Tag: environmentalists

15-03 Who Fiddled While L.A. Burned? Plus: Secondary Ignition Sources in Los Angeles Fires?

15-03 Who Fiddled While L.A. Burned? Plus: Secondary Ignition Sources in Los Angeles Fires?

Show 15-03 Summary: This week we’re taking a look at the Los Angeles fires disaster.. And while the far-left Democrats’ environmental policies have gotten a lot of the focus, could there have been other mandates with the electric grid itself that could have amplified the problems? L.A.’s smart meters. Which have been known to cause fires. And even explode when exposed to water and fires. Smart meters were cited in the 2017 Northern California fires. And problems with them go back far earlier. But in the rush for green energy were bureaucrats too eager to look the other way?

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 18th & 19th, 2025 | Guest: Dr. Bonner Cohen

Los Angeles Fires – What Happened and Why

It’s Climate Change. It’s Gavin Newsome. Or the Democrats. Or the Los Angeles mayor. It’s the fire hydrants. It’s the Santa Ana winds. Well, we definitely played a role. But wherever you look, there is plenty of blame to go around. And as we looked deeper into things, it turns out there could be yet another layer to the blame sandwich. Namely, smart meters. But we’ll come back around to that.

There has already been plenty of blame to go around. And well deserved. From Governor Gavin Newsom to the California far-left democrat supermajorities in the California legislatures to the Los Angeles mayor and water commissioners and fire chief. The list of who-should-be-blamed is lengthy. And that doesn’t even include arson or accidental fires.

And, no, Climate Change was not to blame. We’ve said it before: IF you truly believe that Global Warming is making the Earth hotter and drier, then you would do more forest management and not what the environmental left does. Which is almost nothing. And this is especially true in areas, like Los Angeles, which is an area known for its arid, dry conditions. The failure of the far left’s environmental policies — of get 100s of billions of Climate Change cash from the taxpayers and do nothing with it — was definitely front and center.

But was there yet another layer of Climate Change stupidity at fault? Los Angeles’s mandatory smart meters, as part of their green energy revolution.

Did Smart Meters Make Things Worse

This week we welcome back an internationally recognized expert on natural resources, energy, the environment, and property rights—Dr. Bonner Cohen. He is also a senior policy analyst at CFACT.

There are known problems with smart meters. Yes, they have caused fires. Tens of thousands of them across the country. Yes, they have design flaws. Yes, their lithium-ion batteries can get explosively hot — as much as 5,000°. Which is about 2,000 degrees hotter than the melting point of titanium.

Dr. Cohen knows all too well about the inherent fire dangers of lithium-ion batteries, having written an article just a year ago about their incredible fire hazards. Smart meters have lithium-ion batteries. If they catch fire, they can quickly accelerate to up to thousands of degrees and that heat can get into the homes. They have also been know to be susceptible to water and heat (like fires) and were believed to have played a role in the 2017 Northern California fires.

Smart meters are mandatory in Los Angeles. And they’re a part of the future of green energy—in part because they allow greater control over your usage of electricity.  Why? Because they connect wirelessly with the utility company, and can be both adjusted. And switched off. Could they have played a role in the 2025 Los Angeles fires?  We don’t know yet. For certain, it is a fact that smart meters have been involved in past fires. And we definitely know that no one will find anything if no one looks. And we know no one will look if no one asks questions.

There is so much to discuss and uncover about smart meters, that we will have to discuss them in more depth in a future show. Because we also know that if the Far Left democrats in California and Los Angeles get their way, the smart meters will be mandatory in the next Los Angeles.

Terrifying Possibilities for More Los Angeles Fires?

But perhaps the most troubling aspect of the so-called smart meters is that since they are remotely accessed, there’s a very real potential that they could be hacked. We already know the Chinese have hacked into U.S. systems and infrastructure. Imagine a scenario where hackers switch on and off smart meters until their lithium-ion batteries overheat and ignite. One house every other block and they could spread before fire crews could get them under control.

That’s potentially pretty terrifying.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey warned, “What they’re doing now, they’re constructing what they call a ‘Smart Grid.’ … [T[o make it easier for you and me to call our homes on our cell phone and turn down our air-conditioning on a hot afternoon if we’re not there. Great, but that may well mean that a hacker in Shanghai with his cell phone could do the same thing or worse. And a so-called “Smart Grid” that is as vulnerable as what we’ve got is not smart at all, it’s a really, really stupid grid.”

And as for those smart meters and their lithium-ion batteries that have been known to catch fire? After we spoke with Dr. Cohen, a massive fire broke out at the Moss Landing  Power Plant, the world’s largest maker or lithium-ion batteries. The fire was so bad and there was so much toxic smoke that the area had to be evacuated.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Be sure to visit CFACT.org. The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow is a great organization with incredible experts on energy, the environment, and so much more. Like these articles about the Los Angeles fires:
  • The L.A. Wildfires Should Be a Wake-up Call (City Journal, Jan 10, 2025)
    • “Decades of fire suppression policies have left forests dangerously dense and overgrown”
  • Want to learn more about smart meters and their potential role in the Los Angeles Fires? We will have a dedicated page to these (there is a tremendous amount of pages we are still sorting through. But in the meantime, two good resources are:
  • The Discovery and Science of Smart Meter Fires — 2021 presentation (via Smart Meter Harm, July 4, 2024). A presentation by a fire scientist, an engineer, and a fire forensic scientist. The direct link to the PDF of the presentation is at this link.
  • Another study is “Overview: Fire and Electrical Hazards from ‘Smart’, Wireless, PLC, and Digital Utility Meters,” available as a PDF.
  • California government report on SCE Smart Meter program: Rising costs eliminate consumer savings (Smart Meter Harm, 2014)
  • Moss Landing Lithium-Ion Battery Plant Fire:

California Fires, Environmentalism, and Green Energy Related Articles

  • President Trump gets it on wind (CFACT, Jan 14, 2025),
  • The Saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2 (CFACT, Jan X, 2025)
  • GOP attacks on IRA can’t score a clean sweep in red states (CNBC, Jan 12, 2025); EV tax credit is ‘catastrophically stupid (CNBC, Dec 5, 2024)
    • “Newly elected Bernie Moreno, is targeting getting rid of the EV tax credit, clarifying that the $75 hundred dollar incentive is catastrophically stupid.”


