Tag: Representative Ed Diehl

15-13 Oregon Democrats Defy Reality, Risk Billions | Plus Oregon’s Timber Revival?

15-13 Oregon Democrats Defy Reality, Risk Billions | Plus Oregon’s Timber Revival?

Show 15-13 Summary: This week on I Spy Radio, Representative Ed Diehl (HD-17) exposes how Oregon’s Democrat supermajority is working overtime to block President Trump’s Executive Orders, risking billions in federal funds to defend their woke ideology. Joined by Dr. Bob Zybach, who unpacks the benefits of these EOs for Oregon’s forests. Healthy and a revived timber industry. We dive into the state’s tax hikes, a controversial Santiam Canyon fires report, and the high-stakes battle between federal progress and democrat resistance. Tune in to understand what’s really at stake for Oregon’s economy and future.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: March 29th & 30th, 2025 | Guests: Bob Zybach and Ed Diehl

This Week –  Oregon Democrats Choose Ideology over Oregonians

Oregon stands at a crossroads. President Trump’s Executive Orders are set to unlock federal forests in Oregon for logging. This could revitalize the state’s timber industry, bringing jobs and economic growth. But there’s a major roadblock: Oregon’s supermajority Democrat-controlled state legislature is digging in, pledging to stand in the way of any positive federal changes at every turn—defending their woke ideology even at the cost of billions in federal funds.

The Promise of Healthier Forests

First up, Dr. Bob Zybach, a forest management expert and consultant, sets the stage by explaining why Trump’s EOs are a game-changer. He argues these orders could restore sustainable logging and healthier ecosystems—the first truly good news for Oregon’s forests in decades. He also shares a proposed executive order from the National Wildfire Alliance for even more practical solutions.

Dr. Zybach also uncovers a new Oregon Department of Forestry report on the 2020 Santiam Canyon fires, which claimed nine lives. The report shifts blame to the federal forest service, just as new legislation looms. Is this timing a coincidence—or a distraction?

Dr Zybach just published his third anthology, Forest Reforestation & Restoration. Maybe you should get a copy and give it to your legislator…?

Democrats Defy Progress, Risk Billions

In the second half of the show, Representative Ed Diehl (HD-17) reveals how the Democrat supermajority is working overtime to block Trump’s EOs. They’re defending their woke ideology, even if it means losing billions in federal funds—including for Oregon’s universities, which are already on shaky ground after recent waivers were revoked for non-compliance.

Tax Hikes to Offset the Loss? Yikes!

To make up for the potential loss of federal dollars, Democrats are taxing everything in sight. As we discuss, it’s probably easier to list what’s not being taxed. Rep. Diehl explains how these tax hikes will hit Oregonians hard, especially as the state risks its economic future. Oregon is already seen as one of the least business-friendly states in the nation. What you’ll hear will not change Oregon’s image on that front. Like SB916. Which already passed out of the senate and will pay union workers to strike.

Why This Matters to You

This episode is a wake-up call for every Oregonian. Will the state embrace federal progress, or will the Democrats’ defiance cost us billions? Tune in to hear Rep. Ed Diehl and Dr. Bob Zybach lay out the facts. As Mark Anderson says, this show might inspire even non-affiliated voters to take action.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Bob Zybach Segments – Timber Revival

  • Check back for Dr. Bob’s recent article when it is published (sorry, we jumped the gun a bit).
  • Read the National Wildfire Alliance’s proposed executive order (PDF) to bring back common sense wildfire fighting and prevention
  • New Oregon Department of Forestry Report Says PacifiCorp Wasn’t Responsible for Santiam Canyon Fire (Willamette Week, March 19, 2025)* “The long-awaited report supports the utility’s version of the deadly blaze.” *The report, released today to the Oregon Journalism Project under a public records request submitted in January, is a huge victory for PacifiCorp, the embattled utility that in 2023 was found by a jury to have been grossly negligent in declining to shut off power to the Santiam Canyon fire.
  • New Oregon Department of Forestry report says PacifiCorp wasn’t responsible for Santiam Canyon fire (Salem Reporter, March 19, 2025)
  • Judge dismisses $33 million timber lawsuit against U.S. Forest Service over 2020 wildfire response (Central Oregon Daily News, Dec. 18, 2024)

Ed Diehl Segments – Supermajority Democrats Seek to Punish and Defy

  • Legislation: HB 3917 Creates Catastrophic Wildfire Fund (Oregon Citizens Lobby, March 24, 2025)
  • Climate change tax: SB 1187, “Relating to greenhouse gas emissions” (Bill Overview, Text and Summary
    • You can submit testimony about SB1187 at this link. Deadline is April 7th.
  • PPS, OSAA targeted by feds over transgender policy (KOIN, March 25, 2025)
  • House GOP asks Feds to investigate OHA health care $$ misuse (Oregon Catalyst, March 24, 2025)
    • This is state-sponsored medical experimentation on kids, paid for with your tax dollars,” said House Health Care Committee member Representative Ed Diehl (R-Stayton). “And when OHA’s own commission found no evidence to justify it, they buried the report.”
  • Trump administration revokes some federal funds to Oregon colleges, universities (KGW, March 27, 2025)
    • “The US Department of Education announced Thursday it is revoking federal waivers to Oregon and California colleges and universities that it says are using funding to provide services to migrants in the country illegally.”
  • Office for Civil Rights Launches Title IX Investigations into Portland Public Schools and the Oregon School Activities Association (US Dept of Education, Press release, March 25, 2025)
  • Democrats seek to revive ranked choice voting — AFTER voters rejected it by 58%
  • Nearly 60% of Oregon counties face program cuts (OPB, Mar 26, 2025)
    • At least 21 of Oregon’s 36 county governments, from the Portland metro area to rural southern Oregon, are facing deficits that could prompt cuts to public services, including law enforcement, road maintenance, and health care .

Related and Background Research

  • Not mentioned but this will be the focus of next week’s show:
    • Oregon officials challenge Trump’s election order as threat to democratic process (KVAL, March 26, 2025)
    • Oregon officials say Trump’s voting EO likely to face legal challenges (OregonLive, Mar 26, 2025)
    • Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Protects the Integrity of American Elections (Whitehouse, March 25, 2025)
      • The order would also require all ballots be received by election day nationwide, effectively moving election day for states like Oregon with vote by mail.
      • It would also cut federal funding to states that “don’t take reasonable steps to secure their election
      •  Oregon officials challenge Trump’s election order as a “threat to democratic process.”
  • The Climate Scam is Over (Dr Robert Malone, Substack, March 22, 2025)
    • Peer-reviewed AI analysis completely debunks all of the “man-made” claims
  • Trump Tackles Election Integrity With Sweeping Executive Order; Will Punish States That Don’t Comply (ZeroHedge, March 26, 2025)
  • US Supreme Court Rejects Long Running Youth Climate Lawsuit (Watts Up With That, March 25, 2025)
  • Calculating the “Social Cost of Carbon” with the GIVE Model: An EPA Model Not Ready for Prime Time (Heritage, January 24, 2025)
  • New Forest Service report reveals agency wants to max out logging (Wild Earth Guardians, April 5, 2024) *Agency proposes cutting both public involvement and forests important for combating climate change.


14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent

14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent

Show 14-50 Summary: Too big to fail? Too green to fail? For an agency designed to fund itself and some 200 other public agencies and services, like rural schools, counties, roads, police, and fire, the new “thinking” at the Oregon Department of Forestry just ran out of sustainability. It is now insolvent. And required a special session of the legislature to bail them out because they couldn’t pay the bills they owed for firefighting. But it’s going to get worse with the environmentalists’ new scheme. We talk with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resources and State Rep. Ed Diehl, to find out what happened, why it happened, and how this is all going to get a lot worse.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 14th & 15th, 2024 | Guest: Jen Hamaker & Ed Diehl

This Week – Oregon Department of Forestry Insolvent

The legislature held a special session this week to bailout a state agency. One that, since its inception, has been self funding. The Oregon Department of Forestry. Which this year could not pay its own bills for firefighting and had to be rescued by the taxpayer. While it’s not surprising a government agency spent too much and needed more money, this is way worse than the usual government failure.

