Tag: politics

Can Oregon be Made Great Again

Can Oregon be Made Great Again

Show Summary: This week we continue our discussion on natural resources. Last week, the Pebble Mine in Alaska is poised to begin harvesting half a trillion dollars. What’s Oregon doing with their natural resources? We talk with Dr. Bob Zybach to find out what Oregon is doing wrong and what we should be doing. We also talk with Sam Carpenter who is running for governor as the Republican. He has some unique ideas on how to fix Oregon. Could Oregon turn red?

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Month 20 & 21, 2018 | Dr. Bob Zybach & Sam Carpenter

Why is it when we discuss natural resources it seems as if immediately those resources are always aligned with environmental issues?  Why is it they are never considered resources and their impact on income and expenses instead?  Especially when we are discussing rural communities who are nearing bankruptcy. A family turns to their bank accounts (their resource) as they determine budgets.  Shouldn’t a state such as Oregon who has natural resources in their land “bank” be doing the same?

For instance, the wild fires that burned over a million acres of resources this past summer cost Oregon taxpayers a lot of money. That burn cost Oregonians a minimum of half a billion dollars.  Money that Oregon’s depleted bank resources doesn’t have.  And what’s the answer that Kate Brown, Oregon’s governor, has come up with?  Sell off a state forest that if managed is capable of supplying $400 million for Oregon’s schools. And not only does she want to sell it off, but she wants to sell it off at a quarter of its value.  A very bad deal.

Oregon’s Natural Resources: Money does Grow on Trees

Oregon is a land rich with natural resources just waiting to be harvested
Oregon is a land rich with natural resources just waiting to be harvested

Our first guest, Dr. Bob Zybach, focuse s on why harvesting and managing our forests and natural resources would not only save Oregon tax payers money, it would make them a small fortune. And if managed well would turn around an economic disaster in rural communities. Who wants to inhale smoked-filled skies or watch wildlife habitat be destroyed?  No one.  It’s a no-brainer to get behind and support people who are willing to step up and offer solutions. Dr. Zybach offers his well-researched, practical experiences he’s had as a hands-on forester to stop this nonsense of fires in Oregon.

Don’t miss the shocking “workaround” that Governor Kate came up with to get around pesky state laws. Not only will we not make money on the Elliott Forest, we’re spending our future.

Can Oregon be Made Great Again?

We then turn to Republican gubernatorial candidate, Sam Carpenter, who has very intriguing ideas on how to get Oregon into a positive win/win scenario on these needless fires and to get Oregon into overall financial health.  A 30-year, highly experienced businessman specializing in fixing businesses in trouble, Mr. Carpenter brings a wide compliment of innovative ideas into the mix.  Having been a forester himself, he pinpoints the problems Oregonians want solved regarding forests and forest management.

Using his professional experience as a successful CEO he discusses not only his thoughts on forest management but how he’d tap into the advisors he’s already working with to find the best solutions to stop the needless waste.  A man who’s lived in rural areas all of his life, he understands the value of bringing their rural areas up to standards with living wages the way it used to be in Oregon.

And don’t miss his notions on how to win in Oregon.  Hint: It’s not about “reaching across the aisle” by giving up your principles, which is what so many Republicans think they need to do to attract Democrat votes.

Can Oregon can be made great again? Don’t miss a show that will give you a lot of hope!


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Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

  • Advertising with I Spy Radio – 2018 is off to a great start with a real opportunity for businesses to expand and grow. Will your business be one of them? You’ve got to advertise Thanks to the Trump tax cut, even here in Oregon people will have more money to spend.. But they can’t buy from you if they don’t know you’re out there. We can get you on the air on our network of stations all across Oregon. We have some special deals for new advertisers – but you have to call us directly. Drop us an email at sales@ispyradio.com or 503-465-iSpy (4779).
  • Save 25% on your tickets for the Mike Huckabee event, Speak Life 18! Use ispyradio as the discount code when ordering from oregonlifeunited.org’speaklife
  • Sam Carpenter’s website: MakeOregonGreatAgain.com and his Facebook page is Sam Carpenter for Oregon

Related Links

Trump’s Jerusalem — The Key to Peace in the Middle East?

Trump’s Jerusalem — The Key to Peace in the Middle East?

Show Summary: The mainstream media was too busy spewing anti-Trump propaganda to notice how “Trump’s Jerusalem” may have profoundly positive and long-term results. We talk with a former jihadist to learn how Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, combined with some unreported events in the Middle East, may open the door in real peace in Israel. Perhaps even the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.

