Tag: election fraud

13-43 Oregon’s New Surveillance System to Track, Censor “Election Disinformation”

13-43 Oregon’s New Surveillance System to Track, Censor “Election Disinformation”

Show 13-43 Summary: Oregon has now hired a surveillance partner to monitor, track, flag, report, and censor what the State deems election misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation. This Orwellian surveillance system will monitor social media posts, websites, blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts and even radio broadcasts. This is a war on Free Speech. And we know this is just the first step on a very slippery slope. Where is this headed? And what you can do to stop it.

Don’t be silent! Click here to jump down to contact info for the Secretary of State and your county elections to tell them what you think of their reporting system.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 28th & 29th, 2023 | Guest: Marc Thielman

This Week – Oregon’s Election Disinformation Monitoring System

We had a last-minute guest cancellation and were all set to air a best-of this weekend. But then, out of the blue, we found out late Thursday that Oregon’s Secretary of State had put out a RFP for vendors, looking for a surveillance system to spy on its citizens. Oregon wanted someone with a surveillance system that had the capabilities to monitor, track, flag, and report back to bureaucrats whatever the State deems to be election “misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation.”

That’s right. Welcome to Oregon’s War on Free Speech.

Want to read Oregon’s censorship RFP for yourself? Scroll down to the Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info section

This tracking system has massive tracking capabilities. Oregon’s RFP stated it wanted a provider to monitor all social media, websites, blogs, videos, podcasts — even radio broadcasts. All to hunt down whatever it determines to be “election disinformation.” Even whatever it deems to be misinformation or malinformation.

The stated goal is to give the State a free speech early warning system. To identify trends. And allow election officials to dispute, respond, and even censor any information that the state doesn’t like.

Oregon’s War on Free Speech

We welcome back Marc Thielman who is the lead plaintiff in an election integrity lawsuit,which is currently before the 9th Circuit. Marc and others wanted to help the state prove there was no election fraud. But the State sued to stop them, thank you very much. Now why would the State stop someone from helping them prove the elections can be trusted?

Censoring "election disinformation"? Tucker Carlson nails it: "Anything you're not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking more questions about."
Censoring “election disinformation”? Tucker nails it. (Click for full image)

Because the State tells you not to ask questions. You’re not allowed to ask questions. Do not question your betters. The State telling you, “Trust us” should be enough when it comes to questions about election integrity.

Nothing says “trust” like suing people who want to trust you.

But now, the State has gone off the deep end. It wants to proactively hunt down what it, in its sole discretion, deems to be election disinformation. No questioning the elections.

Marc and Mark go through this chilling and blatant attack on free speech. With this RFP, Oregon’s Secretary of State has effectively announced the State will now monitor everything people say online or over the air about elections so they can be alerted to it. And yes. They will undoubtedly seek to censor differing opinions. And even report “evildoers” spreading “election disinformation” to the FBI. And we know where that will head.

But where is this headed? What lies further down the censorship slippery slope? If the goal is to censor election disinformation, what’s next? We know the Oregon and the Biden administration worked with Big Tech to censor important information about covid and the vaccines. Information that could have saved lives. And even before that, the Biden campaign and his Deep State allies blocked and censored information about the 2020 election that would have cost Biden the election. The Hunter laptop and Joe’s corruption schemes.

Fighting Back Against Oregon’s Surveillance

If Oregon is allowed to monitor, profile, track and spy on you, with the goal of censoring or even reporting you — for your opinion — they will not stop here. You know they won’t. So, Marc Thielman has announced he will once again sue the State to stop them. And they absolutely need to stop.

Fighting back isn’t cheap. It costs $5,000 just for the filing fee. Head to Marc’s Battleground Oregon website to donate and to help him fight this attack on your right to free speech. It’s your right. Your opinion. Your right to say whatever you want to say. And the State should not be allowed to prevent you.

That’s the point of free speech.

And a reminder for Big Brother Oregon: it is the government’s job to protect free speech. Not censor or it.

What You Can DO About Oregon’s Election Censorship

We know from last week’s show about fighting offshore wind farms that public outcry is a huge part of stopping government’s plans and overreach. That’s why it is critical that you speak up. You cannot be silent on this. Or before long, you won’t have any choice but to be silent.

How? By contacting election officials and — politely but firmly —tell them you are opposed to this monitoring of free speech. Here are Marc’s suggestions for an effective email: keep it simple. Tell them you just found out about this election disinformation monitoring system, ask if they know about it (some county clerks may not have been told yet), and tell them it should not be implemented and needs to stop immediately.

Contact Information for Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division

Email – elections.sos@sos.oregon.gov​

Secretary of State
​​Public Service Building Suite 126
255 Capitol St. NE
Salem OR 97310
Fax 503-373-7414

Contact Information for Oregon County Elections Officials

Here is a convenient list to contact your county clerks: Connect with County Clerks

Don’t be silent—or you will be silenced!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Read the documents! Oregon’s Election Disinformation Monitoring & Censorship RFP and its four attachments (all files are PDFs):

The RFP, S‐16500‐00007470, “MDM (Misinformation, Disinformation, and Mal-information) Analysis Platform Services
Attachment A – “Solution Requirements
Attachment B – “[Sample] Information Technology Services Contract
Attachment C – “Administrative Proposal Form
Attachment D – “OregonBuys Vendor How-to Guides



13-37 Fraud, Fraud, Fraud | How Judges Often Enable It

13-37 Fraud, Fraud, Fraud | How Judges Often Enable It

Show 13-37 Summary: This week, it’s all about fraud. Election fraud. And the lawsuit to get Joe Biden’s emails where he used fraudulent names to conduct his “business.” Elections matter. Not only because you are giving someone else legal authority over you. But because trillions of dollars are at stake. If absolute power corrupts, how much corruption will 100 trillion buy? Could Joe Biden’s fraud emails crack open the door to his corruption business? And will the 9th Circuit finally be the first to take election fraud seriously? And when it comes to fraud, all too often it’s judges who are enabling it. It’s yet more evidence of our two-tiered justice system. Imagine if Trump was emailing his kids with government information to profit the family.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 16th & 17th, 2023 | Guests: Chuck Wiese and Kimberly Hermann

This Week – Fraud and More Fraud

It’s all about fraud this week. We usually have Chuck Wiese, a scientist and meteorologist, on to talk about the fraud of Global Warming. Which has become a multi-trillion dollar fraud scheme. But what’s another trillion to the debt when it’s among co-conspirators, right? But this week, we have him on to talk about their election integrity case, which is currently before the 9th Circuit. Why there? Because the Oregon judge didn’t have the backbone to look at it and denied it on “lack of standing.”

