Show Summary: While the mainstream media is inventing news about alleged “Russian hacking” there are calls for war from Muslims—right in the middle of London. Former jihadist, Kamal Saleem, on the terrifying aspects of what these Islamists are really calling for and explains why. Plus, bestselling author Scott McEwen (of American Sniper fame) on what his intelligence agency contacts tell him about the alleged Russian hack, his friend Ryan Zinke’s appointment to Department of Interior, and what it means for the movement for the transfer of public lands to the states.
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Air Dates: Dec 17 & 18, 2016 | Kamal Saleem & Scott McEwen
With the mainstream media so focused on inventing news about the alleged “Russian hacking” of our election, there is a lot of real news that’s being ignored—like open calls for war and rebellion from Muslim immigrants right in the heart of London.
We’ll talk with Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist who came to America to destroy it from within but after an accident changed his life, he converted to Christianity. He is now the president of Koome Ministries, which has as its mission to wake up the Church and alert Americans about the un-discussed dangers of Islam and how they really are at war with America, whether America wants to admit it or not.
Then we talk with New York Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the alleged Russian hack and what his military sources are telling him. Also, Scott’s latest book is American Commander, which follows the life and career of Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL who became a SEAL trainer. Zinke explains his never-surrender, always-win attitude as he trains the next generation of SEALs. Now that Zinke has been nominated as the Secretary of the Interior, what will this winning mentality mean to this failing federal department?
Links Mentioned
Visit our Christmas Store! You can order Scott McEwen’s books and find the books of any of the authors who have been guests this year on I Spy Radio!
Show Summary: Despite doing everything possible to not call the recent terrorist attacks “terrorist attacks,” Hillary is suddenly saying she thinks we need immigrant vetting. Not that she’ll turn any away, mind you, just that we need better vetting. We talk to two experts who know about this: Jeff Schwilk, a border security expert, and Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist. If anyone knows about proper vetting for immigrants from Islamic nations, it’s Kamal—and he lets us know what a real vetting program would take.
To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon
Air Dates: Sept # & #, 2016 | Guest(s)
Suddenly, after Trump begins to surge and recent bombings (that Hillary didn’t think should be called bombings) Hillary now is calling for better immigrant vetting. Naturally, she did not say that immigrant vetting needs to focus on immigrants from Islamic countries but how realistic can vetting be while she still wants borders kept open and easy to cross and with no calls for fewer immigrants or refugees.
Maybe she wants to immigrant vetting from those ever-dangerous Scandanavian countries. You know, to keep the Vikings out.
But it’s typical of progressives like Hillary Clinton. They pretend that they can close their eyes and ears and wish it all better. Like, if you don’t call it a bombing (doing so would be irresponsible) then it really isn’t a bombing. This kind of world, that the progressives like to create, that makes the rest of us feel as if we’re living in Alice’s Wonderland, where up is down and down is up.
So, this week we wanted to take a closer look at what would it take to have an actual immigrant vetting system that could weed out those who want to do America harm.
To start we go to San Diego and welcome back border security expert Jeff Schwilk, who reveals what the federal government is now doing to save sanctuary cities. Tune in to hear the newest turn of a phrase and progressive repackaging with the introduction of “Welcoming Cities”. He discusses how they’re being brought into communities under the citizen’s radar and trying to put them in place without a vote taking place.
Then we talk with Kamal Saleem, and what he feels the U.S. must do to vet refugees that are coming into our country. He walks us through what a real immigrant vetting process would entail. And it is very exciting to hear what a real program would look like, why it can be effective, and why the FBI are missing the recent jihadists in our mists—even when people have called them to say we think this guy is radicalized.
Right now, Kamal is touring cities in Michigan and other states to overflow crowds. Don’t miss what Kamal is seeing in many states about the hope and excitement the Trump campaign is bringing to Evangelicals and to small churches.