The Oregon Department of Forestry was designed to fund itself. And not only that, it also funds some 200 other public entities and services. But not any more. Because now ODF has redesigned itself to fail. And to soak up taxpayer dollars. Instead of generating income for the state, it is now a liability. Leadership at Oregon Department of Forestry has determined it no longer wants to do its fundamental job. Which is to oversee—and make money from—the sale of timber on state lands.

But no more. By implementing a massive Habitat Conservation Plan (or HCP), the ODF has ensured its own perpetual bankruptcy. For the next 70 years.

Let’s recap. The Oregon Department of Forestry is supposed to harvest timber on state lands. It doesn’t want to do that. ODF is supposed to manage the forests. It doesn’t want to do that. Managing the forests means preventing fires. It doesn’t want to do that. ODF is supposed to ensure an ongoing, profitable, perpetual, and sustainable timber harvest for the future. It doesn’t want to do that.

What does it want to do? Apparently, sell carbon credits. But there is a real problem with that. (Aside from the fact it’s a massive scam.)

So Why is Oregon Department of Forestry Bankrupt?

We talk with Jen Hamaker, the president of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) to find out the Oregon Department of Forestry got into this mess. It was a massive, self-inflicted wound. Like someone who gets injured and then gets surgery to stay disabled so they don’t have to work. Jen walks us through what the ODF was designed to do, what it is doing now, and why the need for a special session to bail them out. And if democrat lawmakers think this is going to get better, think again. This is now baked in. The Oregon Department of Forestry has changed from a billion dollar asset to a billion dollar liability.

Then we talk with State Representative, Ed Diehl (R-HD17), about what happened at the special session. Why did they call the meeting to session and then immediately go behind closed-door committee meetings? Were deals being cut? Rep. Diehl also confirms that ODF is now insolvent. Bankrupt.

ODF’s New Plan: Carbon Credits. Get Paid for Doing Nothing

And it’s only going to get worse. Why? Because the Oregon Department of Forestry wants to move away from forestry and into the carbon credit scheme.

A scheme based on false premises (CO2 is not the enemy, and it is not a pollutant). And a scheme that is likely to fall apart as all across the nation, states lose federal funding for their net zero initiatives.

And we ask, how would this be different if Republicans were in charge? Because this whole Oregon Department of Forestry fiasco is about to get a lot worse — a lot worse — with democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate.

We can all agree ODF needed to pay the bills owed to firefighters. Some whom had to take out huge loans to make ends meet while waiting to be paid. But this bailout doesn’t fix the problem that ODF just created for itself. And its solution to lock up Oregon’s forest lands — let ’em burn! — Oregon Department of Forestry has just made things a lot worse.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jen Hamaker’s organization is Oregon Natural Resource Industries. Visit them at ONRI.us
  • Rep. Ed Diehl’s website is www.eddiehl.com
  • Oregon isn’t paying its wildfire bills on time. Now legislators must act (OPB, December 11, 2024)
  • Taxpayers “gave” billions to create interest-bearing endowments for Far-Left environmental groups that assault natural resources: “Environmental nonprofit fundraising draws criticism across political spectrum (Capital Press, Nov 14, 2024)
    • An analysis showed “20 nonprofit environmental organizations active in the West … have total net assets of nearly $2 billion dollars”
    • “a significant amount of the money is set aside as an endowment to generate income”
  • This isn’t going to work. Oregon’s Department of Forestry’s plan to stop harvesting timber and start selling carbon credits will fail when the federal government stops cuts the trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars for “Climate Change.”
  • Oregon’s carbon credits scheme to get to net zero, like all states, depends heavily on federal funding.
  • How much federal funding for states’ net zero funding? About $40 billion. (via Perplexity, retrieved Dec 13, 2024).
    • Do democrat state lawmakers honestly think the Trump will continue that scam? (If so, we have a unicorn to sell them.
  • Sen. James Lankford Offers Sneak Peak Into How Exactly DOGE Will Clean Up Government Waste and Abuse (The Daily Signal, Dec 11, 2024)
14-47 Oregon’s Elections: A Deeper Shade of Blue. Is Oregon Hopeless and Helpless?