What a cop out.

Think about that. The Left shrieks about every single vote must be counted. But why is it when any one voter has their vote devalued through fraud, somehow that single vote no longer matters. But there’s even more to it. Weak judges claim there’s no evidence of voter fraud. How do they know when they keep denying appellates the chance to look? There may be tens of thousands of fraudulent votes. But we’ll never know because they never actually look.

For an election system that claims there is no fraud, isn’t refusing to let people look just a little telling?

Wow, check this out! Feedspot, with over 4 million users, ranked I Spy Radio among the 30 Best Conservative Talk Shows!

Joe’s Fraudulent Email Aliases

Then we talk to General Counsel, Kimberly Hermann of Southeastern Legal Foundation. Her client is John Solomon, Executive Editor, of Just the News.

After years of hearing about secretive emails between Hunter and Joe Biden, and their potential content revealing fraudulent and corrupt money schemes, Southeastern Legal sued the National Archives to release those emails. Kimberly discusses how they knew about them in the first place and what they suspect the emails reveal.

Why use aliases to conduct “business”? Didn’t Joe say he never talked with Hunter about his business dealings with foreign entities wanting to buy influence. Okay. Maybe Joe didn’t talk to him. But he sure emailed a lot. More than 5,400 of them. That are known.

And where does this trail of evidence—while Joe was VP—lead? How far up does it go? What agencies knew about it? Why does the National Archives have these in the first place? Was Joe using government computers to send emails about his fraud schemes? Is this why our billions keep going to Ukraine, to keep them quiet from revealing their own evidence?

So many questions! Tune in to get the answers!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Chuck Wiese (Segments 1–3)

Kim Hermann (Segments 4–6)

Related Stories

  • Wyden, Merkley press Medicaid administrator on Oregon automatic voter registration expansion (Herald News, Aug 23, 2023)
    • Because there aren’t enough opportunities for voter fraud already in Oregon?
  • Jack Smith’s DC “secret” may have just ended his classified docs case against President Trump (Revolver, Aug 22, 2023)
  • Alan Dershowitz says attempt to get Trump off 2024 ballot is a ‘grave danger’ to the Constitution (Just the News, Aug 22, 2023)
  • Giuliani tells court legal problems have taken all of his cash (Just the News, Aug 16, 2023)
12-44 If You Can’t Offer Hope, Push Fear | Democrats Desperate

12-44 If You Can’t Offer Hope, Push Fear | Democrats Desperate

Show Summary: This week, it’s politics as unusual. In today’s political environment, it seems even the improbable could be possible. Probably. We talk with Jo Rae Perkins and Chuck Wiese in a show that ended up looking at the fear being pushed in the democrats’ political ads. When you stop running on the success of your policies, and turn to mudslinging and fear, your side should definitely be afraid. And this year, for good reason.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 29, 2022 | Guests: Jo Rae Perkins & Chuck Wiese

This Week – The Democrats’ “Fear Porn”

It’s a given in politics that if you can’t offer hope, then offer fear. It is literally the only thing Democrats have left.

It’s a bit of a turn from FDR. In the looming shadow of World War II, FDR famously said, “All we have to fear is… fear itself!” Now, under Biden, it’s become, “All we have is… fear.” But it’s just become laughable. More so when you realize what they’re doing. They are trying to blame Republicans for their economy. And they’re trying to blame Republicans in advance. “Things will get worse if you elect Republicans.”

It’s hard to type that with straight face.

Fear: It’s All the Left has Left

We welcome back Jo Rae Perkins, Oregon’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. She is running against long-, long-time incumbent, Ron Wyden. Who used to be, ten years ago, a proponent of privacy. Now, he’s all for the government prying into everything. And arresting one’s political opponents.

It’s amazing how four decades in Washington D.C. can mutate one’s political beliefs. It’s like that quote attributed to Mark Twain: “Politicians and diapers need changed often. And for the same reasons.”

Jo Rae has a lot of answers for what ails Oregon and America right now. We ask about her take on turning the economy around, dealing with federal agencies, what Republican should concentrate on in the first 100 days in office, and what can be done about Oregon’s failing education system.

Find out more about Jo Rae — and help her get some more commercials on the air — by visiting perkins.vote

And she has questions. Questions the mainstream media aren’t asking. Like, Ron thinks tax dodgers should be punished. But what happened to the $2 million Ron’s wife got in PPP loans to keep people on the payroll? Because she didn’t keep them on the payroll. Well, Ron?

But she rightly points out that in this election cycle, all the Left has left is fear.

Democrats. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Al Gore: Non-Believers Threaten My IncomeThen we welcome back fan-favorite Chuck Wiese to continue the discussion on fear. As a Global Warming debunker, Chuck knows all about how the Left uses fear to push their agenda. Like the typical, “We only have ___ years to do something before it’s too late!!!” Usually, what “do something” means is “give us more money.”

We start by talking about the latest global warming fear porn: “The Scientist’s Warning.” Wooooo! It’s a propaganda “film” designed to, once again, scare people into giving money to “scientists.”

You can see the excerpted film, “citizen’s pledge” and quiz mentioned during the show by heading here.

