Proven Guilty? Grand Jury Investigation into Covid & How We Got Here
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Show Summary: Two state senators in Oregon call for a grand jury investigation into the willful misconduct by government officials by manipulating the covid data. It’s all about driving fear. Plus, a look at how we got here with Obamacare and Oregon’s own version, The Oregon Health Care Transformation.

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Original Air Dates: Sept 18 & 19, 2021 | Sen. Dennis Linthicum & Patti Milne
This Week: Call for Grand Jury Investigation
Last week, Senator Dennis Linthicum surprised us when he casually mentioned he was heading to a press conference to discuss his call for a grand jury into covid-19 malfeasance.
Wait. What now…?
So of course we needed to have him come right back to talk about this. Dr. Henry Ealy and Leah Wilson have both called for a grand jury investigation into public officials’ willful misconduct by manipulating — fear mongering — the data, which has driven the panic-demic.
How We Got Here
It’s been just over 11 years since the democrats forced Obamacare on the nation. Or “Deemed it passed” as Nancy said. Which led to the democrats seeing massive losses in 2010. And losing both the house and the senate.
A couple years later, Oregon went through its own “Healthcare Transformation”, which put Oregon’s own version of Obamacare into place, in case Obamacare was ever tossed out.
So we thought it would be a good idea to look back at how we got here. How did we move from a free-market system for health care to one that now seems to think it can order you to inject yourself with experimental vaccines?
We talk with former county commissioner, Patti Milne, who was in the thick og the battle as democrats pushed through Oregon’s grand scheme. Except here’s the thing: they had willing (duped) allies in their republican counterparts.
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Links Mentioned
Grand Jury Press Release & Info
- The Press Release: Oregon Senators File Formal Grand Jury Petition Calling for Investigation into CDC’s Willful Misconduct to Hyperinflate COVID-19 Data Following Federal Law Violations (Stand for Health Freedom, Sept 16, 2021). Includes:
- Video interview (Rumble)
- Official Letter from Sen. Thatcher and Sen. Linthicum (PDF)
- COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis (PDF)
- COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective (PDF)
- Formal Petition for the Covid Grand Jury (PDF)
- Synopsis (PDF)
India Defies W.H.O – Issues Ivermectin
- Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State is Covid-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” Ivermectin (Gateway Pundit, Sept 15, 2021)
- The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become free from COVID-19 government informed on Friday. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of Ivermectin as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.”
- The active caseload in Uttar Pradesh is down to 269, while the percentage of active cases against the total confirmed cases is 0 per cent. The active caseload, which was at a high of 310,783 in April, has reduced by over 99 per cent.
- And this state is one of the five lowest Covid cases of all states in India. And it’s despite having only a low vaccination rate of 5.8% fully vaccinated compared to the USA that has 54% fully vaccinated.
- The [Indian] government notification reads, “Doctors are advising to take ivermectin 12 mg to contain the impact of pandemic. This medicine is quite effective in protecting from covid-19. Therefore, we appeal each and every citizen to have this tablet.”
Idaho Doctor Sees 20-Fold Increase of Cancers
- Idaho: U.S. doctor reports a ’20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients: ‘Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells’ (WND, Sept 15, 2021)
- Dr. Cole said that vaccines seem to be triggering serious autoimmune issues, and described the situation as a “reverse HIV.”
- “Cole explained that two types of cells are required for adequate immune system function: ‘Helper T-cells,’ also called ‘CD4 cells,’ and ‘killer T-cells,’ often known as ‘CD8 cells,'” the report said. “According to Cole, in patients with HIV, there is a massive suppression of ‘helper T-cells’ which cause immune system functions to plummet, and leave the patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses. Similarly, Cole describes, ‘post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,'” Those, he explained, “keep all other viruses in check.”
UK Hospitals Bribed to put Patients on Pathway to Death (2012)
- Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway (UK Daily Mail, Oct 25, 2012)
Related Links
- Hospital staff hit nation’s lowest (Taxpayers Assoc of OR, Sept 8, 2021)
- Quick video: Dr Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko — “Covid-19, the Real Pandemic” (Gettr post, Sept 8, 2021)
- Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About COVID Injections: Ignored by Government and Big Media (Global Research, Aug 23, 2021)
- Covid explosion in the most Vaccinated state [(Vermont)]… (Citizen Free Press, Sept 17, 2021)
- Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Unconstitutional (The Defender, Sept 16, 2021)
- Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Covid Hospitalizations Up 8-Fold Compared to Last Year in Super-Vaxxed UK (No Q Report, Sept 15, 2021)
- And here’s Why Biden’s Vaccine Mandate is Unconstitutional (via WeLoveTrump.com, Sept 16, 2021)
- Moderna analysis: Those vaccinated last year twice more likely to get COVID-19 than those jabbed recently (Fox News, Sept 15, 2021)
- U.S. doctor reports a ’20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients (WND, Sept 15 2021)
- Seriously ill COVID-19 patients double in vaccine pace-setter Singapore (Reuters, Sept 13, 2021)
- The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about (CNBC, Feb 22, 2018)