Links Mentioned
Jeff Schwilk’s recent oped on welcoming/sanctuary cities
Special Report: Border crisis reality check (San Diego News Channel): Shocking new report from KUSI News in San Diego. Obama has ordered all Border Patrol agents on the Mexican border to release all illegal aliens they catch when they claim to be “refugees.”
WND article exposes the nationwide scam of “welcoming cities”
Watch these slick “immigrant rights” group leaders sell this bleeding heart city council on their “proclamation” to make Imperial Beach a Welcoming City a couple weeks ago. Of course the council wouldn’t say no, lest they be labeled as “racist” or “deplorable”. Sound familiar?
Show Summary: Part II of our show with former cultural jihadist, Kamal Saleem. We will discuss recent terror attacks and their lack of guns or bombs—a new strategy? How are moderate Muslims “radicalized”? We get Kamal’s inside look at the conversion process and how to prevent it. With the huge influx of Muslim immigrants and refugees we get advice for individuals, families, business owners, and community and church leaders on how to interact and deal with new Muslim neighbors. Finally, we ask this former jihadist, what he thinks about Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, and whether they may have been infiltrated. Does Hillary have some secret executive orders she wants to push through?
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Original Air Dates: July 30 & 31, 2016 | Kamal Saleem
This Week: We welcome back Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim and cultural jihadist, for the second half of our two-part show on the continuing spread of Islamic terrorism. Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood, Kamal was sent to training camps starting at the young age of 7, to learn to kill “infidels” and cultural infiltration techniques. Commissioned by a member of the Saudi royal family in the 1980s he came to America to destroy our western civilization, but due to a chance car accident, where he was helped through recovery by the very people he’d been sent to destroy, he converted to Christianity.
On Part I (in case you missed it you can go to show page 6-28 and listen to the free podcast) we learned how cultural jihadists and their techniques are inciting anger and divisiveness; terrorizing Americans, and subverting our culture and unique heritage through the acts of violence and far more subtle techniques. In this week’s show, Part II, we talk about recent Islamic attacks in Nice and other parts of France, the attack on the priest and other churches. these are different styles of attacks, using knives, axes, and trucks instead of bombs or guns. Is this a change in strategy?
But the main focus of the show is moderate Muslims are radicalized. Kamal takes us through the step-by-step approach of how a cultural jihadist changes peaceful Muslims into radical Islamic terrorists.
Are they really “radical”? Don’t miss how jihadists tap into elements of Islam.
With the increase in refugees coming into our country we also ask Kamal to give advice to individuals, business owners, and community and church leaders on how to deal with Muslim immigrants and refugees who end up in their community — or demand special treatment and accommodations at schools or in the workplace.
Given that democracy is the intellectual opposite of Islam, how ironic is it that the once-proud Democrat Party has rushed to embrace (and allow in) this voting bloc?
Don’t miss Kamal’s perception on whether the DNC has been infiltrated by Muslim radicals and his thoughts as a former cultural jihadist, about his thoughts on Hillary Clinton. Find out about her secret executive order she plans to push that, somehow, just didn’t make it into her national convention speech.
Links Mentioned
Kamal’s website is Koome Ministries – sign up for his newsletter and check out some of these great resources:
13 Lessons on Political Islam (book) – “All Aspects of Political Islam Covered in Less than 100 Pages! Understanding all key facts of Islam, including Mohammed, basics of jihad, treatment of women and Islamic slavery. learning the ethics of Islam allow Muslims to deceive and harm kafirs (unbelievers).”
A 2-hour Koran (book) – making the infamously unreadable Koran digestible and readable
Unveiling the Beautiful Truth (DVD) – Intended especially for Christians and church leaders, this DVD offers solutions with the Do’s, the Don’t, the How to’s …to reach out, influence and evangelize the Muslim people with the love and redemptive message of Christ. There is no other product available today as comprehensive, with the expertise of Kamal Saleem, Gen Jerry Boykin and Tom Doyle.”
