Tag: Donald Trump

Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Show Summary: Illegals and illegal activity. Foreigners and foreign interests. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for America’s current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and continue the decline. The world is officially turned upside down. This week, it’s all about foreigners and foreign interests as we explore the impact of illegal immigrants on our elections with William Gheen of ALIPAC and the impact of the Obama administration on our once proud standing in the world with bestselling author, Scott McEwen.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Oct 29 & 30, 2016 | William Ghenn & Scott McEwen

It is a wild, wild election cycle. It turns out the mainstream media is better protection for Hillary Clinton than the US Secret Service. The mainstream media is better protection for Hillary than the US Secret Service. But they haven’t been able to stop every bullet.

And while the mainstream media is throwing itself in front of every bullet headed toward Hillary, she is vulnerable on two fronts: her support for illegal immigrants and on foreign policy. Think about it. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for the current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and a warlike stance against Russia in the Middle East and bowing to Chinese influence in the South Pacific? The world is officially upside down.

Speaking of upside down, check out the video of Michael Moore endorsing Donald Trump. (warning! A lot of bad language but the substance is worth it)

Hillary Clinton liar liar pantsuit on fireWe start off with William Gheen of ALIPAC (alipac.us) and the evidence of illegal immigrants voting—illegally!— in US elections. ALIPAC is leading a wave of protests across the U.S. (see links below for list and to add yours) against Hillary. They are even trying to take out a couple of sitting Congressmen.

Then we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the decline of the U.S. in world standing, thanks to the Hillary Clinton corrupt State Department. We’re losing allies and making enemies. And wikileaks is exposing the corruption. Scott is an expert in geopolitical issues, don’t miss his thoughts on Russian and China and the precarious position Hillary and eight years of Obama has left us in.

Links Mentioned

  • William Gheen’s organization is ALIPAC. Americans for Legal Immigration is the nation’s leading political action committee fighting against illegal immigration and for legal immigration.
  • Ryan faces tough reelection bid—as Speaker (The Hill, Oct. 27, 2016)
  • Check out their National Wave of Protests Against Hillary Clinton – start yours today!
  • Scott McEwen’s website is scottmcewen.com
  • His latest book is Ghost Sniper (July 2016) and his forthcoming book will be released in November – American Commander

Related Links

How to Destroy your Opposition—Legally | Klamath Dams & Clinton Cash

How to Destroy your Opposition—Legally | Klamath Dams & Clinton Cash

Show Summary: Nothing is ever dead for the political Left (not even voters). They just keep at it and at it and at it like a plague of ants. One of our early success stories here on I Spy Radio Show was exposing what was happening in the Klamath Basin and environmentalists’ effort to pull out four perfectly fine hydroelectric dams, under the guise of “saving fish” when what was really going on was a mass effort to push farmers off their land by depriving them of water. At the heart of the matter was the environmentalists’ blueprint: how the Left uses federal agencies and the legal system to destroy opposition and to enact their agenda. Really, it’s not unlike how Hillary Clinton uses “non-profit” laws to make herself and her cronies rich behind the scenes, all while claiming she’s doing it all for “charity.” We talk with attorney Larry Kogan about new efforts to remove the dams without Congressional approval and with Brett Smith, the artist behind the Clinton Cash graphic novel, based on the book by the same name.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Oct. 22nd & 23rd, 2016 | Larry Kogan & Brett Smith

When we were first cutting our teeth on the I Spy Radio Show, we were introduced to what was happening in the Klamath Basin and the effort to pull out four perfectly functioning hydroelectric dams but more importantly, it revealed how environmental activists worked.  Such as, they used public meetings laws but it turned out their meetings were not at all public—at least not anyone’s normal definition of it.  In fact, people who wanted to attend the “public meeting” had to sign non-disclosure agreements and agree to the end results of the meeting, before the meeting even happened.  Talk about a rigged deal. After multiple shows on the matter, including a whistleblower on how they manipulated their “scientific claims,” the effort to remove the dams died in Congress, which should have been the end of it.

