Tag: Jonathan Williams

Oregon Democrats: It’s Not Your Money

Oregon Democrats: It’s Not Your Money


Show Summary: Oregon Democrats appear to have taken the position that no matter how much or how little you make, it really all belongs to the state. A look at the taxes they have in store for 2019.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Six Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Jan. 19 & 20, 2019 | Jonathan Williams

Oregon Democrats appear to think that if you earn money, it’s really not your money. It belongs to the state. You can tell because Oregon Democrats—who have super-majorities in Oregon’s house and senate plus the governorship—have billions in new taxes they want to unleash. Billions to extract from the 3.3 million Oregonians.

The Short List of Oregon Democrats New Taxes

Doubling the gas tax. Tripling taxes on beer and cigarettes. Fees (i.e. taxes) on restaurants. Vending machines. First in the nation carbon tax — plus a California-style cap-and-trade. (Hello $5 per gallon gasoline.) Fees (taxes) on bed and breakfasts. Spa visits. Fees (taxes) on tourism. Fees on small business. Middle business. Big business. Mining permit fee increases. Fees on timber lands. Fees on public utilities. Fees on home heating oil. Fees on

And if that isn’t enough, Oregon Democrats even want to remove property tax exemptions for non-profits and churches.

Yes, even God doesn’t pay enough in taxes.

At this rate, pretty soon, the State and Oregon Democrats will want to tax money you didn’t earn.

Oregon Democrats 2019 Tax Plans

We talk this week to Jonathan Williams, the Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC.org) to get some insight into what all these taxes the Oregon Democrats have planned will do to the state’s economy.

Some of what we talk about includes Oregon’s cap-and-trade scheme, the fees, and the endless taxes.

Don’t worry. There’s hope. But you’ll have to listen.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

What’s Missing in Oregon? Good Leaders and Good Leadership

What’s Missing in Oregon? Good Leaders and Good Leadership

Show Summary: Good leaders don’t lead people off cliffs. As we learned last week, Oregon’s current leaders are leading Oregon off a financial cliff. And small businesses are about to get crushed. This week, we talk about good leadership: Trump’s successes and a Republican candidate for Oregon governor who hopes to make Oregon great again.

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Never miss a show! All stations stream live!
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande) | Live Feed
8:00AM Sunday: KWVR (Enterprise) | KWVR’s Tune In Live Feed
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass) | KAJO’s Live Feed

Original Air Dates: April 21 & 22, 2018 | Sam Carpenter & Ron Kessler

I Spy Radio Welcomes Wallowa County!

Before we get to this week’s show, a special shout-out to listeners in Wallowa County! We’re pleased to now be airing on KWVR in Enterprise OR, our newest addition to the I Spy Radio network.  We’ll be airing on KWVR from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sundays.

For those of you who aren’t in Wallowa County, but who listen to our show via the internet, note that KWVR streams live, which gives you another option of when to listen.

This Week:  we will be following up on last week’s conversation about Oregon’s economic woes with Jonathan Williams of ALEC. Our conversation with Jonathan was a real eye opener on how Oregon’s current leadership is about to punish small businesses. We move from last week’s diagnostics to some actual remedies this week with guest, business owner and consultant, Sam Carpenter.

Sam Carpenter for Oregon's governor
I Spy Radio interviews Sam Carpenter who is running for Oregon’s governor

Sam is one of the Republican candidates for Oregon governor. A successful businessman himself, he is also a consultant and turnaround specialist. He has helped over 200 companies find their own path to prosperity.  Sam is hired to identify the problems and then design the way for the company to correct them and get back to prosperity.  And that’s just what he wants to do for Oregon—fix the economic problems.

And with Kate Brown’s “leadership,” we have a ton of problems.

Oregon governor Kate Brown and the Salem Democrats made Oregon a sanctuary state. Have you signed the petition yet? Your signature can help get it on the ballot so voters can decide. Head to StopOregonSanctuaries.org. Just print, sign, mail. Do it today!

