Tag: global warming

The Good Guys get a Win! What Oregon can learn from them

The Good Guys get a Win! What Oregon can learn from them

Show Summary: When it comes to slaying the dragons in life—whether metaphorical or the governmental kinds—we all like to see the good guys win. This week on I Spy Radio, we follow two stories about just that. Dr. Tim Ball who just won a major court, a libel lawsuit because he dared to be skeptical about Global Warming. Plus former Navy pilot and Blue Angels commander, Greg Wooldridge. Oregon’s newest Republican candidate for governor. Good guys winning! Can Oregon learn from these? Can Oregon win again?

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7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 3 & 4, 2018 | Dr. Tim Ball & Capt. Greg Wooldridge

On last week’s show we discussed Oregon’s ongoing health care debacle, including one of Oregon’s largest Coordinated Care Organizations was forced to close its doors as it faced a $100 million loss for 2018. This shouldn’t be a surprise, since the bills that created Oregon’s Health Authority and Coordinated Care Organizations were designed to create universal health care. In other words, socialized medicine.

HB3650: Oregon's legislative intent was to create universal health care.
HB3650: Oregon’s legislative intent to create universal health care. Paragraph 1. #ReadTheBill

(This should not have been hard for the Republicans who voted for these bills to figure out. Especially given that the very first paragraph said so. See the graphic at the right.)

Our predictions from years ago have sadly come true as we see the Democrat majority in Oregon’s legislature continue to push for a single payer system for health care (which will raise taxes), Cap and Trade (which will raise taxes), divorce us from Trump’s tax cuts (which will raise taxes), and increase gun control policies (which will raise taxes).  Without more Republican legislators, Oregonians are left powerless to curb the Democrats’ desire to run our lives and spend our money.

It is critical that we replace Democrat Governor, Kate Brown, before she spends us into California-level oblivion. Many Oregonians are beginning to lose hope of ever shaking the Democrats from the halls of power before it’s too late.

This week we’re happy to say there’s hope. Because as you’ll hear, the Good Guys can and do win.

Good Guys do Win

First up, we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, a retired professor who has been battling three libel lawsuits against him, all by the same lawyer who is representing three clients with very deep pockets. He and his wife were forced to exhaust their savings as they fought to protect their right to free speech in anti-free-speech Canada—simply because he dared to be a skeptic of Global Warming.

But Dr. Ball just got some outstanding news on one of the lawsuits against him. The Left has sought to sue him ito silence, intimidate him, and make an example of him as a warning to others who would dare to speak up and expose the bad science behind such things as the Michael Mann’s famous “hockey stick” chart, that has become the poster child of the Global Warming movement. Now, after seven years, the court dismissed the case in favor of Dr. Ball.

But there is some more good news too. Tune in to hear the story not only about his recent victory but how another development could have global implications and slay one of the biggest dragons of the Global Warming movement.

See? The good guys do win.

Can Oregon Learn to Win Again?

Captain Greg Wooldridge for Governor
Navy pilot, Captain (retired) Greg Wooldridge is running for Oregon governor as a Republican.

Next up, we talk to a new candidate for governor of Oregon, retired Navy officer and three-time Commander of the Blue Angels— Captain Greg Wooldridge.  Capt. Wooldridge is one of those rare Americans who has excelled in a field that is the fewest of the few: a Blue Angels pilot and Commander.

The training and talents needed to lead the very best—which demands extreme precision and high efficiency from everyone involved—requires a unique set of skills that Capt. Greg Wooldridge used to not only lead the Blue Angels but how he turned around a failing Naval bases into one of the premier bases in the world. You’ll hear how the training and leadership needed for precision flying is not just about the pilot but the entire team, ground crew, suppliers, and so many others who have to come together to put the planes in the air.

Tune in to hear why Capt. Wooldridge decided to run. You’ll how all those years of work and leading troops at the highest levels, Greg Wooldridge can bring a winning mindset to lead Oregon. You’ll hear why and how his leadership skills are desperately needed to turn Oregon around. And if he gets the chance, he can win in November and make all of us —and Oregon—winners again.

Podcast Version

Since these are two very different guests/topics, we’re splitting the podcast into Tim’s and Greg’s segments. Or you can listen to the  whole enchilada.

The whole enchilada

Dr. Tim Ball’s segments

Republican candidate for Oregon governor, Greg Wooldridge’s segments

Links Mentioned

Dr Tim Ball (segments 1–3)

So much for Global Warming. The U.K. is getting pummeled by winter. This, 18 years to month after the UK’s Independent infamous article citing a Global Warming “expert” who declared “Winter was just a thing of the past.

