15-09 Activist Judges and a New Twist on Chemtrails

15-09 Activist Judges and a New Twist on Chemtrails

Show 15-09 Summary: Activist judges and chemtrails twist. We celebrate a personal and professional win with Kimberly Hermann from Southeastern Legal. Then we get her take as a practicing attorney on these activist judges attempting to stop every executive order. Do they even have the authority? Or (their favorite) “standing”? And then we talk with Chuck Wiese about a conspiracy theory people have been asking us to look into for over 15 years. Except it’s not quite the conspiracy they think it is. But there is something afoot.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: March 1st & 2nd, 2025 | Guests: Kimberly Hermann & Chuck Wiese

This Week – Activist Judges and Are Chemtrails Real After All?

This week we talk with Kimberly Herman of Southeastern Legal Foundation about her invite to the White House to celebrate an executive order SLF has been fighting for — keeping men out of women’s sports. This is not just a professional win but a truly personal one. Especially with a young daughter who loves sports. We also talk about some of President Trump’s executive orders that may impact

Kimberly is not just the executive director for Southeastern Legal. She is also a practicing attorney, arguing federal court cases. So most of our conversation is about those activist judges who are throwing themselves (and the country) in front of the Trump Train. What can be done about them? Do they have the authority to insert themselves in executive orders? Find out why this almost never happens.

And we look at the courts themselves. Is it time to redo the courts?  And what about that clause in Article III, Section 1 about judges “shall hold their Offices during good behavior”?

New Twist on an Old Conspiracy Theory?

And then in the second-half of the show, we talk with fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese, about a conspiracy theory that listeners have been asking us to look into for over 15 years. Except it’s not quite the conspiracy they think it is. But there’s definitely something afoot.

In case you’re not up to speed on chemtrails, people have been speculating that patterns in the sky from jet contrails are something more than just jet exhaust. The theory is that secret government projects have been lacing the skies with unknown chemicals. There is a lot of debate over, who is doing, what they’re spraying, and why they’re doing it. Some say weather modification. Others say it has to do with climate change. Still others say it’s something far worse and more sinister. Like increasing sterility. And over the years, the theory has grown in popularity. So what’s really going on?

Chuck is the perfect guest for this. He is a meteorologist, trained scientist, and global warming debunker. And he’s a pilot. He spent decades in the sky as a commercial airlines jet pilot. Cloud seeding is a real thing. And has a long history. But that’s not the same as chemtrails.

However, there is new speculation that is putting a twist on things. A recent — albeit somewhat confusing — article in Just the News covered a new angle on chemtrails. The short end of it is that while people have speculated about chemtrails with lots of opinions but little actual evidence, geoengineering to impact “Climate Change” may be behind some of it.

Read the article that started this chemtrails / geoengineering discussion: “Politics of Climate Tech: Billions spent on geo-engineering despite objections

But is it happening? Yes and no. But tune in to hear the nonsense proposed by these Global Warmers to fight fossil fuel emissions to offset “CO2 warming” by using even more fossil fuel emissions. And how their efforts may cause even more damage while having no real impact on “warming.”

If it sounds insane, it’s because it is.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Activist Judges

  • Kimberly Hermann’s organization is Southeastern Legal Foundation. Find out more about them at SLFLiberty.org
    • From SLF’s website: “When the government has gone beyond its constitutional limits, we have been there to hold it accountable. SLF’s strategic approach has resulted in hundreds of courtroom wins, including four precedent-setting wins at the United States Supreme Court.”
  • Trump Dept. of Education Affirms 2020 Title IX Rules, Rejects Biden expansion (The Center Square, January 31, 2025)
  • JUST IN: President Trump Files Emergency Appeal Asking Supreme Court to Intervene After Biden Judge Orders Admin to Pay $2 Billion in Foreign Contracts by Midnight (Gateway Pundit, Feb 26, 2025)
    • And this → Supreme Court briefly pauses order for Trump admin to imminently release foreign aid (The Hill, Feb 26, 2025)

Chemtrails Twist

Related Info

14-39 The 2024 Election – Two Elements of What’s at Stake

14-39 The 2024 Election – Two Elements of What’s at Stake

Show 14-39 Summary: It’s not just the candidates running. It’s what’s at stake in this election. And we look at just two elements with huge implications. Control over federal agencies, whether those will expand or be reined in and deregulated. And all the federal land that might be at stake thanks to a potential Supreme Court ruling — if they take it up and if the next administration acts on it.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 28, 2024, 2024 | Guests: Kimberley Hermann and Myron Ebell 

This Week – What’s at Stake

It’s never just about the candidates running. It’s what’s at stake after the election. And we look at just two elements with huge implications of those potential futures. While the economy gets most of the attention, it’s much more than that.