Oregon Democrat’s Punish Small Business Tax becomes law

We talk to Sam about three major problems that he would face from Day One of taking the reins in Oregon and start to immediately change our direction.  Sam talks to us about what we’ve termed The Punish Small Business Tax (SB 1528) that Kate already signed into law and how devastating it will be for small business.

And we talk about PERS. Especially the lack of good information to even know how much in debt we truly are, with some saying $25 billion, others say $50 billion, and still other reliable estimates that put it up to $100 and even as high as $200 billion.  Who’s right?

Crush Small Businesses Part II: The Internet Sales Tax

We also talk with Sam about the little known Internet Sales Tax that the Supreme Court heard this week. Governor Kate Brown’s Attorney General signed an Amicus Brief in support of yet another punishing blow to Oregon’s small businesses.  If it stands, it will mean that business owners in Oregon, which has no sales tax of its own (yet), will be forced to collect tax for over 12,000 taxing jurisdictions—in other states.

Why exactly did Oregon’s Attorney General sign onto this idea…?

Ron Kessler on the Trump White House

The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game by Ron KesslerNext, we turn to NY Times bestselling author, Ronald Kessler, with his new book The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the GameRon has authored over 20 books investigating life in Washington D. C., from Presidents to the CIA and the FBI  Ron has also been a friend of President Trump for years and gives us insights into the personality, mindset, and life of our President.  Including the surprising role of Melania.

Tune in to hear how Trump looks at people, and how he determines whom to hire and why.  We also talk to him about the FBI and the Deep State, Jeff Sessions’ and Rod Rosenstein’s job security, and how President Trump finds the energy to keep fighting the good fight.

Podcast Version

Links & Additional Information

Sam Carpenter (Segments 1–3)

Ron Kessler (Segments 4–6)

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

Show Summary: Tune in to hear how small business is about to be crushed in Oregon. If you are running for office you need to listen to this show. If you plan to vote for someone running for office you need to listen to this show. If you own a small business or work for one, you really need to listen to this show. You need to know the storm that’s about to be unleashed on small business, thanks to Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown.

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Original Air Dates: April 14 & 15, 2018 | Guest: Jonathan Williams of ALEC

Some states are scrambling for money as big debts are coming due. And Oregon is leading the way—just not in finding the right answers that would promote economic health.

Instead, Democrat Governor Kate Brown seems to be almost working overtime to crush our state’s innovative spirit. So she’s not only killing our ability to not only pay our bills but taking an axe to what could be (with better management) a positive economic environment for small businesses. Or even attract them from other states.

But not in Oregon. Instead, there is a real storm coming for small businesses here in Oregon.

Crushing Small Business. Oregon Style

One of the things you’ll hear in the show this week is how Oregon is targeting small business by divorcing them from the Trump tax break. But then there’s a coming sales tax.

Yes. A sales tax in Oregon.

This is the internet sales tax that is being heard next week in front of the Supreme Court. Oregon small businesses would be forced to collect taxes for states like New York and Washington that have their own sales tax.

Regulations and taxes crush small businesses. Oregon is the example of what NOT to do.But unbeknownst to many, Oregon’s own State Attorney General has signed onto an Amicus Brief to allow a national sales tax on internet purchases.  This will be crushing to Oregon’s small businesses with the increased costs of processing this sales tax. For other states.

It’s the foot in the door to finally create the sales tax Oregon’s Democrats and Big Government Republicans have been longing for.

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See below for an excerpt from the brief that includes not only more taxes but more prying into your personal lives. Have our elected leaders gone insane? Has no one heard of cutting spending?

Oregon Democrats hate cutting spending almost as much as they hate cutting trees.

Show Flow

We start by discussing Congress’s Omnibus bill, which sets the stage for the rest of the discussion.

Then we move to the Left’s “boogeyman”: Kansas and their ill-advised massive tax cut and spending increase. Why? Because the Left uses Kansas to try to scare other states away from cutting taxes. We debunk the myth because what happened in Kansas can help other states learn what not to do (hint, hint Oregon!).