But now we find out that it’s actually very much alive and efforts are in the works with two new deals having been put into place, which again happened out of the public eye. Attorney Lawrence Kogan (koganlawgroup.com) walks us through the latest updates of how the environmental activists believe they have found the go around to take out the dams without bothering to get consent from a Congress that has already said no.  And it’s not just Oregon that is being slammed with this new effort, because the activists are going to use the very same method being used in Oregon to take out dams in Washington and Idaho.  Even worse:  if Hillary gets into office and can weaponize any of these agencies for her open-border, globalist government, we haven’t seen anything yet.

Clinton Cash

Clinton Cash graphic novel by Peter Schweizer, Chuck Dixon, and Brett SmithThen we talk with Brett Smith, the illustrator/artist for the graphic novel, Clinton Cash based on the book by Peter Schweizer.  Brett talks to us about how the right has missed opportunities to engage with youth and how the graphic novel version of Clinton Cash is designed to wake up the next generation to how the Clintons and politicians like them get around bothersome laws to enrich themselves, their donors, and their political operatives. Check out an excerpt via Breitbart: Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel’ Ad Shows How Hillary Clinton Helped Transfer U.S. Uranium to Russia and see for yourself.  Don’t miss our conversation with Brett and how this book is waking up the youth and that people like Brett refuse to surrender the culture war to the Left.

Because despite people like the Clintons, no one should be able to buy democracy.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • Interested in issues like the effort to pull out four perfectly fine hydroelectric dams on the Klamath? Check out Larry’s non-profit organization, The Institute for Trade, Standards and Sustainable Development at www.itssd.org
  • Are you part of the grassroots effort to fight the dams? This is happening elsewhere. See This West is Our West — a regional networking site of coalition groups
Do Issues Matter Anymore? Trump v Hillary on the Economy

Do Issues Matter Anymore? Trump v Hillary on the Economy

Show Summary: In the era of corrupt media, do real issues matter any more? Or actions for that matter. All you need is what someone says rather than actual actions. Or things like economic and tax plans. Want proof? Quick! When was the last time you heard someone in the mainstream media actually mention Hillary’s tax plan?

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We thought so. Join us this week for our continuing series of shows as we examine Hillary’s actions as we compare Hillary’s tax and economic plans to Trump’s. And the huge ticking time bomb of states’ unfunded liabilities.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Oct 15 & 16, 2016 | Jonathan Williams

You would think that if Obamacare is such a great program, the economy should be humming along—no tinkering needed.  But just like Obamacare was going to make health care more affordable (who’s got the swamp land for sale on this one?) Wikileaks has exposed Hillary’s beliefs that by expanding programs like Food Stamps it will help “fix the economy” because it will give families more money to spend. Yes, she actually said this—to a bunch of bankers behind closed doors. Hillary’s tax plan and economic plan reveals an overwhelming foundational philosophy to tax, tax, tax. If Obamacare is an example of an economic policy and expansion of government programs that has increased taxation (as the Supreme Court termed it), Hillary’s economic policies will be even bigger and more expensive.

If you think your health care is already getting to be extremely expensive, just wait until you open your tax bill a year after Hillary is in office. And you won’t even escape it by dying because she wants to slap a 65% death (penalty) tax, which will destroy family-owned businesses and farms.

But you may not have heard about any of this—the Wikileaks or dire consequences of Hillary’s tax plans. In fact, Fox News reported that on Thursday evening news coverage for ABC, CBS, and NBC , 8 minutes per station was spent on Trump scandals with only 20 seconds spent on covering WikiLeaks (with one station not carrying it all), a scandal which has an actual document trail; tens of thousands of documents.  They’re not reporting the truth; they are reporting their agenda.

This week we turn away from the scandals and focus on policy—actions over words.   I Spy will talk with Jonathan Williams from ALEC who has just completed a report on the unfunded pension liabilities faced by every state.  We discuss the ticking time bomb, especially in Oregon, over the massive pay back states have with no money to pay it back. Consider this: in just two years the total amount of states unfunded liabilities has grown more than 900 Billion Dollars.  Almost a trillion dollars on top of what was owed in just two short years. And then consider what the MSM’s focus has been on, Trump’s alleged scandals.

