13-50 The Lawless Bidens | What Happened to “No One is Above the Law”?
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Show 13-50 Summary: We talk with two attorneys about the lawless Bidens: Hunter skipping his Congressional subpoena, the official launch of an impeachment inquiry, and Joe Biden’s use of secret email addresses to “conduct business.” And Rasmussen uncovers evidence of rampant voter fraud in the 2020 election that installed Biden. Hey, if your deep state, trillion-dollar taxpayer theft was about to be exposed, wouldn’t you risk it all? So, what now and what next for Hunter Biden and especially what next for Joe Biden?

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Original Air Dates: December 16th & 17th, 2023 | Guests: Scott McEwen & Kimberly Hermann
This Week – The Lawless Bidens
The mainstream media might try to portray the Bidens as lovable rogues, but the Biden crime family is the opposite of Robin Hood. Robin was in it for the people and for justice. But Joe Robinette Biden is in it for himself. And he has no problem robbing people and giving it to the government. Or, for that matter, using his son to enrich himself. And the Bidens are being protected by the Sheriff of Nottingham—the DOJ.
And whatever happened to the most-uttered phrase during the Trump sham impeachments: “No one is above the law”? When’s the last time you heard that?
Just imagine if Trump or his kids had done just one of the things that have already been exposed about the Bidens. That we know about.
Hunter Biden Skips His Subpoena
Hunter received a subpoena to testify to Congress about his and his father’s business dealings. And how foreigners gave millions of dollars for no apparent work product. (Where’s their work contracts, by the way?) Hunter said he would only testify if it was a public hearing. Congress replied they would welcome that — but first testify behind closed doors. That is, after all, what Don Jr. did. He testified for over 40 hours behind closed doors. But that’s not good enough for Hunter who apparently wanted to put on a performance rather than testify under oath.
Defying his subpoena, Hunter instead gave a mini press conference. Will he end up being prosecuted? Like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were? Or will Biden’s Sheriff of Nottingham — the DOJ — look the other way, like they have with literally every other lawless Biden crime?
We talk with Scott McEwen, the bestselling co-author of American Sniper, and a “recovering” (retired) trial attorney about Hunter’s moves, the evidence we already know about with the lawless Bidens getting bribes, the now-launched formal impeachment inquiry, and what that may look like.
What do we know so far about the lawless Bidens and their bribery schemes? You’ll hear a lot, including the confidential human source who told the FBI what he knew about the lawless Bidens’ involvement with Burisma and a $10 million bribe.
Stunning Poll Shows Rampant 2020 Voter Fraud
Did You See the Voter Fraud Poll? No. Probably not. Because the mainstream media allies of the lawless Bidens (and, let’s face it, allies of the Deep State) has claimed 2020 was the most-secure election in history. And anything that proves otherwise can’t and won’t be discussed.
On Tuesday, the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen released a damning poll that revealed rampant voter fraud. Nearly 1 in 5 mail-in voters, 17%, admitted that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are “no longer a permanent resident.”
Remember, the mainstream media and the Deep State want you to believe Joe Biden was elected fair and square, with 81 million votes. And even if they admit that there might be voter fraud, it’s tiny. And never enough to overturn an election. If 43% of ballots were mail-in ballots in 2020, that’s 66.5 million ballots. If 17% of those were fraudulently cast in states by people who didn’t live there, that’s 11.3 million votes. Joe Biden “won” by 7 million.
We talk with Scott about this stunning development. And is there an unlikely path out of this for Hunter? A highly unlikely one, but one that would turn him from villain to hero.
The Lawless Bidens: Fake Email Addresses
Then we talk with Kimberly Hermann, the general counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation. We have her back on to discuss their on-going case to pry Joe Biden’s emails from the National Archives. Or did the mainstream media hide Joe Biden’s use of fake email addresses from you too? Yes, it’s now known that he used at least three fake email addresses. To conduct the family business? To schedule yoga classes with Hillary? We don’t know. That’s the point of the lawsuit. What was Joe Biden doing?
Did you miss our previous show with Kim, talking about their FOIA request to get the emails? You can catch Show 13-37 right here.
The Southeastern Legal Foundation, acted as John Solomon’s attorneys to file the first Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to get the emails. And then a second when the National Archives stonewalled. And then a motion to compel. And now the Archives is trying to appear to the judge they are cooperating.
The Southeastern Legal Foundation sues the government when they trample your constitutional rights. If you are able, support Southeastern Legal! See the full list of organizations who have been part of I Spy Radio‘s journey this year and consider supporting the ones who speak to your heart.
Except they aren’t. Listen as Kim describes just how “cooperative” the National Archives is. (Yes, there’s an eye roll there.) But Southeastern Legal has a workaround.
By the way, this isn’t just a few emails. The National Archives has identified 82,000 pages of private emails sent while Joe was vice president. In the eight years, that’s 28 pages per day. What was he doing? The American people have a right to know!
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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Scott McEwen Segments
- A quick list of Scott McEwen’s books. Or head to Amazon and search for Scott McEwen.
- The Megyn Kelly Interview (mentioned): Why We ALREADY Know President Biden is Guilty of Bribery, with Margot Cleveland and Peter Schweizer (Megyn Kelly via YouTube, Dec 13, 2023)
- Hunter Biden goes on offense with public remarks that could complicate court cases (Washington Examiner, Dec 13, 2023)
- Hunter Biden emails show Joe Biden ‘lied’ on business dealings ‘knowledge,’ Comer charges (Washington Examiner, June 5, 2023)
- The Rasmussen Poll: One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Committing at Least One Kind of Voter Fraud During the 2020 Election (Heartland Institute, Dec 13, 2023)
- “The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning. For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true. This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.”
- Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, ‘stupid’ Hunter in bombshell allegations (NY Post, Aug 9, 2023)
- House Republicans outline scope of Biden impeachment inquiry with 4 key questions (NY Post, Sept 28, 2023).
- This authorized the various committees to begin gathering evidence to see if there was any to open a full, formal impeachment inquiry
- Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe, ‘stupid’ Hunter in bombshell allegations (NY Post, Aug 9, 2023)
- Congressional Republicans revealed the existence of a confidential FBI file from a credible source alleging that Zlochevksy also paid a $10 million bribe to the now-president and his son amid Shokin’s probe.
- From Don Jr on Twitter: “Hunter Biden just refused to show up for his congressional testimony. I’m looking forward to the same amount of outrage from the media as they’d have if I blew off any of my 5 congressional subpoenas… but since they’re covering for Joe Biden & his corruption I won’t hold my breath.”
- Citizen Free Press on Twitter: AOC says the Republicans have no witnesses.
Kimberly Hermann Segments: The Fake-Name Emails
- Discussion of the Fake Email Addresses FOIA via SLF – “Southeastern Legal Foundation v. National Archives and Records Administration“
- Biden exchanged up to 82K pages of emails under pseudonyms while VP: lawsuit (NY Post, Oct 31, 2023)
- Includes a link to Southeastern Legal’s joint motion, filed Oct 30, 2023
- Interesting thread from Rep. Jason Smith on the fake-name emails (Threadreader, Dec 5, 2023)
- Press Release: Newly Released Evidence Underscores Joe Biden’s Excessive Use of a Secret Email Address to Communicate with his Son’s Business Associates (Republican House Ways and Means Committee, Dec 5, 2023)
- Miranda Devine: “Veep Joe Biden skirted ‘no see’ mail law with private accounts” (NY Post, Aug 18, 2021)
- Kim on Glenn Beck: “Why would Biden use PSEUDONYMS on government emails with his son?” (iHeart Media, Sept 5, 2023)
Support Organizations Who Fight for You!
The following list of organizations have been part of I Spy Radio Show’s journey in 2023. We have seen them do great things on the front lines of freedom. It’s Christmas. Consider giving them a gift of support to help them continue their fight for you.
- Southeastern Legal Foundation Website | Direct link to Donation Page
- Perhaps the finest legal organization in America, doing real work to defend you against government overreach when the government steps outside the Constitution.
- Oregon Natural Resource Industries (ONRI) Website | Direct link to Donation Page
- Doing more to protect and defend Oregon’s natural resources, and the jobs they create, than any other other organization in Oregon. The public outcry they have managed to create this year to stop environmentalists has been nothing short of amazing. Imagine what they could do with real funding behind them!
- CFACT Website | Direct link to Donation Page
- CFACT (Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow) has been fighting for commonsense environmental issues. They do tremendous and impactful work to debunk the Global Warming religion, promote genuine stewardship of our Earth, and provide education to counter the Marxism so rampant in the “environmental” movement.
- Marc Thielman’s Battleground Oregon Website | Direct link to Donation Page
- Battleground Oregon is fighting for issues important to Oregonians. Real School Choice for Oregon kids, free speech, election integrity, and more. They need help to support their legal battles and continue the fight
- Education Freedom for Oregon Website | Direct link to Donation Page
- Education Freedom for Oregon is fighting to get real school choice in Oregon. To do that, they need to gather signatures to qualify two ballot measures for the November 2024 general election. Can’t donate? Volunteer! But they need financial help to get the word out and to go up against the education unions who are desperate to keep kids in failing schools.
- Truth in Energy and Climate Webpage | Direct link to Donation Page
- Truth in Energy and Climate is fighting to expose the far left’s involvement with so-called “green energy” and the climate scam. They face off against a multi-billion-dollar marketing effort to convince a gullible public to keep funding “green” projects. Help them fight!
Further/Related Links and Information
- Post Millennial clip of Hunter speaking on Capitol Hill (via Twitter, Dec 13, 2023)
- Hunter Biden: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of Burisma, not in my partnership with a Chinese businessman, not in my investments at home or abroad… and certainly not as an artist.” (via Sir Rickster, Twitter)
- Proud Army Brat on Twitter: “Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were charged with Contempt of Congress for defying the J6 subpoenas. Navarro was arrested at the Nashville Airport w handcuffs and LEG IRONS! And, Donald Trump Jr complied w Congress’ deposition request, behind closed doors, having testified for over 40 hours.”
- Millennial Conservative on Twitter: “Crackhead Hunter showed up, spewed lies… Tried to play the “poor me” card!! And then bolted out of there without sitting for his deposition!!” (Includes 36-second CNN Clip)
- Carmine Sabia on Twitter: “My father was not financially involved in my business.” A change to his, and The White House’s previous statements. That means daddy dearest was involved. This could be the beginning of the end of Biden 2024. Someone call Gavin Newsom.”