Tag: Oregon democrats

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

Show 15-01 Summary: If Oregon’s newly elected attorney general’s scheme of a “Federal Oversight Cabinet”—stacked with the furthest of the Far-Left—is any indicator, then Oregon is in for a world of hurt. Even worse when you take into account the Democrats have supermajorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and Oregon’s judicial system has had some 40 years of Democrat appointments. Can anything stop Oregon’s schemes to lurch left? There just may be a way to avoid this.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 4th and 5th, 2025 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – Oregon’s Schemes

In a nutshell, Oregon’s schemes will be to lurch to the far left as fast as possible. And with the Democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and some 40 years of Democrat appointments to Oregon’s judicial system, there is precious little that can be done to stop them.

So what is on the Oregon Democrats’ agenda? Spending is at the top of the list. As is further indoctrination of kids. Which means far-left school administrators and teachers in failing public schools will need even more money. And with more spending will come more taxes. Will we see that longtime dream of Oregon democrats finally pass: a sales tax? Quite likely. But they’ll call it something else so the uninformed peasants don’t revolt. (You can see why indoctrination is more important than education in Oregon’s schools.)

The government has been protecting us from climate change since the Mayans.
Government protecting us from climate change

But that’s hardly the end of Oregon’s schemes. Climate Change (meaning spending money on it — which means giving away taxpayer dollars to the Far Left) will be the highest priority. Because nothing saves the Earth like burning money. Which is why have fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese on, to debunk it.

The Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes

There are two wrenches in Oregon’s schemes. One is reality. Sadly, we can’t control when reality will rear its ugly head and bite Democrats in the ass. (See what we did there?) But the other is money. And this is where it will get interesting.

Here’s a fact: Oregon got nearly one-third of its most recent biennium budget from the federal government.

Oregon’s new attorney general has set up what he calls, “The Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet” and staffed it with executives from far-left organizations and unions. It’s to represent all Oregonians. So apparently, conservatives in Oregon don’t exist. Got it.

The main purpose of the Injustice League is defy federal law. And to help hide illegal immigrants from being deported. Because no one is above the law accept illegal immigrants and the government officials who help hide them. Not to mention, it’s defying democracy and the recent election. Which sounds pretty insurrection-y. (Hint to the “attorney” general: the Constitution gives the federal government oversight of states, not the other way around.)

So is this the wrench? Democrats’ defiance of federal law could mean Oregon’s schemes fall apart. Because so much of them depend on all that federal government money.

How Long Before Oregon Tires of Being the Stupid Kid?

Climate Change reality: Antarctic sea ice extent is 17% higher today than it was in 1979. Ice doesn't lie, but climate scientists do.
Another wrench in Oregon’s schemes. Whoops.

We talk with Chuck Wiese about the Global Warming religion and how nothing Oregon wants to do (spend) will make any difference. Not to global temperatures. Not to CO2 levels. Which is not and does not drive Global Warming.

Oregon’s schemes depend on (indoctrinated) people being gullible enough to believe in Global Warming. It depends on federal dollars. If the dollars are cut off because they are defying federal law, where will Oregon democrats get the billions of dollars they need to push their far-left schemes?

But it’s more than just money. Without the federal government wasting 100s of billions of dollars on far-left environmentalism, “green” energy (it’s not green) may also collapse without all those subsidies, mandates, and taxpayer cash. Is this the year Global Warming starts to fall apart?

If what’s happening in Europe right now, the Global Warming movement may just collapse.

Save the Earth from people’s stupidity. And save a lot of money.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Will Oregon Get Banned From Federal Funds? Attorney General-elect Dan Rayfield establishes Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet (NW Observer, Dec 28, 2024)
  • [Washington] State policy on trust lands strikes right balance (The Everett Herald, Dec 28, 2024)
    • Meanwhile, Oregon’s Department of Forestry is so mismanaged, they just went insolvent by not harvesting trees. See Show 14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent.
    • This at a time when timber prices are about to go up? “Expect Price Hikes — USA to Ramp Up Duties on Canadian Lumber?” (Wood Central, Dec 29, 2024). 
    • We should be making more money than ever on our timber but we’re locking up our state forest lands to make less than ever.
  • Why are we locking up our forests? Because of the misguided “Habitat Conservation Plan” to “protect” endangered species.
  • Electric car sales are slowing in the US and Europe as both fans and skeptics share concerns (AP, Nov 28, 2024)
  • Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire (Gatestone Institute, December 27, 2024)
    • “Dunkelflaute” [“Dunkel Flout-eh”} is the German word for Literally “flat, dark calm.”  A weather situation characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter—when, it so happens, demand for electricity is at its highest.
    • These episodes can last from a few days to several weeks
    • On December 12 of this year, German electricity production from wind and solar power was 1/30th the demand for it.
  • AI Data Centers Are Causing ‘Distortions’ in the Power Grid from Coast to Coast (Breitbart, Dec 31, 2024)
  • Oregon Adopts Climate Protection Program Rules (Natural Resource Rep, Dec 1, 2024)
  • Crescent Dunes: Biden DOJ Moved on Election Night to Cover Up Alleged Solar Energy Scandal that Cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions (Breitbart, Nov 25, 2024). 
  • Oregon awarded nearly $200M in federal funding to boost climate action programs (OPB, July 22, 2024)
  • Divest Oregon’s Summary and Analysis of the Oregon Net Zero Plan (via Divestoregon.org)
14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent

14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent

Show 14-50 Summary: Too big to fail? Too green to fail? For an agency designed to fund itself and some 200 other public agencies and services, like rural schools, counties, roads, police, and fire, the new “thinking” at the Oregon Department of Forestry just ran out of sustainability. It is now insolvent. And required a special session of the legislature to bail them out because they couldn’t pay the bills they owed for firefighting. But it’s going to get worse with the environmentalists’ new scheme. We talk with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resources and State Rep. Ed Diehl, to find out what happened, why it happened, and how this is all going to get a lot worse.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 14th & 15th, 2024 | Guest: Jen Hamaker & Ed Diehl

This Week – Oregon Department of Forestry Insolvent

The legislature held a special session this week to bailout a state agency. One that, since its inception, has been self funding. The Oregon Department of Forestry. Which this year could not pay its own bills for firefighting and had to be rescued by the taxpayer. While it’s not surprising a government agency spent too much and needed more money, this is way worse than the usual government failure.

The Oregon Department of Forestry was designed to fund itself. And not only that, it also funds some 200 other public entities and services. But not any more. Because now ODF has redesigned itself to fail. And to soak up taxpayer dollars. Instead of generating income for the state, it is now a liability. Leadership at Oregon Department of Forestry has determined it no longer wants to do its fundamental job. Which is to oversee—and make money from—the sale of timber on state lands.

But no more. By implementing a massive Habitat Conservation Plan (or HCP), the ODF has ensured its own perpetual bankruptcy. For the next 70 years.

Let’s recap. The Oregon Department of Forestry is supposed to harvest timber on state lands. It doesn’t want to do that. ODF is supposed to manage the forests. It doesn’t want to do that. Managing the forests means preventing fires. It doesn’t want to do that. ODF is supposed to ensure an ongoing, profitable, perpetual, and sustainable timber harvest for the future. It doesn’t want to do that.

What does it want to do? Apparently, sell carbon credits. But there is a real problem with that. (Aside from the fact it’s a massive scam.)

So Why is Oregon Department of Forestry Bankrupt?

We talk with Jen Hamaker, the president of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) to find out the Oregon Department of Forestry got into this mess. It was a massive, self-inflicted wound. Like someone who gets injured and then gets surgery to stay disabled so they don’t have to work. Jen walks us through what the ODF was designed to do, what it is doing now, and why the need for a special session to bail them out. And if democrat lawmakers think this is going to get better, think again. This is now baked in. The Oregon Department of Forestry has changed from a billion dollar asset to a billion dollar liability.

Then we talk with State Representative, Ed Diehl (R-HD17), about what happened at the special session. Why did they call the meeting to session and then immediately go behind closed-door committee meetings? Were deals being cut? Rep. Diehl also confirms that ODF is now insolvent. Bankrupt.

ODF’s New Plan: Carbon Credits. Get Paid for Doing Nothing

And it’s only going to get worse. Why? Because the Oregon Department of Forestry wants to move away from forestry and into the carbon credit scheme.

A scheme based on false premises (CO2 is not the enemy, and it is not a pollutant). And a scheme that is likely to fall apart as all across the nation, states lose federal funding for their net zero initiatives.

And we ask, how would this be different if Republicans were in charge? Because this whole Oregon Department of Forestry fiasco is about to get a lot worse — a lot worse — with democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate.

We can all agree ODF needed to pay the bills owed to firefighters. Some whom had to take out huge loans to make ends meet while waiting to be paid. But this bailout doesn’t fix the problem that ODF just created for itself. And its solution to lock up Oregon’s forest lands — let ’em burn! — Oregon Department of Forestry has just made things a lot worse.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jen Hamaker’s organization is Oregon Natural Resource Industries. Visit them at ONRI.us
  • Rep. Ed Diehl’s website is www.eddiehl.com
  • Oregon isn’t paying its wildfire bills on time. Now legislators must act (OPB, December 11, 2024)
  • Taxpayers “gave” billions to create interest-bearing endowments for Far-Left environmental groups that assault natural resources: “Environmental nonprofit fundraising draws criticism across political spectrum (Capital Press, Nov 14, 2024)
    • An analysis showed “20 nonprofit environmental organizations active in the West … have total net assets of nearly $2 billion dollars”
    • “a significant amount of the money is set aside as an endowment to generate income”
  • This isn’t going to work. Oregon’s Department of Forestry’s plan to stop harvesting timber and start selling carbon credits will fail when the federal government stops cuts the trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars for “Climate Change.”
  • Oregon’s carbon credits scheme to get to net zero, like all states, depends heavily on federal funding.
  • How much federal funding for states’ net zero funding? About $40 billion. (via Perplexity, retrieved Dec 13, 2024).
    • Do democrat state lawmakers honestly think the Trump will continue that scam? (If so, we have a unicorn to sell them.
  • Sen. James Lankford Offers Sneak Peak Into How Exactly DOGE Will Clean Up Government Waste and Abuse (The Daily Signal, Dec 11, 2024)
14-06 Why Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics | Mainstream Media is Lying

