Illegal Immigration and the San Bernardino Shooting

Air Dates: Dec 5 & 6, 2015 | Guests: Susan Kibbe & Scott McEwen
In a follow-up to our show on illegal immigration two weeks ago, we interview Susan Duff, the Executive Director of the South Texans’ Property Rights Association to get insights into what is really happening on our borders. Also, in the wake of the San Bernardino shootings by, apparently, a radical Muslim, we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen, who lives nearby in San Diego. We’ll get his thoughts on combating PC nonsense, and yet another case of terrorism on our own shores.
In October and November, there is usually a decline in the number of illegal border crossings but instead there has been a sharp uptick. Why? The Drudge Report also had headlines about “Dead Illegals pile up on Texas Ranches.” What on earth is happening on our border?
Moments after our interview with Susan Kibbe and just minutes from our next interview, news broke about the San Bernardino shootings. We were initially scheduled to talk to a U.S. Border Agent who had to decline our interview “for the time being” (could it be enforcement agencies were told to immediately go to silence?). So we turned to one of our favorite guests, Scott McEwen, who lives about 100 miles from the shooting in nearby San Diego.
In her shrill impersonation of the Obama Doctrine (never let a crisis go to waste), Hillary Clinton —without a single bit of information about the shooting—immediately called for more gun laws. Unfortunately for Hillary, her anti-gun narrative fell victim to the facts: this was a terrorist attack. Scott McEwen is an expert on the military, tactics, and training and we talk with him about the military planning that would have gone into this attack. Where did they get their training and the weapons — which are not commercially available? (Update: FBI says weapons used for the San Bernardino shootings were not legally purchased.)
Links Mentioned
- Drudge Report headline: “Dead Illegals Pile up on Texas Ranches” (and news media and pro-open-border groups blame the landowners!)
- Susan Kibbe’s organization, South Texans Property Rights Association (stpra.org)
- Massive increase in Chinese illegal immigration via Mexico; see also this article and this one via InfoWars
- 14 people dead because a suspicious neighbor didn’t report anything due to “political correctness” and being called a racist
- Sheriff Arpaio called on 250K armed citizens to stop terrorism and mass shootings
Related Links
- FBI Expert: ‘vast majority’ of US Mosques and Islamic organizations are part of jihadi network.
- Uh oh! 14,000 Illegal Immigrants go missing in Sweden
- Obama protects more than 80 percent of illegal immigrants from any danger of deportation (that’s approximately 9.6 million illegals)