Unveiling the Ugly Truth (DVD) – Intended for all audiences, but especially for those involved in politics, community leaders, and other leaders, this DVD exposes the Threat of Islamic Extremism. There is no other product available today as comprehensive or so in-depth. Presented with the expertise of Kamal Saleem, Gen. Jerry Boykin, and Tom Doyle this DVD exposes the motivations of Islamic extremism and the dangers it poses.
Gang Of Muslims Attack Christian Priests and their Families with Knives and Bats; Murder One, Injure Three Others over Argument about Crossing the Street (via Walid Shoebat)
Speaking of, Walid Shoebat, another former jihadist, has a terrific site
U.N. Resolution 16/18 – the UN Bill Hillary will want to push through as an executive order link 1 and link 2. Stay tuned, we’ll have a more on this bill
To download the show, right-click the mic, then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below Show Summary: Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist, explains how events like the Orlando shooting and Dallas bear the fingerprints of jihad and the radical elements of Islam. (Cultural jihad is, just as it sounds, a jihad against American culture, Western ideology, liberty and freedom, and of course Christianity.) Foreign nations are funding fundamental Islamic schools; Obama’s signals to jihadists, and much more. Note: This is Part I of a two-part show.
Air Dates: July 9 & 10, 2016 | Kamal Saleem
We welcome back Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim and cultural jihadist for a two-part show on the continuing spread of Islamic terrorism. Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood he was sent to training camps starting at the young age of 7, to learn to kill “infidels” and cultural infiltration techniques. Commissioned by a member of the Saudi royal family in the 1980’s he came to America to destroy our western civilization, but instead due to a chance car accident, where he was helped through recovery by the very people he’d been sent to destroy, he converted to Christianity. Kamal is now president of Koome Ministries, the mission of which is to “see Ishmael redeemed.”
On this week’s show, you’ll learn how cultural jihadists and their techniques are inciting anger and divisiveness, terrorizing Americans, and subverting our culture and unique heritage, through the acts of violence and far more subtle techniques.
Kamal picks apart the Orlando shooter and how his murder-spree was a prime example of how the Islamic holy month of Ramadan played an important role in his decision to unleash horror in Orlando, in a fulfillment of Islamic beliefs. We also discuss the horrendous Dallas killings of so many police officers. How does this tie into the jihadists’ desires to incite anger and divisiveness? Is this the type of fear and dissent being spread by cultural jihad? Is Obama actually fanning the flames of cultural jihadists’ goals?
And don’t miss how one foreign country is setting up schools for Islamists right here in America – and how much U.S. taxpayers are paying for them!
Next week Part II: How moderate Muslims are converted to become radical Islamic terrorists.
Article from 2012, The New Black Militant Groups: Willing to Kill — the FBI knew back then that militant black groups had and have been infiltrated by radical Islamists, including the Muslim Brotherhood
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Show Summary: Every true American patriot knows that we are always one generation away from losing our freedoms. But Obama’s and the Left’s continuous attacks on America are working. We stand at the threshold of losing America altogether. Is there a “hidden hand” behind all this? Join us this weekend to hear how Leftist policies like open borders is putting America at risk— including the massive security hole this presents, home-grown terrorists, and attacks on our culture.
Original Air Dates: June 18 & 19, 2016 | Curtis Bowers & Jeff Schwilk
As the presidential elections continue, tensions are brewing within our political leadership circles that shed light on their intense desire to hold onto power. Power that doesn’t translate to keeping American’s safe. American leadership seem to feel that other cultures are more valuable than our own. That uttering the words “radical Islamic terrorists” is unfair to say, as Islamic terrorists focus on destroying America by exploiting our current immigration policies.
These same American leaders point to Europe, as the path of finding our values, as we, on the American shores watch Europe be swallowed up by mass groups of refugees who believe Sharia Law outweighs their host countries’ own laws. Once again, America is the problem. Our Constitutionally guaranteed laws are the problem.
This week we examine from two different vantage points how America is under attack and the breakdown of our American leadership on keeping us safe. The first comes from Curtis Bowers, with a new film Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit.