Send in the military: Armed Forces are deployed as England AND Scotland are put on red alert – Britain’s highest ever weather warning – for first time as South West faces up to two feet of snow and National Grid warns UK is ‘running out of gas’ (Daily Mail, Mar 1, 2018)

  • Court Battle: Michael Mann Losing, Gives Tim Ball ‘Concessions’ (Principia Scientific International, Feb 1, 2018)
  • Breaking: Climatologist Dr Tim Ball Wins Epic Libel Court Battle (Principia Scientific International, Feb 14, 2018)
    • “The judge ruled that Weaver was not defamed by me and dismissed the claim completely. This was after almost seven years and thousands of dollars in legal costs.” But, Ball lamented, “There are no media reports and my guess is there won’t be any.”
  • This article nicely sums up the three cases against Dr. Tim, and their status. “ALERT: Canadian judge dismissed all charges in lawsuit against Skeptical climatologist Dr. Tim Ball” (Climate Depot, Feb 13, 2018)
  • Tim Ball wins — Andrew Weaver drops libel case after 7 years (Climate Depot, Feb 14, 2018)
  • In Dr. Tim’s own words: “Tim Ball’s Victory in the First Climate Lawsuit Judgment – The Backstory” (Watts Up With That, Feb 14, 2018)
  • Desmog Blog: “Judge Dismisses Libel Claim, Climate ‘Sceptic’ Tim Ball Not Credible Enough To Take Seriously” (Feb. 14, 2018)
    • “[The judge dismissed the libel case] on the basis that Ball’s writing is not sufficiently credible to inflict damage on the reputation of a professional climate scientist.”
  • The actual court ruling is here.

Capt. Greg Wooldridge (segments 4–6)


Leftist Lunacy – Comey, Kathy Griffin and Paris Withdrawal Syndrome

Leftist Lunacy – Comey, Kathy Griffin and Paris Withdrawal Syndrome

Show Summary: When it comes to Leftist lunacy, it’s a never-ending target-rich environment. This week, we focus on the James Comey hearing, Kathy Griffin, and the ultimate lunacy: Climate Change. (We capitalize that because to those on the political left, it’s a religion.) Tune in to hear how withdrawing from the Paris Accord may be the next Leftist derangement syndrome. Except it may not be what you think.

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Air Dates: June 10 & 11, 2017 | Dr Tim Ball & James Hirsen

Climate change is the ultimate “heads I win, tails you lose” marketing scheme. If the earth warms, they can say, “See?!? We need to DO something!” But if the earth cools they can say “See?!? Our efforts are working!”

But the whole thing reminds me of a Gilligan’s Island episode – The professor had set up a measuring stick in the lagoon and after carefully recording the depths he came to the conclusion the island was sinking. Soon, he had the entire island in uproar as they packed everything up and moved to higher ground — that is, until they found out that Gilligan had been using the stick for his lobster traps and kept moving the stick further and further from shore to deeper water.

Likewise, the so-called “science” of global warming is ripe with fraud, including fudging the temperature readings when the warming stopped.

This week, we talk with Dr. Tim Ball about what it means for the U.S. to withdraw from the Paris Accord. While President Trump said it was a “bad deal” for America, it goes far, far deeper. Now, by withdrawing, it is starting an a cascading effect that has impacts for the U.S., the Leftist movement, the U.N., and much more.

We also talk about coal and what we ought to be doing instead of what we are doing—which is so often the case with anything Washington D.C. gets its grubby fingers on.

The James Comey Show

Kathy Griffin led the news this week for her lunacy but the lunacy of the Left wasn’t done there. Enter the Comey Show.

The day we talked with James Hirsen, the Comey testimony had just concluded so we just had to talk to James about what had happened. Comey’s testimony put the Trump-Russian collusion story to rest, or should have but we’re sure the Left will continue its effort to do all it can to undermine President Trump.

We do talk about Kathy Griffin and the nonsense coming out of Hollywood, which is sounding more shrill and desperate. Will studios like Marvel finally get the message?

Links Mentioned

Dr Tim Ball (Segments 1-4)

James Hirsen (Segments 5 & 6)


Obama’s Attack on Free Speech

Obama’s Attack on Free Speech

Show Summary: Two months ago, we did a show on the Obama administration launching an unprecedented attack on free speech. Obama’s Attorney General was exploring the possibility of using the FBI to go after climate change “deniers.” At the time, many people couldn’t believe it. It would never happen. But after our show, we were contacted by Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise. He said, yes, this is happening and our company was one of the organizations  that have already received a subpoena. This weekend, we’ll talk with him and Dr. Tim Ball, a private citizen, who has also sued because he didn’t believe in Global Warming. But wait until you hear the real motives behind Obama’s attack on free speech.

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Original Air Dates: June 11 & 12, 2016 | Dr. Tim Ball & Myron Ebell

When Obama used the IRS to attack the Tea Party, people on both sides of the aisle were appalled. Naturally, Obama denied any responsibility. He would never condone such an attack on free speech.

Funny, then, how his administration is now using the FBI to attack free speech. That’s right. They’re using the power and crushing weight of the government to go after climate-change “deniers.” What is this? The 1400s Spanish Inquisition?

The Attack on Free Speech

Back in April we did a show titled Climate Hustle: The Rise of the Deniers (show #6-17, archived on our webpage) where we discussed how the Obama’s administration hated dissent.  To the point that Obama’s Attorney General asked the FBI to consider using RICO laws to prosecute scientists and corporations who are “deniers” of global warming.  When this story broke people were saying, “This can’t be happening!”  In fact, we were contacted by one of the organizations that was being sued to assure it was, in fact, happening. Subpoenas had already been issued to global warming skeptic scientists, non-profit organizations, and companies like ExxonMobil.