I Spy Radio coverage map | I Spy Radio broadcast areas effective April 2017
The I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: December 9 & 10, 2017 | Kamal Saleem

A former jihadist reveals why “Trump’s Jerusalem” combined with some unreported developments in the Middle East will open the door in real peace in Israel.

This week, President Trump decided to put a foot down on death-by-committee and officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. After years of promises from past presidents, President Trump directed the State Department to begin the process of moving the United States embassy to Jerusalem. The result from countries such as Turkey was outrage. Fires of anger started raging as Muslims responded to a long time promise of the mid 1990’s.

Not surprisingly, the anti-Trump media also tried to ignite their own firestorm. Except they are completely missing why this is such a historic moment and the key pieces of the puzzle that are suddenly now in play. Even the Trump-friendly media like Fox News and Breitbart are missing these key puzzle pieces. But don’t worry; we have the answers.

Trump’s Jerusalem: A New Era of Peace in Israel?

We pull in our expert on Middle East issues: former Jihadist, Kamal Saleem, who was born in Beirut, Lebanon, to give us insights into the reasons why Muslims are exploding over President Trump’s decision—but also why there is real reason to believe peace may come to Israel as a result of these puzzle pieces that the media is completely missing.  Because Kamal is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew, he is able to give us information you won’t hear in the main stream media. So, tune to find out why this decision to move the embassy is one of the most historic decisions of modern time.

Don’t miss what the rest of the media is missing!

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • Supreme Court lets full Trump travel ban take effect (CNN, Dec. 5, 2017)
  • Christians flee growing persecution in Africa and Middle East (The Guardian, Jan. 12, 2017)
  • Pence, persecuted Middle Eastern Christians need your platform (The Hill, Dec. 4, 2017)
  • As U.S. commitment to persecuted Christians wavers, Russia steps in (Crux, Dec. 5, 2017)
  • Theresa May ‘will challenge’ Trump over his controversial decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israeli capital in a showdown call after their diplomatic spat over Britain First tweet (Daily Mail, Dec. 6, 2017)


A Glimmer of Hope for Pro-Life Supporters in Oregon

A Glimmer of Hope for Pro-Life Supporters in Oregon

Show Summary: Oregon is the only state in the nation with zero pro-life laws. Tune in this week to hear some hope — and how one organization is fighting to turn the tide.

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov. 18 & 19, 2017 | Nichole Bentz & Kristan Hawkins

For pro-life Oregonians, Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown, has shown her true colors as former lobbyist for Planned Parenthood.  Through her leadership, Oregon passed an unfettered abortion law that allows for babies to be aborted up to the due date—and for any reason.  You don’t like the sex of the baby or if it’s just inconvenient, gone. To top it off, Oregon is making abortions free for women who can’t afford it—100% free, not even a dollar of co-pay.  That means pro-life taxpayers are forced to pay for abortions, including those who are not legal citizens.

But there is good news, even here in Oregon. And it’s from a surprising source: today’s youth.

Nichole Bents, NW Regional Coordinator of Students for Life
Nichole Bents, NW Regional Coordinator of Students for Life

We talk with Nichole Bentz (@RC_NicholeB), the NW Regional Director, and Kristan Hawkins, the president, both from Students for Life of America. This national organization is making terrific strides as they fight for the unborn. Tune in to find out the exciting and hopeful news, including the incredible numbers of today’s youth who are pro-life—and the reasons why they’re pro-life.

Here’s a hint: Today’s youth is the sonogram generation

This is especially encouraging at a time when we’re witnessing what is happening on the national stage and what’s coming out of Hollywood. For decades, women have been objectified, as clearly played out in the Hollywood sex scandals of abuse.  It has bred a culture of no responsibility and abortion has given them a no-consequences escape from their actions and abuse.

Looking for a pro-life organization in Oregon? See our list of Oregon pro-life links

All babies are pro-lifeWe have a long way to go in Oregon but it has to start with small steps. The first is to stop the funding of free abortions using taxpayer dollars. Tune in to hear how you can help protect society’s most vulnerable: our unborn babies.