14-47 Oregon’s Elections: A Deeper Shade of Blue. Is Oregon Hopeless and Helpless?

Show 14-47 Summary: In 2024, Republicans won the White House, the House, and the Senate. Other states went red. And in county after county, Trump gained support. Even among practically every demographic group. But while so much of the rest of the country went red, Oregon’s elections went a deeper shade of blue—with super majorities now in the house and senate. Is Oregon destined to be California’s mini-me? Or can Republicans save Oregon from itself? And what is on the way for Oregon with democrats in charge of everything? Brace yourself.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 23rd & 24th, 2024 | Guest: Rep. Ed Diehl

This Week – Oregon’s Elections. What Happened?

While Oregon wasn’t part of it, the rest of the nation voted for a better economy, smaller government, secure borders, free speech, protecting farms, schools that actually teach, and city streets free of crime. Already, Trump’s nominations are causing the Deep State to panic. But he seems committed to keep his promise to downsize and even eliminate agencies.

But not Oregon. For Republicans, Oregon took a disastrous turn as Democrats won all three statewide races (Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Attorney General). And they won a super majority in the state senate and nearly certainly will win a super majority in the house.

After Oregon’s Election, Is there Any Hope Left?

If you remember your Greek mythology, curious Pandora couldn’t resist opening the box and let out sickness, death, and other miseries. That feels like what Oregon just did to itself.

After Oregon’s elections, the prospects of a Democrat super majority in both the state house and senate is a grim reality. Every item on the Democrat wish list of miseries for the state is knocking on the box lid. Demanding to be let out. Taxes and more spending for sure, along with more environmental, “green” energy, and carbon scheme mandates to drive up costs on everything.

But they also have a problem.  Biden’s federal cash flow spigot will soon be turned off. No more federal money rolling into Oregon’s coffers to hide the deficit budget problems like PERS’ huge debt that’s causing school districts and county agencies to feel that debt.

So what can Republicans do?  Like the only thing left in Pandora’s box, Oregon has hope. That’s what we discuss with our guest, Representative Ed Diehl (HD-17).  We take a hard look at Oregon’s election and what Oregonians will be facing. And we discuss the national elections, how other states made big changes, what went right in other states, and why didn’t it go right in Oregon.

See Ed Diehl’s website, EdDiehl.com for more about Ed and news and information. Follow Ed on X (formerly Twitter), @Real_EdDiehl

We also discuss the sole remaining (as of November 21) undecided house seat—Tracy Cramer’s in HD22—from Oregon’s elections. A race that will decide whether democrats get a super majority in Oregon’s house. Also, possible election fraud, and what about Oregon’s voter rolls? And what are we likely to see out of a democrat dual super majority.

And then in a future Part II, Ed will come back—likely after the holidays—to discuss changes and new directions to turn Oregon—yes, Oregon—red.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Listen to Mark’s April 2023 speech to the Capital City Republican Women, mentioned in the opener. Pretty much everything he said to needed to win Oregon in 2024, Republicans in other states did.
  • Around the Halls: Scott Brown’s Special Election Victory and the Congressional Agenda (Brookings University, Jan 20, 2010)
  • Ed Diehl’s website, EdDiehl.com for more about Ed and news and information. Follow Ed on X (formerly Twitter), @Real_EdDiehl
  • Biden authorizes Ukraine to strike Russia with U.S.-supplied long-range missiles (NBC News, Nov 17, 2024)
  • Shocking real reason Biden OK’d Ukraine use of U.S. longer-range missiles against Russia (World Net Daily, Nov 19, 2024)
    • This [escalation] entirely has to do with trying to tie Trump’s hands to a war, dampening his ability to achieve the agenda that the American people want him to achieve.” According to Gaub, “This has been in the [Left’s] plan for quite a while, in anticipation of the landslide victory that occurred earlier this month.”
  • SB870: Nation Popular Vote Interstate Compact – (Oregon Legislative Information Services, 2019), (Wikipedia, no date)
    • If enough states had joined before 2024, all of Oregon’s electoral votes would have gone to Trump—thanks to the democrats.
  • Attorney Matthew DePerno and the RNC Stop Thousands Of Duplicate Ballots From Being Counted (Trending Politics, October 30, 2024
  • Drazan selected as new House GOP leader (Oregon Catalyst, Nov 19, 2024)
  • 9 races that could determine the balance of power in the Oregon Legislature (OPB Oct, 22, 2024)


14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

Show 14-08 Summary: It’s government creep. And for all the wrong reasons. Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries updates us BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) pulling a fast one on public meeting laws to try shove through Biden’s offshore wind mills that no one wants. And we talk with Rep Ed Diehl about Oregon’s censorship program. Yes, it really is censorship. He got access to their documents. Some of which were redacted — but actually weren’t. Now we have them. Heh heh heh heh…

green new deal is all about money

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 24th & 25th, 2024 | Guests: Jennifer Hamaker & Ed Diehl

This Week – Government Creep

Government used to grow slowly. Incrementally. It used to be called “government creep” but now it’s growing by leaps and bounds. And it’s not Superman up there. It’s Lex Luthor in all his villainy.

Because the worst part about government creep is that it always grows for all the wrong reasons. It would be one thing if it got bigger and better about defending our Constitutional rights. But whenever government grows, it’s to find ways around the Constitution. And, of course, it’s about rewarding politicians’ and bureaucrats’ friends and allies. Who, all too often do not have America’s best interests at heart. And Americans pay the literal price. And at the price of our freedoms.

ONRI Continues the Fight

This week, we talk with Jennifer Hamaker of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) about the continuing fights against government creep and using the excuse of the environment to do it. “Save the planet” has duped too many people into thinking environmental government creep is even remotely about the environment. Let alone saving the planet.

green new deal is all about money

No. It’s about spending American tax dollars on things that will transfer enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars to leftist groups. Face it. Climate Change. Environmentalism. Global Warming. It’s all socialism. And none of it would exist without cash payments from the taxpayers.

And the Far Left will not blink when it comes to getting those billions. Hundreds of billions. Even to the point of ignoring people (so much for “democracy”) and ignoring public meeting laws. Recently, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it will ignore public outcry, forego any more public meetings, and just approve the plan for Oregon’s offshore wind farms anyway.

But it’s not over.

Remember. Oregon’s Appeals Court threw out Governor Brown’s “Climate Protection Plan” (a carbon credit scheme). Why? Because the agency pushing it, wait for it… ignored public meeting laws.

Jen updates us on what happened, what’s next, and their other fights to raise public awareness of what Oregon’s very Far Left “environmentalists” want to do, which will destroy, not save, the environment.

Don’t be silent. The wins we’ve had recently — like the cancellation of the Elliott State Research Forest — happened because people did not stay silent.

Are you a landowner? Do you have a forest you’d like to harvest? Then you need to contact ONRI. They are looking to form a class-action lawsuit to stop the Private Forest Accord. See the contact links on either ONRI.us or OregonStrongerTogether.com

Government Creep is Just Creepy

Then we talk with Representative Ed Diehl (OR-HD17), whose public records request was the basis of that Daily Caller article we mentioned a few weeks back during our show with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote.  We have been following the ongoing story of the Secretary of State’s scheme to monitor, track, and, yes, censor free speech about our elections. The elections division hired an A.I. company to help them hunt down whatever the democrats in charge of the elections division deem to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information. Or “MDM.”

In case you don’t know, “A.I.” is “artificial intelligence.” Because, apparently, there’s no real intelligence at the elections division. If there were, they would know this is a horrible idea.

As a state representative, Ed Diehl got access to the MDM program documents. Agencies tend to respond to legislative requests, and far better and with less stalling than requests from the public. Or from the media for that matter. Some of the documents were heavily redacted. Except it turns out they weren’t actually redacted. Whoops.

Yes, Oregon. It’s Election Free Speech Censorship

In case you haven’t already, read that Daily Caller article about Oregon’s MDM elections censorship program. It’s a great summary of what they’re trying to do. And how they’re trying to justify spying on, censoring, and threatening people for daring to exercise their free speech. (To quote Greta: “How dare you!”)

Find out more about Rep. Ed Diehl at his website, www.EdDiehl.com

We talk with Ed about what he uncovered. Don’t miss the discussion about the Twitter Files, about the government using Big Tech to censor free speech about elections. Which the A.I. flagged as “worrisome.” Weird. Big Tech and government consider stories exposing government using big tech to censor as worrisome? Oh, the irony. And hypocrisy.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Ed Diehl’s Segments (4–6)

  • Ed Diehl’s website is www.EdDiehl.com
  • Blue State Hired AI Company To Track Election ‘Misinformation.’ It Routinely Flagged Conservative Opinions (Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2024)
  • Censorship-Industrial Complex Enlists U.K. ‘Misinformation’ Group Logically.AI To Meddle In 2024 Election (Federalist, Jan 29, 2024)
  • The bill Ed mentioned was SB1583. It would dramatically curtail the rights of local school boards to control the curriculum in schools. IN other words, it would ensure woke curriculum gets in and anything even closely resembling Judeo-Christian, conservative, or pro-America curriculum stays out.*You can read the bill, register to testify virtually or in person, and/or submit written testimony here: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2024R1/Measures/Overview/SB1583 

Research and Related

Elections, Voter Fraud, Censorship
  • Help fight Oregon’s AI-powered election monitoring and censorship program. Visit Battleground Oregon (BattlegroundOregon.org) and donate to help with legal expenses. (Full disclosure: I Spy Radio‘s host, Mark Anderson, is a plaintiff in this case. He receives nothing from the donations, which go to legal expenses.)
  • ‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)
  • Muskegon Voter Registration Probe: Michigan Election Integrity Group Wants to Know What Happened (The Epoch Times, Feb 23, 2024)
  • MSNBC thinks you don’t have rights, like free speech, unless the government says you do. “MSNBC Host Bashes Christians for Believing that ‘Rights Come From God'” (WLT Report, Feb 23, 2024)
  • Rise in Mail-in-Voting: A Convenience or Pathway to Fraud? (America First Report, Feb 22, 2024)
  • ‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)

Green, Environment, etc.

Green energy scam on the way out? Check these out:

  • Things Have Gotten So Bad for EV Makers That They’re Having to Send Checks to Angry Leasing Companies (Western Journal, Feb 21, 2024)
  • Tesla’s price cuts are driving down car values so much that EV makers are sending checks to leasing firms to compensate them (Fortune, Feb 21, 2024)
    • Carmakers have begun compensating leasing companies for the sliding value of used electric cars as Tesla Inc.’s price cuts rip through an industry that must sell more EVs or face hefty fines. … Carmakers need to comply with tightening fleet emission levels, or pay fines.
    • Prices for used EVs plummeted last year as weakening demand for new battery-powered cars prompted Tesla to slash sticker prices, forcing others to follow suit.