Next, we talk about what Oregon is doing to crush small business, including taking away tax cuts. It’s a punishment that falls on small businesses and only small businesses. Then, it’s the internet sales tax and the grand daddy of spending boondoggles, PERS.

But there is good news (just not in Oregon). Don’t miss what nearby state to watch as the primary example of how smart policies really can create economic health.

Oregon’s Attorney General Rosenblum’s Amicus Brief

“Their [businesses] advanced online platforms boast impressive technology that enables them to not only comply (easily) with State [tax] collection laws, but also capture extensive data about their customers. According to one commentator, an online retailer can effortlessly track demographic information that includes “‘your age, whether you are married and have kids, which part of town you live in, how long it takes you to drive to the store, your estimated salary, whether you’ve moved recently, what credit cards you carry in your wallet and what Websites you visit … data about your ethnicity, job history, the magazines you read, if you’ve ever declared bankruptcy or got divorced, the year you bought (or lost) your house, where you went to college, what kinds of topics you talk about online, whether you prefer certain brands of coffee, paper towels, cereal or applesauce, your political leanings, reading habits, charitable giving and the number of cars you own.’”

The full Amicus brief can be read here (PDF)

Podcast Version

Links and Related Information

Oregon Governor Kate Brown to Crush Small Business


  • Editorial: Lawmakers can’t duck Oregon’s PERS burden (The Bulletin, Mar 17, 2018)
  • Huge Bill Is Coming Due For Oregon’s Past Pension System Mistakes (OPB, Feb 2, 2018)
  • Once again, Oregon makes national news. Except, as usual, it’s not for good reasons: “A $76,000 Monthly Pension: Why States and Cities Are Short on Cash” (New York Times, April 14, 2018)
  • PERS task force suggests ways to pay down system’s debt (OSBA, November 1, 2017)
  • PERS: Panel delivers ideas to cut pension deficit by $5 billion (Oregon Live, November 1, 2017)
    • “The panel’s mandate was to leave no stone unturned. But the governor, who is up for reelection in 2018, specifically directed members not to consider changes to pension benefits. Any such changes would be deeply unpopular with public employee unions, who typically back Democrats. Brown also said upfront that she wasn’t interested in selling state parks or forests, which would have proven deeply unpopular with environmental and conservation groups.”
  • If you thought what you read before was bad, read this: Time Bomb: PERS (via Senate Republicans, 2017)

Kansas: the Left’s Anti-Tax-cut Boogeyman

  • VIDEO: Jonathan on a panel at Heritage Foundation, discussing Kansas as the example Leftists point to about tax cuts hurting the government. “What Was Really the Matter with the Kansas Tax Plan: The Undoing of a Good Idea” (Heritage Foundation, Apr 10, 2018) The three key takeaways: don’t cut taxes and increase spending; have a plan to balance the budget, and have the right systems in place.

Here’s some Leftist spin on what happened in Kansas

The Coming Storm for Small Businesses: the Internet Sales Tax

  • Video – Online Sales Tax: Crushing Small Business (ALEC, March 2018)
  • See how the Internet sales tax (and taxes in general) pushes businesses out of state: Internet Sales Tax Hurts Businesses and the States that Pass Them (ALEC, Jan 2014)




The One Simple Question Republicans Need to Ask about Tax Reform

The One Simple Question Republicans Need to Ask about Tax Reform

Show Summary: This week’s show is all about tax reform. Yeah, we know. You think that’s boring. But the fight over tax reform is really about the fight for the soul of America. We talk with Jonathan Williams of ALEC to get to the truth a dose of reality about the good, bad, and ugly about the Republican tax reform plan. And it really comes down to one simple question we all should ask.

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov. 11 & 12, 2017 | Jonathan Williams

As Trump supporters we’ve been anticipating the swamp will try anything to stop President Trump’s attempts to reform Washington and drain the swamp.  And what we’ve witnessed are spineless Republicans who, instead of charging up the hill behind President Trump they are cowering in the trenches or worse, working to undermine his plans.

