Tag: politics

Illegal Immigration, Paris Attacks, and Amnesty Supporters

Illegal Immigration, Paris Attacks, and Amnesty Supporters

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Air Dates: Nov 21 & 22, 2015 | William Gheen (President of ALIPAC)

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Paris Attacks and Illegal Immigration – An End to Amnesty?

Pro-amnesty and pro-illegal-immigrant factions want to make the issues of borders and immigration about race or discrimination and “diversity.” But borders are about unity, not discrimination. They are an agreement about who should be here—because they want to be Americans, because they share our vision of the future. America is not great because of diversity; it is great because diverse people came with a unity of purpose.

Sadly, there is probably no policy that Washington DC has managed to mess up more than immigration. Which, considering DC’s track record, is a rather dubious accomplishment in and of itself.

In any event, the issue of immigration, which began to heat up with Donald Trump’s “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” early in the presidential race, has now reached fever-pitch with the terrorist attacks in Paris last week.

And even after the Paris attacks, more revelations of ill-intended “immigrants” and refugees have come to light with recent revelations that Syrian “refugees” have tried to sneak across the Texas-Mexico border. And still others have been already been caught:  with falsified documents and passports — in Honduras (were they headed north for Mexico and on into the U.S.?); Muslim immigrants have been caught in Ohio with forging equipment to name a few. Are these coming to light now only because the media is suddenly paying attention to the Syrian refugees and the larger issue of illegal immigration?

We speak with William Gheen of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee) about the current state of American immigration policy. ALIPAC played a prominent role in taking out Eric Cantor, one of Obama’s pro-amnesty soldiers. We’ll discuss ALIPAC’s “Cantor List” (Obama’s biggest amnesty supporters in our Congress), and what do Americans believe actually about immigration? Or illegal immigration? ALIPAC has access to actual, scientific polls about Americans’ beliefs on immigration, amnesty, and deportation. The results may surprise you. And a lot of politicians, who only seem to listen to the “news polls.”

With the recent attacks in Paris, this is no longer just who we let in but a matter of safety as well.

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National politics – Hillary Clinton, Benghazi Hearings and CNBC Debate Debacle

National politics – Hillary Clinton, Benghazi Hearings and CNBC Debate Debacle

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Air Dates: Oct 31 & Nov 1, 2015 | Michael Ingmire & John Hawkins

When, where, and how to listen – all stations stream live!

It’s Halloween week, where little monsters and witches run among us looking for goodies that someone else paid for.

Sounds eerily similar to politics, doesn’t it?

And there was a lot of politics on display the last two weeks. First, there was the Hillary Clinton Benghazi hearings where the only questions that didn’t get asked are the ones that should have been asked and have never yet been answered. Like, what did you do, Secretary Clinton, that night? Whom did you call? Where was the president? What time did you call him? What did he say? These and so many more have never been asked or answered.

Even after the Benghazi hearings where Hillary Clinton was caught in a lie, the mainstream media continues to prop her up
The new Iwo Jima – mainstream media raising the Clinton flag

The answers are especially meaningful to the families of those died there in Benghazi on the night of September 11, 2012. This week on I Spy Radio we talk with Michael Ingmire, the uncle of Sean Smith, the Information Technology Manager stationed in Benghazi who was killed by the terrorists. Michael gives us some more depth into Sean, his career and we ask what exactly was someone of his professional caliber doing in Benghazi of all places? We get Michael’s take on the hearings and we’ll ask him what questions they would like to have answered.

Up next, we talk with John Hawkins, the owner of Right Wing News, to help give the wake for CNBC’s “debate.” You know CNBC was horrid when even the other members of the left-leaning, main-stream media types come out and say, “Yeah, you sucked.”

We’ll get John’s insights into the debate itself, why the RNC continues to hang its own members up as targets for progressive media firing squads, and which candidates are zombies — their presidential hopes dead but they just don’t know it yet. And we’ll get his insights into the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan and whether this will be good for Republicans—or Democrats? Could there be another domino yet to fall?

When, where, and how to listen – all stations stream live!

Links Mentioned

John Hawkins’ site – Right Wing News

Update (Jan. 21, 2016): New evidence, including newly released emails, that military options were available but ordered to stand down


Show 5-33 The New Media

Show 5-33 The New Media

Air Dates: Aug 15 & 16, 2015 | John Hawkins & Kristan Hawkins

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

The Fox News “debate” seemed to show one thing: how far the old media has fallen. The “new media” is the only media doing any real investigations. Why?

Well, that and whether you like Trump or hate Trump, it was pretty clear Fox News hates Donald Trump. So much for “fair and balanced.” But why?

Back in the 1980s and into the 1990s, news shows such as 60 Minutes and 20/20 ruled, with their top-notch investigations. But today, they and shows like them, have lost their prominence in today’s media. More and more the “mainstream” is dominated by opinion and commentary, and long gone are either analysis or investigative journalism. Instead the mainstream media is looking more like a series of tabloid features than a hallmark of investigative-journalist excellence.  Is that what the audience wants or are there other reasons that have pushed the mainstreamers into sensationalizing the news?

The New Media

the media - Megyn Kelly
Fox News’s Megyn Kelly – has the media lost its way?

We talk with John Hawkins of Right Wing News who gives us his analysis of the old media and why it has fallen prey to sensationalism.  We also discuss the betrayal of trust and the viewers’ uproar over the Fox News “debate,” and about the Trump phenomenon.

Why is it that news organizations, with millions of dollars at their disposal, are no longer doing undercover investigations like they used to? Instead, we’ve seen the rise of “citizen journalists like the Center for Medical Progress and their investigation of Planned Parenthood. Before that, it was James O’Keefe and ACORN.

The Effect of Good Investigations

Perhaps nowhere in recent memory is the impact of good journalism felt more keenly than the abortion debate, with the exposure of Planned Parenthood. We talk with Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America about the deep impact these Planned Parenthood investigations are having on youth, their families, and on campuses. Once again, it’s the new media that is carrying the torch. And yet the latest video was barely noticed by the mainstreamers.

There is exciting news on the front lines as Kristan Hawkins and Students for Life are engaging with today’s youth. Tune in to hear why today’s youth is, as we like to say, “The Sonogram Generation.”

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