Oregon vs Oregon: Urban vs Rural, Politicians vs the People

Oregon vs Oregon: Urban vs Rural, Politicians vs the People

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Show Summary: Oregon’s economy is growing, but politicians want more taxes, including a carbon cap and trade. Why are Oregon politicians determined to ruin a good thing? There is great news out of Trump’s administration with their budget proposal. This should be a time to invest in Oregon, not punish Oregonians with a carbon cap and trade. Plus: Did Gov. Kate Brown and timber companies betray Timber Unity?

Original Air Dates: February 15 & 16, 2020 | Jonathan Williams & Dr. Bob Zybach

This Week: There is some good news that you’ve probably never heard before.

But before we get there, breaking this week were details of what we warned you about a few weeks ago. Details of Governor Brown’s secret meetings with timber companies have come to light, including the start of a deal between timber companies and environmental groups that is taking the wind out of Senate Republicans’ sails. A deal that, despite the 10,000 people who showed up Timber Unity had any say in.

And don’t think she didn’t know exactly why she was doing to sabotage Timber Unity. It is with the deepest sense of betrayal we see these kinds of tricks — instead of straightforward, honest discussions where all sides have a say.

The Good News: Trump Administration’s Exciting Budget Proposal

But, as we said, there is some good news and something you’ve probably never heard before: the words “exciting” and budget proposal” used in the same sentence.

This week we start our conversation with Jonathan Williams, of American Legislative Exchange Council. We’ll discuss with him Trump’s exciting budget proposal that does what so many fiscal conservatives have dreamt of: a return to a balanced budget, honest-to-goodness cuts in federal spending. Be sure to tune in and hear about the 6 million dead people who are finally going to get their checks cut off. Jonathan will also give us the honest-to-goodness look at Oregon’s economic outlook.  An article was recently published touting Oregon’s beating the national economic trends — but we dig into the reality.

The Bad News: Did Timber Betray Timber Unity?

Then we have Dr. Bob Zybach back due to the secret meeting Gov Kate has been having with 13 timber companies and environmental groups.  For someone who has defended the timber industries for decades, you can imagine this secret backroom deal felt like a real betrayal. We discuss the timing and look into the memorandum of understanding itself. We can only guess they’re trying to accomplish—because none of it makes sense.

But get used to this type of behavior if the cap and trade bill goes in.  Salem’s Democrats have purposefully put in measures to keep hidden from public records requests how the government will spend their new revenue. And to whom they will give it.

But we can guess.

Get the inside look at the backroom deals, this week on I Spy Radio. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Version

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Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • [CHART] See Oregon’s GDP vs nation. Oregon GDP dollars ranks 25th (via US Bureau of Labor and Statistics
  • Democrats advance Oregon’s controversial climate change policy (OregonLive, Feb 13, 2020)
  • Oregon Department of Forestry requests emergency cash infusion as firefighting receivables outstanding (Statesman Journal, Feb 12, 2020)
  • Why The Green New Deal Would Destroy The Environment: The Green New Deal is anything but ‘clean’ or ‘green.’ Even the relatively modest numbers of solar and wind installations in the United States today are causing serious environmental damage. (The Federalist, Feb 12, 2020)
American Exceptionalism: Why don’t we see more “Little Americas”?

American Exceptionalism: Why don’t we see more “Little Americas”?

Show Summary: Why do countries turn toward socialism when all they need to do is copy America’s success? A look at American exceptionalism and why we’re so hard to imitate.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: July 13 & 14, 2019 | Dr. Tim Ball

When you hear the term “American exceptionalism” it usually is used negatively. America isn’t great. America was never great. And so on. Just do a search on Google and you’ll be pummeled with negativity. “American exceptionalism is a dangerous myth” and so on.

But why is it that more “Little Americas” don’t spring into existence? Countries like Venezuela turn to socialism—and then fail spectacularly. Why don’t they instead follow America’s example? It’s not like we’ve hidden away our founding documents. The road map to freedom and prosperity is all right there.

American Exceptionalism

This week on I Spy Radio we look at why, in all the nations in the world, America is uniquely exceptional. And, oddly enough, Oregon is the unexpected example of what American Exceptionalism is all about.

Oregon? Really? How can that be you ask. Because right now the Far Left has taken over in Oregon with a super majority that has the ability to increase taxes regardless of what the other party or even what voters think. And since they won, it was believed by many that Oregon was lost, going completely Far Left. How is that an example of American exceptionalism.

It’s because of our ability to turn things around. To correct course. Because while the Left has taken over, there was an unexpected surprise.

Oregon Turning Point

About two weeks ago, a huge rally took place on the capitol steps that pushed back against the Far Left’s attempt to change this state for good. Or at least for a very, very long time. The D’s were prepared to force through a carbon tax over the objections of the minority party. But after thousands of people rolled up to the steps and rallied against the elected Democrats’ stance of ignoring the people about it via a vote—the politicians backed down.

Having been there personally, I can tell you it terrified the political Left. They’ve been used to steamrolling rural Oregonians. And now they’re rising up? Panic! And they buckled, cancelling (for now) the carbon tax scheme.

And with that, we tasted a very real example of American Exceptionalism.

Why America is So Unique

Since some have called those who pushed back against Oregon’s lawmakers “terrorists,” we wanted a deeper look at American Exceptionalism and what it means. Dr. Tim Ball has a unique viewpoint as a teacher,  historian, geopolitical expert, and climatologist to meld the Far Left’s desire to rid us of our individual rights and freedom of speech in their attempts to replace democracy with socialism.

The struggles of keeping American exceptionalism alive will always be a part of our life as the Left works hard to charm and deceive us into forfeiting our Constitutional rights that gives us inalienable rights, including freedom of speech and the 2nd Amendment.

Global Warming and Socialism

And deceive us they will. As AOC’s chief of staff, Chakrabarti (the same person who funneled $1 million from AOC’s PAC into two of his private companies), so clearly said this week: “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

And there it is. That is why staying free takes so much effort.

And yes, that little revelation from Chakrabarti smacks of Agenda 21. (Maybe it’s time to do a refresher show on Agenda 21 and the origins of today’s environmental movement…?)

But tune in to find out more about what makes America so exceptional, why other countries don’t emulate us, and how Climate Change plays a role in all of this. And how, with some effort, Oregonians might finally start turning the tide.

Did you know…

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • Check out Dr Tim’s books on our store page.
  • Record freshwater levels in the Great Lakes (via regulationeconomics.com)
    • “The Great Lakes represent 21 per cent of the earth’s fresh water and are seeing record water levels. Activist scientists attribute this to climate change, which until recently was supposed to result in lower water levels.  Temperature levels in the US Great Lakes reached record levels in 1933. Since then not only the have peaks never again been reached but the number of hot days has steadily declined.”
  • Great Lakes Reveal a Fatal Flaw in Climate Change “Science” (via issuesinsights.com, June 2019)
  • Environmental scientist from East Anglia (of all places) warns Global Cooling is the real threat (American Thinker, Mar. 14, 2019)
  • Global What? Summer Chill Worldwide Exposes Warming Hypocrisy (Patriot Post, Jun 27, 2019)
  • Educating the Next Generation to Debate Alarming Climate Claims (CNSNews.com, July 9, 2019)
    • See also: The Climate Change Debate Education project, which offers alternative educational materials to combat the climate alarmism. “Dr. Wojick and his project are also developing what he calls “gate breakers.” These are one-page, nontechnical summaries that explain a particular issue in the scientific debate about climate change. They are designed to be used to confront, challenge or question “gatekeeping” alarmists – such as teachers, speakers or politicians – who refuse to admit the scientific debate even exists.”
Surprising Impact of the Trump Effect | Changing the World to the Good

Surprising Impact of the Trump Effect | Changing the World to the Good

Show Summary: The Trump effect is making us more competitive globally and other countries want leaders like him. But there’s one area where we’re still being beat. And it’s a communist country doing it.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: June 15 & 16, 2019 | Dr. Tim Ball & Mike Heatwole

This Week:  It seems unusual these days when news reports might be filled with actual analysis.  Especially
in the age of social media where the competition of achieving the perfect click bait headline is pretty fierce.  But does relying on click bait news mean that you learn anything? Or that you can get analysis of an issue? No. It means that words are used only to get your attention and maybe sway you. 

The fiercely competitive click-bait news world might also be why you lose out on hearing about good things that are happening on the international stage as opposing sites fight to get your attention. Words to get your attention and click through. But no real substance. 

And that’s a problem. Because, thanks to the Trump effect, there is a lot of good news. And it’s happening everywhere.

Trump Effect – Global Changes for the Good

So what’s the good news you might not hear?  The Trump factor is creating big changes on the world stage. Big changes for the good.  Especially if you’re not a socialist.

But, thankfully, we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed.

Trump Effect in Brexit, EU, and Canada

First up we welcome back Dr. Tim Ball, who takes us around the world to look at what specific actions have occurred due to Trump’s influence.  Europe is very much in flux now moving away from open borders as the people continue to vote for and gravitate to leaders such as the Brexit supporter Boris Johnson, a leader they believe will protect their borders and put their country first.  (Sound familiar?) We also discuss Dr. Tim’s home country Canada, and what is happening with Trudeau.  And don’t miss our conversation on Soros and his new $200 million campaign to get “the right” attorneys general into state offices. 

Trump Effect Making U.S. More Competitive

Then we bring in Mike Heatwole, VP of Public Affairs for the Pebble Partnership. , to discuss how the Trump factor has completely changed their relationship with the EPA.  In the greater scheme of things, Trump remaking the EPA will remove the roadblocks to not just Pebble but a lot of natural resource industries.

As you may recall, the Pebble Partnership has been trying for almost a decade to open The Pebble Mine, located in Bristol Bay, Alaska. In a first ever move by the Obama administration to weaponize the EPA, the Pebble Mine was denied the chance to even apply to begin their permitting process.

Not denied a permit. The Obama EPA blocked them from even applying for one.

But there was one blessing. In their lawsuit against the EPA, Pebble uncovered evidence the EPA was colluding with environmental groups

The EPA: Doing the Bidding of China

Okay, the EPA may not exactly be doing China’s bidding. But they may as well have been. Fortunately, that’s changing.

We talk with Mike not only about the change in working with the EPA, now that Trump is in office, but what it means for American companies’ ability to be far more competitive in the global marketplace.

You can bet that makes China nervous.  First, Trump opened up our oil exportations to make us number one in the world. Think what will happen when Pebble Mine opens with the world’s largest gold and copper deposits.  Not to mention some rare-earth minerals at Pebble too. 

It makes you wonder. Just who is behind all that funding for the coalition of “environmental groups” opposing Pebble…? Hmm.

Don’t miss: the Dumbest pseudo-science, “environmental” video ever on the Pebble Mine (see links and info, below)

Biggest, Most Important Trump Effect of them All

5 things socialists will never understandBut the biggest Trump effect around the world has been to put socialism itself on the run. More and more voters in country after country are pushing back against socialism. Against the New World Order. Against politicians who care more about other countries than their own.

We see it in Italy. Hungary. The U.K. and Brexit. France. Canada. People are fed up with leaders who got elected but spend more time taking care of other countries. But there are some socialist elites rearing their ugly heads.

We’re seeing angry and motivated globalists, like Soros, pour more money into local elections. These globalists want to tear us down in order to preserve their money and power.