His first film Agenda: Grinding Down America focused on the history of how communism has gotten into every level of government. With his new film, he looks at the current situations and the places they have infiltrated — including evangelical churches. Curtis will be touring Oregon from June 20th thru the 25th showing his film with a Q & A afterwards. We’ll have showings times and places on I Spy’s webpage.
Our next guest is Jeff Schwilk, a San Diego-based border security expert who served over 20 years in the US Marine Corps as a Master Sergeant and senior intelligence chief. He helped plan the 1st Marine Division’s assault on Baghdad and oversaw the generation of hundreds of intelligence reports pertinent to the Iraq War and the War on Terror.
Now retired, Jeff has founded San Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition, and on our show walks us through the flood that is occurring on our southern borders. We discuss the massive security hole this presents, home-grown terrorists, and attacks on our culture. Listen to find out the real conditions for those living close to our southern border as our American leadership turns a willfully blind eye.
Meaning of La Raza (via SD La Raza Lawyers Assoc) – Basically, it’s not just Hispanics, it’s all Hispanics and Latinos so it’s not exclusive, it’s inclusive (just not Blacks, Whites, or Native Americans)
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Summary: Cultural jihad is the Muslim tactic of infiltration and subterfuge; of pretending to be friends while destroying from within. It is a serious and very real threat to America and our American culture. If you’ve ever wondered why hatred is on the rise in America—especially disdain for Christianity and our Judeo-Christian heritage, this is why. On this episode of I Spy Radio, we talk with a former cultural jihadist who explains tactics and methods, destroys the notion of “Islam is a religion of peace”, as well as the difference in his life since converting to Christianity.
Original Air Dates: December 19 & 20, 2015 | Kamal Saleem
On this week’s show we welcome back former jihadist, Kamal Saleem. Kamal had been trained from an early age to wage “cultural jihad,” and after successful operations in Europe, he received a commission from a Saudi Prince to go to America as an operative in the 1980s with the mission of helping to destroy America from within.
“The religion of Islam above all others was founded upon the sword… “
But Kamal left his former religion of radical Islam and found faith and new peace when he turned his life over to Christ. He is now the president of Koome Ministries and has made it his new mission to awaken Americans to the very real danger posed by Islam.
Now as a Christian who understands the radical Islam’s inner workings, mindset, and the trainings of Muslim terrorists, his new mission is to reach out to Muslims to teach them the love of Christ, as well as to warn Christians and Jews about the Islamic enemy that has come to our shore to wage war against us.
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey
In this show you’ll learn:
Insights of the San Bernardino shootings
Tactics used by Muslim jihadists — whether cultural or military Jihad
The other forms of Jihad currently being waged here in the US
How radical Islam terrorist cells operate
Why there is such a huge divide right now in our country and how it is being orchestrated
The Islamic principle of taqiyya (and other means of deception)
The differences between Islam and Christianity and what the Christmas Season means to him now
We also ask Kamal for his thoughts on whether Obama is a Christian or a Muslim —and the tell-tale signs of how to know for sure.
Paris Attacks and Illegal Immigration – An End to Amnesty?
Pro-amnesty and pro-illegal-immigrant factions want to make the issues of borders and immigration about race or discrimination and “diversity.” But borders are about unity, not discrimination. They are an agreement about who should be here—because they want to be Americans, because they share our vision of the future. America is not great because of diversity; it is great because diverse people came with a unity of purpose.
Sadly, there is probably no policy that Washington DC has managed to mess up more than immigration. Which, considering DC’s track record, is a rather dubious accomplishment in and of itself.
In any event, the issue of immigration, which began to heat up with Donald Trump’s “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” early in the presidential race, has now reached fever-pitch with the terrorist attacks in Paris last week.
