12-45 Closing Arguments: The Why of Voting Republican in 2022
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Show Summary: The one thing we can thank covid for is that it revealed who elected democrats really are. And what they really want, what they really think of America, and what they really believe about our rights and liberty. We’ve seen their apocalyptic vision for America. But what about the Republicans? What would a Republican-led future look like? We take a look.

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Original Air Dates: November 5th & 6th, 2022 | Guests: Bruce Westerman, Alek Skarlatos, Ben Edtl, & Kim Rice
It’s Democrat Panic Time
Last week, we warned you that the Democrats—who have been trying to scare voters away from Republicans—would go full panic-mongering. And they did. A presidential historian appeared on MSNBC to warn the audience:
50 years from now, a historian — if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I’m not certain of — a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested, and conceivably killed. We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system. And it could be a week away.
Don’t believe that anyone could be that insane? Watch the clip for yourself.
Yes. There it is. The democrats’ panic mongering in all its glory: “If you vote for Republicans, your kids will be murdered and democracy will die.”
This Week – Why Vote Republican in 2022
This week, why voting Republican in 2022 is the only sane choice. Thanks to covid and the last two years of full democrat control, we’ve had a real glimpse of the nightmare democrats envision for America. Total control of your life, your business. Even what you are allowed to say, think, or believe. And that’s not hyperbole. They wanted to take away your rights to speak up (like at school board meetings or on social media). They wanted to control what you could think or believe: if you didn’t believe their science, you should be punished and forced to take their jab or lose your job.

The last two years has been like a living nightmare in America. More so for Oregonians. And let’s be clear about one thing. The destruction Democrats have wrought is not be accident. It was on purpose. Democrats cheered when Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline. They cheered when they passed laws to push America to an expensive and unsustainable “green energy” future. They cheered when they seized dictator-like powers and flexed their authoritarian rule to shut down schools and businesses and churches. And they cheered when governments forced experimental vaccines on people or lose their jobs.
And now, of course, having been proven wrong at every level — from the economy to covid — now they want “amnesty.” They want us to forget they wished death on those who stood up for their rights and who refused to back down. Just forget all that and the hell you unleashed on people who wouldn’t obey you?
I don’t think so.
But what would things look like under a Republican-led future?
Sometimes, it’s hard to envision the unknown. Especially when democrats have done their best, for decades, to terrify Oregonians about Republicans.
Four Republican Candidates to Help You See a Sane Future

We welcome four candidates to give their closing arguments. They share their experiences dealing with Democrat destruction, why they are fighting for a better future, and what a Republican-led future look like.
We start with Congress Bruce Westerman (AR-4), the only certified forester in all of Congress. Bruce was here in Oregon to visit and support fellow congressional candidate, Alek Skarlatos running in Oregon’s 4th Congressional District. We get his impressions of Oregon. Like what he thought of Oregon’s infamous homeless camps that have multiplied exponentially under democrat leadership.
Then we welcome back the man himself, Alek Skarlatos, to get insights into what he is hearing from his constituents. It turns out, even democrats are frustrated with democrats. On everything from crime to the economy to, yes, those infamous homeless camps. And he shares what he would do to improve the lives of Oregon’s 4th congressional, which is Oregon’s poorest district. Thanks, once again, to democrats.
To find out more visit Alek’s campaign website, which is AlekforOregon.com
Saving Oregon – Two Republican State Senate Candidates
Next, we welcome Ben Edtl, who is running for state senator in Oregon’s district 19. Ben was a successful entrepreneur and businessman in Portland — until he ran into democrat policies that destroyed his business. Covid lockdowns and the summer of love as democrat activists (aka “Antifa”) combined was too much to stay open. Ben got death threats, his businesses vandalized and Portland’s democrat mayor stood by and did nothing. Other than to cheer on the destruction — and release those who did the crimes. After his businesses were destroyed, Ben formed the non-partisan Free Oregon, which sues government overreach to hold them accountable. Ben shares what he would be focused on — business and the economy — and how his experiences will shape a better business climate for Oregon.
To find out more, visit Ben’s campaign website, BenEdtl.com and his organization’s website, FreeOregon.us
Republicans: Save our Schools, Save our Kids
And then we welcome Kim Rice, a teacher who personally witnessed the havoc being unleashed on our schools. Kim is also running for state senate, in district 18. She was a teacher for 27 years until democrat policies forced her out. Tune in to hear how, unannounced but with the support of the school administration, a trans activist came into her kindergarten classroom. With no ability for her to say no or to stop this sexuality being pushed on her kindergartners. The final straw was the democrat policy to have control over her own body to say no to an experimental vaccine. She shares with us what a Republican-led legislature and governor should focus on for a brighter future for all Oregonians.
Kim also shares with us the danger of a democrat bill currently under consideration, HB 3088. As if the democrats haven’t pushed enough sex at Oregonians, now they want to legalized the sex trade.
For more information, visit Kim’s campaign site, KimRiceforOregon.com
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
- The democrats gerrymandered districts all over Oregon. Be sure to find your representatives using this Legislator Lookup tool from Oregon’s legislature.
- The democrats actions never line up with their rhetoric. “Global warming. We need to reduce CO2 emissions.” Meanwhile, the forest fires in a single year wiped out 18 years of greenhouse gas emission reductions. California Wildfires Cancel-Out Two Decades Of Emissions Reductions (ZeroHedge, October 23, 2022)
- Republicans expect gains in the Oregon Legislature (Jefferson Public Radio, Oct 31, 2022)
- Joe Rogan Says Red Wave In Midterms Will Be Like The Elevator Scene In The Shining (American Lookout, Nov 2, 2022)