12-41 It’s Not Just Politicians. It’s the Real Issues on the Ballot
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Show Summary: Elections. Although politicians might get all the attention, it’s never just politicians on the ballot. It’s the issues on the ballot. Sometimes, like Oregon, there are direct ballot initiatives (like Measure 114, what the NRA calls the most dangerous gun law in America). But it’s the issues beyond just that politician that are up for vote. The economy. Crime. Education. Our rights. It’s the direction those politicians want to take us. That’s what you have to focus on. We’ve seen where Democrats want to go. This week’s show looks at what’s at stake.

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Original Air Dates: October 8th & 9th, 2022 | Guests: Marc Thielman & Alek Skarlatos
This Week – Issues on the Ballot
We welcome back Marc Thielman, former candidate for governor, who is doing it right. Too many politicians disappear when they don’t win. Instead, Marc has stepped up his game, focusing on the real issues on the ballot.
Because its the issues that matter. Not just the politicians. It’s what they will fight for. And what they will ignore.
We’ve seen the direction the democrats running for office want to take us. More taxes. More spending. More crime. Lower standards for education.
Join us as we talk about two key issues Marc is focused on. One is the real school choice initiative, an issue that will directly be on the 2024 ballot. This will give all parents a real choice in their child’s education. It won’t just be the rich that have a choice where to send their kids to get a good education. And Oregon’s public schools will either have to improve, or lose out.
Not surprising, democrats are not happy with the prospect your kids will get a quality education.
Marc is also focused on election integrity, restoring trust in our elections. His group is Battleground Oregon. Tune in to hear what they are finding and doing.
Other issues on the ballot, directly on the ballot in this case, is gun control. The NRA calls Ballot Initiative 114 “the most dangerous gun control bill in the nation.” Visit Stop114.com to find out more.
Alek Skarlartos – The Real Issues on the Ballot
We welcome back Alek Skarlatos who is running for CD4 in Oregon. If he wins, it will flip that seat from a Far Left democrat. His opponent is an even further Far Left democrat who hopes to take the seat even farther to the left.
Is that really what the voters of Oregon’s 4th Congressional District want? More taxes? More economic misery? We’ve seen where the democrats and Joe Biden want to take us. Off the rails. Don’t go with them.
Alek joins us to talk about what he’s hearing from his constituents around CD4. They’re concerned about the economy, first and foremost. And he talks about his opponent’s record. Which includes voting for tax increases on families making just $31,000 per year.
Note to Oregonians in the 4th: If you’re worried about the economy. Val Hoyle’s voting record should scare you to death.
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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
- Visit Battleground Oregon for information on election integrity efforts around Oregon and how you can be involved
- Be sure to visit Stop 114 to help stop the Left’s latest effort to disarm the innocent. Remember. Criminals don’t obey gun laws. This will do nothing to prevent harm. Only innocent, law-abiding citizens will be harmed. Head to stop114.com to see how you can help defeat this horrible bill.
- You can visit Alek’s campaign site at AlekforOregon.com
- Good news for Oregon’s Real School Choice ballot initiative! “West Virginia Supreme Court strikes big win for school choice” (Washington Examiner, Oct 5th, 2022)
- Education Secretary Miguel Cardona: Students Need Access to Abortion to Thrive in School and in Life (Gateway Pundit, Oct 4, 2022)
- That NEA article: Teachers Leave National Education Association, Say Union Pushes Politics With Member Dues (Epoch Times, Oct 4, 2022)
- School board members reported mom to employer, DOJ for criticizing COVID school closures (Just the News, Oct 4, 2022)
- CEO arrested for storing data on servers in China (Post Millennial, Oct 4, 2022)
- Election Software CEO Arrested Over Data Theft (Epoch Times, Oct 5, 2022)
- FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software (Kanekoa, Sept 8, 2022)
- Hysterical: Now that the CEO of Konnech was arrested (by California, no less) for exactly what True the Vote accused him of, read this gushing write up about Konnech’s lawsuit against True the Vote that was written before the arrest. You’ll LOL. “Lawsuit alleges True the Vote hacked data” (Texas Votebeat, Sept 14, 2022)