And even after the Paris attacks, more revelations of ill-intended “immigrants” and refugees have come to light with recent revelations that Syrian “refugees” have tried to sneak across the Texas-Mexico border. And still others have been already been caught: with falsified documents and passports — in Honduras (were they headed north for Mexico and on into the U.S.?); Muslim immigrants have been caught in Ohio with forging equipment to name a few. Are these coming to light now only because the media is suddenly paying attention to the Syrian refugees and the larger issue of illegal immigration?
We speak with William Gheen of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee) about the current state of American immigration policy. ALIPAC played a prominent role in taking out Eric Cantor, one of Obama’s pro-amnesty soldiers. We’ll discuss ALIPAC’s “Cantor List” (Obama’s biggest amnesty supporters in our Congress), and what do Americans believe actually about immigration? Or illegal immigration? ALIPAC has access to actual, scientific polls about Americans’ beliefs on immigration, amnesty, and deportation. The results may surprise you. And a lot of politicians, who only seem to listen to the “news polls.”
With the recent attacks in Paris, this is no longer just who we let in but a matter of safety as well.
Programming Note: due to Mark’s flu bug, for the weekend of Dec 12 & 13, we’re re-airing our Cultural Jihad show with former Muslim jihadist, Kamal Saleem. If you have not yet checked out his incredibly moving video (below), now’s a great time. If you previously missed this show, you’ll hear about:
• One-third of Islamic teaching has to do with jihad
• Jihad is mandated by Islam
• To lie for the sake of Allah, it’s considered part of Jihad
• It’s considered “righteousness” to lie to your enemy
• Cultural Jihad started in 1960, with a group now called “Council on American Islamic Relations”
• The Islamic Manifesto and their five steps on how they will destroy America
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Original Air Dates: September 26 & 27, 2015 | Kamal Saleem
Kamal Saleem was recruited at the age of seven to be a martyr for Islam and left his family to join a jihadist training camp where he learned to kill—and to hate. Hate Jews, hate Christians. Hate America. At just seven years old, when American kids were learning to add and subtract, Kamal began smuggling small arms and weapons parts through tunnels into Israel. He was later recruited by the PLO and Muslim Brotherhood, infiltrated Europe, and then was commissioned to come to America to wage cultural jihad. He was among the best of the best jihadists, and chose the Bible Belt to wage war.
Except after infiltrating America, and after beginning to wage his silent war from within, a strange and remarkable thing happened.
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey.
A terrible car accident broke his neck, but Kamal was surrounded by the love of devout Christians who nursed him back to health and saved him — not just from death but from the lies and hatred of radical Islam.
Cultural jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. network
Now, despite facing continual death threats to himself and his family, Kamal Saleem travels the country to speak out against Islam. Hear the quiet but real threat of cultural jihad, a sinister plan to destroy America and from within by tearing apart the fabric of its society. Cultural Jihad is very real. It’s happening now. And it’s been happening for three decades.
Don’t miss this incredible story of one man’s new mission in life: to wage war on radical Islam, to reach out to Muslims to let them know they’ve been lied to, and to see Ishmael redeemed.
And here’s something to think about: the same group, the Muslim Brotherhood, that trained Kamal Saleem to kill and to wage cultural jihad, is in the White House right now as advisers to Barack Obama.
Links Mentioned
Kamal’s website, Koome Ministries (pronounced “koom,” koome is Aramaic for “arise!” — Jesus’s command to Lazarus).
The DVDs Kamal mentioned (“The Unveiling”) can be found in the store area. Why not buy them as a gift to your church?
The Texas Trial – originally written in 1987, the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan (“The Project”) for cultural jihad and infiltration in America. In 2007, seven leaders of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development went on trial for supporting terrorism. As part of that, the FBI raided their homes and headquarters.
Another great article on The Project— Radical Islam and Cultural Jihad: “The belief that Islam is a peaceful religion and that Islamic terrorists have twisted that faith to unrecognizable extremes is a false interpretation that surrounds today’s narrative regarding Islam”. Note also that cultural jihad is specifically tied to settlement. In other words, bringing in jihadists under the guise of immigration.