First, we look at control over federal agencies, and whether those will expand or be reined in and deregulated. Or even disbanded. The regulatory agencies are the leash on the economy. Will the economy be given more rope or even let run off leash? Or chained up?

You can guess which candidate wants what on that. But with the new Loper-Bright Supreme Court decision, that overturned a previous SCOTUS ruling, Congress could, if it has the backbone, rein in these overreaching agencies that prevent economic expansion. We talk with Kimberley Herman, the executive director of Southeastern Legal Foundation, about what the overturn of the Chevron deference could mean for the future of government.

What’s at Stake: 640 million acres of federal lands

Years ago, we followed the effort to allow states to take possession of the federal lands within their own borders that had been promised to them at the time of statehood. And all the federal land that might be at stake thanks to a potential Supreme Court ruling — if they take it up and if the next administration acts on it.

That is, after all, what happened with the states east of the Mississippi. None of those states have massive amounts of land in their borders still held by the federal government. But for states West of the Mississippi and in particular, West of the Rockies, states have tremendous amounts of land within their borders still held by the federal government. Oregon has 53.03% of its land that is not its land—it’s held by the federal government. and it’s also tremendously mismanaged by the federal government. Meaning they don’t. And that’s why Oregon has massive forest fires every year. When you don’t manage forests they become kindling factories.

Now, a new lawsuit by Utah is at the Supreme Court. All they need are four justices to vote to hear the case before the full court. This could have huge implications for states that have so much of their land held by the federal government which is doing nothing with it. Imagine the impact of land being brought into active production and use whether that’s agriculture, timber, mining, camping, hunting… Kind of activity that will spur the economy. not to mention create taxable wealth for the government. Rather than letting it sit there and rot and burn which only wastes taxpayers’ money.

We welcomed back long-time guest, Myron Ebell (although it’s been a long time since we last spoke), who is now the chairman of American Lands Council.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

14-21 Election Integrity – Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

14-21 Election Integrity – Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

Show 14-21 Summary: Could a loophole in U.S. Criminal Code Title 18 allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections? We have Catherine Engelbrecht on from True the Vote to discuss what her organization found and how it may open the door to millions of illegals voting in the presidential election. So much for election integrity. And that’s not even the worst of it.  But are there signs that even in blue states, like Oregon, people might be done with Joe Biden, his far left policies, and his lawlessness like opening the border to those 10+ millions of illegals. And we talk with Chuck Wiese about the U. S. Supreme Court declining to hear his election integrity case.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 25th & 26th, 2024 | Guests: Catherine Engelbrecht and Chuck Wiese

This Week – Election Integrity Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

A couple weeks ago, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote gave an explosive interview on Tucker Carlson’s show, in which she described what her organization found: a potential loophole in election integrity laws that could allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections. If they believe they are legal citizens.

We know, coming across the border, the Biden administration and NGO’s have been telling the illegals that they are legal citizens, because they “followed the law” by claiming amnesty. amnesty being the pet door that allows illegals to just walk right in.

Call to action: the 611 Project. Get the handbook at True the Vote

We’ve all wondered why Democrats, and especially Joe Biden, have been flooding the country with 10 to 15,000,000 and possibly more, illegal immigrants. This could certainly explain it.

Except, as Catherine explains, the legal loophole potentially allowing illegal voters to vote for president isn’t even the worst of things. Tune in to hear what else Joe Biden could do.

Check it out! True the Vote now has an election integrity app, “IV3,”  to find and report potentially illegal voters. Take a listen (Twitter)!

Election Integrity in Oregon

And then we talk with Oregon’s election integrity political activist, Chuck Wiese. Chuck is a long-time I Spy Radio guest and a fan favorite due to his scientific background and logical insights on issues.Chuck was also part of an election-integrity lawsuit, Thielman et al. vs Oregon Secretary of State, in which they sought to restore integrity and trust to Oregon’s elections. That lawsuit made it all the way to the Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case unfortunately. Tune into here why that may have been and why election integrity is not dead yet in Oregon.

We also look at Oregon’s primary that just happened. surprisingly, it was not a good night for farther-left progressives as “squad wannabes” lost their primary races to more moderate Democrats. Is this a trend? are even Democrats fed up with Joe Biden, his open borders and lawlessness, lawfare against political opponents, and Bidenomics which is killing family finances.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Catherine Engelbrecht’s Segments (1–3)

Chuck Wiese Segments (4–6)

Related Election Integrity Info

  • Illegal Alien Voter Registrations – How to Attack It and Prevent This Fraud Before 2024 Election (Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024)
  • Study: ‘Non-citizens’ are registered to vote, could decide next president (WND, May 15, 2024)
  • Frank LaRose should be the model for all red states who dump the ERIC System. (Twitter, May 15, 2024)
    • If red states are dumping the ERIC because it does not clean voter rolls as promised, then why is it used at all — and not sued out of existence?


14-18 Troubling Signs about Bidenomics | Learn to Think Like an Economist

14-18 Troubling Signs about Bidenomics | Learn to Think Like an Economist

Show 14-18 Summary: Does anyone remember when the media objectively covered economics. After all, so much of it revolves around data. And yet the mainstream media does everything it can to attack good economies, like we had under Trump, while providing cover for lame economies, driven primarily by government and government spending, like what we have under Joe Biden. So how do you know what to trust and whom to trust? On this week’s show we talk to an economist to help you think like an economist.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 4th & 5th, 2024 | Guest: Jonathan Williams

This Week –  Despite the mainstream media doing their best to run cover for Biden and his economic policies, there are some troubling signs about Bidenomics. And some of it really troubling. Which is why you’re not hearing those kinds of stories in the mainstream media.

When it comes to the economy, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is Biden’s DEI hiring-equivalent of “Baghdad Bob.”

GDP for the first quarter was half of normal growth and less than half of the previous quarter. Unemployment for April rose with one of the indicators the worst it’s been since November 2021. And yet all we ever hear out of the White House is how great things are. Including a rather startling comment from KJP. According to her, prices are too low. That woman is Biden’s DEI hiring equivalent of “Baghdad Bob.”

But because economic reporting has become so politicized how can an everyday person tell whether or not the economy is doing well — aside from their own subjective experiences? Because their experiences may not be what everyone else is going through.

Think Like an Economist

So this week we talk to an economist—Jonathan Williams, Executive Vice President of the American Legislative Exchange Council, and their chief economist—to help people learn to think a little more like an economist.

What are some of the trigger points to look for? What are some of the more reliable measurements that indicate a good or a bad economy? And what economic levers can they pull to turn an economy around or to keep a good economy going?

And all of that to help people pick the right people to put them in charge to get the economy on the right track

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jonathan’s organization is ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council. Find out more at ALEC.org.
    • Encourage your representatives to join ALEC! There are state and city memberships. Help elected officials understand economic problems and the real solutions available to get out of them! Send them this link: https://alec.org/membership/.
    • And you too can join as a private-sector member!
    • You can follow Jonathan on Twitter at @TaxEconomist.
  • How did Oregon do in the 2024 edition of Rich States, Poor States? We actually moved up on notch—although we’re still in the low 40s. Explore all the states or jump to Oregon’s rankings.
    • Be sure to try out the red “adjust policies” tab!
  • Biden Administration’s New Climate Rules Add $31,000 to Price of New Home, Industry Groups Say (The Epoch Times, May 1, 2024)
  • That Stephen Moore article: “Why Small Businesses Hate Bidenomics” (The Daily Signal, April 23, 2024)
  • GDP growth slowed to a 1.6% rate in the first quarter, well below expectations (CNBC, Apr 25, 2024).

The Death of DEI?