14-06 Why Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics | Mainstream Media is Lying

Show 14-06 Summary: This week, it’s all about cutting through the mainstream media propaganda about the economy. Especially the lies about Bidenomics. Because it’s more Bidumbnomics than anything. Bidumbnomics is a good way to kill the economy, interfere with markets, and promote products and ideas that don’t work and cost more. Bidumbnomics are dumb economics policies that require dumb people in the media to not ask questions and keep people misinformed about how bad things really are. Like not questioning the miracle January 2024 jobs report. Or looking at the failure of 100s of billions wasted on “green energy.” (It’s not green.) Plus, Oregon is not immune. Oregon democrats also love Bidumbnomics. Spend more. Tax more. Ignore reality. Like Oregon democrats’ plan to raise statewide property taxes and do away with the current caps on property tax increases.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 10th & 11th, 2024 | Guest: Jonathan Williams

This Week – Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics

All you need for dumb economics policies like Bidumbnomics to be perceived as “working” is to have a willing media to spread government propaganda. And the media needs to be dumb enough about economics to not ask any questions about what they’re told. And certainly not do any kind of even simple analysis.

That way, the media keeps people uninformed. Because if people really knew how bad things were, they would be demanding answers. And politicians never want that. They want compliant sheep people who stay out of the way. Miserable peasants.

Dumb economic policies like Bidumbnomics depends on people staying quiet. But EU farmers won by speaking up.
Public outcry works! (click image for full-size)

Why? Because when people do know what their politicians are actually doing, and the actual outcomes of their schemes, people tend to revolt. And, yes, public outcry really does work.

Take a look at the win in the EU when farmers had had enough. The public joined them. And now the EU gave in to their demands.

Farmers win! “Why Europe’s green plan balked on farming

Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics Examples

Look no further than the boondoggle of Biden’s dream of a wind farm in every pot. Bidumbnomics sank several 10s of billions of your money into expensive wind farms. Especially very expensive offshore wind farms. But these expensive Bidumbnomics boondoggles have done so poorly, despite all that free cash from U.S. taxpayers, that multiple wind farm companies have cancelled contracts. And they were willing to do so because the economics of it was so poor that unless they get free cash it was a better deal to cancel the deal.

Think of that. Companies willing to take a loss of 100s of millions rather than go through with it and lose even more. And in the case of one company, they took a 4 billion loss.

Now that is Bidumbnomicsat work. Waste companies’ money, waste taxpayer money, and all for products that are less effective and more expensive to ratepayers.


An Actual Economist Breaks Examines Bidumbnomics

We welcome back Jonathan Williams, the executive vice president of ALEC — the American Legislative Exchange Council. Jonathan is also their chief economist. And we walk through the truth about that blockbuster January jobs report. It turns out, it is more fantasy than fantastic. See this great analysis from ZeroHedge: “Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History“.) And we all know this fantasy will be corrected downward in a month or two after they got their useful idiots in the media to repeat their headline to the point where most people will think Bidenomics is working.

But to be fair, not all economic news in the mainstream media is propaganda to prop up Bidumbnomics. Sometimes, it’s more of a confession. Like Jerome Powell appearing on 60 Minutes. Who told America that we just can’t spending like we are.

But other times, it is definitely propaganda. We take a look at the slumping EV (electric vehicle) sales. After spending, yet again, 100s of billions of taxpayer dollars on the EV boondoggle, including mandating sales quotas, Bidumbnomics strikes again. EVs sales are way down.

Don’t miss the terrific article mentioned during the show about the impact of government interference in a normal market. “The West’s Humiliating Electric Car Climbdown has Begun

And even in Oregon, they are nowhere near their lofty goals of 250,000 EVs by 2025.

Oregon Democrats Embrace Bidumbnomics

Speaking of Oregon, the democrat governor and democrat-controlled house and senate want their own version of dumb economics. Like ignoring people’s economic reality to impose their ideology. And mainly, that’s more spending of taxpayer dollars to reward the political allies. There is never enough money to spend all they want on everything they want.

The answer? Raise taxes. And not just a little. They want $3 billion in more taxes. And, as if they haven’t driven enough people away, they want to eliminate and caps on statewide property taxes.

The only reason why even more Oregonians haven’t driven away is their EV must have run out of charge. Maybe that’s why Oregon wants to mandate even more of them.