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Air Dates: July 25 & 26, 2015 | Dr. Bruce Thornton
America’s belief in God runs deep in our culture and our psyche but it’s under attack more today that perhaps at any time since our nation’s founding. Historians generally agree on four “Great Awakenings” in America’s past (we’ll have a future show on these later this summer), the last of which immediately preceded the Reagan Revolution.
Now that (seemingly) pretty much everyone who could possibly be running for the Republican nomination is in the race, are we looking at another “Christian Revolution”? Has the groundwork been laid? What’s missing? We talk with Dr. Bruce Thornton of the Hoover Institution to find out what were the cultural sparks that set off the Reagan grassfire to find out if the elements are there for a revolution or if this has the elements of a failed coup.
The Reagan Revolution
We’ll be talking with Dr. Thornton about the seeds of the Reagan Revolution and the expanding role of conservatives and evangelicals. Like why did the same evangelicals who had voted in droves for Jimmy Carter suddenly turn on him and vote in droves for Reagan?
But what about the three decades since? What happened? The Supreme Court chose to endorse sexual preference over religious freedom. Film and TV is overtly anti-Christian. Obama has lost all pretense of not being a Muslim advocate. Federal and state governments increasingly disavow themselves from Judeo-Christian beliefs to be “inclusive” of Muslims—like the Seattle mayor endorsing special housing funding for pro-Sharia law adherents. All this make you wonder, is America’s Christian heritage disappearing? Or are we on the verge of another great awakening? And what’s that mean for the possibility of another Reagan Revolution?
In the wake of the Garland TX shootings, much has been made and continues to be made, about the “appropriateness” of Pamela Geller’s “Draw Muhammad” cartoon event. As recently as this morning, Martha MacCallum of Fox News interviewed Lars Larson and Jehmu Greene who all agreed Pamela Geller had the absolute right to do what she did but debated the “appropriateness” of her actions to hold the event. Within that heated debate, Martha posed the question “What is the appropriate response to ISIS?” Sadly, due to the combative nature of the interview, it went largely unanswered. So allow me.
Pamela Geller defends herself on Fox News against Martha MacCallum in the wake of the Garland shooting
When responding to terrorists, it is exceptionally appropriate to demonstrate you are not afraid of them. That their threats of violence—to say nothing of their acts of violence—have done nothing and will do nothing to make you cower in fear. That you will not abridge your own speech out of fear they may do something violent in return.
Showing weakness emboldens terrorists. Unfortunately, weakness now passes as official U.S. policy. Even before he became president, Obama launched his apologetic world tour. He has since backed up those apologies by official actions, conceding time and again in the face of radical Islamic threats. When push came to shove in the “Arab Spring” he sided with the radical elements in Egypt and Libya. He sides with the more radical Syrian rebels (many factions of which evolved into ISIS) over the more secular and moderate (though despicable) President Bashar al-Assad.
Reminiscent of Palestinians throwing rocks at well-armed Israeli soldiers, Obama has launched just enough missiles and drone strikes from afar, to give the appearance of doing “something” to the American people. But absent is a bold, authoritative, and crushing offensive strike that would send the message that needs to be sent.
The Pamela Geller Cartoons Entirely Appropriate
In this sense, in the wake of weakness passing as official U.S. policy, the Pamela Geller cartoons were entirely appropriate. She—a woman no less—stood in the face of violence, shook her fist, and proclaimed, “We will not be silent!” Would Martha MacCallum question the “appropriateness” of a woman standing up to an abusive husband with a similar determination of “I will not be silent!”?
Unlike Fox News, we’re happy to show the winning Mohammed cartoon (click the image for a full-size version)
It’s not just Martha MacCallum but many of the Fox News team. Bill O’Reilly, Greta Van Susteren, and others have scolded Geller over the “appropriateness” of her event—while conceding her right to hold it. The only two who seem to get it are Megyn Kelly and Sean Hannity. In an on-air exchange, Megyn absolutely dismantled O’Reilly pontificating with a single question: “You know what else the jihadis don’t like? They hate Jews. Should we get rid of all Jews?”
It’s also highly appropriate to know the mindset of the people you’re fighting, to know your enemy. And judging from the self-righteous comments of those on Fox News and others like Jehmu Greene in this morning’s debate, I would guess none of them have actually read the Qur’an. I challenge them to do so; I invite you to do so. There is a highly respected English translation, fully searchable, electronic version of the Qu’ran available on the page for Show 5-04 (see the “Links Mentioned” section). Take a look. See for yourself about the treatment of Jews and Christians and the absolutely permissible act of killing them if they do not submit to the superiority of Islam. The difference between moderate and radical Islamic beliefs is that moderates view the killing of Jews and Christians as “permissible”; radical Islamists view it as a commandment.
If the Fox News crew actually knew the mindset of radical Islamists, they would know that the “appropriate” response against radicalized violence is strength. On I Spy Radio, I have interviewed multiple guests on radical Islam and ISIS, from Brigitte Gabriel (Act! for America) to Dr. Andrew Bostom to Joseph Klein to Dr. Bruce Thornton to, most recently, Raymond Ibrahim. In discussions with them both on and off the air, all of them underscore that the Middle Eastern mindset is one that respects strength. This has existed for centuries. The Muslim incursions into Europe did not stop because Christians the world over apologized. The incursions stopped because of strength, because of the Crusades, which proclaimed via actions that Christians had had enough and were also willing to die for their faith.
Free Speech vs. Appropriateness
The Fox commentators have also used the infamous “Piss Christ” (an “artwork” of a crucifix in a jar of urine) as an example to counter Geller’s event in that they agreed the artist had a right to do it but that it too was “inappropriate.” They are correct that it was inappropriate. But it’s a false comparison because his rights as an artist were not being threatened. If Christians were dragging atheists or artists out into the streets and beheading then, yes, “Piss Christ” would have been an absolutely appropriate response. Instead, it was an artist with a cushy fat taxpayer grant thumbing his nose at Christians, whose tax dollars helped fund it. The only way you can compare “Piss Christ” to Geller’s event would be if there had been no radical Islamic killings of Westerners, no threats of violence, no implied or overt threats of forcing America to abide by Sharia law—and that Muslims had funded Geller’s event to insult them.
Another common refrain among the Fox News commentators is that Pamela Geller should not have “provoked” the radical Islamists. Our very existence “provokes” radical Islamists. To echo Megyn Kelly, the very existence of Jews and Christians “provoke” them (unless they admit the superiority and ultimate authority of Islam). Our way of life is an insult to them. They hate that our women flaunt themselves and walk around half naked—to say nothing of their demands of equal rights with men.
Our entire existence as a nation “provokes” them. They hate us for our freedoms and not just freedom of speech but all of them. The very fact that we’re free to worship who we want and how we want throws it in their face that we have not submitted, that we have not turned our society on its head to follow the dictates of Islam. And they hate that we have even enshrined all of this in the Constitution that guarantees us these rights and this ability to thumb our nose at radical Islam.
So many of our Founding Fathers proclaimed the price of Liberty was so high and so precious they were willing to die to defend it. Do you think the Pamela Geller cartoons or those attending the “Draw Mohammed” contest—or the former Muslim who won it—weren’t all keenly aware that they were putting their own lives at risk for standing up for freedom? In decrying the “appropriateness” of Pamela Geller’s event, the Fox News crew admitted her right to free speech. Just as they have the right to criticize. And yet it makes one wonder whether they too would put their lives on the line to defend it?
Standing up with strength and resolve, and knowing that it is the correct response in the face of those who would do violence against you simply because you dared to stand up is appropriate. Because the price of freedom is that, at some point, you will be offended. Some are willing to pay the ultimate price for freedom. Others take the safety of the newsroom.