Explain how producing more oil in the U.S. causes climate change but asking other countries to produce more oil does not cause climate changeBut they fearmongers lose because they go waaay over the top.

And don’t miss the updates to the election integrity federal lawsuit Chuck, Marc Thielman, and others have filed.

They are taking a unique route: They’re not asking to prove their is election fraud; they’re asking to prove their isn’t. They just need access to monitor the machines to prove it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Here is what Citizen Free Press calls, “The Headline of the Week.” I’d almost say of the month
  • [IEA] Energy Chief Who Pushed To Slash Oil And Gas Investments Now Decries ‘Global Energy Crisis’ (Daily Caller, Oct 25, 2022)
  • U.S. Senate votes to move forward with stopgap funding bill (Reuters, Sept 27, 2022)
  • Surveillance Under The Patriot Act (ACLU, 2011)
    • Ron Wyden then: “I want to deliver a warning… when the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.” What happened to you, Ron?
  • Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? (The Economic Collapse, Sept 18, 2022)
  • Also: Walmart and other retailers are canceling billions of dollars in orders (Retail Wire, Sept 14, 2022)
  • Florida’s 2022 NAEP test scores (DeSantis Press Release, Oct 24, 2022)
  • Oregon school performance craters (OregonLive, Oct 24, 2022)
  • Oz Odds Of Winning PA Soar After Historic Fetterman Debate Meltdown (Zero Hedge, Oct 25, 2022)
  • Fetterman Faces Fallout From Disastrous Debate: ‘Worst Performance By Any Candidate I Have Ever Seen’ (The Daily Wire, October 25, 2022)
  • Marina Medvin on Twitter: “NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes: ‘Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19’.” (Twitter, Oct 25, 2022)
    • Link to NY Supreme Court Case, George Garvey, et al., v. City of New York
      • Page 11, last paragraph: “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.” Boom. There ya go.
  • Two-thirds of Americans polled reject the Democratic Party platform on abortion (Life Site News, Oct 25, 2022)
    • “Do you think a pregnant woman should be able to legally have an abortion in the second or third trimester of pregnancy under any circumstance, as a matter of choice?” one question asked. By a 2 to 1 margin, respondents said “No” to this question, which represents the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion.
Guest Post: Chuck Wiese Primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation

Guest Post: Chuck Wiese Primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation

The following primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club presentation is via Chuck Wiese, a scientist frequent I Spy Radio guest.

Dr. Frank’s Executive Club presentation can be viewed at this link on Rumble.com. (YouTube has already banned it and threatened the videographer if he tries to post it again.)

Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation Primer

1. Frank’s data proves there is machine tabulator manipulation of the votes during an election.

2. The analysis follows the laws of nature and probability as determiners. If you roll a set of dice 100 times and get a set of numbers from rolling that you can exactly predict before rolling those dice, this tells you the dice are fake because, by probability, that is impossible. It is the same reasoning through probability that winning the lottery by getting exactly 6 numbers on any singular random participant is very difficult and takes millions of participants before you finally get a winner.

3. Frank’s data shows, that the election tabulator machines have pre-programmed numbers inserted in them that draw from census population data by age that are eligible to vote in any particular county that are paired with registered voters. Oregon’s dirty registration rolls that are not cleaned up are also used as a comparison to active registered voters. The difference between census, dirty rolls and total registered voters gives the machines a “pad” they can draw from to create phantom votes if desired for the vote tabulations. Keep in mind that the total registered voters are NOT the actual number of votes that are cast in any election because that number never reaches 100%. In any election, data shows participation is typically between 60-75% turnout in elections that interest the public and under 50% in many other elections.

4. NOW, what Doug Franks is able to show is that in Oregon, in very county in this state, by plotting the polynomial curve that the data exactly represents, he can predict with data from just one county, what the “computed” number of voles will be in every age group across the spectrum in all the other counties. It is typically found to be near 86% . When his does this, he gets a correlation coefficient of anywhere from 99.2 to 99.9% which means he can predict the outcome of all the votes cast by age in every county.

5. The point in all of this is that it is mathematically impossible without a direct manipulation algorithm of some sort that is in the vote tabulator machines. By probability and the laws of nature, if the votes cast by all eligible to vote that participated were a random event as they should be with no manipulations, you would not be able to come anywhere close to having this sort of accuracy or this sort of a correlation coefficient to the data. It proves there is massive fraud being done.

CONCLUSION: Whoever is doing this is taking away our First Amendment rights to free expression of voting for the candidates to run either our local governments or federal offices and pre-selecting the winners the establishment wants. This is the worst offense against our Constitution you could ever do in a free society.

Only remedy is to stop vote by mail which invites the same fraud which is actually paired with the machines to guide the tabulators in redistributing votes and was observed in all the swing states in the 2020 election.

Votes must be cast by showing up at your precinct, showing proof of your ID, then casting your ballot at the precinct in a voting booth and returning it immediately at the precinct to avoid any chain of custody issues.

Chuck Wiese

Oregon’s 2022 Primary | Spoiled Ballots and No Freedom of Information

Oregon’s 2022 Primary | Spoiled Ballots and No Freedom of Information

Show Summary: For those who think election fraud didn’t and couldn’t happen, along came Oregon to prove them wrong. Washington County sues a voter to prevent the release of a database; and spoiled ballots in Clackamas. We talk with attorney Stephen Joncus about Washington county suing a voter to prevent the release of a database. And with Don Powers about suspicious spoiled ballots

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 28, 2022 | Guests: Stephen Joncus & Don Powers

This Week – Oregon’s Primary and the Suspicions the Followed

After a much-needed break last week, we’re back at it this week, taking a hard look at two examples right here in Oregon that should make everyone question the integrity of our elections. First up, Washington County, which is suing a voter for asking for public data. Because of course elections that are above board and honest, naturally sue voters to stop the release of public data.

Then its the mess in Clackamas County that has even democrats questioning what is going on with tens of thousands of spoiled ballots.

Stephen Joncus: the FOIA Lawsuit Against a Voter, Tim Sipple

When you’ve got nothing to hide, because the election was honest and above board, what’s a county got to do to prove it? Why, sue a voter who asked for public database.

As absurd as it sounds, and as counterproductive as it is to developing trust in our elections systems, that’s exactly what Washington County is doing. Suing a voter. For asking for a database. And not even the database, the actual 2020 election database. No, this is a test database.

Keep in mind, a database is a list of numbers and text. That’s it. Why would you keep a database, a test database, secret? And so secret that you’re willing to sue a voter. And not just sue them but threaten them with forcing them to pay your legal expenses. Oh. And the State of Oregon decided to join in. And also threaten them with their legal expenses too.

See how all these suspicions just keep growing?

Does Oregon really think this is the way to gain trust in its elections? Because it doesn’t take a genius to know their actions are the opposite of trust.

Don Powers: Suspicious Spoiled Ballots in Clackamas County

As if Washington County aren’t enough suspicions, we’ve got spoiled ballots in Clackamas.

A printer they had used for over 10 years is being blamed for a printing error that caused a white line to run through some of the ballots’ security barcode. Hence, the spoiled ballots.

Odd that it happened just after the printer had been bought by an out-of-state buyer. There may be nothing there, but the timing does get one’s suspicions up.

But why is it that the printer’s scanner works fine but the county’s does not? And why is it that the county initially misled the public about the extent of it. It went from “Oh, it’s just a few” to “There are tens of thousands of spoiled ballots” over a few days.

And why did the county decide to have county county workers fill in new ballots? Why not simply count the ballots by hand and manually mark them as counted?

And why did observers of the count witness county workers changing votes?

So many suspicions. So many questions about these spoiled ballots. We talk with Don Powers, co-chair of the ORP’s election integrity committee, to try to get some answers. We’ll have Don back next week to continue the discussion because there were even some more issues that we just ran of time.

Be sure to check out cleanvoterrolls.com

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • It’s a database. Excel vs SQL (via mooc.org)
  • Documents in the Tim Sipple case via his attorney, Stephen Joncus:
    • Clear Ballot Contract (PDF)
    • Feb 15, 2022 Order Washington County DA (PDF)
    • April 5, 2022 Corrected Opposition to Motion to Intervene (PDF)
  • The new site Don Powers mentioned is t cleanvoterrolls.com



Sometimes, it’s not Unconstitutional. It’s just Lies.

Sometimes, it’s not Unconstitutional. It’s just Lies.

Show Summary: The government has gone from a cottage industry of lies to a full-blown industrial-scale lie and disinformation mega-corporation. Now, they even have a Ministry of Truth to punish dissenters (realists) and promote their, and only their, version of “truth.” Orwell couldn’t be more proud. Funny though. It’s amazing how many times when the government lies, it’s because what its doing is unconstitutional. We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys, about the abortion ruling, the lies of covid, the politicization of science, and that Ministry of Truth.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 14th & 15th, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord 

This Week – Unconstitutional usually = Lies

It’s amazing how many times when the government lies, it’s because what its doing is unconstitutional.  It lied about the “constitutionality” of Roe v Wade, leading to a generation of ill-informed Leftists believing it was constitutional. Which, because of that lie, lead to others. The lie that it was just a “clump of cells.” The lie that a unborn baby didn’t feel pain. It wasn’t human.

Amazing how many lies were spun to keep the big lie going. And that’s just one example. But did you ever notice that when the government is acting unconstitutional, it involves lies?

Jonathan Emord on Abortion Ruling and More

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Get the book! We can’t recommend this highly enough!

This week, we welcome back Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys, to talk about the abortion ruling (the lies that made it and the lies that kept it going), the lies of covid, the lies about the vaccines, the politicization of science, and that new Ministry of Truth hatched by the Biden administration.

But, really, it comes down to trust. Trust in our institutions and the people at them. And that’s hard to come by when they go out of their way to break trust. And then hide what they did.

Buckle up.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Abortion, Roe v Wade, Leaker, etc.

  • The Leak: “Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows” (Politico, May 2, 2022)
    • The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision — Planned Parenthood v. Casey — that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.
  • The Mystery of the Declining U.S. Birth Rate (Econofact, Feb 15, 2022)
  • Sen. Schumer Battle Cry: Democrats May Pack Supreme Court If Majority Is Kept (OAN, May 4, 2022)
    • From the floor of the Senate, Schumer “suggested Democrats could try and pack the Supreme Court if they keep control of the upper chamber after the November midterms. Schumer warned expanding the court and appointing more liberal justices is a possibility.”

The GAO Report

  • Read it for yourself – GAO Report to Congressional Addressees: Scientific Integrity (PDF, April 2022)
    • The April 2022 GAO Report found FDA, CDC, NIH, and ASPR did not have procedures in place to prevent the politicization of science. As a result, potential political interference resulted in the alteration or suppression of scientific findings.
  • The GAO Report: Scientific Integrity: HHS Agencies Need to Develop Procedures and Train Staff on Reporting and Addressing Political Interference (GAO Office, April 2022)
  • Federal Investigators Reveal ‘Bombshell’ Findings CDC & FDA Undertook Politically Motivated Actions During Covid Pandemic (Becker News, April 27, 2022)
  • GAO highlights lack of policies to combat political interference at health agencies (Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, Apr 25, 2022)