Other Related Economics News

  • ‘Harassment’: Feds Impose Trans Agenda on Employers for Pronouns, Bathrooms (The Daily Signal, April 29, 2024)
    • The Daily Signal reported that under new federal guidelines — released on Monday by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — an employer would be guilty of harassment by requiring someone to use a restroom that corresponds with their biological sex or if someone “misgenders” them.
  • US births reach 45-year low – report (RT, Apr 25, 2024)
  • Why hundreds of U.S. banks may be at risk of failure (CNBC, May 1, 2024)
  • U.S. job growth totaled 175,000 in April, much less than expected, while unemployment rose to 3.9% (CNBC, May 1, 2024)
  • Long-predicted consumer pullback finally hits restaurants like Starbucks, KFC and McDonald’s (CNBC, May 1, 2024)
Dobbs and EPA — What a Whole New SCOTUS Means for America

Dobbs and EPA — What a Whole New SCOTUS Means for America

Show Summary: This week, two momentous decisions by the Supreme Court will have long-reaching impact. We talk with constitutional attorney, Jonathan Emord, about the Dobbs and EPA rulings, why they are so important, and the impact they will have. And why Dobbs and EPA signal a whole new court—and the first true major blow to the deep state in decades.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: July 23, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord

This Week – Dobbs and EPA

Instead of two guests, we have two topics. We are going to dig in deep into two recent Supreme Court decisions: the Dobbs and EPA rulings.

Specifically, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and WV v EPA. These two decisions alone represent a huge shift at SCOTUS.

Both of rulings these are momentous in their own rights.

Dobbs because it erases an imaginary “Constitutional right” of abortion and will open the door to more protections for the unborn at the state level. And the EPA ruling, because it restores some Constitutional balance among the branches of government. And opens the door to weakening the administrative state. Provided that Congress exercises the power that was restored to it.

Did the 2022 elections just get yugely more important? Yes.

Dobbs Overturns Roe v Wade

Why was Roe v Wade so hard to overturn? How did the 1973 court get is so wrong and invent a “right”? Tune in to find out. And, also importantly, going forward Dobbs gives SCOTUS the mental permission — the fortitude and courage — to make other rulings that restore constitutional order.

The era of the John Roberts court is officially over.

Could America, after all the shrieking is done, could America turn more pro life after the overturn of Roe v Wade with more protections for the unborn? And could we be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Deep State? 

West Virginia vs EPA – First Major Blow to the Deep State

As Jonathan Emord reminds us, the administrative state is the true government because they hold all the real power. Effectively. Because Congress has not used its power. And the Executive Branch has both abused its power  through overreach and failed to use its power to rein in unelected bureaucrats.

Want to know how the administrative state (aka the Deep State) took over? Then you must read Jonathan Emord’s The Authoritarians

The EPA ruling just restored the separation of powers in a big way. The EPA grabbed a tremendous amount of power when it decided it could use the Clean Air Act to effectively regulate the entire economy via climate change. Now, its WV v EPA ruling stripped the EPA of that power and handed it back to Congress. Effectively, SCOTUS reaffirmed that laws must come through Congress, not the unelected bureaucrats of the administrative state. And, potentially, could strip billions from the Far Left’s theft of public dollars.

With these two rulings, we stand at the threshold of history. 

Mentioned: The Dr. Frank Executive Club Presentation – Link and Chuck Wiese Primer

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jonathan Emord’s The Authoritarians is an absolute must-read
  • Brick by Brick, Courts Build a Roadblock Against Biden’s Administrative State (The Epoch Times, July 20, 2022)
  • Supreme Court Targets the Real Enemy (The Epoch Times, July 1, 2022)
    • When you consider the implications of this one decision, they are awesome. It doesn’t just apply to the EPA and its elaborate plans for changing the global climate through command and control. It also applies to every other agency [all 432 of them], including the CDC and even the Federal Reserve itself.
  • The Dobbs Decision, Explained (The Daily Signal,  June 24, 2022)
  • Historic Supreme Court Ruling a Win for Sanctity of Life (GOP.gov, June 24, 2022)
  • Read this terrific and fascinating post from the wife of Andrew Torba (the founder of Gab.com) on the incredible link between a mom and her unborn child that continues for years after birth. Or after an abortion. Could this explain why so many women deeply regret their choice?
  • The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F (Brownstone Institute, June 27, 2022)
    • The Washington Post in an editorial expressed absolute shock and alarm at the implications: The directive from the White House, issued late Wednesday, sounds technical: creating a new “Schedule F” within the “excepted service” of the federal government for employees in policy-making roles, and directing agencies to determine who qualifies. Its implications, however, are profound and alarming. It gives those in power the authority to fire more or less at will as many as tens of thousands of workers currently in the competitive civil service, from managers to lawyers to economists to, yes, scientists.
Sometimes, it’s not Unconstitutional. It’s just Lies.

Sometimes, it’s not Unconstitutional. It’s just Lies.

Show Summary: The government has gone from a cottage industry of lies to a full-blown industrial-scale lie and disinformation mega-corporation. Now, they even have a Ministry of Truth to punish dissenters (realists) and promote their, and only their, version of “truth.” Orwell couldn’t be more proud. Funny though. It’s amazing how many times when the government lies, it’s because what its doing is unconstitutional. We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys, about the abortion ruling, the lies of covid, the politicization of science, and that Ministry of Truth.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 14th & 15th, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord 

This Week – Unconstitutional usually = Lies

It’s amazing how many times when the government lies, it’s because what its doing is unconstitutional.  It lied about the “constitutionality” of Roe v Wade, leading to a generation of ill-informed Leftists believing it was constitutional. Which, because of that lie, lead to others. The lie that it was just a “clump of cells.” The lie that a unborn baby didn’t feel pain. It wasn’t human.

Amazing how many lies were spun to keep the big lie going. And that’s just one example. But did you ever notice that when the government is acting unconstitutional, it involves lies?

Jonathan Emord on Abortion Ruling and More

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Get the book! We can’t recommend this highly enough!

This week, we welcome back Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys, to talk about the abortion ruling (the lies that made it and the lies that kept it going), the lies of covid, the lies about the vaccines, the politicization of science, and that new Ministry of Truth hatched by the Biden administration.

But, really, it comes down to trust. Trust in our institutions and the people at them. And that’s hard to come by when they go out of their way to break trust. And then hide what they did.

Buckle up.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Abortion, Roe v Wade, Leaker, etc.

  • The Leak: “Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows” (Politico, May 2, 2022)
    • The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision — Planned Parenthood v. Casey — that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.
  • The Mystery of the Declining U.S. Birth Rate (Econofact, Feb 15, 2022)
  • Sen. Schumer Battle Cry: Democrats May Pack Supreme Court If Majority Is Kept (OAN, May 4, 2022)
    • From the floor of the Senate, Schumer “suggested Democrats could try and pack the Supreme Court if they keep control of the upper chamber after the November midterms. Schumer warned expanding the court and appointing more liberal justices is a possibility.”

The GAO Report

  • Read it for yourself – GAO Report to Congressional Addressees: Scientific Integrity (PDF, April 2022)
    • The April 2022 GAO Report found FDA, CDC, NIH, and ASPR did not have procedures in place to prevent the politicization of science. As a result, potential political interference resulted in the alteration or suppression of scientific findings.
  • The GAO Report: Scientific Integrity: HHS Agencies Need to Develop Procedures and Train Staff on Reporting and Addressing Political Interference (GAO Office, April 2022)
  • Federal Investigators Reveal ‘Bombshell’ Findings CDC & FDA Undertook Politically Motivated Actions During Covid Pandemic (Becker News, April 27, 2022)
  • GAO highlights lack of policies to combat political interference at health agencies (Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, Apr 25, 2022)