We start with the Oregon Regional Coordinator, Nichole Bentz (@RC_NicholeB), who describes her work on the college campuses in Oregon and tells us what she hears from students when they find out just how far this new abortion law goes.  She also tells our listeners what supports they offer and what listeners can do to support her in her ongoing work.  And be looking for those volunteer students to help support gathering petitions during the Christmas season.

Are you a pro-life college student and want to get involved? Head here to get started

Then we talk with Kristan Hawkins, Director of the national Students for Life.  She will discuss the Hollywood scandals and how they may impact a more pro woman support.

One of the most difficult and emotional pro-life challenges is when a woman becomes pregnant due to rape. Don’t miss her touching discussion on how Students for Life approaches these situations.

Exciting Pro-Life News!

Right now, volunteers in Oregon are working overtime to try and stop the taxpayer funding of this ugly new abortion law. As Students for Life head home on Christmas break, they’ll be bringing petitions with them to gather signatures to help stop the funding. Also, we’re pleased to announce that StoptheFunding.org is bringing out Mike Huckabee in late January (20th and 21st) to help with the signature gathering effort. So far, we can confirm he’ll be speaking in Portland, Salem, and Medford. Stay tuned for more details on locations and times!

Latest news on Mike Huckabee coming to Oregon can be found on the Stop the Funding Take Action page

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Pro-Life Stories

Other Pro-Life Organizations in Oregon

Liberal Exploitation: Hollywood’s Sexual Predators and the Court System

Liberal Exploitation: Hollywood’s Sexual Predators and the Court System

Show Summary: The scandals in Hollywood reveal the dark immorality of the Left and their insatiable need for power. James Hirsen updates us on the Weinstien and other scandals and how they are just the tip of the iceberg. The long-rumored pedophilia rings is next. Donna Brazile’s exposes Hillary’s manipulations. And Dr. Tim Ball on his legal battles as he fights the Left’s misuse of the legal system to punish dissent and freedom of speech.

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov 4  & 5, 2017 | James Hirsen & Dr. Tim Ball

This Week: Two of the big stories this week have been about corruption and the immorality of the Left: Hollywood’s and Hillary’s.  Both stories look into the mindset of cultural hypocrites of the worst kind. They claim to be champions of freedom and democracy but out of the eye of the public, they do whatever they can to shut up their victims with threats and intimidation.

Many of us outside of Hollywood suspected what was going on but now there’s evidence. And it’s deeper than we feared.

Hollywood especially lives a lifestyle they know is so repugnant to many that it can’t be exposed in the light of day.  So in darkness they tread on their victims’ rights, collude with any enemy who will live with them in that darkness, and then act shocked if and when they’re caught.  We’ve seen this week more and more victims come forward who were intimidated into silence by the powerful in Hollywood.

Hillary is the political expression of the rot in Hollywood and is the perfect example of the immorality of the Left. With a new scandal breaking every week, we’re witnessing Hillary’s behind-the-scenes manipulations. It’s an infection that’s spread through the ideology of the Left: use power to destroy your enemies. It threatens all of us when their power takes over the institutions we trust to protect us.

To really look at Hollywood we call on James Hirsen, who has been a conservative observing what goes on in Hollywood.  Mr. Hirsen not only discusses the despicable culture of the Harvey Weinstein’s but really gets into a deeper look at how this dark culture has grown and spread in our society.  It’s very clear why conservatives, and especially Christian conservatives, are not welcomed there, because those living in darkness don’t want any light shining on their secret lives.  We see this living out in the types of movies being made, and who the Hollywood crowd hangs around with — and supports politically.  That’s why we’ll also talk with James about Donna Brazile revealing of Hillary’s corruption and takeover of the DNC. Tune in to hear how damaging this culture has been and could continue to be on our way of life.

Then we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, who is an example of the ideological Left uses the law to try to destroy their enemies. He shares with us how he is fighting off not one but three lawsuits he’s been battling. He’s been sued by government-funded climatologists for such things as defamation—merely because he disagrees with their conclusions.  You’ll hear how a culture, like the green movement, has tried to use the courts not to protect, but to destroy. Imagine if Hillary had continued the efforts of the Obama administration to use the legal system to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

The Left hides behind the powerful. The Goliaths. And they hide in his shadow. But the good news is that with the light shining on them, the army of darkness will turn and run. Join us this week for a view of the battlefield.

