

Be sure to watch Donald Trump’s “Gettysburg Address” — his contract with America, where he outlines his first 100 days in office.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJniAA4m7Bo[/embedyt]

The Candidate’s “Closer” Ads

Compare Trump’s closer ad “Argument for America” to Hillary’s closer, “Roar“. What do you think? Which is better? And why? Let us know what you think in the comments, below.

Links Mentioned

Related Links