The Many Lies of Covid

  • Acting NIH Director Admits Appearance of Conflict of Interest in Secret Royalty Payments (Epoch Times, May 11, 2022)
  • Top US Scientist Tried to Help Wuhan Lab Counter Virus Leak Concerns (Epoch Times, May 12, 2022)
    • “These startling documents show that China had partners here in the United States willing to go to bat for them on the Wuhan lab controversy,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a May 9 statement.” 
  • Military doctors can’t trust DOD medical database after COVID vax injuries scrubbed: whistleblower (Just the News, May 10, 2022)
  • CDC Finally Admits Lockdowns Are Harmful To Youth (The Daily Wire, via YouTube, Apr 19, 2022)
    • “As the world finally begins opening up, we’re beginning to get a picture of just how dangerous, and in many cases, deadly, lockdowns were. While we were all affected, there was one group of Americans hurt more than any other. Young people.”
  • ‘Deep State’ Was Working Against Trump on COVID-19 Response: Former HHS Adviser (The Epoch Times, May 1, 2022)
  • More false information: CDC report admits 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose (David Icke, May 4, 2022)
    • But wait, I thought we were all told 75-80% of Americans were fully vaccinated…?
  • 3.6% of the German population is now disabled due to the vaccine (Dr Peter McCullough, via Reddit, May 6, 2022)
  • Typical misinformation regarding Danish COVID-numbers (Statems Serum Institut arch 22, 2022)
  • Denmark will stop promoting COVID vaccinations on May 15, 2022 (Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter, via Substack, Apr 28, 2022)
  • Did Moderna Study Predict “Pandemic of the Vaccinated?” (We Love Trump, May 5, 2022)

Election Fraud

  • Exclusive — Dinesh D’Souza: Latest Film Contains ‘Smoking Gun’ on How Ballot Harvesting Manipulated the 2020 Election (Breitbart, Apr 30, 2022)
  • 25 Questions About 2020 Election Fraud (The Still Report #3810, via Rumble, Mar 12, 2022)
  • Michigan State Police seizes voting machine in 2020 investigation (Washington Examiner, May 5, 2022)
  • Judicial Watch Warns 14 Counties in Five States to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuits (Judicial Watch, Press Release, Nov 16, 2021)
  • Election Integrity Group Releases Hard Evidence Of 4.8 MILLION Fraudulent Votes — ‘Organized Crime’ Was Conducted To ‘Rig The 2020 Election’ (enVolve, April 19, 2022)
  • Maricopa, AZ Verified With Evidence: Trump 59.4%, Biden 41.17% (Clever Journeys, Apr 11, 2022)
  • Wisconsin assembly speaker allows 2020 election investigation to continue (Just the News, Apr 28, 2022)
    • Probe won’t end until lawmakers are certain about the legal authority to issue subpoenas by the state’s special investigator, Speaker Robin Vos declares.

Ministry of Truth

  • The New Disinformationists (Victor Davis Hanson, writing in American Greatness, May 1, 2022)
  • Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems (Glenn Greenwald, via Substack, May 4, 2022)
    • The power to decree what is “disinformation” now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.
Supreme Court v Constitution | Is the Great Pushback Beginning?

Supreme Court v Constitution | Is the Great Pushback Beginning?

Show Summary: Last week, the Supreme Court struck down one of two vaccine mandates, 6-3. But in a second case, two “conservatives” joined the liberals to uphold the mandate forcing healthcare workers to take the vaccine. They were both agency rules, so why strike one and not the other? We ask Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys. And would have happened if they hadn’t?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 22nd & 23rd, 2022 | Guests: Jonathan Emord

Vaccine Mandate Struck Down

This week: last Friday, in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court struck down one of two vaccine mandates—the OSHA mandate that tried to force companies with more than 100 employees to force their employees to take an experimental covid vaccine. But in a 5-4 decision, they left another vaccine mandate intact. Why? Why the difference?

We welcome back Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys to discuss the difference. And what this means for the vaccine mandates, the other mandates, and, especially, what this means for the future rights of Americans.

The fight for your freedom is not over as neither of these two cases are fully over.

Be sure to catch Jonathan Emord’s previous appearances on I Spy Radio: The Authoritarians Part One and Part Two. His most recent appearance was about restoring the Constitution to undo the administrative state.

Great Britain: All Mandates Ended

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Order The Authoritarians on Amazon

Did these ruling shake the plans for the “Great Reset”, both here in America ans abroad? In the shadow of the rulings, Boris Johnson, abruptly announced the end of all covid mandates. Masks in public, social distancing, masks in schools, vaccines, and their plans for a vaccine passport.

Setting aside the power of career-ending scandals to “suddenly” motivate politicians to do the right thing, listen to this powerful video of a 14-year-old girl describing the damage the mask mandates have done to her and her generation:

Heartbreaking! Teenage girl on British news program reacts to the end of the British school mask mandates.

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