Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight
Show Summary: You’d think with its recent record, the notion of “Congress fails again” should be no surprise. And yet they failed on their biggest campaign promise from the last seven years: Repeal Obamacare and replace it. They are also failing on oversight of the intelligence community, since it turns out Trump was right: the Obama administration was spying on him. Fortunately, we had no faith in Congress to do what it said so for this week, we look at the merits of the Obamacare replacement plans, not whether it would pass. We also take a look at the attack in London and the espionage of President Trump.

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Air Dates: March 25 & 26, 2017 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott McEwen
When it comes to healthcare and Obamacare, a lot of people mix the two together. You’ll hear pundits talk about “fixing Obamacare” when what they really mean is we need to fix the healthcare industry. Obamacare is how we pay for healthcare. Mostly. Because it also impacts how healthcare is administered, which impacts the amount and quality of the medical care a patient receives.
This week, we are talking about healthcare financing—in other words, Obamacare—and how it impacts insurance. We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier who discusses how we pay for healthcare, the impact it has on the healthcare industry, and how it could potentially be repaired.
We start off by discussing how the new Ryan legislation attempts to repeal Obamacare, to get us out from under the mandates and expenses Obamacare created. Heavy-handed government interference has changed the way we receive and pay for our healthcare but how hard is it to untie all of the tangles Obamacare has added to our healthcare industry? We discuss the good and the bad of what is being proposed and what we should expect in the near future. Lisa walks us through a lot of the different pieces of this confusing challenge to repeal Obamacare.
In our second half, we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen (American Sniper), about the recent London terrorist attack and security concerns arising out of the insane PC culture that is Britain.
We also talk about Sen. Nunes’s revelations of the Trump surveillance that sounds like government agencies did in fact electronically trap private conversations among the Trump team.
If true, US government agencies used the weight and power of the government to listen in on, and spy on, a political opponent of the then-President. And don’t miss Scott’s shocking insights into why Nunes may have publically come forward with the initial information.
Move over Nixon. Obama just made you look like a regular putz.
Links Mentioned
Lisa Lettenmaier (Segments 1–3)
- Lisa Lettenmaier’s company is Health Source Northwest.
- Rand Paul Introduces His Own Obamacare Replacement Plan – Read All 4 Pages Here! (CSC, March 9th, 2017)
- Health Care Plan the GOP Could Get Behind (National Review, Jan. 11, 2017)
- CBO Exposes False Promises of Republican Health Care Plan (Polizette, Mar. 14, 2017)
- Clinton Counties Stand To Benefit More From Trumpcare Than Trump Counties (Daily Caller, March 14th, 2017)
- CBO’s Obamacare Predictions: How Accurate? (The Wire, March 13, 2017)
- Gruber Brags about Duping CBO in 2014 (Daily Caller, March 14, 2017)
- Read CBO’s scoring of the American Health Care Act (via Wall Street Journal)
- GOP Plan Doesn’t Cure Health Fears for Small Businesses (WSJ, Mar. 22, 2017)
Scott McEwen (Segments 4–6)
- Scott’s website is scottmcewen.com
- Scott’s books can all be found in the I Spy Radio Store
- Kim Jong-un’s Next Nuclear Weapons Test Might Be His Last, Says High-Ranking Defector (Daily Caller, March 14, 2017)http://www.nationalreview.com/article/443746/republican-health-care-plan-rand-paul
- North Korea’s Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site: Analysis Reveals Its Potential for Additional Testing with Significantly Higher Yields (38 North, March 10, 2017)
- Nine military officials who called themselves The Wolfpack ‘held a raging $50,000 party with prostitutes, used General Douglas MacArthur memorabilia in sex acts and drank a hotel dry of Dom Perignon as they gorged on foie gras and cigars’ (Daily Mail, March 14, 2017)
- The US prepares to ‘incapacitate’ Kim: USS Carl Vinson carrying huge fleet of fighter jets arrives in South Korea as military sources reveal plan to ‘remove’ Jong-un’s war chiefs (Daily Mail, March 15, 2017)
- DOD Investigating Posting of Nude Photos of Female Marines (CNS News, March 6, 2017)
- London attack: Theresa May was ’40 yards away’ from scene of stabbing outside Parliament (Independent, Mar. 22, 2017)
- Laptop ban on flights ‘is based on intelligence about an ISIS plot to target the West gathered during the raid on Yemen which killed Navy SEAL’ (Daily Mail UK, Mar. 22, 2017)
- Search for Secret Service Leader Intensifies as White House Security Is Tested (NY Times, Mar. 22nd, 2017)
- Nunes Says Trump Team Conversations Caught in Surveillance (Bloomberg, Mar. 22, 2017)
- Nunes: Trump transition members were under surveillance during Obama administration (Politico, Mar. 22, 2017)
- China issues warning to US bomber flying in East China Sea (Fox News, Mar. 22, 2017)
- How one open gate let knife maniac in to kill: Police facing serious questions over how knife-wielding terrorist was able to enter Parliamentary estate (Daily Mail, Mar. 23, 2017)
- British-born jihadist who killed three and injured 29 is named as career criminal Khalid Masood who was probed by MI5 ‘some years ago’ over links to ‘violent extremism’ (Daily Mail, Mar. 22, 2017)