13-19 The Left Ruins Everything | How DEI and HCP kill what they claim to help
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Show 13-19 Summary: This week, it’s two examples of woke ideologies destroying what their proponents claim to be trying to help. The Left’s destructive helpful policies. But do they really care about results? And is there a perverse incentive to fail? We talk DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and its impact on corporations and organizations. Especially the military and how DEI is sabotaging things there — and on more levels than just military readiness. Then we talk about the Oregon Department of Forestry’s HCP (habitat conservation plan) that it schemed up. It’s a disastrous plan for Oregon’s forests that definitely will not save them and will lead to huge economic losses. Not to mention catastrophic forest fires. This must be the Left’s George Bush-ism. “We must kill the forests to save the forests…”

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Original Air Dates: May 13th & 14th, 2023 | Guests: Christian Watson & Jennifer Hamaker
This Week – The Left’s destructive helpful policies
King Midas had the “golden touch.” The Left has “the death touch.” Killing everything it touches. Especially things it claims it is trying to help. Look what they’ve done with race relations. Look what they’ve done with women’s equality. Or any number of programs that do far more actual harm than actual good.
To talk about the Left’s destructive helpful policies, we welcome first-time guest, Christian Watson. He is the national spokesman for Color Us United, a non-profit whose mission is a color-blind America. One of the more recent attempts to “help” minorities and other woke demographics is DEI. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Christian walks us through what it’s supposed to do. But also what it really does. And it’s not pretty.
One of the worst impacts of DEI is the impact it’s having on the military. And military readiness. Not to mention the impact it’s having on racial minorities. You know. The people DEI is supposed to help. Tune in to hear why this is boomeranging on Left. They’re like Wile E. Coyote that way.
There’s no end of acronyms this week. DEI. ESG. ODF. HCP. And ONRI. Oregon Natural Resource Industries, an organization dedicated to activate and support the grassroots within the natural resource industries. We welcome another first-time guest, Jennifer Hamaker, the president of ONRI, to talk about this scheme from leftists within the ODF. And nowhere is the Left’s destructive helpful policies more on display than their environmental policies.
Like, “let’s lock up the forests and stop harvesting trees!” And then the forests burn down because there’s been no management. Oh, but it’s Global Warming! Really? If Global Warming is making everything drier, then you should be doing more forest management not less. And the latest of the Left’s destructive helpful policies is a HCP that Oregon’s Department of Forestry schemed up. An HCP. A “habitat conservation plan” that will do far, far more damage than good.
Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan
Make no mistake. This is a disastrous plan. On every level. Economically, environmentally, and logically. The Oregon Department of Forestry’s HCP (habitat conservation plan) will take Oregon’s state forests offline for 70 years. It will impact 634,000 acres. And by not logging, it will strip millions and millions of dollars from entities that currently receive shares from Oregon’s timber harvests.
You can help stop this! SIGN the petition opposing the HCP here: OregonStrongerTogether.com. It only takes a few seconds to do. Don’t be silent!
Check out this list of 222 schools, counties, ports, emergency services, and more who will all lose funding if the HCP goes through. Beneficiaries of timber harvest revenue that will be DEFUNDED if the HCP is accepted.
Help ONRI fight the ODF’s HCP! They need help to raise funds for a media campaign to expose this disastrous plan for Oregon’s state forests. Visit ONRI.us and look under the “Shop” button to donate (or just jump to it right now). Any amount helps!
Be sure to join us next week as we continue our discussion about this disastrous HCP. Next week, we’ll dig into the details. Especially the personal impacts this will have across Oregon.
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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Christian Watson Segments
- Christian is the spokesman for Color Us United, an organization dedicated to a color-blind America. We are all for that.
- Christian’s article mentioned: DEI’s new battleground: the U.S. military (Washington Examiner, Apr 30, 2023)
- IN THE NAVY: U.S. Navy Hires Active Duty ‘Non-Binary’ Drag Queen to Boost Recruitment (The First TV, May 3, 2023)
- Gallup Poll: Worsening Race Relations (No date but after 2021)
Jennifer Hamaker Segments
- Jennifer is the president of ONRI. Visit ONRI.us to learn more about what they do. And please help them spread the word with a donation (look for the link under the “shop” tab).
- ONRI’s Facebook post on the current beneficiaries that will lose funding if the HCP is adopted.
Related Info on the Left’s destructive helpful policies
- Christian Watson from “Color Us United,” a group whose mission is a color-blind America (Michelle Tafoya via YouTube, Nov 8, 2022)
- 2021 Total System Electric Generation (California Energy Commission, 2022)
- Satellite Data Shows No Global Warming For Eight Years, Nine Months (Principia Scientific International, Apr 13, 2023)
- Excellent article: “The wind and solar power myth has finally been exposed: The necessary miracle doesn’t exist” (UK Telegraph, May 10, 2023)
- Solar and wind “plans have a single, fatal flaw. They are reliant on the pipe-dream that there is some affordable way to store surplus electricity at scale.”
- “Wind farms cost about $1.5 million per MW. So the cost of battery storage would be astronomical: 80 times greater than the cost of the wind farm! A major additional constraint would be that such quantities of batteries are simply not available. Not enough lithium and cobalt and other rare minerals are being mined at the moment.”