It’s a simple question: do you want to create wealth for people or for government? But what we’re seeing right now are Republicans who are tentative about creating a simple and straightforward — and bold! — tax reform system that would grow wealth for people. Could it be because they are more attached to their power and are afraid to shrink government?

Tax reform analogy

Spelled out perfectly by Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee, using reporters & beer

pre-engineered steel building Landmark Pacific for wineries, agricultural, business, churches, and more
Agricultural, commercial, churches, wineries … Need a steel building? Visit Landmark Pacific

So, as we sit with our toes tapping we at I Spy decided to take a look at what the House has proposed in the way of tax reform.  We talk about it all: the good and the bad and maybe some ugly, so you, the citizen, can decide on the plan’s merits.  And now that the Senate’s version has been released, you’ll know what to look for in their plan. Because in the back of your mind, you should always be asking, “Whose side are they on? The taxpayer or the government—and their own career in Congress?”

Don’t miss the show! You’ll get more in-depth analysis in one hour than most shows will give you in three..

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • Interesting history on the initial income tax and the debates of them (Tax History Project, 2013)
  • Gov. Brown’s education ‘vision’ blurred by contradictions: Editorial Agenda 2017 (OregonLive.com, Oct. 21, 2017) Puts Oregon’s PERS unfunded liability at $25 billion
Oregon’s Gurgling Drain | Never Ending Spending

Oregon’s Gurgling Drain | Never Ending Spending

Show Summary: If you haven’t been paying attention, the Democrats are running amok with your money. Find out their plans and how—and why—Oregon is sinking to the bottom in state competitiveness. Perhaps it has to do with their never ending spending spree? Actually, it’s a bit more than that.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 20 & 21, 2017 | Rep. Knute Beuhler & Jonathan Williams

This week we’re looking at the never-ending spending spree of the Oregon legislature.   We’re already facing a $1.8 billion hole and, naturally, that pushes the D’s to try and find new and inventive ways to tax Oregonians.  Like letting the camel get its nose in the tent, they are trying to find new ways to push a sales tax while calling it something else.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you’ll be shocked to hear what the Democrats are doing and looking to spend — despite being in the hole already. Do Oregon legislators think they have a bottomless checkbook?

Democrats Obama and spending
Years of democrats and their spending spree have doubled our national debt

That’s the question we discuss with our guests.  First up is Rep. Knute Buehler, Bend, OR, a fiscal conservative who has problems with the spending that he has seen at the legislature.  Right now, Oregon has enough Republicans on board to stop the Democrats from passing a spending bill but it’s tight with only a one vote margin of error.  Listen to find out what we can expect on taxes and debt coming out of this legislative cycle.

Then we talk with Jonathan Williams of ALEC to find out what states are fiscally under control and maybe even growing their economy compared to those who are doing it wrong.  There are some surprises, except for Oregon, which has slipped in the rankings once again.  Tune in to find out why and what we could do to right the ship.To use this, copy all, use “add new” button at the top, paste. Be sure to set tags & categories. And to reset “this week” in the menu to this post

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Trump vs Globalism

Trump vs Globalism

Show Summary: It’s Trump vs Globalism. While we’ve had successful businessmen as presidents before, we’ve never had such a successful entrepreneur before.  And not just an entrepreneur but a builder. And sometimes when you build, you need to tear some things down. Like that whole New Order. Last week, Trump fired the first shot at the heart of Globalism: open borders. Listen this week to hear how and why a businessman’s approach is so different from the typical Washington mindset and how that approach will make for a successful transformation of America away from the Globalists who would rule Her.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 5th & 6th, 2017 | Guests Carl Higbie & Jonathan Williams

This week it’s Trump vs Globalism. Globalism is about subverting America to the larger international order. It’s about the “global community” taking priority over—and largely deciding—America’s interests.

We see this “globalist” mindset especially in the environmental movement, where people who don’t even live in an area take it upon themselves to make environmental decisions for those who do live there. No logging. No mining. No ranching. No water.