Podcast Version

Related Links

  • A great example of what happens on Hollywood’s sets: “Dustin Hoffman Sexually Harassed Me When I Was 17” (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
  • It’s no wonder people are trapped & how the Left uses the legal system to trap people: “The aggressive confidentiality agreements put into place by A-listers like Leonardo DiCaprio that protect their ‘personal safety, well-being and business’ against employees” (Daily Mail, Oct 31, 2017)
  • New Republic Publisher, Documentary Producer Hamilton Fish Suspended for Harassment Allegations (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • Report: Andy Dick Fired from Movie after Allegations of Sexual Harassment on Set (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • Actor Jeremy Piven Accused of Sexual Assault by Reality TV Star (Update) (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • Former ‘Bachelor’ Producer Sues Warner Bros. For Sexual Harassment (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • New Spacey accusations fly as Netflix suspends ‘House of Cards’ (AFP, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Behind Amazon Studios’ Executive Purge as New Details Emerge (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Panic Hits Hollywood and Media Elite: Which Harasser Will Be Outed Next? (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment or misconduct (Los Angeles, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Hollywood pedophilia: “Dr. Oz convinces the former child star to report the alleged predators to LAPD” (Daily Mail, Nov 2, 2017)
  • Old Vic actors and former staff accuse theatre of turning a blind eye as Kevin Spacey ‘groped men many times’ during his 11 years as artistic director (Daily Mail, Nov 2, 2017)

Related Links for Tim Ball

What the NFL Protests Reveal about a Deeper Problem

What the NFL Protests Reveal about a Deeper Problem

Show Summary: How is it that millionaires are claiming inequality in America? What the NFL protests reveal about much deeper problems in the Black community. Hint: it’s not about “social justice.”

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 21 & 22, 2017 | Burgess Owens

This Week: As is the case in many situations the NFL taking a knee is really only showing us the tip of the iceberg.  Filled with a large population of black players who are being paid millions, we’re witnessing a culture and community that is blowing itself up.  Ratings are drastically falling as Commissioner Goodell is attempting to walk a very thin line between players and fans who are angry over players disrespecting our flag.  Over disrespecting our nation.

Burgess Owens book is a good read to understand the NFL protestsI Spy Radio is pleased to welcome back former NFL star and Super Bowl Champion, Burgess Owens. He is also the author of Liberalism: Or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies, and Wimps.

Through Burgess’ understanding of who has hijacked the Black community many decades ago, this week on I Spy Radio we will look into the players and what they’ve been taught that is finally coming out in a very public way.  But it doesn’t just stop at the players.  We walk through a whole culture that has lost its way as those who want to destroy our beliefs and love of country make their move through these young players. And Colin Kaepernick, a troubled person, is the example that demonstrates how and why this is happening.

pre-engineered steel building Landmark Pacific for wineries, agricultural, business, churches, and more
Sponsor: Wineries, churches, business, or agricultural… Need a steel building? Visit Landmark Pacific

Be sure to visit One Heart Project to learn more about solutions and sign the petition at Stop the Funding to stop Oregon from using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions

Listen to find who’s behind the deep roots in a culture that has taken a toll on one of our nation’s most revered and loved sports by influencing our youth in black communities.  And don’t miss Burgess’s explanation of what needs to happen to change the culture, and what we all can do to help.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned & Further Reading


The Las Vegas Shooting — Former Jihadist Reveals what FBI & Media are Ignoring

The Las Vegas Shooting — Former Jihadist Reveals what FBI & Media are Ignoring

Show Summary: Was it terrorism? For an agency that has taken eleven months and still can’t figure out what Russia did or didn’t do, the FBI took about 30 minutes to be absolutely certain the Las Vegas shooting wasn’t at all related to Islamic terrorism. Except ISIS says it was. The pundits have been eagerly spread the lie about ISIS making false claims about the Philippines casino attack, that it wasn’t ISIS—except our guest tells us the pundits are wrong and spreading a lie. It was ISIS. A former jihadist tells us what the FBI and media are missing and ignoring about the Las Vegas shooting and the shooter. Don’t miss the alarming influence of women in the jihadist movement. Yes, women. Find out what they’re willing to do and where and how they’ve infiltrated.

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Original Air Dates: Oct 7 & 8, 2017 | Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist with the PLO and Muslim Brotherhood
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In the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, the FBI has rushed to claim that the event was in no way involved with terrorism and certainly not ISIS. Except ISIS said the Las Vegas shooter was one of theirs. And they said this not just once, but three times. The media pundits and “experts” have rushed to spread the lie that “Well, ISIS has made these kind of statements before, claiming responsibility when it wasn’t them.” Almost everyone of them cite the example of ISIS claiming the attack on the casino in the Philippines wasn’t ISIS.

Except they’re wrong. Why are the FBI and media pundits spreading this lie?

Las Vegas Shooting

Tune in to hear a former jihadist, Kamal Saleem, detail what the media and FBI are ignoring about the Las Vegas shooting. And the evidence that the Philippines casino really was ISIS related.

Even if you assume the media is correct about the Philippines, that would be the only time that ISIS lied about their assertions.  Whereas, if we look at the FBI’s track record, they’ve been wrong every time.  Think San Bernardino or Orlando or Ft. Hood as an examples—all of which the FBI said weren’t Islamic terrorism, only to find out they were.

This week we turn to Kamal Saleem, president of Koome Ministries. Kamal is a former Jihadist who was sent to this country to destroy it and instead converted to Christianity and now works to teach others about the Jihadist infiltrations.  We discuss with him the  terrorist events in Las Vegas as the FBI is slowly starting to realize it may indeed have been terrorism after all.

Then, as Democrats try to make this about gun control, Kamal takes us into the evil and hate that comes from ISIS and their ability to manipulate others to fight their fight for them. Remember, just because you’re not a Muslim doesn’t mean that ISIS won’t use you. Don’t miss the evidence that this may be the case for the Las Vegas shooter as well.

The Women of Jihad

Also, don’t’ miss Kamal’s alarming revelations about the women of the jihadist movement and the roles they play as Westerners overlook them.  You’ll hear the details of how women are being used, why we need to wake up to their role as they hide in plain sight and why they are every bit as dangerous as their male jihadist counterparts. Find out what these women are willing to do in the name of Allah, how they get around Islamic rules of conduct, and where and how they’ve infiltrated.

Tune in and help stop the mainstream media from spreading their lies — by knowing the truth.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned


Enough! Idiotic Enviro Policies Allowing 300,000 Acres To Burn is NOT Normal

Enough! Idiotic Enviro Policies Allowing 300,000 Acres To Burn is NOT Normal

Show Summary: This week we take an in-depth look at how and why the Oregon forest fires have exploded this year. We also look at where they’re occurring and why in those particular areas. The answer may surprise you. Don’t miss the environment myths that inevitably lead to these devastating forest fires and the lies they spread about how the devastation is “good” for the environment.

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If Oregon’s do-nothing, let-it-burn policy of environmental destruction angers you, take it out on your representatives — state and federal. See this take action page for suggestions on what to do and how to contact them.

Original Air Dates: Sept 9 & 10, 2017 | Dr. Bob Zybach

There are currently over 300,000 acres of Oregon forest fires—and the vast majority didn’t need to happen. This week, Dr. Zybach explodes the environmental myths that have led to these devastating fires.

To find out the how and why the Oregon forest fires are out of control, we talk to Dr. Bob Zybach who not only did his dissertation on wildfires but has over 25 years of practical forest management as a reforester.  He predicted out -of-control forest fires as far back as 30 years ago and discusses with us how the environmental policies and practices have no basis at all in science or even common sense. As proof, none of the Oregon forest fires currently burning are on land he replanted. Good, sound management works.

Listen in to find out the facts—where these fires are burning and why there. You’ll be surprised at the amazing answer to where they are not burning.

Tune in to hear the economic devastation of the Oregon forest fires, including the jaw-dropping loss of income and jobs from not being able to help rebuild Houston or Florida, the insane messaging from the far-left as they try to find a way to justify these fires (see Willamette Week’s stupidity of how the Columbia River Gorge Wildfire could Help Wildlife “Flourish”), and now the pressure we must put on our state and federal government TO STOP THIS NONSENSE.

Take Action. Prevent more Oregon Forest Fires!

It’s time to change policies. Now.  This show will give you plenty of ammunition to contact your representatives at the state and local levels to demand change.

Angry? Ready to do something? Then take out your anger on your state and federal representatives.

Related Links

Geopolitics | What’s Really Driving North Korea?

Geopolitics | What’s Really Driving North Korea?

Show Summary: This week we look at geopolitics and the drivers and issues behind what’s happening in North Korea. Could China want the conflict to continue? And why?

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Did you miss the Show? You can download the podcast but you should go here to find out when, where, and how to listen so you don’t miss the next.

Air Dates: July 8 & 9, 2017 | Dr. Tim Ball

Too many times the dance of geopolitics does not start off with a waltz, as is such the case of North Korea, who launched an ICBM this week that had the potential of reaching Alaska—not to mention China, Russia, and Japan.  No longer can we be a wallflower of diplomacy as we did in Obama’s presidency by refusing to dance with our partners. North Korea chose an aggressive tune, which changed what America’s response must be.  But what does North Korea want and what do they expect to gain by firing off a highly threatening ICBM?  And why is China quietly standing by and at times working overtime to prop up this rogue nation even as they attempt ever more deadly attacks on other innocents?

That’s our discussion this week: the motivations behind the actions taken by these nations and the cascade of changing politics based on the moves of the others.

Geopolitics looks at the borders and the resources, history, and politics within those border, as well as the interaction of countries. Borders are manmade but they define a country’s assets and, because they are manmade, they at times separate and divide people and cultures which can have long-term and far-reaching effects, including separating a country from what they feel they need to survive.  We look at unanswered questions of borders of sea and sky —and who makes these decisions?  Our main focus is North Korea and China. Could China have a reason to keep the Koreans divided? We discuss this and much more this week with our guest Dr. Tim Ball, an expert on geopolitics and the agreements, or disagreements, the come over time.

We also dissect the president’s trip to Poland and why it was the perfect background to discuss the role of geopolitics in Europe.

Links and More Information

Click-Bait Media isn’t New

Click-Bait Media isn’t New

Show Summary: The mainstream media finally got their first win — an open assault on a Republican Congressman. We are in dangerous, dangerous territory and the media is still willing to sell its soul and America to sell a few ads. Turns out today’s click-bait media isn’t so new. But it’s still dangerous. This week: focusing on the media lies, fictions, Comey, and the huge story they’re not covering.

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Did you miss the Show? You can download the podcast but you should go here to find out when, where, and how to listen so you don’t miss the next.

Original Air Dates: June 17 & 18, 2017 | Kathryn Blackhurst & Scott McEwen

The kind of sensationalism that the NY Times, Washington Post, and others are all using to drive up their online views is nothing new. It’s been around for at least 100 years. For those who think this is “nothing new” and think nothing of it, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. Don’t miss Mark’s opener to find out why there is a dangerous precedent to today’s journalism and how the media has pushed us into war. Don’t think for a moment they will stop going after Donald Trump.

Kathryn Blackhurst

We start out with Kathryn Blackhurst, a political reporter for Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette (lifezette.com). She has two great articles we discuss with her, about the shooting inspired by the media, and the big story that the mainstream media is ignoring.

Inside James Comey's head cartoon
Did you catch last week’s cartoon?

Perhaps it’s because it completely undermines their entire story line against Trump, no doubt.

We start out by discussing the horrific shooting that happened this week as a Bernie staffer finally took the actions so many on the Left have been promoting, intentionally or not—taking up arms and attacking Republicans.  CNN, MSNBC, and so many other of the Leftist “talking heads” and “comedians” bear some responsibility here. But so does the NY Times and the Washington Post. They have been working to undermine the election and call it fraudulent; with their near-constant hate speech, it was only a matter of time before this happened.

Kathryn also shares that story that the media is working so hard to ignore. Is this the smoking gun President Trump needs?

We also get her views, as a relatively new journalist, on the media industry itself. Does she see hope on the horizon? What’s been her experiences as someone fresh to the industry? And are the Left-wing biases we hear so much about real?

You can see all of Kathryn’s recent news articles here.

Scott McEwen

After Kathryn, we turn to NY Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen, who has written both fiction and non-fiction (as has most NY Times writers, apparently). We ask for his thoughts, as a writer, on the media and the constant anti-Trump drumbeat.

Scott is also an attorney (a recovering one anyway) and gives us his thoughts on Comey’s recent testimony — that Comey leaked FBI work products and details about the Hillary Clinton investigation where Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to refer to the Hillary email scandal as a “matter” rather than an “investigation.” Does it matter?

We also get his thoughts on the Deep State. As a writer, Scott has a lot of contacts in the intelligence community. Tune in to find out what they’re telling him about Comey and a lot more. Could they topple Trump? Tune in to find out.

Be sure to visit our I Spy Radio Store to order Scott’s books! Dad will love them for Father’s Day, even if they’re a little late. They’re definitely worth the wait.

Links Mentioned

Kathryn’s segments (1 – 3)

Death Threats Mount for GOP Lawmakers ‘Outspoken Against the Left’ (Lifezette, June 14, 2017)

James Comey Cover Up a Massive and Illegal FBI-CIA Spying Operation? (Lifezette, June 10, 2017)

Did the FBI have evidence of a breach larger than Snowden? A lawsuit says yes. (Circa, June 13, 2017)

Scott’s Segments (4 – 6)

Scott on NewsMax TV: Dems “Made Up” Russian Story (NewsMax TV June 7, 2017)

Journo Says ‘Violent Resistance’ Should Be More Organized Than Baseball Shooting (Daily Caller, June 14, 2017)

Left Denies Responsibility for Rhetoric in Wake of Scalise Shooting (Lifezette, June 15, 2017)

Chuck Todd on VA Shooting: ‘We Are All to Blame’ for the ‘Toxic Stew’ of Political Discourse (Breitbart, June 14, 2017)

Trump Calls for Investigation into the Clintons’ Russian Ties (Breitbart, March 2017)

NYT Says Palin Is Responsible For Giffords Shooting. Palin DESTROYS Them. NYT Issues Correction. (Daily Wire, June 15, 2017)

Update: New York Times Corrects Fake News Editorial Blaming Sarah Palin for Shooting ((Breitbart, June 15, 2017)

Drudge: ‘Tons of stress on cable news’ driving medical leave for top hosts (The Hill, June 15, 2017)

News Corp. CEO: The Almighty Algorithm – “fake news” and other consequences of Google, Amazon and Facebook’s relentless focus on quantity over quality (Fox, June 15, 2017)

More Winning | Trump’s Success at Home and Abroad

More Winning | Trump’s Success at Home and Abroad

Show Summary: Sometimes, it’s not that the mainstream media is creating Fake News. Sometimes, they just have no clue. On this week’s show, we talk two issues the media is under-reporting: net neutrality and the cultural success of Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia. On the latter—what were they afraid of discovering?

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Air Dates: June 3 & 4, 2017 | Chad Wilkinson & Kamal Saleem

We have a very packed show as we tackle two big stories: so-called “Net Neutrality” and President Trump’s Middle East trip.   With both stories we see the common thread of the MSM not looking deeply into the story and marketing their agendas rather than reporting the real news.  Instead they work overtime to give us filler information with very adept marketing skills to persuade us that what we’re looking at is really very simple to understand.

But as we dig into both stories we find that the reality is really the opposite and without understanding whole picture the public is bound to be kept in the dark about important information that keeps us both informed and safe.

We start with Net Neutrality, a term the Left uses to try and make us (the users) believe this government regulation will give us a fair playing field online.  In typical Orwellian double-speak, they claim it will open up competition when it will do the opposite.  The reality is, we’re really killing off the internet through a 1,000 regulations.

Chad Wilkinson, Communications Director for the new non-profit Free Our Internet (www.freeourinternet.org), walks us through the deceptions that Obama, Soros, and many others want to hide behind while trying to sell the idea the internet will remain open and assessable to all.  Think about it: what are the chances George Soros actually wants a more open internet?  Tune in to find out more about the goals of the people pushing “Net Neutrality” and how President Trump  is looking to rollback the Obama-era regulations.

Donald Trump at the Saudi sword dance
The sword dance had cultural significance but the MSM ignored it. Tune in to hear why.

Then we check in with our good friend Kamal Saleem to discuss recent President Trump’s recent Middle East trip. You’ll hear some subtle, cultural nuances that reveal this was a far, far more successful trip than the mainstream media want to let on. Or even realize — because they never bothered to ask the right people. But Kamal grew up in the Middle East and shares insights into the ceremonies, and even the differences in handshakes between Obama and Trump.

Tune in to learn how from a cultural stand point the phenomenal reception President Trump was given was all missed by the mainstream.  The same mainstream media that was all too anxious to poke fun at President Trump dancing with swords without ever taking the time to find out why this ceremony was important and what it meant for our relationship with Saudi Arabia — and what it all means for fighting terrorism coming out of the Middle East.

Don’t miss these the amazing aspects of Trump’s trip that everybody else ignored.

Links Mentioned

Segments 1–3, Chad Wilkinson (Net Neutrality):

Segments 4–6, Kamal Saleem (Trump’s Mid-East Trip)