Fortunately for us, and the rest of the world, Trump seems unafraid as he faces off with them as a leader, not a politician.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

Tim Ball (Segments 1–3)

Ninth Circuit allows Keystone Pipeline to proceed (Epoch Times, June 9, 2019) *“In its determination to move forward with pipeline construction, the Trump administration outmaneuvered pipeline opponents. During the course of the litigation, Trump revoked the 2017 permit allowing the building of the pipeline to move forward, thus depriving the courts of jurisdiction in the case. The circuit court panel was left with no choice but to dismiss as moot the lawsuit and permanent restraining order against the project issued Nov. 8 last year by Judge Brian Morris of the U.S. District Court in Montana.” *Trump is figuring out how the system works and in so doing is using the system against itself.

Mike Heatwole, Pebble Mine (Segments

  • DUMBEST pseudo-science video ever produced about the Pebble Mine (YouTube, May 16, 2013) The dumbness starts at .
    • In a deep scary voice, they claim the debris (known as “tailings”) will cause copper to leach into the ground water. Here’s the dumb part: the copper is ALREADY there, you morons. The point of mining is to remove the copper.
  • Second dumbest claim: Pebble Mine could cause more earthquake:
    • Earthquake Activity Could Be Stimulated In The Region – Since pebble mining is a fairly new development, very little research has been done regarding the long term effects. As such, we know an astonishingly small amount about the damage that will be caused to fault lines in the area and what will need to be done in order to combat this sort of effect. ” (Pros and Cons of Pebble Mine, OccupyTheory.org, Jul 2015)
  • Native group reaches deal with Pebble Mine; opposition says it’s still wrong for Alaska (KTUU Channel 2, May 16, 2019)

Further Info

We Warned You this was Coming

We Warned You this was Coming


Show Summary: We warned you Oregon was going to try to pass a carbon tax. Find out why this is a horrible idea.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, Six Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Dec. 1 & 2, 2018 | Dr. Tim Ball

This Week:  Like you, we always find it interesting when a politician waits until after winning their election to roll out their plans if they get elected.  Such as their budget plans. Well, we warned you this was coming.

I Spy was concerned that if Knute won the governor’s seat, he wanted a carbon tax—and likely would get one. Why? Because Republicans in the legislature would feel obligated to pass it.  And we also knew that even though Kate Brown hadn’t let voters see her big plans to “save” Oregon from financial disaster, we warned you that if Kate won, we’d see a carbon tax, as well as a cap & trade scheme from her too.  She didn’t disappoint.

Stay with us. There is some good news in all this. But first the bad news.

Kate Brown’s Carbon Tax

With the election over, Kate Brown can finally be honest about how much she wants to spend. And about her plans for a carbon tax.

And, sure enough, just this week, The Oregonian ran an article about Kate’s sweeping budget proposal that names all kinds of new spending—about a 10% increase in state spending that will have to be raised through new taxes.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on global warming and science and carbon tax
If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes in Global Warming, it must be true. Just like unicorns.

The shortlist of Oregon’s new spending: $2.2 billion increases for schools, a $375 million PERS bailout for schools, climate change, $50 million on homeless, and oh yes, a special fund to fight President Trump in court. She’ll have to find new creative ways to squeeze even more out of Oregon taxpayers and businesses.

That $2.2 billion doesn’t include other taxes already going up. Remember that Highway Tax Oregon passed in 2017? It’s set to double in 2019. A whopping $434 million. All told, it’s over $3 billion in new taxes. Oh, and that sales tax on healthcare plans that “wasn’t” a sales tax? That’s going up too.

And all that spending doesn’t even include dollar figures for the carbon tax she wants.

The Good News on Oregon’s Carbon Tax Plans

While the rest of the country has the enjoyment of less tax and less government in their lives, Oregon’s Kate Brown plans to heap more taxes and more government on Oregonians.  Has she mentioned any cuts?  No.

So what’s the good news in all of this? It’s all in the D’s lap.  They not only own it but will reap the consequences.  Blue states have been turned red for a lot less. Even deep green Washington rejected a carbon tax.

And that’s the other good news about the prospects of Oregon’s carbon tax. She’s likely not going to pull Republicans over to support a carbon tax. So all it will take is one or two Democrats who think a carbon tax (on top of everything else) is a step too far.

That’s why this week’s show is about giving you the information to help defeat a potential carbon tax.

To get a better handle on what a carbon tax is, how it works, and the propaganda to support it, we call in our climatologist expert, Dr. Tim Ball.

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Carbon Tax: What the Rest of the World Thinks

Living in Canada, Dr. Tim Ball has witnessed how Canada’s leadership is attempting the same thing—only not everybody is on board. Yes, that’s right. Even Canada is rejecting carbon taxes. Several provinces, including Canada’s most populous, Ontario, are rejecting Trudeau’s carbon tax.

How bad is it? The previous Ontario government was kicked out of office, and by huge margins, when the opponent ran on a promise of getting out of the carbon tax scheme.

Are you listening Oregon Democrats?

And look what happened last week in Paris.  There were literal riots in the street when people found out just how much gasoline taxes were skyrocketing thanks to Macron’s carbon tax. Somehow, you didn’t see reports of police using tear gas on their own citizens who were protesting Macron’s carbon tax. CNN must have been too busy reporting on tear gas being used on our border against invading illegal immigrants carrying flags from other countries.

It’s safe to say that worldwide, support for carbon tax is slipping.

A Carbon Tax Revolt in Oregon?

Could this happen in Oregon? Could we see the voters finally grasp what the Democrats’ plans are? And actually start to fight back? And, dare we hope, rise up against those Democrats force them back away from the brink—when the rest of the nation, and the world, are finally seeing the light.

Find out what you need to know on this week’s I Spy Radio. And then get your phones warmed up as the new legislative sessions starts this winter.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • It’s coming: Oregon Governor wants a carbon tax. And cap and trade. “Kate Brown pitches $23.6 billion budget plan” (The Oregonian, Nov. 29, 2018)
  • Carbon tax definition (via Investopedia): “A carbon dioxide tax is paid by businesses and industries that produce carbon dioxide through their operations. The tax is designed to reduce the output of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide, a colorless and odorless incombustible gas, into the atmosphere. The tax is imposed with the goal of environmental protection.”
  • Carbon taxes for dummies: ‘A carbon tax makes all of us pay’(The Province, Sept. 26, 2018)
  • Another simplified explanation of carbon tax (via Howstuffworks.com)
  • A carbon tax could be a time bomb for the left (Washington Post, Aug 3, 2018)
  • Keep carbon taxes in the ground: ‘Permanently bury these job-killing proposals, after pounding wooden stakes through their hearts’ (CFact, Sept 16, 2018)
  • Paris protest: ‘People are in the red. They can’t afford to eat’(The Guardian, Nov 24, 2018)
  • Don’t Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling (Investors Business Daily, May 16, 2018)
  • Climate Alarmists Suffer Huge Blow On Carbon Tax In Deep Blue Washington State (Climate Depot, Nov 8, 2018)
  • Scientists rip new federal climate report as ‘tripe’ – ’embarrassing’ – ‘systematically flawed’ – Key claim based on study funded by Steyer & Bloomberg (Climate Depot, Nov. 2018)
    • Pretty much all you need to know. “The claim of economic damage from climate change is based on a 15 degree F temp increase that is double the “most extreme value reported elsewhere in the report.” The “sole editor” of this claim in the report was an alumni of the Center for American Progress, which is also funded by Tom Styer”
  • Press Release: Heartland Institute Experts React to Latest Alarmist Government Climate Report (Heartland.org, Nov. 24, 2018)
  • Buck Sexton: “More convinced than ever that it is impossible to get progressives to stop freaking out about climate change- No matter what happens, no matter what evidence is presented- it would just be too psychologically painful for them to accept having been so duped for so long” (Buck Sexton on Twitter, Nov 26, 2018)
  • Paris burns as France faces protests over Carbon Tax on fuel (“French Police fire tear gas at fuel price protesters” Reuters, 24 Nov., 2018)
  • CA Gov. Brown blames climate ‘deniers’ for worsening wildfires – Scientific evidence refutes him: ‘Less fire today than centuries ago’ – Wildfires are NOT due to ‘climate change’(Climate Depot, Nov. 12, 2018)
  • Washington voters overwhelmingly reject proposed carbon tax (“Climate Change Alarmists Suffer Huge Blow In Deep Blue Washington State” Investors Business Daily, Nov 7, 2018)
  • Cal Thomas: “‘A Political Report Masquerading as Science’: The Truth About the New Climate Report” (Daily Signal, Nov. 29, 2018)
  • Coming up in a future show, we’ll be talking about cap and trade schemes defined. Here’s a brief definition of cap and trade, otherwise known as “carbon trading”
Surprise! When Government Makes Sense

Surprise! When Government Makes Sense

Show Summary: North Dakota is a state that understands people need natural resources. They went through a lot of growing pains with the fracking boom. Just imagine: a state that actually has a budget surplus. Hear how they are are using their success to plan for the future—and some surprising developments in working with some environmental groups that may provide a blueprint for Oregon. Also, Trump is making deals on DACA and the border. What do people on the border, who see the negative impacts of illegal immigration think about the deals?

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 3 & 4, 2018 | Vicky Steiner & Jeff Schwilke

A State that Actually USES its Natural Resources?

About five years ago I Spy jealously watched states whose government was working for the people — especially considering the mess Oregon was in: implementing Obamacare, the CCO’s, PERS, and other devastating public costs, while ignoring an obvious source of revenue. Timber.  So, we wanted to see what other states were doing to succeed, and how they were keeping their state in the black.

We were fortunate to have our research come upon Vicky Steiner, who was at that time working in the oil industry, as North Dakota was experiencing a real economic boom.  Vicky told us about the fast-paced growth spurt they were experiencing and what the state’s leadership was doing to improve their state’s future by providing important infrastructure and designing a savings plan that tucked away millions in the state coffers should there be a downturn.

Now, five years later, we have Vicky Steiner back to update us on where they are as a state and how using their natural resources has paid off.  Due to their careful planning, North Dakota has weathered the downturn when the oil prices dropped and production slowed.  Under President Trump and the U.S. actually exporting oil, along with prices rising, Vicky discusses how they are now expanding their oil fields but have become so much more efficient in their production because they invested in new and better technologies.

Meanwhile, Oregon’s Congressional representatives are asking Ryan Zinke not to allow drilling off of Oregon’s coast.


A Surprise for Everyone

Not only did they use their success to develop better, more efficient production techniques, they also built partnerships with responsible environmental groups who helped to ensure oil production was friendly to their treasured land.  Something that Oregon’s vast forest, that burn or rot because they are not managed and logged, could benefit from its own legislative leadership.

Could what they have learned be a roadmap for Oregon to begin using their own natural resources?

Illegal Immigration

Two brand new illegals
Two brand new illegals. Notice how clean and well-dressed these Hondurans are. All ready for their new (illegal) lives in America

Then we go south to San Diego and welcome border security activist and retired Master Sergeant, Jeff Schwilk.  Jeff has strong and great insights into what is currently occurring on the border.  He describes his experiences of what happens in communities near a border that brings illegal immigrants into their communities — and into their local voting booths.

Jeff discusses what he’s recently seen and some of the gaps on the border wall/fence during his tour with a border security team. Jeff tells us his thoughts on President Trump’s recent position on DACA and explains what he feels needs to happen to get to a workable final deal as he offers his ideas and what his anti-amnesty colleagues are pushing for.  These are important insights from people who live smack in the middle of the immigration issues that you won’t want to miss.

Jeff’s Email on Illegal Immigrants as Invaders

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 2:32 PM
To: Jeff Schwilk
Subject: Illegal alien DACA Punks DEMAND full Amnesty for ALL Illegal Aliens, not just Dreamers

Illegal immigrant invaders
From Jeff’s email — to us, these are clearly illegal immigrant invaders

They don’t want DACA, they don’t want a “deal”, they want our country!  They are demanding that we leave our borders wide open for all their relatives to sneak in.  (see attached recent photo and new email from them below).  They have now taken over the entire Democrat party who is terrified to stand up to them.  Now they have their sights set on weak-kneed and open border Republicans, of which there are far too many, through their increasing demands and hostile actions.

They meet the very definition of foreign terrorists or insurgents on our soil.  The enemy within.  The Reconquista is real and these foreign aliens can taste it, not just in California where they have have nearly taken over state and many local governments, but now they want the whole U.S. for their “raza” and revenge against America.

No DACA, no Dream Act, no amnesty.  Enforce our Laws and Secure our Homeland first!

What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let us know by commenting below.

Tweet of the Week

This has to be the tweet of the week on illegal immigration/DACA…

Podcast Version


  • Vicky’s article: Davis Refinery would mean jobs, prosperity for southwest ND (Inforum, Jan. 15, 2018)
  • Jeff Schwilke’s website, sdsb.weebly.com. To sign up for his newsletter, send him an email, jeffschwilk@cox.net
  • The Goodlatt bill is HR4760

North Dakota, Oil, Economics, Environmentalists (Segments 1–3)

Immigration, DACA, and Border (Segments 4–6)

Can Oregon be Made Great Again

Can Oregon be Made Great Again

Show Summary: This week we continue our discussion on natural resources. Last week, the Pebble Mine in Alaska is poised to begin harvesting half a trillion dollars. What’s Oregon doing with their natural resources? We talk with Dr. Bob Zybach to find out what Oregon is doing wrong and what we should be doing. We also talk with Sam Carpenter who is running for governor as the Republican. He has some unique ideas on how to fix Oregon. Could Oregon turn red?

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Month 20 & 21, 2018 | Dr. Bob Zybach & Sam Carpenter

Why is it when we discuss natural resources it seems as if immediately those resources are always aligned with environmental issues?  Why is it they are never considered resources and their impact on income and expenses instead?  Especially when we are discussing rural communities who are nearing bankruptcy. A family turns to their bank accounts (their resource) as they determine budgets.  Shouldn’t a state such as Oregon who has natural resources in their land “bank” be doing the same?

For instance, the wild fires that burned over a million acres of resources this past summer cost Oregon taxpayers a lot of money. That burn cost Oregonians a minimum of half a billion dollars.  Money that Oregon’s depleted bank resources doesn’t have.  And what’s the answer that Kate Brown, Oregon’s governor, has come up with?  Sell off a state forest that if managed is capable of supplying $400 million for Oregon’s schools. And not only does she want to sell it off, but she wants to sell it off at a quarter of its value.  A very bad deal.

Oregon’s Natural Resources: Money does Grow on Trees

Oregon is a land rich with natural resources just waiting to be harvested
Oregon is a land rich with natural resources just waiting to be harvested

Our first guest, Dr. Bob Zybach, focuse s on why harvesting and managing our forests and natural resources would not only save Oregon tax payers money, it would make them a small fortune. And if managed well would turn around an economic disaster in rural communities. Who wants to inhale smoked-filled skies or watch wildlife habitat be destroyed?  No one.  It’s a no-brainer to get behind and support people who are willing to step up and offer solutions. Dr. Zybach offers his well-researched, practical experiences he’s had as a hands-on forester to stop this nonsense of fires in Oregon.

Don’t miss the shocking “workaround” that Governor Kate came up with to get around pesky state laws. Not only will we not make money on the Elliott Forest, we’re spending our future.

Can Oregon be Made Great Again?

We then turn to Republican gubernatorial candidate, Sam Carpenter, who has very intriguing ideas on how to get Oregon into a positive win/win scenario on these needless fires and to get Oregon into overall financial health.  A 30-year, highly experienced businessman specializing in fixing businesses in trouble, Mr. Carpenter brings a wide compliment of innovative ideas into the mix.  Having been a forester himself, he pinpoints the problems Oregonians want solved regarding forests and forest management.

Using his professional experience as a successful CEO he discusses not only his thoughts on forest management but how he’d tap into the advisors he’s already working with to find the best solutions to stop the needless waste.  A man who’s lived in rural areas all of his life, he understands the value of bringing their rural areas up to standards with living wages the way it used to be in Oregon.

And don’t miss his notions on how to win in Oregon.  Hint: It’s not about “reaching across the aisle” by giving up your principles, which is what so many Republicans think they need to do to attract Democrat votes.

Can Oregon can be made great again? Don’t miss a show that will give you a lot of hope!


Advertise with Us!

Do you have a great business? Want your business to grow? We can help! Become a sponsor of the I Spy Radio show and we’ll get your business on the air all across Oregon. We have some special deals for new advertisers – but you have to call us directly. Drop us an email at sales@ispyradio.com or 503-465-iSpy (4779).

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

  • Advertising with I Spy Radio – 2018 is off to a great start with a real opportunity for businesses to expand and grow. Will your business be one of them? You’ve got to advertise Thanks to the Trump tax cut, even here in Oregon people will have more money to spend.. But they can’t buy from you if they don’t know you’re out there. We can get you on the air on our network of stations all across Oregon. We have some special deals for new advertisers – but you have to call us directly. Drop us an email at sales@ispyradio.com or 503-465-iSpy (4779).
  • Save 25% on your tickets for the Mike Huckabee event, Speak Life 18! Use ispyradio as the discount code when ordering from oregonlifeunited.org’speaklife
  • Sam Carpenter’s website: MakeOregonGreatAgain.com and his Facebook page is Sam Carpenter for Oregon

Related Links

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Show Summary: The Trump administration is winning against extreme environmentalists. Tune in to hear some exciting news about the Pebble Mine project in Alaska, its tremendous wealth just waiting to be taken, and how the rabid environmentalists are the past,  not the future. Also, we talk with Jeff Jimerson of Oregon Life United about their plans to turn the tide for pro-life in Oregon in 2018.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Never miss a show! All stations stream live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Jan. 13 & 14, 2018 | Jeff Jimerson & Mike Heatwole

Welcome to another edition and another year of I Spy Radio — helping you to get a little more intelligence on big govt. If this is your first time joining us, a special welcome to you as we kick off a new year. We hope you’ll join us every week as we give you more intelligence in one hour than most shows do in three.

This week

The first part of a two-part series focused on natural resources. And there is some good news on that front—for once.

Speak Life 2018

But before we get to the natural resources portion, our first guest is Jeff Jimerson, founder of Oregon Life United and lead petitioner to stop taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon.  To help get the word out on this signature initiative, his organization is bringing Mike Huckabee to Oregon, January 21st and 22nd.

We talk to Jeff about whether it’s true or not that Oregon has no pro-life laws to protect the unborn. No parental notification, no limits?  And then don’t miss the information on Gov. Huckabee’s visit to Oregon at their Speak Life 2018 event—and that’s not all.  This group has some exciting plans coming up, so we’ll be having Jeff back on to give updates as plans come to fruition.

Progressive politicians are wrong if they think free abortions for all is a winning strategy. Especially for today’s youth. Polls show an overwhelming majority of today’s youth are pro-life. Why? Because they’re the sonogram generation. They grew up at a time mom came home from the doctor with sonogram pictures and say, “See? This is your baby brother or this is your baby sister. Here’s the head… Here’s her arm…” They know that’s a baby in there, not some “blob of tissue.”

Pebble Mine

Then we switch hats to focus on natural resources something environmentalists have fought against for years.  But what these extremists don’t understand is that being an environmentalist doesn’t mean we can’t touch natural resources, it’s more about how you treat the lands and the people when you do harvest resources.

The Pebble Mine. Just waiting for permit approvalWe head back to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to talk about one of the most richest mineral deposits in the world: the Pebble Mine project.  A mine that has been put on hold for years as the Obama administration refused to even allow the permitting process to begin.

Long-time listeners of I Spy will remember that Pebble Partnership was forced to sue the EPA to give them same rights as any other mining company and discovered that the EPA had been conspiring with environmental groups to stop the Pebble Mine from ever submitting a permit application.

Now with the Trump administration in place the EPA has allowed the permitting process to begin, a process that will take years to finalize.  And with a growing economy, America will need the gold, copper, and other minerals of Pebble Mine to build computers, cell phones, and other essentials that we use daily in our lives.

Winning against Environmentalists

But it’s more than just Pebble Mine. Tune in to hear how after years of shutting down and, dare we say, terrorizing industry, the extreme environmentalists are on the defensive.  It’s about time. Don’t miss to hear how the extremists are “old school” and their fear-mongering is out of touch with modern-day approaches to natural resources.

And don’t miss next week’s show as we continue our focus on natural resources: Could there be some hope for Oregon?

Speak Life! 2018

We’re pleased to announce that Oregon Life United is bringing out Mike Huckabee on January 21st and 22nd to help with the signature gathering effort. He’ll be speaking at Portland, Salem, and Medford.  To get the details go to https://www.oregonlifeunited.org/speaklife/ and order your $20 tickets online.  Look for the discount code button and type in ISpyRadio (all one word) to get $5 off per ticket. That’s 25% off!

Podcast Version

Speak Life and Oregon Life United Links

  • More information and to order tickets for Mike Huckabee and Speak Life! 2018 can be found at Oregon Life United
    • Don’t forget to use the discount code ispyradio and save $5 per ticket!
  • An unintentionally pro-life article from The Huffington Post: “Are You a Miracle? On the Probability of Your Being Born” (Aug 16, 2011).
  • Breitbart News – “Study: India Performs 15.6 Million Abortions per Year” (Dec 30, 2017): “A new study finds that about 15.6 million abortions were performed in India in 2015”
  • The new pro-life generation High-school students are organizing and engaging in the fight for life, despite sharp opposition from some administrators and peers (Jan. 2018)
    • “Despite the hostility, Curran and other members of Students for Life Dripping Springs continue to gather once a month in the school cafeteria to hand out flyers describing scientific facts about unborn babies. The students are part of the latest front lines of the pro-life battle: Winning the hearts and minds of the next generation means finding even younger activists.”

Pebble Mine Segment Links

  • More information about the Pebble Mine can be found at pebblepartnership.com
  • Breaking the backs of the Enviro movement (something we’ll see more of under the Trump administration): “Exxon Prepares To Sue California Cities, Says They Contradict Themselves On Climate Change” (Jan. 8, 2018)
    • Cities in CA at sea-level on the one hand claim in their lawsuits against Exxon a high risk of flooding due to Climate Change, in some cases, a 99% chance of flooding due to sea levels rising. But now Exxon is suing them, saying that if that’s true then those cities defrauded investors who bought bonds those cities issued, which somehow failed to mention flooding risks.
  • Trump moves to give local communities more control over public lands near those communities — opening it up to mining, mineral exploration, farming, etc. (need link)
  • (Gov) Walker doubles down on opposing Pebble Mine (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Oct 8, 2017)
  • Trump’s EPA Is On Course To Retire Half Its Staff (Daily Caller, Jan 9, 2018)
  • The EPA’s Waters of the United States Rule pits the EPA against farmers, miners, and other industry (Politico, May 27, 2015)
  • With new life under Trump administration, fresh Pebble Mine details released (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Jan 5, 2018)
  • Pebble Partnership EPA Application (Application Dec 22, 2017)
  • First glance at Pebble’s new plans (KDLG Bristol Bay Public Radio, Oct 5,2017)
  • Pebble names First Quantum Minerals as new partner (KDLG, Dec 18, 2017)
  • The Senate tax bill would allow oil drilling in Alaskan wildlife refuge (CNN Money, Dec 4, 2017)
  • Developing Alaska’s wildlife refuge is a win-win-win (WA Post, Nov 30, 2017)
Take Action – Demand Better Forest Management

Take Action – Demand Better Forest Management

Take Action Briefing

What: Demand better forest management to prevent forest fires
Who: Any one from any U.S. state. This affects all of us!
How: Contact your state and federal officials (quick link for contact info)
When: Now!
Why: Environmental policies based on fantasy and political agendas rather than actual science has led to decades of mismanagement in our National and State Forests. In 2017 alone over 1 million acres of prime forests have been destroyed. This is NOT normal and must stop now!

The Problem: Bad Policy is Causing Massive Forest Fires

oregon forest fires, Multnomah Falls Lodge
Oregon forest fires, over 300,000 acres burned so far. And nearly burned the historic Multnomah Falls Lodge.

Environmentalists have hijacked forest management, meaning they’re not managed at all. At the root of environmentalism, environmentalists believe mankind is not a part of nature. This leads to policies that urge forests and nature to be left alone and not managed at all. Fuel piles up, year after year, and it’s just a matter of time before a lightning strike lights the match.

This year, over 300,000 acres in Oregon have burned and the fires are growing. In Montana, 500,000 acres have burned. All across the West, in California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, forest fires are raging and it can all be traced to bad environmental policy.

Did you know that prior to the environmental policies of Bill Clinton, Oregon did not have one significant forest fire? Why? Because the forests were actively managed.

Did you know that by law Oregon is required to harvest timber from State lands and O & C lands and use the proceeds to fund schools and roads?

Did you know that Oregon’s three-member land board (governor, secretary of state and state treasurer) recently attempted to sell the Elliott Forest for pennies on the dollar so they wouldn’t have to bother to manage the timber — as required by law?

Did you know nearly one-third of Oregon’s counties are close to bankruptcy because they’re not allowed to log?

Demand Better Forest Management

Things you can do:

  1. Get educated! If you haven’t listened to our show on Oregon’s forest fires, head to the show page for tons of links and listen to the show. You will have plenty of information and ammunition to hit your representatives with.
  2. Contact your state representatives (see contact info, below). Tell them you are tired of these so-called environmental policies that allow our forests to burn. Point out that obviously these policies are NOT working and they must be changed to allow timber harvests. Money from trees is better than smoke and ashes. Trees grow back. This must end and it must end now. Send them a link to the show page and ask them, as their constituent, to listen to the show personally or at least have their staff listen.
  3. Contact your federal Congressman and both of your U.S. Senators. As with your state reps, demand change. Point out that the current hands off policy clearly is NOT working. It is time to end this nonsense. Feel free to send them a link to the show page as well and ask them to listen to the show. Or send them a direct link to the free podcast. (Note: podcast not available until Monday after noon.)
  4. If you’re an Oregonian, contact the Governor, Secretary of State, and State Treasurer. These three make up the state land board. Again, demand change and point out that the current policy of let-it-burn is clearly not working.

Contact Information

  • State – Don’t who your state representatives are? Need their contact info? Problem solved! Get it here. Just type in your address and get your state representative’s and senator’s phone and email.
  • Federal – Go to this link, click on your state, and then type in your address to find your Congressman and your two U.S. Senators. This works for any state. (Or just jump here for Oregon’s search page.)
  • Oregonians only – Contact the state land board members: contact Governor, Kate Brown; contact Secretary of State, Dennis Richardson (note: expand the “Executive Office” section for full contact info but his email is oregon.sos@oregon.gov​​​​​​​​); and contact the Oregon State Treasurer, Tobias Read. You may also submit a comment to the Dept. of State Lands to let staff know want changes to state policy.

Further Tips & Suggestions

Remember: when contacting your state and federal representatives, be polite but firm. There’s no need to call them names but you can and should point out that the current situation is failing and must be changed. You should definitely listen to the show on Oregon’s forest fires—you will have plenty of things you can discuss. You can also send them link (http://ispyradio.com/oregon-forest-fires) to our show and demand they listen to it and then take genuine management steps to end this environmental nonsense that does nothing to protect the environment.

These policies are NOT NORMAL! And they must end now.

Enough! Idiotic Enviro Policies Allowing 300,000 Acres To Burn is NOT Normal

Enough! Idiotic Enviro Policies Allowing 300,000 Acres To Burn is NOT Normal

Show Summary: This week we take an in-depth look at how and why the Oregon forest fires have exploded this year. We also look at where they’re occurring and why in those particular areas. The answer may surprise you. Don’t miss the environment myths that inevitably lead to these devastating forest fires and the lies they spread about how the devastation is “good” for the environment.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

If Oregon’s do-nothing, let-it-burn policy of environmental destruction angers you, take it out on your representatives — state and federal. See this take action page for suggestions on what to do and how to contact them.

Original Air Dates: Sept 9 & 10, 2017 | Dr. Bob Zybach

There are currently over 300,000 acres of Oregon forest fires—and the vast majority didn’t need to happen. This week, Dr. Zybach explodes the environmental myths that have led to these devastating fires.

To find out the how and why the Oregon forest fires are out of control, we talk to Dr. Bob Zybach who not only did his dissertation on wildfires but has over 25 years of practical forest management as a reforester.  He predicted out -of-control forest fires as far back as 30 years ago and discusses with us how the environmental policies and practices have no basis at all in science or even common sense. As proof, none of the Oregon forest fires currently burning are on land he replanted. Good, sound management works.

Listen in to find out the facts—where these fires are burning and why there. You’ll be surprised at the amazing answer to where they are not burning.

Tune in to hear the economic devastation of the Oregon forest fires, including the jaw-dropping loss of income and jobs from not being able to help rebuild Houston or Florida, the insane messaging from the far-left as they try to find a way to justify these fires (see Willamette Week’s stupidity of how the Columbia River Gorge Wildfire could Help Wildlife “Flourish”), and now the pressure we must put on our state and federal government TO STOP THIS NONSENSE.

Take Action. Prevent more Oregon Forest Fires!

It’s time to change policies. Now.  This show will give you plenty of ammunition to contact your representatives at the state and local levels to demand change.

Angry? Ready to do something? Then take out your anger on your state and federal representatives.

Related Links