Trump vs Globalism

Fortunately, the globalist candidate—Hillary Clinton—lost. And also fortunately Donald Trump understands exactly who the real enemies are: those who put the rest of the world ahead of America. President Trump brings an entrepreneur’s mindset to put plans to action to make America great again. A businessman’s mindset of demanding actions over plans, even if those actions aren’t perfect.

If there is one organization that has to be heaving a huge sigh of relief over the election, it has to be the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC has been promoting conservative, free-market, pro-business policies for decades. And now, finally, we have a businessman in office who truly gets it.

We talk with Jonathan Williams, the Vice President of the Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC about the changes Trump is already making. We especially focus on President Trump’s so-called “Muslim Ban”which put a 90-day moratorium on immigrants and travelers from seven countries where there is a high amount of radical Islam. We also look at how a businessman’s decision making is so vastly different from that of a career politician — to say nothing of a community organizer.

And then we talk with Carl Higbie, a former SEAL, author, and Fox News and CNN contributor about the “Muslim Ban” and Trump’s first military action—the attack in Yemen that killed 14 militants and, regretfully, a Navy SEAL. Here too, don’t miss how a businessman’s attitude and winning mindset will lead to incredibly different outcomes in the Middle East.

Watch Carl destroy a former Michigan governor as she tries to claim non-Americans not even in America are protected by the Constitution.

Links Mentioned


50 Test Tubes of Competition and Democracy

50 Test Tubes of Competition and Democracy

Air Dates: January 30 & 31, 2015 | Jonathan Williams (ALEC)

When, Where, and How to Listen

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States are in constant competition for people and businesses — with businesses leaving high tax states and people voting with their feet. Find out why Socialism and “Tax Cronyism” drive people away.

One this week’s show, we give Bernie Sander’s voters a headache.

Over the past ten years New York State has lost millions of residents and thousands of businesses that had all had it with NY’s high taxes and moved to other states.  They’ve moved to find a better place to live where owning a business or property isn’t suffocated, to where they didn’t have to feel like they were being held up at gun point by their own state.

Funny how that works, isn’t it? Our entire history is one of moving to better economic conditions. Leaving the “old country” for the chance to make a better, more profitable life. Moving west on the Oregon Trail or the California Gold Rush. People are not chained to their states — and the moment they feel they are, they move.

Bernie Sanders voters don't understand economicsWhile Bernie Sanders’ voters may not like to think about economics or the consequences of raising taxes, there are 50 states that all have their own sets of economic policies that have consequences, of action and reaction. And shrewd consumers of democracy can make decisions on where and how they live based on a free market principal—competition is good because it reduces costs and drives efficiency.

In their 8th Edition of Rich States, Poor States, Jonathan Williams and his co-authors, Dr. Author Laffer, and Stephen Moore have once again captured how states make their economic decisions and the consequences of those policy decisions.  Policies that impact your pocket book and quality of life and that should influence who you’ll vote into office.

Tune in to find out:
•    What drives a state’s economic success or failure
•    Tax Cronyism and how it ruins free markets
•    Can states or the federal government be run more like a business?
•    Which states have changed their liberal ways to create a strong, pro growth environment

With state and federal elections coming up soon this is a show not to miss.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Devolution – Public Lands Transfer to States

Devolution – Public Lands Transfer to States

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Air Dates: September 12 & 13, 2015 | Jonathan Williams & Karla Jones

Devolution is defined as “the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration.” When it comes to the transfer of public lands here in the U.S., this means the federal government giving control of federally held public lands to the states in which those lands reside. Why is this important? Jobs.

With more than 98 million Americans continuing to be out of the workforce, the jobs resulting from a public lands transfer to states means more than ever that the federal government honor their promise to relinquish control of the public lands held in trust. At one time, Illinois and Missouri both had more than 50% of their land controlled by the federal government when they entered statehood. Now, the federal government holds only 1% and 4%, respectively. So why do they maintain control of so much public lands states west of the Rockies—on average, more than 50% of these states? Why should Illinois get to have 99% of their land and Oregon gets less than 47% of its land?

94 million Americans out of work - the U.S. economy as of September 2015 has clearly fallen off a cliff. Time for a public lands transfer to states.
US Economy off a cliff. Time for a public lands transfer to states.

We’ve talked in the past with Ken Ivory and it’s seemed a little theoretical at times: what would it be like if the states got their lands back? Now we some direct evidence of what it would look like from our neighbor to the north: Canada.

We’ll start by talking with Jonathan Williams of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) about the continuing record numbers of Americans not working and the state policies that consistently work to put people to work; policies that ALEC advocates. We’ll then talk about a federal policy that needs to happen: a public lands transfer to states. Karla Jones, also with ALEC, walks us through the process. We’ll examine the roadblocks and hurdles to making this happen, astonishing examples of federal mismanagement to private land management, and then look at how this has unfolded in Canada.

Sorry, environmentalists; it wasn’t the end of the world.

Links Mentioned

  • If you’re not visiting American Legislative Exchange Council on a regular basis, you’re missing out on a huge amount of incredible information — policies that your state ought to be implementing if they want to be successful. Don’t you want your state to be successful? Of course you do! Then visit alec.org.
  • Read ALEC’s State Lands report, which we discuss with Karla Jones. (You can download a copy for easier reading; see the Download PDF link on the right-side of the page.)
  • Heritage Foundation article, “1,000 people per day: Why Red States are Getting Richer and Blue States Poorer
Show 5-17 Why Oregon Fails at Economics

Show 5-17 Why Oregon Fails at Economics

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Air Dates: April 25 & 26, 2015

This week, it’s about economics. Yeah, yeah. Don’t groan. You need to know this stuff. Otherwise, you’ll be boondoggled into thinking raising taxes is good. Or that raising minimum wage doesn’t impact businesses. Or big government works. Or any number of progressive ideologies. Next thing you know, you’ll be believing global warming and then it’s all down hill from there.

With guests Jonathan Williams of American Legislative Exchange Council and Jan Meekcoms of National Federation of Independent Businesses.

Links mentioned

  • ALEC – American Legislative Exchange Council. One of the good guys. You can tell, because the political Left hates them so much they think one of the Baldwin boys needs to rename himself.
  • NFIB – National Federation of Independent Businesses. Here’s the state chapter for Oregon (have you joined yet??) and the national organization.
  • Download your own copy of Rich States, Poor States and take a look at how your state is doing (you might want your legislators’ number on speed dial)
  • A quick one-sheet verview from ALEC on Oregon’s outlook (this link opens a PDF)
  • NFIB-Oregon is holding its Day at the Capital on April 29. More info.
  • Both of these fine organizations offer memberships. Why not join them and add your voice to the chorus of conservative voices trying to safeguard your economic freedom?

Additional Links & Info

  • Talk to liberals? Not sure how to answer their unicorns-and-fairies myths about the minimum wage? Here’s a great Forbes article (by an NFIB economist no less) that debunks progressive myths.


Rally ‘Round the Flag Event

When: Saturday, June 20, 2015, 10am – 4pm
Where: Fairgrounds, Cottage Grove, Oregon
Cost: Free!

Here in Oregon, we have a strong heritage of using our natural resources wisely. But well-intended yet weak-minded “environmentalists” believe they are “protecting” the environment by not touching it–or allowing anyone else to harvest them. Worse, our lands are being controlled by people out east who’ve never set foot on them and have no idea about how to manage them; people who’ve been persuaded by the well-funded environmental lobby that we should never touch these lands.

Oregon Citizen’s Lobby invites you to join them for a fantastic day of speakers, networking, and fun! And a chance to learn more about the effort to transfer control of the federal lands to the people who know best how to manage them: Oregonians.

The event will feature prominent leaders in this effort, booths, networking opportunities, and a panel discussion to answer your questions.

Featured Guests:

  • Rep. Ken Ivory (UT) of the American Lands Council
  • Noah Wall, FreedomWorks Grassroots Director
  • Jeff Kropf, Oregon Capital Watch
  • Mark Anderson, host of I Spy Radio
  • David Hunnicutt, Oregonians in Action
  • Dennis Linthicum, former Klamath County Commissioner