The Many Lies of Covid

  • Acting NIH Director Admits Appearance of Conflict of Interest in Secret Royalty Payments (Epoch Times, May 11, 2022)
  • Top US Scientist Tried to Help Wuhan Lab Counter Virus Leak Concerns (Epoch Times, May 12, 2022)
    • “These startling documents show that China had partners here in the United States willing to go to bat for them on the Wuhan lab controversy,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a May 9 statement.” 
  • Military doctors can’t trust DOD medical database after COVID vax injuries scrubbed: whistleblower (Just the News, May 10, 2022)
  • CDC Finally Admits Lockdowns Are Harmful To Youth (The Daily Wire, via YouTube, Apr 19, 2022)
    • “As the world finally begins opening up, we’re beginning to get a picture of just how dangerous, and in many cases, deadly, lockdowns were. While we were all affected, there was one group of Americans hurt more than any other. Young people.”
  • ‘Deep State’ Was Working Against Trump on COVID-19 Response: Former HHS Adviser (The Epoch Times, May 1, 2022)
  • More false information: CDC report admits 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose (David Icke, May 4, 2022)
    • But wait, I thought we were all told 75-80% of Americans were fully vaccinated…?
  • 3.6% of the German population is now disabled due to the vaccine (Dr Peter McCullough, via Reddit, May 6, 2022)
  • Typical misinformation regarding Danish COVID-numbers (Statems Serum Institut arch 22, 2022)
  • Denmark will stop promoting COVID vaccinations on May 15, 2022 (Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter, via Substack, Apr 28, 2022)
  • Did Moderna Study Predict “Pandemic of the Vaccinated?” (We Love Trump, May 5, 2022)

Election Fraud

  • Exclusive — Dinesh D’Souza: Latest Film Contains ‘Smoking Gun’ on How Ballot Harvesting Manipulated the 2020 Election (Breitbart, Apr 30, 2022)
  • 25 Questions About 2020 Election Fraud (The Still Report #3810, via Rumble, Mar 12, 2022)
  • Michigan State Police seizes voting machine in 2020 investigation (Washington Examiner, May 5, 2022)
  • Judicial Watch Warns 14 Counties in Five States to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuits (Judicial Watch, Press Release, Nov 16, 2021)
  • Election Integrity Group Releases Hard Evidence Of 4.8 MILLION Fraudulent Votes — ‘Organized Crime’ Was Conducted To ‘Rig The 2020 Election’ (enVolve, April 19, 2022)
  • Maricopa, AZ Verified With Evidence: Trump 59.4%, Biden 41.17% (Clever Journeys, Apr 11, 2022)
  • Wisconsin assembly speaker allows 2020 election investigation to continue (Just the News, Apr 28, 2022)
    • Probe won’t end until lawmakers are certain about the legal authority to issue subpoenas by the state’s special investigator, Speaker Robin Vos declares.

Ministry of Truth

  • The New Disinformationists (Victor Davis Hanson, writing in American Greatness, May 1, 2022)
  • Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems (Glenn Greenwald, via Substack, May 4, 2022)
    • The power to decree what is “disinformation” now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.
Voters Fight for Truth Amidst Arizona Audit

Voters Fight for Truth Amidst Arizona Audit

Show Summary: It’s the Arizona audit — but also the stories behind the story of the audit. Including a fascinating historical context with a Constitutional law professor. And stories of the eyewitnesses to the audit — the watchers who watched the watchers. Plus, we look at the outcomes and where the audit movement is headed now.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live! Four times Saturdays, twice on Sundays, and podcast version available Mondays

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Original Air Dates: Oct 2nd & 3rd, 2021 | Horace Cooper & Chuck Wiese

This Week: Arizona Audit & Stolen Elections

It’s all about the Arizona audit this week. But we take a different tack. We look at the stories behind the story of the Arizona audit.

Head to Fix2020First.com. Sign Mike Lindell’s petition to encourage the Supreme Court to accept the bill of complaints brought by patriotic states to save our country.

We talk first with Horace Cooper, co-chair of Project 21 and a constitutional law professor who gives us some historical context of the protections our Founders put in place for elections. And a look at other stolen elections. He also gives us insights into the remedies that exist and what should have happened with the contested 2020 election. And that new law Oregon passed to prevent the scrubbing of its voter rolls? Yeah. That’s going to have, shall we say, “unique” problems.

Then we talk with our go-to scientist, Chuck Wiese.  Chuck is trained in data analysis and he goes through the numbers that prove, conclusively, that there was fraud in the Arizona election. And what points to fraud in other states.

But first we take a look at the stories now being told by the Arizona audit observers. Who, until now, have been under a non-disclosure order to not discuss what they saw and heard. Tune in to hear these important observation that adds more context to the audit, above and beyond a bunch of numbers.

If you were on the fence before, this will convince you.

It’s time to do audits. In all 50 states.

But unless and until people start going to jail, none of this matters. Because they will just try it again and again and again. Which is why you need to support election audit efforts.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research Links & Info

Arizona Audit Results

  • AZ Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings – Disturbing Elections Irregularities Discovered (GWP Channel, Rumble, Sept 30, 2021)
  • Read the Arizona AG’s order to Maricopa County for a litigation hold (PDF)
  • Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Sends Letter To Maricopa County – FIRST REQUEST: Preservation Of Evidence/Litigation Hold (Gateway Pundit, Sept 28, 2021)
  • Arizona Audit for Dummies w/ Senator Wendy Rogers (Rumble, Sept 22, 2021)
    • Did you know? AZ Audit survived 4 court challenges
    • Now, why would Maricopa be so against anyone looking at results? Hmm…
  • Major Audit Bombshell: Individual Busted In The Act 1 Day Before Audit Began (Populist Press, Sept 24, 2021)
    • “Ben Cotton shared the IT results from the audit of the 2020 Election Results in Maricopa County. During his presentation, he noted that files were deleted by those involved in the election. But then Cotton noted that his team was able to identify the time stamps for when the files were messed with and from that. We have captured screen shots of Maricopa County people at the keyboards during those time periods.”
  • “We Did Find Large-Scale Fraud”– AZ GOP Chair Calls For Full Canvass (Palmieri Report, Sept 28, 2021)
  • Maricopa County Releases Statement On Election Audit–Will Be Issuing A Response (Palmieri Report, Sept 29, 2021)
  • Arizona Audit Finds 86,391 Voters have No Identity Match (RSBN, Sept 29, 2021)
    • Among several damning revelations from Friday’s hearing for the Maricopa County 2020 election audit results, is Cyber Ninjas’ finding that 86,391 votes in Arizona did not have an identity match.

The Audit Movement is Spreading

  • Report Shows Fulton County, GA 2020 Election Had $2 million in Unsupported OT, 15 Missing Routers, an Agreement with the SPLC to Put in Place Drop Boxes, and More (GWP, Sept 25, 2021)
  • Now Delaware: With Only 10% of 2020 Election Results Audited, 20,000 Invalid or Suspect Ballots Identified (GWP, Sept 30, 2021)
    • “A report released from a voter group in Delaware shows it’s quite possible Joe Biden didn’t even win his home state in the 2020 Election once invalid and suspect ballots are addressed.”
    • Above is based on a story from National File, “Massive ‘Fraudulent’ Votes And Apparent Nursing Home Vote Fraud Found in Delaware In 2020 Election” (Sept 30, 2021)
  • ‘Narrative Collapse’: British Media Finally Appear to Be Questioning Biden’s U.S. Election Legitimacy (Becker News, Sept 28, 2021)
    • Original UK Times article is here

Additional Related


What Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Exposed

What Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Exposed

Show Summary: Examining the evidence from Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium with actual trained scientists who understand data. What grabbed Chuck Wiese’s and Mark Anderson’s attention? Was it the fraud in all 50 states? Was it the network of “bipartisan” supporters of election fraud? Both and more. And what are the implications for the future?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley)
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County)
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Aug. 14th & 15th, 2021 | Chuck Wiese

This Week: Cyber Symposium

Think about it. Are we really to believe that the same government that mismanages pretty much every other aspect of governance — but somehow elections are pure and holy?

Yeah. But that’s the claim. Right? Our elections are secure. Can’t be hacked. Most secure ever. Weird how that wasn’t the case when Trump won.

This week, we take a deeper look into Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium and what it exposed. And what it means for the future.

100% Chuck

We take at look at Lindell’s cyber symposium with a single guest this week. Chuck Wiese. Chuck is a I Spy Radio listener favorite—perhaps because he is a great thinker and a trained scientist. You know. The kind that listen to data rather than make up data.

So what were some of the main takeaways from the cyber symposium? The symposium exposed that fraud did happen. And that it happened in every state. All 50 of them. (Sorry, Obama, there’s still only 50 of them). But that’s just for starters.

Speaking of starters, there was a lot of fireworks from the start. Hackers took down Lindell’s presentation. And the backup. And the backup of that. Now, what could people be so afraid of? The symposium exposed fraud in Mesa County, Colorado, when the Secretary of State tried to frame the whistleblower. And they raided her office. Why were they so afraid she made a copy of the computer’s hard drive? What could be on it?

Dr. Shiva, in his own battle with election fraud, uncovered a whole network of those willing to sabotage elections and commit voter fraud. Not surprisingly, the network included people from both parties. But you’ll also hear how the 2020 Census was the backbone for the election fraud.

Here’s the real tell. The more people look into the 2020 election, the more evidence of voter fraud they uncover. Not less.

Shouldn’t that tell you everything you need to know.

Cyber Symposium Outcomes and Implications

Originally, not every state was there at the symposium. But, amazingly, by the end of the symposium, all 50 states  were represented. And that’s great news because it means the whole country is paying attention. The important people anyway. The media, which largely ignored it, doesn’t really matter.

But what does it mean? What will happen as a result?

If fraud happened, in every state, then audits need to happen. In every state. And those in attendance formed their own coalition to do just that. The Voter Integrity Coalition, made up of representatives from all 50 states.

If they’ve found all this so far, just imagine what they’ll find. Especially with

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info

Top-Recommended Cyber Symposium Videos

  • Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium – Professor David Clements “The Vote Trafficking Parable” (Rumble, Aug 12, 2021)
  • Cyber Symposium: Dr. Frank ‘the 2010 Census was Used to Create the Algorithm to Steal Election 2020’ (BitChute, Aug 10, 2021)
  • Dr. Shiva EXPOSES Big Tech and Censor Nazis (Rumble, Aug 11, 2021)Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium – Seth Keshel “Behind The Election Integrity Curtain” (Rumble.com, Aug 11, 2021)
    • The Election Influence Operations Playbook, Part 1 and Part 2 

Cyber Symposium and Related Links

  • War Room Wrapup (Rumble Aug 13, 2021)
  • Mark Finchem (on Telegram):*From the Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls.  Mesa County Colorado Recorder confirmed active erasure  of evidence from Dominion systems, but by Dominion not  her office. The County Recorder made a forensic copy  because she believed that something nefarious was about  to happen at the hands of the Colorado Secretary of State.  That’s right, proof beyond PCAP, there was forensic  evidence that was actively erased, which is a violation by  Dominion and the Colorado Secretary of State. (via Telegram)
  • CodeMonkeyZ: “Interestingly, we did uncover a few critical things:
    1. “There appeared to be web server logs which potentially indicate that the server was accepting and executing commands remotely.
    2. “Election related data pre-upgrade was not present on the machine post-upgrade. This indicates that election related data was deleted or otherwise removed during the upgrade process.
    3. “The server had a suspicious configuration script designed to remove server security, potentially opening the machine up to a network hack.”

Global Warming

  • Here’s the far-left’s move to once again try to control it all – We are so unprepared’: Extreme heat fueled by climate change putting farmworkers’ lives on the line. (Statesman Journal, July 18, 2021)
    • Oregon Health Authority is already regulating it with emergency orders as a way to grow their power linking health and environment.
  • Removal of barred owls (Oregon Capitol Insider, July 21, 2021). Surprise, they’ve found it is the barred owl who’s the culprit.  A logging totally destroyed over an Oops moment. 
  • State climatologist: Oregon’s second heat wave indicates troubling trend (Dem-Herald, Aug 11, 2021)
Exposing Election Fraud; Help for Wildfire Victims

Exposing Election Fraud; Help for Wildfire Victims

Show Summary: You might think election fraud and wildfires have nothing in common. Except of course election fraud determines who gets into office. And those who are elected then set policies like let-it-burn forest management. This week we look at the audits uncovering election fraud in Arizona, which are spreading like wildfire to other states. And if they uncover election fraud, what then?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
Note: This week KLBM & KBKR’s live stream is down
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) 
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) 
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: July 31st & Aug 1st, 2021 | Horace Cooper & Valerie Odai

This Week: Election Fraud & Relief Angels

When there are threats that surround you, and you can’t figure things out on your own, the first reaction is usually to find the experts who know how to deal with the problems. This week’s show we turn to two experts to help us understand the magnitude of what’s happening.

We start with election fraud. Because the far-left wants you to believe that by questioning results you are somehow the one who wants to destroy elections. Which is a form of intimidation by shutting down the discussion rather than examining the problem. But Arizona has stayed strong, finishing up their ballot audit and are now preparing the final report. So far, the preliminary reports have been damning.

See the election fraud list of what’s been uncovered so far in Maricopa

Even still there are those, like Biden’s administration, that will do what they can to stop the process. So we turn to a constitutional expert to help us plow through the smoke and mirrors the far-left has been instrumental in placing before us.

Election Fraud with Horace Cooper

First up, and new to our show, Horace Cooper who is a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, and a legal commentator. Mr. Cooper taught constitutional law at George Mason University and has been observing elections and their results—and the fraud involved—for years. He discusses past elections and crimes by election officials, along with the current election audits. We also tackle the misconceptions that the far-left is desperately spinning to distract.

And what if there is evidence of actual fraud here? What then?

Help for Oregon Wildfire Victims: Relief Angels with Valerie Odai

Then our next guest is also a newcomer to I Spy, Executive Director, Valerie Odai, of Relief Angles at www.relief-angels.org. Right now, Oregon has the largest forest fire in the nation, the Bootleg fire in southern Oregon, which is approaching half a million acres. While the fire fighters are making headway, the relief efforts in these remote areas are only just beginning.

We asked Ms. Odai to come on, to give us updates on the relief efforts that are ongoing and what is needed for the families impacted by this devasting fire. But she gives us much more by giving us a glimpse into the efforts that volunteers are doing to keep necessary goods going to the families in need and what other regions that they are involved in. Listen to hear about the courageous work so many volunteers are willing to do and find out how to help them achieve their goal of making people less fearful and rebuild their lives.

We hope you’ll join in. With all the hurt and damage, what a great thing to know that even a little help is huge when you’ve lost everything.

Be sure to visit Relief Angels! Every bit helps. Little bits add up to big bits.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info

The list of voter/election fraud in Maricopa County, Arizona

In a state Biden “won” by 10,457 votes, here’s the findings so far:

  • 3,981 people were allowed to vote despite registering after the Oct 15 deadline
  • 11,326 people in the county who voted in the November 3 election were NOT on the voter rolls on November 7, but were added to the voter rolls by December 4. In other words, they registered AFTER election day but still had their votes counted.
  • Roughly 18,000 voted but were removed from voter rolls after the election
  • 74,243 mail-in ballots were counted in Maricopa even though there is no evidence of the ballots ever being sent to the “voters” in the first place
  • Thin ballot paper used for approximately 168,000 ballots led to markers “bleeding through” the paper, damaging ballots, 
  • Most Republicans vote on election day. Prior to election day, a Maricopa County official had told staff to remind people to use a ballpoint pen. But ON elections day, that same official ordered staff to hand out Sharpie markers to same-day voters even though she knew about concerns with the Sharpies
  • Signature verification disappeared. Originally they used a 20-point verification for signatures, then 10, then five. And then eventually, staff were told to not verify them at all. (Maricopa County is withholding mail-in ballot images that can be used as evidence.)
  • Thousands of ballots had no serial number or was so light as to be unreadable and unverifiable
  • failure of Maricopa to turn over the 40% machines, the passwords that Dominion still refuses to turn over, & tens of thousands of unauthorized queries demonstrating how insecure the election was
  • The election voter data base was breached. There were over 37,000 anonymous administrative queries

Horace Cooper Additional Info

  • “No Truth Whatsoever” to Biden’s Voter Suppression Claims (Project 21, Jul 14, 2021)
  • Audit team reports 74,243-ballot discrepancy in Arizona mail-in votes (World Net Daily, Jul 15, 2021)
    • “…according to election records, more mail-in ballots were counted than were mailed out”
  • Arizona Election Audit: Maricopa County Stonewalling – Will Not Turn Over Routers, Chain Of Custody, Ballot Images As Discrepancies Found (Zerohedge, Jul 16, 2021)
    • Maricopa County has refused to turn over necessary items – including routers, chain-of-custody documentation, and images of mail-in ballots.
  • Video: Georgia Voter Integrity Bill Is HUGE WIN for Rule of Law and Monstrous Blow to Democrat Election Fraud (GWP, Mar 26, 2021)
  • All of the Audit War Room accounts were suspended from Twitter without explanation, including Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Nevada. (William Hall, Gab.com, July 7, 2021)
  • Breaking: Twitter Suspends All Election Audit ‘War Room’ Accounts; Senator Wendy Rogers Predicts She Will Be Next (Gateway Pundit, Jul 27, 2021)
    • “Twitter permanently suspended all nine of the official ‘Audit War Room’ accounts from its platform”
  • Video: AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli on Maricopa Officials: Charges Should be Levied, People Should Be Prosecuted (Gateway Pundit, July 27, 2021)*“Senator Borelli said criminal charges should be levied and people should be prosecuted for not following the Arizona Senate statute and not turning over the requested routers, hardware, and data to the Senate investigators.”

More Election Fraud Audits Coming?

  • Now Florida – State Representative Sabatini Calls for a Forensic Audit of the Five Largest Counties in the State (Gateway Pundit, July 26, 2021)
  • Jay Sekulow is Asking All Arizona and Pennsylvania Voters Who Were Given Sharpies When Voting to Contact His Law Firm (GWP, July 28, 2021)
  • Georgia Voter integrity organization: VoterGA.org
    • On May 21st we received approval to inspect Fulton Co. mail-in ballots that have been in question since the Nov. 14th and 15th hand count audit of the Nov. 3rd Presidential election results. But now high- powered Fulton Co. lawyers retained at Fulton Co. taxpayer expense will make a last ditch “Hail Mary” effort to stop us and oppose election transparency similar to recent efforts by the Secretary of State and Attorney General.

A History of Election Fraud

  • Days Away From An Election That Will Help Decide The Future Of America, This Long History Of Voter Fraud Proves The Demonrats Will Resort To Crime In Attempt To Steal Back Their Lost Power (All News Pipeline, Oct 31, 2018)
    • “Project 21 Black leadership recommends voter identification and proof of citizenship. It recommends the purging of voter rolls. Co-Chairman of Project 21 Horace Cooper states that black voters are drowned out by the voting of illegal aliens, convicts, and noncitizens.”
  • Voter Fraud Is Major Election Threat Based on Recent Cases, Analyst Says (CNS News, Feb 1 2012)
    • The legal analyst cited “ghost voting” as the biggest problem. The term “ghost voter” is used to describe dead people that remain on the voter rolls.
    • “If even 1 percent of the vote is fraudulent, he says or implies that’s something we shouldn’t be concerned about,” Cooper said. “We ought to be outraged about it. …What ghost voting is successfully able to do is change what the actual outcome was going to be, to a different outcome.”
    • In the Troy, N.Y., case, … City Councilmen John Brown and Anthony DeFiglio [plead guilty.] … The probe was into whether they forged signatures on applications for absentee ballots and on actual ballots in the 2009 primary race … The Albany Times-Union newspaper reported that most of the fraudulent names were of residents of public housing authority apartments. The paper quoted DeFiglio calling it a “normal political tactic.”
      • In other words, they routinely cheated. Boys will be boys — politicians will be politicians
    • THIS: “What we see in Colorado and in this West Virginia plea agreement is that it’s pretty sinister and there are high-level people that can participate and manipulate the process and they can get away with it,”Cooper said.
Victory, Valor, and Vaccines – Wait, so the Constitution Matters?

Victory, Valor, and Vaccines – Wait, so the Constitution Matters?

Show Summary: Just when you thought the Constitution didn’t matter any more, along comes Southeastern Legal Foundation’s huge win in federal court to throw out the CDC’s power grab to block landlords from evicting renters. Updates on SCOTUS failing to take up voter fraud, the Texas power grid failure, and covid vaccines.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Mar 5th & 6th, 2021 | Kimberly Hermann & Chuck Wiese

This Week: Do you ever sit in your living room and think the world today just feels off?

In Oregon that’s not hard to do when we think about what people have endured over the past year.  From businesses shut down orders, to losing their sole income—while watching bills pile up.

Victory in Federal Court: Overruling the CDC’s Power Grab

In all of this, renters were hugely impacted; they lost jobs only to find that no job might mean no home.  So the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stepped in and upended Constitutionally guaranteed property rights and declared a moratorium to evictions. Which sounds nice. Except, why is the CDC (which is hardly an economics agency) inserting itself into private property rights and contract law? And, as usual, Leftist thinking left out the other half of the equation.

Because on the flip side, people were taking advantage of the situation by not paying rent — and landlords were being forced into not being able to pay their investment mortgages that also kept the roof over the renters’ heads.

Southeastern Legal Foundation: Big Win over Government Overreach

It was bad enough that the government stepped in, telling business owners their revenue streams were shut off, causing disruptions of US free markets like never before.  But then to declare that if renters can’t (or won’t) pay, they can’t be evicted. And there sat the landlords, footing the bills. Imagine if the CDC, with their economic insights, had deemed customers could walk into stores and take whatever they want and not have to pay for it.  What other powers could the CDC seize for itself? Or what other rights could the CDC take away on a whim? Property rights are the cornerstone of the Constitution.

Enter Kim Hermann , the General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation, which stood up to tyranny and sued to protect constitutional rights.  And, in an exciting slam of the gavel, the judge determined the CDC’s moratorium on evictions was unconstitutional.

And suddenly with that decision the world started to right itself. Just a little bit.

We talk to Kim about what this case meant and what does it mean for upcoming cases in the future.  We also talk to her about election laws, the Supreme Court’s decision to not hear any election fraud cases, and H. R. 1, the legalizing- election-theft bill just passed by Congressional democrats.  She also talks about what the states are working on to correct that election integrity problems. Brave men and women who are stepping up to help fight another good fight.

Updates on Texas’s Green Energy Failure and on the Vaccines

Then, scientist Chuck Wiese returns to give us some of updates on two stories we recently talked to him about: the power grid situation in Texas and the covid vaccines.  But before we dip into those, Chuck shares with us his own experiences of being a landlord and what’s happened in Oregon.

Tune in to hear how once again Oregon was the Petri dish for Leftist ideology as it whittled away at property rights of landowners under Governor Kate that perhaps set the stage for the CDC’s eviction moratoriums.  We also talk with him about some updates on what is going on in oil-rich Texas and why so many climate and green energy officials in Texas have quit since their big storm.  And we touch base to get his thoughts on the latest vaccine and some ongoing concerns about the pandemic and the government’s response to it.

And when we fold all the above information into one big package we have to wonder if we will ever hear the truth from any government officials.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.