We start with Dr. Tim Ball, who received Canada’s first Ph.D. in Climatology.  He is a frequent guest of ours and sets the stage of the pressures being exerted on climate skeptics and why. He discusses whether countries like Canada even have free speech anymore and how he himself has sued for his opinions because he is a skeptic of global warming. Keep in mind, Dr. Ball is merely a retired professor, not the head of some multi-million lobbying firm. He is just an individual who is telling people where his scientific research has led him. And for that he is being sued to shut him down from speaking out against climate change.

Then we welcome Myron Ebell, a former Oregonian from the Baker City area, who is the Director of Center for Energy and Environment of the Competitive Enterprise Institution a libertarian think-tank here in the United States.  They are one of the organizations that has been targeted by the Obama Administration and a group of Attorney Generals for daring not to believe in global warming.

Tune in to find out the real motives behind this new attack on free speech. And don’t miss the Oregon connection and who helped coordinate this attack.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Deniers? Plus a new movie: “Climate Hustle”

Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Deniers? Plus a new movie: “Climate Hustle”

Show Summary: An exciting new movie is coming out: Climate Hustle, which destroys many of the sacred myths of the Global Warming Alarmists, like the whole 97%  catch phrase. Plus, it’s no fiction—the Obama Administration wants to prosecute Global Warming Deniers. Except our guest has the evidence to turn the tables on Obama and his Nazi-like thought police.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 23 & 24, 2016 | Paul Driessen & Ron Arnold

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It’s not really “news” that Obama and his administration hate dissent.  If you don’t think in the right way be prepared for the Attorney General’s minions to be knocking on your door, ready to lock you up.  Ever heard of RICO? That’s the legal tool that Obama’s attorney general is asking the FBI to consider using to prosecute scientists and corporations who are “deniers” of global warming, aka climate change. Astounding. Except one of our guests has the goods on the Alarmists.

Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that it’s America in the 21st century and not 1930s Nazi Germany. Fortunately, we have some very brave patriots on the side of true science who are not going to stand for the treatment Obama’s administration is willing to dish.

Climate Hustle: the Movie

Climate Hustle the Movie - are they trying to control the climate… or you?
“Are they trying to control the climate… or you?”

Our first guest, Paul Driessen, is part of CFACT.org that has been leading the effort against the global warming alarmists and they have a new movie coming out: Climate Hustle.  They go after the false notion (yet so oft repeated in the press) that 97% of scientists believe there is climate warming and much, much more.

The movie is a national, one-day release on May 2nd with many showings in Oregon (including Salem, Eugene, Portland and many other cities) and across the United States. Just go to http://www.climatehustlemovie.com to find theater locations and times.  This is definitely a don’t-miss movie for all you global warming deniers out there!

Plus! We’ll be giving away some tickets, stay tuned for details — or send an email now to be sure to notified about the contest.

Obama to Unleash FBI on Global Warming Deniers?

Global Warming Alarmists' mindset: The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.Then our second guest, Ron Arnold, returns to I Spy Radio to give us the insights into the secret e-mails and documents he obtained that shows collusion by attorneys general offices, criminal manipulation by the State Department, and even the involvement of college professors who plan to “get” the global warming deniers.

Don’t miss this shocking interview with a behind-the-scenes peek at the Far-Left’s attempt to lock up people who refuse to buy into their agendas.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact Global Warming is a $1.5 trillion industry? Is that why Obama and his minions are trying so hard to silence the deniers? (See what a trillion looks like and check out this infographic.)

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

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Air Dates: Nov 7th & 8th, 2015 | Dr. Tim Ball (Canada’s first Climatologist)

Call it global warming or climate change, it’s the ideological basis for modern-day democrats (and socialists). No skepticism. No debate. and lots (and lots!) of big government.

If you can better understand Global Warming (which is what Climate Change used to be called until the globe stopped warming), you will better understand the modern-day Democrat party. Global Warming (Climate Change) is to the political Left what Judeo-Christian beliefs are to the American system of Freedom and Liberty. All of the American founding principles find their origins in Judeo-Christian beliefs, such as “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” That leads to Freedom of Speech (if you want to speak, give your neighbor the same courtesy). It leads to Freedom of Religion (if you want to attend a church of your choice, then your neighbor deserves that same respect). And so on.

Likewise the notion of centralized control, of the sacrifice of individual rights to the collective, and the absolute hatred of dissent all stem from Climate Change (Global Warming) and are the fruit of Democrat policies. The modern-day Democrat/Socialist, not the common-sense Democrat of bygone years.

The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.
The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.

But Global Warming (Climate Change) has been under increased skepticism. We talk with Dr Tim Ball, who was awarded Canada’s first degree in Climatology, about the political expression of Climate Change (Global Warming) in democrats and socialists.

Related: Global Warming to blame for everything (14 extreme weather events)

Be sure to tune in to hear what Dr. Ball’s four decades of climate-study experience tells him about what the future holds for Global Warming (Climate Change).

Links Mentioned

Some headlines on Global Warming (Climate Change)