But wait, it gets worse. Not only do Oregon elected democrats want to spend more, Tobias Read, the democrat in charge of Oregon’s Treasury wants Oregon’s PERS to make less money. By forcing Oregon’s investment into “Net Zero.” Uh, Toby, in case you missed it due to Bidumbnomics government propaganda media, but Net Zero funds are losing money by the day. Intelligent investors are getting out of Net Zero funds, not in. Perhaps Oregon’s PERS being in the hole by a mere $28 billion just isn’t enough?

Tune in to get the info you need. to be better informed on economics and real economic policies. So when your legislator wants to go full Bidumbnomics, you have the info you need to convince them otherwise.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jonathan’s organization is ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council. Find out more at ALEC.org.
    • Encourage your representatives to join ALEC! There are state and city memberships. Help elected officials understand economic problems and the real solutions available to get out of them! Send them this link: https://alec.org/membership/.
    • And you too can join as a private-sector member!
  • You can follow Jonathan on Twitter at @TaxEconomist.
  • Farmers win! “Why Europe’s green plan balked on farming” (Semafor, via Yahoo News, Feb 7, 2024)
  • Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History (ZeroHedge, Feb 03, 2024)
    • All job gains in the past year have been part-time workers (+870,000). Full time have decreased by 97,000
    • Native vs Foreign-Born workers . All job creation in the past 4 years has been for foreigners. Zero job creation for native since 2018
  • The West’s humiliating electric car climbdown has begun” (The Telegraph, via Yahoo News, Feb 2, 2024)
  • Bidumbnomics in Oregon: “PGE and why the EV revolution is stalling” (Oregon Catalyst, Feb 4, 2024)
    • “In 2019, Senate Bill 1044 set a target of 250,000 registered Zero Emission Vehicles on Oregon roads by 2025. … [But] the number of Oregon-registered zero emission vehicles on Oregon roads as of September 2023 (with less than a year and a half to go) was just 70,000. … The likelihood that this number will grow to 250,000 over the next 12 months is nil.”
  • Plan to make Oregon retirement fund carbon neutral relies on industry, Wall Street doing the same (OPB, Feb 7, 2024)
  • HJR 201 is a Statewide Property Tax (Taxpayer Assoc, Feb 5, 2024)
  • “1,287 testify against Statewide Property Tax (HJR 201)” (Taxpayer Association of Oregon, February 14, 2024).

For further reading on Bidumbnomics


13-17 What are Oregon Democrats Up to Now? | Legislative Lowlights

13-17 What are Oregon Democrats Up to Now? | Legislative Lowlights

Show 13-17 Summary: Oregon democrats continue to find new ways to emulate Nazis. You, your children, and certainly your money belong to the state. Democracy dies when democrats are in charge. It’s our monthly legislative update with Sen. Dennis Linthicum — hitting all the highlights and lowlights. Okay. There really aren’t any highlights. And the democrats STILL want to rob Oregon families of an average $5,200 kicker refund because they’ve discovered new ways to spend.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: April 29, 2023 | Guest: Sen. Dennis Linthicum

This Week – Oregon Democrats: Killing Democracy

Have you noticed that when democrats get in charge of something, the first thing they do is want to kill democracy?

But it didn’t always used to be this way. Democrats used to be about individual rights, civil rights, free speech, and so much more. Even Robert F. Kennedy recently pointed this out. Modern-day democrats have destroyed what the party used to be for.

Now, put them in charge, and their inner Nazi suddenly comes out. Democracy is about all voices. But democrats want to eliminate opposition. (Like the FBI going after Trump before, during, and after his presidency.) And not just politicians. Even every day citizens who don’t fall in line. (Like all those parents targeted by the FBI for daring to stand up to woke.)

The democrats hate being called Nazis. That’s their term for everyone else. But they hate it because it’s so blazingly true. That’s what they hate.

Monthly Legislative Update with Sen. Dennis Linthicum

This week, we talk with Senator Dennis Linthicum about the latest from the legislature. It’s not pretty. Not least of which because Oregon democrats, like Senator Dembrow, are steamed that things like democracy are happening. He’s ticked that republicans are slowing down the 1000s of bills democrats want to ram through. Dembrow hates that republicans have any say at all, apparently.

We talk parents rights. (Oregon democrats want to take them away.) And taxes—democrats can’t get enough of them. The business climate in Oregon. (Oregon democrats are trying to drive businesses out, apparently.) And we talk about that kicker refund. (Democrats want to spend it.)

There’s a business poll that came out recently and we get Sen. Linthicum’s take on it. It is not pretty. The thing is, Oregon democrats seem to not understand even basic economics. But why do you need economics if the government can just take everything, control the means of production, ensure only party loyalists are in business, and then tell people what they can and can’t buy.

You know. Just like the Nazis.