This week, we compare Hillary’s and Trump’s tax and economic plans and even how their plans can impact the looming pile of debt at the state levels.  Be sure to tune in to hear some solutions and find out how one candidate’s plan just may give us a chance to dig our way out of this monstrous hole.

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Hillary Clinton Exposed II

Hillary Clinton Exposed II

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Show Summary: Part II in our continuing series of shows on Hillary Clinton — doing the work that the mainstream media refuses to do: look at her actions. In this episode, we look at her immigration policies and positions and compare those to Donald Trump. They are vastly different. So much for the “Never Trump” and their belief Hillary and Trump are one and the same. Then we will check in with bestselling author, Scott McEwen, on more Hillary actions: her emails that prove she was running the State Department as pay for play, running guns to Syrian (i.e., arming ISIS), and what about those Clinton hit squads?

Catch I Spy Radio Anywhere – All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Aug. 13 & 14, 2016 | Scott McEwen

As a continuation of our look into Hillary’s actions versus her words, we found this week that the amount of stories on her were so overwhelming it was almost difficult to track all of her continuing scandals and new problems.

One of the more impressive about-faces, so typical of lifetime politician, was her “new” position on TPP.  For someone who had helped craft the draconian legislation she suddenly turns about face and is now against its implementation.  This is only after Trump put the media spotlight on the job bleed off that would take place if it were ever implemented.  Her words were very hollow.

Hillary Clinton’s Reckless Immigration Policies

The same occurs with her words on immigration.  Compared to her words in 2003 on immigration, she was more of an immigration hawk than Ted Cruz to where she is today it’s the US doesn’t need borders.  Her flip flops on this issue have been so bad that in 2015 the NY Post to wrote this “The question isn’t whether she believed what she said before, or even whether she believes what she’s saying now. It’s whether she really believes anything at all.” (Hillary Clinton’s flip-flops on immigration)

Hillary-FBISo, on this week’s show we do a compare and contrast of Hillary’s actions versus her words.  To kick off the show Mark Anderson will walk you through Hillary’s immigration plans  and how they compare to Trump’s.  Then we talk with Scott McEwen, and delve into the recent e-mails that disclose so much of Hillary’s actions.  We even talk about the rumored hit squad and the 50 deaths of Hillary’s inner circle of who at one time were close to her.

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Hillary Clinton Exposed

Hillary Clinton Exposed

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Show Summary: Hillary Clinton exposed (God help us). We looked at the roots of her most-recent scandal: the hack into the DNC’s, DCCC’s (Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee), and Hillary’s own campaign’s emails. Next week we’ll continue our look at what a Hillary Clinton administration would look like—especially her immigration policies and how they are so vastly different from Donald Trump’s policies. So much for the whole “lesser of two evils” meme. This is the first in a series of shows between now and the election that will put Hillary under the microscope. You know, because the mainstream media is so much more interested in what Trump said than what Hillary actually did.

Original Air Dates: Aug. 6, 7, and 8, 2016 | Guests: James Hirsen & William Gheen

Have you ever seen a candidate so completely disappear the week after their convention? Such is the case with Hillary, the Invisible Woman. A week after her convention, she’s nearly completely disappeared from news coverage. Instead, the media is apoplectic in its coverage of something Donald Trump might have said or thought or wondered about.

Hillary Clinton - if you'd stop asking me questions, I could stop lyingUnlike the rest of the media, we are beginning a series of shows that are going to focus on Hillary’s actions.  Instead of looking at some “horrible” thing that Donald Trump might or might not have said, we’re going to be looking at what Hillary Clinton has actually done. This week it starts with a look at her hacked emails. This is not her private server it’s the hacking of her emails and the security breech they caused for three different Democrat organizations. And then we’ll take a look at her secret weapon for amnesty: Paul Ryan. Yes, Paul Ryan the Republican Speaker of the House.

Hillary Clinton Yoga Pants Code Name for BenghaziWe start off with James Hirsen, author of Tales from the Left Coast: True Stories of Hollywood Stars and their Outrageous Politics, and discuss his fascinating, in-depth article on the multiple e-mail hacks Hillary caused — all because she wanted to keep her private emails out of the public eye.  Tune in to hear how she refused help and how doing so exposed three Democrat organizations and countless others. Clearly, she’s guarding her private e-mails, especially the Clinton Foundation emails, as if they were state secrets. But have they been breached?

Hillary Clinton's devastation - I didn't intentionally do itThen we turn to William Gheen of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration), who is very focused on the Paul Ryan campaign and Ryan’s support for Hillary’s immigration plan.  Don’t miss what Clinton’s VP pick, Time Kaine, said on Spanish-language Telemundo about Paul Ryan and how he is Hillary’s secret weapon to push her open border plan through Congress.

Of course none of this information makes it into Paul Ryan’s campaign ads. Instead he claims he’s for “secure borders” despite fully funding Obama’s refugee and illegal immigrant programs. Ryan has even said he’ll block Trump’s immigration reforms. ALIPAC is going all out to defeat Ryan and his blatant lies—tune in to hear the full extent of them. Paul Ryan’s primary is this Tuesday. Want to stop “Lyin’ Paul Ryan”? See below for links and information to help #DumpRyan.

Links Mentioned

Help stop Paul Ryan:

  • Make phone calls – ALIPAC will send you a script and a list of phone numbers. Email William Gheen now to get your list and get going
  • Visit ALIPAC and/or Paul Nehlen’s website to make a donation to support ads, phone calls, emails, and other get-out-the-vote efforts. Believe it or not, $10, 25, or $50 or more go a long way! In many cases, a single ad on a radio station for $25–$50 can be heard by thousands of voters!
  • Contact any friends or family you have in Wisconsin
  • Visit Paul Ryan’s Facebook page to see his latest ad claiming he’s all for border security and to see what people are saying and why he needs to go. Be sure to comment!

Hillary Clinton Links

Related Links & Stories

Cruz Exposes the Brilliance of Trump

Cruz Exposes the Brilliance of Trump

Refusal to endorse galvanized everyone against Ted, hands Trump another win

by Mark Anderson | Updated 21 Jul 2016 at 10:04 AM

Judging from my Twitter feed, most people equated Ted Cruz’s speech at the Republican National Convention to setting off his political suicide vest on stage. Leading up to the speech, pundits everywhere reminded people that at the end of the bitter 1976 campaign, Reagan gave a brilliant speech, one of his best of all time — but in the end, he endorsed Ford.

But it wasn’t just his words. It was Reagan’s selflessness; his greatness, his devotion, his call to duty and putting country first that rang so true in the hearts and minds of the delegates — and made him the favorite for 1980.

Read the full article at Lifezette



Obama’s Attacks on America are Working

Obama’s Attacks on America are Working

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Show Summary: Every true American patriot knows that we are always one generation away from losing our freedoms. But Obama’s and the Left’s continuous attacks on America are working. We stand at the threshold of losing America altogether. Is there a “hidden hand” behind all this? Join us this weekend to hear how Leftist policies like open borders is putting America at risk— including the massive security hole this presents, home-grown terrorists, and attacks on our culture.

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Original Air Dates: June 18 & 19, 2016 | Curtis Bowers & Jeff Schwilk

As the presidential elections continue, tensions are brewing within our political leadership circles that shed light on their intense desire to hold onto power.  Power that doesn’t translate to keeping American’s safe.  American leadership seem to feel that other cultures are more valuable than our own.  That uttering the words “radical Islamic terrorists”  is unfair to say, as Islamic terrorists focus on destroying America by exploiting our current immigration policies.

These same American leaders point to Europe, as the path of finding our values, as we, on the American shores watch Europe be swallowed up by mass groups of refugees who believe Sharia Law outweighs their host countries’ own laws. Once again, America is the problem. Our Constitutionally guaranteed laws are the problem.

Agenda2This week we examine from two different vantage points how America is under attack and the breakdown of our American leadership on keeping us safe.  The first comes from Curtis Bowers, with a new film Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit.

His first film Agenda: Grinding Down America focused on the history of how communism has gotten into every level of government.  With his new film, he looks at the current situations and the places they have infiltrated — including evangelical churches.  Curtis will be touring Oregon from June 20th thru the 25th  showing his film with a Q & A afterwards.  We’ll have showings times and places on I Spy’s webpage.

Obama's attacks on America are workingOur next guest is Jeff Schwilk, a San Diego-based border security expert who served over 20 years in the US Marine Corps as a Master Sergeant and senior intelligence chief. He helped plan the 1st Marine Division’s assault on Baghdad and oversaw the generation of hundreds of intelligence reports pertinent to the Iraq War and the War on Terror.

Now retired, Jeff has founded San Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition, and on our show walks us through the flood that is occurring on our southern borders.  We discuss the massive security hole this presents, home-grown terrorists, and attacks on our culture. Listen to find out the real conditions for those living close to our southern border as our American leadership turns a willfully blind eye.

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Politics – Plus Lessons Reagan might give Trump

Politics – Plus Lessons Reagan might give Trump

Show Summary: Yes, it’s all politics this week — but wait! There’s more! We talk over some key issues near and dear to Donald Trump’s campaign with Brendan Kirby, political editor of Lifezette: Trump converting Ds to Rs, illegal immigration, and dismantling bloated, ineffective federal agencies—like the TSA. Then we talk with Michael Reagan, author, speaker, columnist, and the oldest son of Ronald Reagan, about his newest book, “Lessons my Father Taught Me,” and hear about some lessons Reagan might give Trump.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: June 4th & 5th, 2016 | Brendan Kirby & Michael Reagan

We have a very fun show for you this week! Politics, lessons from Reagan, and lots more.

We’ll kick things off with Brendan Kirby, a senior political reporter for LifeZette, Laura Ingraham’s news, life, and pop-culture site (think life + gazette).  Brendan had three timely and interesting articles that directly tie in with Trump’s election, such as all those Democrats who are moving to Republicans—does this really put blue states in play? The flood of illegal immigrants in the past year—especially concerning on the heels of the riots in Southern California and the new report of smugglers bringing Middle East terrorists across America’s southern border.  We also discuss bloated government agencies like the TSA and the long lines at airports. We’ll get a peek privatization of airport security.

Lessons Reagan might give Trump

Michael Reagan on lessons Reagan might give TrumpThen we welcome bestselling author, and oldest son of Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan who has a new book out Lessons My Father Taught Me.  This is a very intriguing look into the life lessons President Reagan passed on to his son, including many sneak peeks into Reagan’s life: raising his children, Reagan’s experience with his own father, Jack, and much more.

Tune in to learn who was really behind Ronald Reagan losing his job as host of the popular “General Electric Theater” and the pressure brought on GE to cut Reagan loose—but also how Reagan turned a failure into a success. And of course we just couldn’t let Michael Reagan go without hearing his thoughts on today’s politics, Trump’s candidacy, lessons Reagan would want to pass on to the Republican candidate, and how the Republican party is no longer the party of Reagan.

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Unity – A Nation at Risk

Unity – A Nation at Risk

Show Summary: It’s Memorial Day Weekend! Did you know this national holiday was anything but unifying when it first began as “Decoration Day?” We get the details, the history of Memorial Day, and some fun stories. Speaking of unifying, the NY Conservative Party, which, as you can imagine had a lot of Cruz supporters. So how did they come around to endorsing Donald Trump for president? Tune in Saturday or Sunday to hear!

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 27 & 28, 2016 | Mike Long & Dr. Bonner Cohen

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This weekend is Memorial Day. While Americans unite in our thanks to our fallen heroes, it turns out that Memorial Day didn’t start out as unifying at all.

In America today, it seems as if we’re constantly divided, perhaps because we are in a constant state of re-election and campaigning.  It used to be that when people got elected, we’d forget about politics for a couple years and expect them to just go in and do their jobs.  But it’s not that way anymore.  Everything is political because so much is tied to big government, whether it’s business or environmental or health care or what have you.

So with this constant state of campaigning—including our current President’s messaging that so often tied to something political—issues and people can get things ramped up and things can turn ugly during a primary season.

Gettysburg 50th Anniversary
Old foes unite at Gettysburg 50th. Won’t it be nice when Trump and Cruz Supporters unite?

With the primaries basically over, and as the angry-emotional dust settles, we now have to get down to the business of unifying our party and our country.  And so I Spy searches for the answers and examples of how that happens.

Our first guest, Michael Long, Chairman of the New York Conservative Party, gives us the first set of answers regarding how as a party they co-endorsed, with the Republican Party, Trump as their candidate.  How did this happen? Their party had Cruz supporters, but now they came out “overwhelmingly” to support the Trump endorsement.  Listen to hear how that happened and find out his thoughts of what he expects a Trump Presidency to look like and how it could be conservative even if Trump is not the conservative they’d like—and how it will benefit all America.

Memorial Day - old enemies reunite in 1913 at the 50th Anniversary of GettysburgThen we turn to scholar Dr. Bonner Cohen to take us through the founding and origination of Memorial Day.  We discuss how divided our country was right after the Civil War when Memorial Day was first called “Declaration Day” for the fallen Union soldiers.  Listen to hear Dr. Cohen walk us through the history of Memorial Day, some fascinating stories surrounding Memorial Day, and how it’s become a holiday that unites all Americans.

Links Mentioned

Memorial Day and Related Links

Why Trans Pacific Partnership is a Bad Deal for America

Why Trans Pacific Partnership is a Bad Deal for America

Show Summary: The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal is Obama’s final nail in America’s coffin. If you thought Obamacare and the Iran Deal were bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. In an explosive interview, we dive into why it’s bad and why our Congressmen vote for such atrocities. And not just why but who is supporting this? Plus, could one of the presidential candidates, who publicly says he’s against it, might actually be for it?

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Apr. 16 & 17, 2016 | Crista Huff (former Morgan Stanley VP

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One of the questions we consistently try to answer here on the I Spy Radio Show, is why. Why does a government agency do this or why does a politician do that? But uncovering “why” requires digging deeper into motivations and a lot times those motivations are hidden away, lurking in the shadows where you don’t know what happened behind closed doors or what’s been promised.

On this week’s show, we’re talking about the monstrosity better known as the TPP – the Trans Pacific Partnership. This is Obama’s magnum opus for weakening America. And it must be stopped. The TPP is a major trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim nations, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam and others. China is not a signer, yet, because after the agreement is signed China can come in later through a back door.  Why, do you ask? Oh, you’ll find out why.

Trans Pacific Partnership = Anti-American

It’s amazing that anyone who calls themselves an American is backing this agreement. Foremost it represents a stunning loss of U.S. sovereignty.  But beyond that, common economic sense says this will harm the US economy–especially given that even its own supporters say it will result in only a 0.13% increase in the nation’s Gross Domestic Product by 2025. (See links, below, for citation.)

But even that less -than-rosy projection is based on the assumption of the U.S. being at full-employment. (How’s that worked out the last seven years?) So why take a huge gamble and throw our economy into upheaval for not even 1/50th of a percent increase per year over nine years?

It boggles the mind why would anyone in the U.S. support this. And not just why, but who is supporting this? Tune in to learn the answers, including whether one of the presidential candidates might be misrepresenting their position on the Trans Pacific Partnership. And find out why, if this goes through, it really could be the end of America as we know.

Links Mentioned During Show

  • Crista Huff’s terrific website, Good Fellow, LLC. Be sure to check out her fantastic TPP blog page, frequently updated with the latest info
  • Check out Crista on Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival blogtalk podcast
  • If you want to stop the TPP, CALL the Capitol Switchboard! (202) 224-3121. Ask to be transferred to your Congressman’s office and tell them you want them to vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal; do the same for both of your senators.
  • The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee is Rep. Kevin Brady (TX).
  • Article via Drudge: New Balance publicly calls the TTP a bad deal (Apr 13, 2016)
  • Robert Zoellick and The Trilateral Commission and Robert (via FreedomWorks’ SourceWatch)

Related Links

We’re impressed with a number of articles from Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Here are a few of them: