Flynn Goes Free. Plus Worrisome News on America’s Reopening
Show Summary: Remember how everyone used to celebrate when an innocent man was freed? So why are the Democrats so upset about Flynn? On today’s show, we’ll be talking both about the virus, COVID 19, and the other virus—elected Democrats.

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Air Dates: May 9 & 10, 2020 | Dr. Cecil Staton & Dr. Jerome Corsi
This Week: It feels like a bit of celebration. Almost a holiday. General Michael Flynn has been exonerated and all of us who KNEW the Left was conspiring have been validated. The new documents have proved this beyond any reasonable doubt. Not to mention the DOJ’s own filing, which showed Flynn never should have been investigated in the first place.
Michael Flynn: Free at Last, Free at Last
When Trump entered office, many American citizens were not just walking away from, but running away from President Obama’s socialists policy and economy. We were in a slow, ho-hum world where just getting by was good enough. GDP sputtered, as Obamacare had brought its own problems to medical systems versus citizens’ rights to not be forced to buy something.
But under all of it there was an unknown group of angry, bitter people who thought — like all good socialists think — the “unwashed masses” just couldn’t manage their wn lives without them. In power. And boy did their reality balloon pop when Trump got elected to clean out the swamp. But the swamp doubled down and thought nothing of destroying careers, financially bankrupting their enemies, attempting to force them to take plea deals. Papadopoulos, K.T. MacFarlen, General Flynn, and Jerome Corsi were in their sights as they would stop at nothing until Trump was either forced from office. Or so politically damaged, he couldn’t get anything done and therefore wouldn’t get re-elected.
With the news of the DOJ tossing Flynn’s case, a lot of things have suddenly changed. In one part celebratory, one part reflective, and another part analytical interview, Dr. Corsi takes us through the experience of being targeted and what he thinks will happen next. And the vindication this brings to him and the other men and women who been facing the proverbial firing squad, as Trump continues to fight to clean out the swamp. Because as new documents are released, with more on the way, the answer of who was in on the cabal is coming to light.
Slowly, Trump is exposing the Left for who they are: power-hungry and vicious, who will lie as easily as breathe, and stop at nothing to destroy anyone who gets in their way.
Warning: Reopening America won’t Happen without the Lodging Industry
To start our show we begin with Dr. Cecil Staton, President & CEO of Asian-American Hotel Owners Association, the world’s largest hotel owners association. AAHOA members own about one in two hotels in the United States. When it comes to the effect of COVID19, perhaps no industry has felt the pain more than the hotel industry. Going from an 80% average occupancy rate during the economic boom (was that really only 3 months ago?) and now occupancy rates average in the single digits.
We talk with Dr. Staton about the damage to our hotel industry and how it points to economic indicator of how well an economy is prospering. Dr. Staton gives us the inside look at what’s happening, why government solutions aren’t helping, and what hotel owners are facing past the shut down.
Jerome Corsi
General Michael Flynn is exonerated. The FBI had been withholding evidence that proved Flynn was innocent for more than 3 years. Finally, AG Barr stepped in and made FBI Director Wray and the dirty prosecutor hand over the evidence. When they did, the case fell apart. That dirty prosecutor was not only removed from the Flynn case but others as well.
Just think of what’s been exposed in the course of a week. They knew there was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call but wanted to “question him” any way. A complete perjury trap in an attempt to either remove President Trump or damage him so much politically that he would be unable to implement his agenda. Like undo the Obama administration. Or reveal Obama’s plots.
Join us as we talk with Jerome Corsi, who, like Flynn, was a target of the FBI’s abusive prosecution. Or, as we like to call it, the FBI’s “guilt engineering.”
His latest book, Coup D’Etat, just released in March 2020, looks very prescient indeed.
Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.
Links & Info
Dr. Cecil Staton’s Segments (1–3)
- Read Dr. Staton’s article, “Small Business Funding not Enough to Stem Bleeding“
- Limited to take-out, new Salem-area restaurants open in midst of COVID-19 (Statesman Journal, May 5, 2020)
- No Need for Recall at National Foods (Democrat Herald, May 4, 2020)
- Federal loans won’t save American restaurants, Portland chefs say (OregonLive, May 3, 2020)
- “The loan program, a centerpiece of the CARES Act, was designed to provide an eight-week payroll bridge that small businesses could use to get through the pandemic. With an interest rate of 1%, the loan requires no collateral or payments for the first six months and is forgiven completely if businesses follow certain strict terms, including returning staff to pre-coronavirus levels, paying employees at least 75% of their earlier wages and spending no more than 25% of the funds on rent, utilities or other non-payroll costs.”
- The PPP “acts as a kind of Catch 22. For 26 years I’ve been paying into unemployment insurance, and now when my employees need it, they’re asking me to take out a loan?””
Dr. Jerome Corsi’s Segments (4–6)
- Dr Corsi’s website is www.corsination.com
- Trump calls Flynn ‘innocent man’ after DOJ drops case (Fox News, May 8. 2020)
- Justice Department dropping criminal case against Flynn – DOJ is dropping the criminal case against the former national security adviser (Just the News, May 7, 2020)
- His YouTube – “Dr. Corsi DEEP DIVE Investigation 05-04-20: How Deep State Operatives Planned to Destroy Trump” (YouTube, May 4 2020)
Related Links
- Rosenstein Scope Memo For Mueller Peddled Steele Dossier, Logan Act Conspiracy Theories (The Federalist, May 6 2020)
- A newly declassified memorandum from Rod Rosenstein shows that the former deputy attorney general used bogus claims from discredited Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele to justify Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign.
- The Mueller probe, after nearly two years and tens of millions of dollars, unearthed no evidence of collusion by any Trump campaign officials. However, a sprawling investigation by the DOJ Office of Inspector General found that Rosenstein’s DOJ fabricated evidence and falsified documents to justify an illegal federal spy warrant against Page.
- “[I]t’s clear that false allegations from the Steele dossier played a major role not only in the FISA warrant application on Page, but in the appointment of the Special Counsel as well,” Nunes said in a statement after a lengthy report detailing Mueller’s investigation was released in 2019. Until now, those facts had been hidden behind redactions in the Rosenstein document.
- For every Oregon virus death 3,320 lost their jobs (OregonWatchdog.com, May 5, 2020)
- Oregon sheriff says county will reopen amid coronavirus, won’t punish nonessential businesses (Fox News, May 5, 2020)
- More than 100 medically vulnerable unsheltered homeless placed in Salem hotels (Statesman Journal, April 12, 2020)
- Oregon hotels lay off workers, question futures after wave of coronavirus cancellations (OregonLive, March 18, 2020)
- “Some hotels in Oregon have seen occupancy rates drop from between 70% and 80% to single digits in the last week, according to Jason Brandt, the president of the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association.”
- Things the state can and should do: “Watkins called on the state to implement property and corporate activity tax breaks for hotels, so properties can avoid shutting their doors permanently and can hopefully hire back workers once the crisis subsides.”
- The hotel sector alone employs 25,000 people in Oregon, according to state employment figures for February.
- Even though revenue isn’t coming in, the hotel’s expenses remain.
- “The U.S. Travel Association, the national organization that advocates for the travel industry, is estimating that decreased travel due to the coronavirus will lead to the elimination of 4.6 million travel-related American jobs this year and that total spending on travel will drop by $355 billion, or 31 percent, for the year.”
- Oregon restaurants may be asked to consider keeping patrons’ names for coronavirus reopening (Oregonian, Apr 29, 2020)
- “Oregon restaurants may be asked to consider keeping the names, contact information and dates of visits for patrons as part of the state’s effort to reopen parts of the economy during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a draft version of the plan… But there is no suggestion such businesses would be required to track customers’ personal information.”
- Uh, say there idiot, what do you think name and contact info is?
- “Oregon restaurants may be asked to consider keeping the names, contact information and dates of visits for patrons as part of the state’s effort to reopen parts of the economy during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a draft version of the plan… But there is no suggestion such businesses would be required to track customers’ personal information.”