Oregon Democrats: Stealing your Kicker Refund

Oh, and that kicker? It’s not chump change. It kicks in whenever the state rakes in more than 2% above what they had budgeted. This year, it was 4% more. And the way it works is that it’s not based on what you paid. Instead, the giant pie (some $2 billion this year) is divided evenly among Oregon taxpayers. And this year, that’s about $5,200 per family.

But Oregon democrats have come up with new things they just have to buy. With your money. So watch for them to delay handing it back right up until the budget needs to pass. By law, the budget must be balanced. (Thank God Oregon democrats can’t just print money!) And legislators must balance it before the legislature can adjourn. So watch for Oregon democrats to try to strong arm republicans to spend all or some of the kicker to make up the difference or they can’t adjourn and go home.

Don’t miss this week’s show. Lots to discuss. Including Oregon democrats gleefully opening the door to Oregon becoming a “deathstination.” Happily willing to provide abortions and euthanasia for people from other states where killing isn’t allowed.

Get involved! Don’t be silent! It’s easier than ever now to let your voice be heard on bad — and the occasionally good — legislation. Head to olis.oregonlegislature.gov, type the bill number into the search bar (upper right), and you can send in your testimony.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Critics shred Biden for claiming ‘our nation’s children are all our children’: ‘Absolutely wrong’: Biden’s claim echoed Hillary Clinton’s ‘It Takes a Village’ (Fox News, Apr 24, 2023)
  • But what about Oregon? Parental Rights Bills Sweeping the United States (The Epoch Times, Apr 22, 2023)
  • Former Trump appointee: ‘Bureaucratic administrative state must be brought under control’ (Legal Newsline, Apr 5, 2023)
  • Actions to Protect Our Kids: Combating the Woke in our schools and institutions (Cody Benson, March, 2023)
  • How does Oregon’s ‘kicker’ tax rebate work? (KGW, Apr 7, 2023)
  • The Death of a Proposed Beer and Wine Tax Highlights Vast Differences in Oregon’s Taxes on Intoxicants (Willamette Week, Mar 29, 2023)
  • But, wait! It’s not dead yet! “Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission considers doubling tax on hard alcohol” (Oregon Capital Chronicle, Apr 17, 2023)
  • Legislature logjam as guns, abortion, rent control bills percolating (Bulletin, Apr 24, 2023)
  • Amid uncertainty in leadership, some PCC faculty are worried the nursing program could close (OPB, Apr 23, 2023)
  • HB 2002B – seeks to codify government-sanctioned secrecy between parent and child by providing abortions and “gender affirming” interference for children. Without a parent’s knowledge. Compliments of the Oregon democrats. (Note: Senators like Kim Thatcher, writing in her newsletter, aren’t quite correct on this. That level of secrecy already exists in Oregon statutes thanks to HB3650, which ushered in the grand, “Oregon Healthcare Transformation.” Which she and a bunch of other republicans voted for.)

That Oregon Business Climate Survey

  • Survey: Small Businesses Feel Overtaxed and Overwhelmed (OBI & Oregon Chamber of Commerce, Mar 2023). Some of the lowlights:
    • 41% of respondents say they’re considering closing, selling or moving their businesses because of taxes, Oregon’s regulatory environment or a combination of the two.
    • Only 18% of respondents believe that state lawmakers care about the success of their businesses.
    • Only 7% (wow!!) of respondents believe the state’s business climate will improve in the coming year.

Not discussed but you might find interesting…

The Fight is On: Oregon Democrats Go Full-Blown Tyranny

The Fight is On: Oregon Democrats Go Full-Blown Tyranny

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Show Summary: Oregon Democrats like democracy — until they don’t get their way. At which point they go full-blown Socialist and want to fine, or even jail, their political opponents. It’s time to fight back against the tyranny of one-party rule in Salem.

Original Air Dates: Feb 29 & Mar 1, 2020 | Kevin Hoar, ORP Communications Director

This Week: Politics isn’t easy and sometimes causes people to become warriors when they would rather be negotiators.  But in Oregon’s case, it is impossible to negotiate with the Oregon Democrat super-majority which has decided Republicans have no rights. To object, complain, or offer suggestions.

Oregon Democrats: Full-Blown Socialism

The reality is, elected Democrats don’t want Republican input. They just want Republican bodies in the House or Senate so the Oregon Democrats can pass whatever they want.

So the Republicans, unwelcome and unnecessary (other than being a warm body) have taken the only step left to them: to walk out and deny Democrats a quorum.

Now, in return, Oregon Democrats have taken the extreme step to issue subpoenas to demand that Republicans return.

Oregon Republicans Doing their Job

Democrats are now trying to claim Republicans aren’t “doing their job.” But Republicans are doing their job. Because they were elected to represent their constituents, who are opposed to cap and trade. It is not the Republican’s job to let Democrats pass whatever they want.

The rights the minority party, Oregon’s Republicans, are exercising is to use any legal means possible, to stay true to their oath in office to stand up for their constituents.  It is the Republicans’ job to represent those who vote them in—and protect them against a Democrat agenda that will change Oregon for decades.

This is what the tyranny of the majority looks like. Imagine the damage they will do if they get any more power. It must stop.

The ORP: Oregon Republican Party

That’s why our show this week is so very important with so much at stake.  This week our guest is Kevin Hoar, Communications Director of the ORP.  The show comes on the heels of Thursday night’s vote for the House Democrats to issue subpoenas’ to drag the House Republicans back to session.

And the elected Oregon Democrats repeatedly demonstrated in this session they cannot be trusted with power. Republicans need to remove them from office.

It’s time to come forward, step up, and get involved.  It’s not enough to just be a part of Timber Unity. So it’s time to gear up and take action. There is only one party now that is standing up for rural Oregonians. There is only one party standing up for everyday Oregonians. Or for Oregonians’ businesses. And it’s most definitely not the Democrats.

Fight Back. Get Involved

It is time to end one-party rule in Oregon. To do that, Republicans need to take back at least enough seats to break the super-majority. Even better, take back at least one of the chambers, perhaps even both. And you can help.

We’ll introduce you to the Oregon Republican Party, what they do. We talk about how to get involved. How you can get involved in campaigns, support the Republican efforts. Or even run for office yourself. And we also talk about some of what’s going on in the background, of Democrats actions, that is going under reported.

Because this is the year for people to get engaged. And fight back and stand up against the Democrat agenda of socialism and tyranny as they try to politically strangle good people into saying nothing.

Podcast Version

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Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


Links Mentioned

  • Check out the ORP’s website is www.oregon.gop. See their “get involved” page
  • One of the first steps to getting involved, whether you  or join the ORP, is to make contact with your local county Republican party. Find your county Republican party on this page (scroll down for the “county parties” button).
  • Want to run for office? Need help? Not sure where to get started? We can put you in touch with the right people. Just drop us a line on our contact page. Absolutely no charge for connecting you, we just want to help.
Oregon’s Disastrous Virtue Signalling: Carbon Tax

Oregon’s Disastrous Virtue Signalling: Carbon Tax

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Show Summary: Last year, Republican senators walked out. This year, Oregon’s Democrats are determined to push through a carbon tax. Timber Unity stands for what’s right It’s pretty simple—cap & trade? NO. Timber Unity? YES

Original Air Dates: Jan. 11 & 12, 2020 | Angelita Sanchez of Timber Unity & Dr. Bob Zybach

This Week: Here at I Spy, we are completely against any form of a carbon tax or a carbon cap & trade scheme.

A Carbon Tax: Wrong Thinking

Why is a carbon tax a bad idea? In the first segment of this weekend’s show, host Mark Anderson, thoroughly walks you through the problems of how and why a carbon cap & trade scheme damages an economy and how it violates normal free-market forces.

A carbon tax not only doesn’t work for what they claim it’s supposed to do, but it places an increasing financial burden on citizens. California is a prime example of what happens as its citizens and businesses flee the state. One report has shown tens of thousands of businesses fled California, directly because of California’s carbon tax, in a process known in political circles as “leakage.” Basically, leakage is “How many businesses will leave the state if we pass this bill?”

Also, don’t miss “all you need to know” about “global warming.” It’ll give you some ammunition to use in the coming fight against Oregon’s carbon tax, cap & trade bill.

Timber Unity

Government bureaucrats and far-left politicians who support cap & trade seem to believe they know better than the people they’re supposed to represent. Last year the people came together to put their foot down.

The Timber Unity rally on the capitol steps drew together people in rural areas who were tired of latte-sipping liberals looking down their noses at hicks from the country not knowing liberals are just saving the planet. (I wonder how they think the coffee they’d sipping got to their little coffee house?)

Timber Unity Rally Round 2: Timber Unity’s rally to again fight back against Oregon Democrats’ disastrous carbon tax will be on Thursday, February 6th, 2020. Tentative start time is 10:00. See below for more details, contact, info, and more.


Oregon’s Carbon Tax: New and Improved? Hardly.

Even though Salem’s Democrat legislators are trying to sell the “new and improved” carbon bill as something that would only impact people in the city (for now) it’s simply not true. Because more than 80% of all Oregonian communities have their only means of goods shipped, in or out, are only by truck.

Be sure to tune in to hear the mindset of how these politicians feel about rural areas and who they pretend to protect. What Senator President, Peter Courtney told Timber Unity rally participants right from the start will make your jaw drop.

Oh, and remember how Knute Buehler promised a carbon tax when he was running for governor of Oregon? Here he is suddenly for it now that he’s running for much more conservative CD 2

Good News for Oregon’s Forests?

Then we bring back our timber expert, Dr. Bob Zybach, who continues the conversation on the downfalls of a carbon tax and cap & trade schemes. We hear about how the law negatively impacts our forest management processes, a vital economic impact to Oregon. You’ll get a laugh over OSU’s latest scheme to save the planet. (Insert massive eye roll.)

And he discusses California’s dilemmas with its carbon cap and trade scheme (hint: it’s not working) along with the wildfire issue in Australia and the nonsense of some blaming global warming.

This week it’s all about stopping the nonsense of politicians attempting to fill their tax coffers while claiming it’s “for the environment.”

Podcast Version

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Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Related I Spy Radio Shows

Links Mentioned

Timber Unity Contact Info

  • Timber Unity’s:
    • Facebook page
    • Twitter (@TimberUnity)
    • Questions? Press inquiries? Need info? Contact Angelita Sanchez – her email is arnrc.inc@gmail.com
  • Tweet from @PhRMA: “Did you know that CAR-T therapy was designed to defeat leukemia, but now it’s on the verge of defeating multiple myeloma? That’s the thing about breakthroughs: one can lead to many more.” (via Twitter, Jan. 3, 2020)
  • OSU “study”: We can stop climate change by not logging? “Preserving Forests Makes Perfect Sense, a Letter to the Editor” (via The Oregonian, Jan 5, 2020)
  • Opinion: Why California’s climate solution isn’t cutting it (L.A. Times, Jan. 2, 2020)
    • “The system is supposed to force a gradual decline in carbon dioxide emissions by issuing polluting companies an annually decreasing number of permits to pollute, but it has granted so many exceptions that the program is nearly toothless. … since the beginning of cap and trade in 2013, emissions from oil and gas sources — generated by production, refining and vehicle fuel consumption — have increased by 3.5%”
  • Letters to The Editor:  Is California’s Cap-and-Trade Program Making Climate Change Worse? (L.A. Times, Jan 4., 2020)

Additional Links & Related Info

Oregon’s Economic Outlook: Math meets Imaginary

Oregon’s Economic Outlook: Math meets Imaginary

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player below

Show Summary: Do you have an unlimited amount of money? Or time?  If not, then welcome to the world of economics—where math meets reality. Or, if you’re you’re talking about Oregon Democrats in charge of Oregon’s economic outlook, where math meets imaginary.

Original Air Dates: June 8 & 9, 2019 | Guest(s): Jonathan Williams

When it comes to economic outlook, there’s no better organization to turn to than ALEC — American Legislative Exchange Council, the nation’s premiere economic forecaster for the 50 states. And when it comes to Oregon’s economic outlook, they know what can make Oregon successful.

If only Oregon Democrats did.

Oregon’s Economic Outlook

Governor Kate Brown and Oregon's Economy: where math meets imaginary
Those two kids in the front look like they’re running the numbers on how much all this is gonna cost their generation…

We’ve said often that Oregon is the Petri dish for all things Left, except the Petri dish is no longer needed to prove what works or doesn’t work in economics.  States across the U.S. are demonstrating how increased taxes are not the way to economic recovery.  And even though the proof is in the pudding our Democrat legislators refuse to take heed.

Now ranked a very dismal 44th in ALEC’s survey of economic outlook among the states, Oregon may soon find their economic coffers emptying as businesses leave to move to much more friendly taxed states.  It’s already happening. Stimson Lumber announced this last week that they were packing up, closing their operations in Forest Grove, and heading out of state.

Oddly, with all its spending, Oregon may soon be one of the biggest cheerleaders of the Trump economy. Because what do you think will happen if suddenly the economy retreats when Oregon just decided to raise billions in new taxes?

Jonathan Williams from ALEC

To bring clarity to the problems of high taxed states we bring on Jonathan Williams, co-author of Rich States Poor States to give us the good and bad news of how states are dealing with Trump’s booming economy.  He discusses Oregon’s problems and why it was ranked so low—and that was before the new multi-billion-dollar business tax was passed.

We also get to look at what states like Idaho, Texas, Tennessee and others are doing not only enjoying Trump’s tax cuts but jumping on and cutting their own state taxes that highly benefits their citizens. (Like and support your people? What a concept!)

Listen to find out how Oregon is starting down the path of socialism by the D’s desire for centralized planning.  Hear what one Democrat Senator had to say while standing on the senate floor about businesses that could no longer afford to stay in Oregon. And listen to hear how Democrats are using the tax codes to only allow the “right” kind of business to operate in Oregon. Is this a new trend in national politics?

If nothing else, Oregon Democrats are proving the importance of borders. If the D’s get too destructive you can vote with your feet.

Podcast Version

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Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Links Mentioned

Oregon Democrats’ Path to Destruction

Oregon Democrats’ Path to Destruction

Show Summary: Oregon Democrats aren’t exactly shy about overspending taxpayer dollars. Indeed, they seem quite proud of the devastating 29% tax increase they are in the middle of passing in 2019. So why do they want to take away voters’ ability to fight back?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: May 25 & 26, 2019 | Jeff Kropf

This Week:  There are taxes and then there are extinction-level taxes. Because Oregon Democrats seems to be lurching down the path of destruction — unless they can be pulled back from the brink.

Oregon Democrats: You have too much of your money

The Far-Left Oregon Democrats seems to revel in their super-majority ability to create taxes on a whim. With no chance from the Republicans to be able to stop them. Worse, they seem to take great joy in thumbing their noses at the everyday Oregonians by mislabeling taxes and working hard to take away Oregonians’ ability to stand up in protest.

There is a lot under discussion this week on I Spy Radio. While we know it’s Memorial Day, this is exactly why all those sacrifices were made. So we can fight the battle on the Home Front.

Oregon Democrats: New and Artful Taxes

Democrats are finding new and creative ways to layer taxes on top of other taxes—all while saying but this is just a little percentage and won’t add up to much. Except, when you add all the layers together they add up to a lot.

For example, take the “tiny” .57% tax the Democrat supermajority just passed—the Corporate Activities Tax (more accurately, the Gross Sales Tax). However, this tiny unnoticeable tax (HB3427) will raise $2 billion in new taxes. Most importantly, this bill taxes the gross sales, not net profits. (Yes, this is a sales tax.) In other words, if your low-margin business spends $95 to make a product and you sell it for $100, you will be taxed on the full $100, not your $5 in profit.

Most importantly, that “tiny tax” is on top of any other taxes you’re already paying?

Remember: this gross receipts tax / shadow sales tax is a repeat of a ballot initiative Oregon voters rejected just two years ago. Pesky voters! You don’t get to decide. Oregon Democrats know better.

A Whopping 29% Increase in Taxes


But that’s just the beginning. In addition to the Gross Receipts Tax, here are a few of the tax hikes the Far-Left are supporting and are likely to pass:

  • Family Leave $1.5 billion
  • Carbon Tax $1.1 billion (at a minimum!)
  • Employee Assessment Tax $500 million
  • Medicaid Tax $335 million
  • Small Business Tax $130 million
  • Kicker Cut $108 million

All told, that is $5.673 billion in new taxes. Counted against the General Fund, that is a tax increase of almost 29%. Twenty-nine percent.

What’s even a more difficult to stomach is not a moment’s pause to even consider cutting spending. When is enough, enough?

Oregon Democrats Want to Silence Ballot Initiatives

And while the Far Left wants to cut the Kicker Tax and keep $108 million of it for government, here’s another kicker: they want make it harder for Oregonians to bring ballot initiatives to the voters. Enough is enough.

It’s time for action. We talk with Jeff Kropf, former Oregon legislator and current head of Oregon Capital Watch Foundation (OCWF.org.) about these staggering new taxes and a potential challenge to the Gross Receipts Tax.

Again. Because Oregon voters defeated this same tax just two years ago. But we can’t stop fighting. If we do, and if the Democrats in Salem get their way, this may truly be the last chance we have.

Tune in this week to hear what’s coming and what to do about it.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • Jeff’s group is Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation, which can be found at ocwf.org.
  • No word as of our show airing on the ballot initiative. If you want to be involved or to get updates, you can email Jeff at jkropf@wvi.com
  • While you’re at it, join our email list to be alerted to upcoming shows and more. Never miss an I Spy Radio Show!
  • As Critics of the New Corporate Tax Increase Ponder Referring It to Voters, Democrats Seek to Hinder Signature Gathering (Willamette Week, May 20, 2019)

Additional Links & Info

Oregon Democrats: It’s Not Your Money

Oregon Democrats: It’s Not Your Money


Show Summary: Oregon Democrats appear to have taken the position that no matter how much or how little you make, it really all belongs to the state. A look at the taxes they have in store for 2019.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Six Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Jan. 19 & 20, 2019 | Jonathan Williams

Oregon Democrats appear to think that if you earn money, it’s really not your money. It belongs to the state. You can tell because Oregon Democrats—who have super-majorities in Oregon’s house and senate plus the governorship—have billions in new taxes they want to unleash. Billions to extract from the 3.3 million Oregonians.

The Short List of Oregon Democrats New Taxes

Doubling the gas tax. Tripling taxes on beer and cigarettes. Fees (i.e. taxes) on restaurants. Vending machines. First in the nation carbon tax — plus a California-style cap-and-trade. (Hello $5 per gallon gasoline.) Fees (taxes) on bed and breakfasts. Spa visits. Fees (taxes) on tourism. Fees on small business. Middle business. Big business. Mining permit fee increases. Fees on timber lands. Fees on public utilities. Fees on home heating oil. Fees on

And if that isn’t enough, Oregon Democrats even want to remove property tax exemptions for non-profits and churches.

Yes, even God doesn’t pay enough in taxes.

At this rate, pretty soon, the State and Oregon Democrats will want to tax money you didn’t earn.

Oregon Democrats 2019 Tax Plans

We talk this week to Jonathan Williams, the Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC.org) to get some insight into what all these taxes the Oregon Democrats have planned will do to the state’s economy.

Some of what we talk about includes Oregon’s cap-and-trade scheme, the fees, and the endless taxes.

Don’t worry. There’s hope. But you’ll have to listen.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned