It’s Valentine’s Day and nothing says “love” like a ring. A gold ring with a shiny pebble in it. But you can’t say “love” without getting all of that from a mine somewhere. So for you romantics, we’re running a best-of I Spy on the Pebble Mine and their fight against the EPA.
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Air Dates: Feb 14 & 15, 2015
One of our listeners (thank you, David D.!) put us on to a story exposing Russian money being funneled to the environmental left, especially the anti-fracking movement. Needless to say, this got our attention but it turns out it was only the tip of the iceberg. We expose the Puppet Masters of the Enviro-Green movement with investigative journalist, Ron Arnold.
Want to know more about the pile of cash rabid environmental groups have at their disposal to do things like shut down mining and access to National Forests? This week on I Spy Radio, we expose the backbone of the environmental movements—their funding—and their illegal collusion with government officials.
We talk with Ron Arnold, Executive VP of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, and long-time investigative journalist who has tracked the far-left environmentalist for more than 4 decades. And, we look at foreign influences, specifically Russian oil oligarchs, who have been secretly funding environmental groups here in the U.S. All of this means, literally, tens of billions of dollars going to anti-oil, anti-mining, anti-timber, anti-ranching, anti-you-name-it.
Philanthropoids: The Puppet Masters of the Leftist Environmental Movement.
Download a copy of the US Senate Minority ReportThe Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA.