Show Summary: The Constitution is supposed to guarantee our rights. But over the centuries since our founding, socialists have steadily eroded our rights and the influence of the Constitution. In fact, for much of American government, the Constitution doesn’t apply. This week, we examine the “administrative state” where normal constitutional principles (or even law) don’t apply. We also look at how we fix it—and hold people accountable.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: November 20th & 21st, 2021 | Guests: Jonathan Emord
This week: We have a dual justice system and one where the Constitution doesn’t apply: the administrative state. It is a true return to authoritarianism — the rule of the king — where the government literally holds all power and you, the citizen, have no power. Except whatever the government deems to allow you. No Constitution. No rights.
As one of America’s top constitution lawyers for the last 35 years, Jonathan Emord has seen, up close and personally, the purposeful destruction of America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom from government. The Constitution outlines the boundaries of the government. But the authoritarians have been undermining it for well over two centuries.
Be sure to catch Jonathan Emord’s previous appearances on I Spy Radio: The Authoritarians Part One and Part Two.
Our previous shows with Jonathan focused on the rise of socialism in America. Including the Southern democrats’ use of socialism/Marxist ideology to defend slavery. And we looked at the beginnings of the administrative state under FDR.
This week, we dig a little deeper into the administrative state, which is the “Bizzaro World” version of our Constitutional Republic. And how do we untangle it? The answer may be simpler than you think.
Which rule of law wins? The administrative state? Or the Constitution? Because right now, we’re seeing this play out with the covid-19 vaccine mandates and passports.
And we look at justice. Holding people accountable. Could Durham’s investigation go a lot higher than just the low-hanging fruit and middle-men Durham has so far indicted?
One of America’s top constitutional lawyers thinks so. Tune in to find out why.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Show Summary: We all know the Reagan saying: “government isn’t the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.” But it’s worse than that. Because big government has learned there’s lots of money to be made for their political allies by causing the problems.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: November 13th & 14th, 2021 | Guests: Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins & Chuck Wiese
This week: it’s true: “Government isn’t the solution to the problem, government IS the problem.”
Except in modern-day governance it’s far more than incompetence or inefficiency. Because in modern governance, Big Government has learned there is an awful lot of money to be made for their political allies by creating problems.
Fixing Government: Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins Runs for Governor
This week we welcome first-time guest, Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins to the show. He is running for the Republican candidate for Oregon governor and he has some solutions to the problem of government.
Tune in to hear more about Jim’s unique and varied background. A start in the military, rising to Lt. Colonel in the US Air Force, a move to the private sector and business start ups, academics (not one but two doctorates), teaching, and a career in the entertainment industry by starting his own film production company.
Like many of us, Jim watched in shock and disgust as Left wing activists and mobs burned and looted Portland for 100+ nights while Left wing politicians not only did nothing but praised them. Even dropped charges.
Jim also shares with us what he sees as the major issues and how he would address them. But also, how would he, a non-politician, handle the political and bureaucratic minefield. The same minefield that tripped up President Trump who was constantly sabotaged and undermined by the establishment class.
Big Government Creating Problems
In this week’s show, you’ll hear how government is quite literally creating problems out of thin air. Global Warming. This week, we also talk with Chuck Wiese about the never ending global warming scam, which will apparently only be solved by spending money.
As mentioned: NASA and NOAA temperature tampering documents can be found below, in the Links Section
But we also touch on the origins of the global warming hoax, which, if tried in any other industry sector, would have landed those who’d done it in jail. As Chuck reminds us, NASA and NOAA changed the temperature data to make the past look cooler than it was. By doing so, it artificially make the present (and future) look warmer than it really is.
We wanted to have Chuck on because a “super-important, this time the world really will end if we don’t do something” study showed Global Warming is going to lead to more forest fires.
Hey, Sherlock. If you really believe Global Warming is causing forests to be drier, you should have listened to us decades ago when we said you can’t let dead, dry wood pile up in the forests. And then be “surprised” when big fires happen.
Let it dry. Let it burn. And then let us have money. The democrats’ environmental playbook.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
The article in the Statesman: Climate change now the main driver of wildfire weather, and the West has a front-row seat (Statesman Journal / LA Times, Nov 1, 2021)*Previous studies have found the atmosphere in the western U.S. has grown thirstier over the last 40 years. Experts have theorized that is due to natural fluctuations in the weather and because carbon dioxide emissions have caused the planet to warm, and warmer air can hold more moisture.*This just sounds stupid*“‘It’s happening every year’: Devastating wildfire season is the new normal”. *Perhaps it’s because they allowed wood debris to pile up for decades
US Coal Miners “All Sold Out” For 2022 (Zero Hedge, Oct 31, 2021)*Top U.S. coal miners are experiencing a massive surge in demand as power companies restart coal-fired power plants due to high natural gas prices to prevent electricity shortages ahead of the winter season.
Show Summary: Elections all across the nations showed a rejection of Leftist ideology. Have Christians and Conservatives had enough of attacks on their faith — in God and in their country?
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: November 6th & 7th, 2021 | Guests: Donna Jackson & James Hirsen
This week: defending faith is defending freedom. And on Tuesday, we saw a lot of both as parents rose up to push back on being called “domestic terrorists” by their own government. Especially for exercising their rights of free speech to stand up to school boards determined to shove Marxist ideology and Critical Race Theory garbage on their kids.
As we’ve said for some time now, you won’t see a renewal in America until we see a revival in the Church.
Marxist/Socialist Attacks on Faith
Marxism and all its forms (socialism, communism, etc.) is the enemy of faith. That’s not opinion, that’s fact. Marx famously called religion the drug of the people. That’s because the two cannot coexist. Marxism and socialism will not share space with and cannot tolerate faith in anything other than government.
Donna Jackson from Project 21 joins us as we look at a SCOTUS case where coach Joseph Kennedy was fired for kneeling alone for a moment of prayer after football games and the chilling effect this could have on public officials. But is it time to go on the offense? Clearly, sitting back, staying on the sidelines, and letting things happen has not worked because the professional agitators (paid for with your tax dollars no less), have seized control of the ball. And won’t give up.
With both our guests, we also look at the stunning wins Tuesday night at all levels — and by many who expressed their faith and defense of America and her values, defeating progressives at every level of government. Are we seeing a revival in the face of Leftists trying to reform America?
Wait. Faith in Hollywood?
We’re also joined by James Hirsen, author of the bestselling Tales from the Left Coast. James weighs in on the remarkable rejection of the Left’s ideology in Tuesday’s elections. Some results were practically miraculous. Including on in Buffalo, NY, which we hadn’t heard about.
But is there, perhaps, even in revival happening in Hollywood?
More actors open up about their faith, sharing about God’s role in their lives. But this has its dangers too. As many actors, in mostly-Godless Hollywood have found out.
Have Faith. In God, in America
What do you think? Are we seeing a revival across America? A revival of faith and a revival of pro-America? And what do we need to do to keep this rolling?
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Links & Further Info
Visit the Project 21 home page to find out how they’re having such a strong impact across America and in the Black community
Show Summary: This is Part Two of our interview with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional lawyers, about his book The Authoritarians. If you’ve been looking at the destruction to our constitution and American freedoms and wondering how we got here and what to do about it, this show is for you.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: October 16th & 17th, 2021 | Guest: Jonathan Emord
This week: We talk with constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord. This book is so timely and so needed and so full of information that we have made this a two-part show.
Today’s show is Part Two of our interview with Jonathan Emord. This week, we look more deeply into his book and focus on how authoritarianism (Marxism, socialism, communism) took hold here in America—the land of the free and birthplace of liberty. Think about it. How is it that just two generations removed from throwing off the king’s despotism, American politicians, educators, and even religious leaders were all trying to take us back down that road?
For those who know and understand socialism, it shouldn’t surprise that socialism began its creep into American society as a defense for slavery.
Tune in to hear the convoluted thinking that led Southerners to use socialism as a defense not just for slavery but as a defense against American’s founding ideology. That all men are equal. That all men are endowed with rights and freedoms from their Creator.
Did you miss Part One of The Authoritarians with Jonathan Emord? Go here to catch up!
As one of America’s top constitution lawyers for the last 35 years, Jonathan Emord has seen, up close and personally, the purposeful destruction of America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom from government. The Constitution outlines the boundaries of the government. But the authoritarians have been undermining it for well over a century.
Socialism: It’s Worse than You Thought
Part Two will also look into the inherent racism of Marxism and socialism. Bet most socialists and Marxist-wannabes in America have no idea that racism was an inherent part of their ideology.
But it’s worse even than that. Tune in to hear how the eugenics movement was (and still is) a key part of socialism. And how American judicial rulings set the precedent that the Nazis used in their defense at Nuremberg.
Yes. It’s true: The National Socialist Party was the epitome of socialism. Despite today’s socialists trying to run from their ties to the Nazis, they were the living example of what socialism could look like here on Earth.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Show Summary: If you’ve been looking at the destruction to our constitution and American freedoms and wondering how we got here and what to do about it, this show is for you. This is Part One of a two-part show. We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional lawyers, about his book The Authoritarians.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: October 9th & 10th, 2021 | Guest: Jonathan Emord
This week: We talk with constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord. This book is so timely and so needed and so full of information that we have made this a two-part show.
The Authoritarians, Part One
Today’s show is Part One of a look at how we got here — where the law and especially the constitution doesn’t matter any more. How anti-America-as-founded forces have corrupted our system and seized power right in front of us while those in power who should have protected us, did nothing.
As one of America’s top constitution lawyers for the last 35 years, Jonathan Emord has seen, up close and personally, the purposeful destruction of America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom from government. The Constitution outlines the boundaries of the government. But the authoritarians have been undermining it for well over a century.
Part One is the appetizer to whet your appetite for next week when we will more fully dig into his book, and focus on the origins of authoritarianism and how to stop it before its too late.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Show Summary: If they lied about Covid-19’s origins, why not lie about the solution? This week, it’s about the expert lies. Covid lies. Does government even care if you trust them? And why you shouldn’t.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: June 19 & 20, 2021 | Dr Henry Ealy & David Horowitz
This week: The government lies. All the time. In fact, you could almost say it’s their job to lie to you. And they excel at it. How do we trust when the lies don’t stop?
Covid Lies: Covid-19’s Origins
From the early days of covid, many questioned the “official” narrative. That the virus was natural virus. That it came from bats. It started in a “wet market.” That it spread to humans who ate contaminated bats. That it then spread like wildfire through China. And from there to the rest of the world.
Except we know now none of that is true. None of it.
And it wasn’t innocent mistakes. The CDC and W.H.O. purposefully lied. Why? Why not just be honest? You don’t start off a crisis with intentional lies. That’s not how to build trust. You don’t do that unless you plan to use a crisis for some other purpose.
So if they lied to you about the origins, why not lie about their solutions? In fact, they even lied to get to their solution: the covid vaccines. To get their vaccines past regulations they lied to regulators about viable and effective alternate treatments.
That’s why they lied about Hydroxychloroquine. And Ivermectin. And Budesonide. Not to mention the importance of vitamins, especially Vitamin D but also C, E, and A.
Why? Because to get emergency use authorization (EUA), there are two conditions: an emergent need, and there are no other viable treatment alternatives. Setting aside whether there was a true emergency (it’s hard to trust known liars when they scream “crisis!”), there were known and proven alternative treatment options.
And cheap ones. Huh. It’s almost like the government wanted to spend billions of dollars so Big Pharma could make tens of billions of dollars. Why? Becuase that’s how socialism works at its best. Create an artificial need (a crisis). Create the solution to that crisis. Force you to buy it. And, best of all, spend taxpayer dollars that just happens to go to their supports.
Dr. Henry Ealy, Fighting Covid Lies
We welcome back Dr. Henry Ealy to address the covid lies. Among the biggest right now is one you’ve no doubt seen on Facebook or other social media. “The vaccines are safe and go through rigorous tests and are monitored closely.”
Yeah. Right.
Except that as of June 4th, the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) had recorded 6,246 deaths and 337,226 injuries in connection with the experimental covid vaccines. But several studies show that VAERS under reports adverse effects. By some estimates, it represents only one-tenth of actual cases. Some say even lower. Perhaps as low as only 1% of cases. And in this era of lies, and government suppression, that 1% wouldn’t be at all surprising. But it also means there could be over 62,000 deaths. And over 3.3 million injuries.
Tell me again how vaccines are “safe and monitored closely”…?
Dr. Henry Ealy walks us through the VAERS reports and gives us a dose of reality.
Real Covid Solutions
As we said, the government lied. There are viable and effective treatments.
But. But the government and the CDC and the media all swore the only solution was the vaccine! There are no other solutions. Except there are 691 published studies detailing safe and effective treatments.
Dr. Ealy walks us through some of the known, safe, and effective solutions that are out there.
Government Lies: Socialism at Its Finest (Worst)
Lies are most common in leftist governments. Whether it’s so-called democrats, socialist, fascists, Nazis, marxists, or communists. It is all about having the power to control.
It’s its own weird sickness. in all those Leftist, controlling forms of government, regardless of the level and severity of it, at their heart, Leftist govt’s don’t trust people. While expecting the people they rule to trust government. In fact, as we see too often, people on the Left, really don’t even seem to like people. It’s why communist governments think nothing of killing millions of people.
This week, we wanted to welcome back best selling author David Horowitz. Unfortunately, he had to cancel literally at the last minute. We called at our scheduled time only to find out his wife was in urgent care. So we will reschedule with him later in the summer to discuss his highly important new book, The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America.
Fortunately, we have archives. And so this week we aired some excerpts from that previous show in 2014 to set the stage for when he can join us. There are lessons we should have learned then that we still need to learn now.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’ (LifeSite News, May 31, 2021)
‘Terrifying’ new research finds vaccine spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility.
Doctor on COVID Vax: “We Screwed-Up. We didn’t realize the Spike Protein is a TOXIN” Does this mean everyone vaccinated is manufacturing their own Spike Protein Toxins in their own bodies? (Hal Turner Radio Show, May 31, 2021)
“We hypothesized that statewide mask mandates and mask use are associated with lower COVID-19 case growth rates in the United States. … Results Case growth was not significantly different between mandate and non-mandate states… Growth rates were comparable between states … Conclusions Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges.”
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Elicits Cell Signaling in Human Host Cells: Implications for Possible Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccines (PMC, January 2021)
“We proposed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (without the rest of the viral components) triggers cell signaling events that may promote pulmonary vascular remodeling and PAH as well as possibly other cardiovascular complication”
Infection of brain pericytes underlying neuropathology of COVID-19 patients (bioRxiv, May 25, 2021)
A paper by 26 doctors in the UK, calling for a halt in the vaccines: “SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers (May 24, 2021)
Microbiologist Dr. Bhakti warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and that the COVID “vaccines” are set to cause a global catastrophe and a decimation of the human population. (, Apr 2021)
“ Less than three months after coming into effect, the Covid vaccination certification scheme was scrapped today, along with almost all of the remaining Covid-19 restrictions in public places.”
“The UK government was looking to Israel’s green pass as a model for its own vaccination certificate scheme. Those plans seem to be on hold now Israel has abolished it.”
Time for Some Pushback! Winning Strategies to Stand for Health Freedom
Show Summary: It’s been a year of being pushed around. Endless mandates. Lockdowns. And now communist-style vaccine passports? Here’s what you can do to push back. And win. We talk with Leah Wilson about Stand for Health Freedom’s winning strategies to pressure lawmakers into making the right votes on legislation that would take away our freedoms. Because we only truly have the freedoms we’re willing to fight for.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: May 22 & 23, 2021 | Leah Wilson
This Week: With all these covid mandates and lockdowns and executive orders that have fines and punishments attached and yet aren’t really laws but are being portrayed as though they are—combined with our loss of freedoms, it’s hard to know where and how to push back. It’s bewildering. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy toolkit to take the guesswork out of it? Make things easy. And yet still be highly effective?
Well, look no further. We have it for you.
Covid Pushback
In all of this covid pandemic, it’s been the loss of our freedoms that is the most heartbreaking. The country our Founding Fathers gave their lives for, and our ancestors fought to maintain, is being stolen out from under us. Where did America go? When dictator-like governors, like Oregon’s, makes rules with whatever pops into her head.
Take a Stand! Text “stand” to 313131 to tell your legislators you believe in health freedom!
What’s worse is that these rules and mandates are designed to make us weak. We gained our freedoms by a commitment to God and country. We spoke with our fellow man. And we discussed and debated what freedom really was. We came together as a society. All these rules and mandates have driven us apart. They have kept us apart.
They have made us weak by taking away our normal means of standing up for the very freedoms being taken away.
The Next Phase: Covid Vaccine Passports
Have those in power learned a lesson? Do they fear the people—as they should? No. Those that have suffered no genuine pushback (like Oregon’s and New York’s governors) are more emboldened than ever. Which is why they are pushing now covid vaccine passports.
Make no mistake. These are completely modeled after China’s social credit score system. Doubt us? China has said they want to run the vaccine passport system. Because this hardened communist country that thinks nothing of murdering, imprisoning, and enslaving their own citizens totally want to make sure the rest of the world is free. Right?
Haven’t taken the covid vaccine yet? Thinking about it? Before you do, watch this short video.
What You’ll Learn This Week
We welcome Leah Wilson to the show this week. Leah is the co-founder and executive director of Stand for Health Freedom. We get to know her organization, what they do, and how they got their start—due to drugs being pushed onto helpless kids trapped in the foster-care system.
On this week’s show, you’ll get some clarity on the health care laws and rules out there. And some things you as an every day citizen can do. Not to mention what you can do to defend your business. We also talk about what’s happening right now in Oregon. The Petri Dish of Leftist politics and ideology.
Pay attention to Oregon. What happens here doesn’t stay here. It spreads like a disease, infecting other states. Right now, Oregon is on the verge of vaccine passports. We NEED to stop this. And here’s how.
Vaccine Passports Pushback: Tools to Win
Activism can be tough. It’s even harder when you don’t know where to start. Or you feel alone and powerless. Which is exactly how those in power want you to feel.
Well, no more. Now, using Health for Freedom’s simple, and easy to use tools, you can take a stand for freedom in as little as five minutes. You simply fill in some details and they do all the work for you. And it works.
Why? Because it applies the biggest pressure known to politicians: daylight. Politicians love to work in secret and not have people know what they’re doing. Stand for Health Freedom’s tools bring public exposure and lets politicians know you are watching them. You know. And you’re against it.
Face it. Politicians say they love democracy. But when it gets right down to it, they hate when people actually get engaged.
And that’s how you win.
Do it Now. Don’t Wait.
And time is of the essence. Oregon’s HB3057 that opens the door to vaccine passports breezed through the House. The bill will allow the Nazi-named Oregon Health Authority to disclose your “individually identifiable information and health status related to covid 19.”
Yep. It’s the vaccine passport. And, as we say, it already passed the House. Now it’s on to the Senate.
Why did it pass? Because people were silent. And not many people knew about it. That’s why it’s critical you get engaged right now.
And remember: if it happens in Oregon, it’s coming to your state too.
There are two ways to do it:
Go to Stand for Health Freedom’s Take Action page. Select your state and look for the action items. And then just follow the simple directions
Text the word “stand” (without the quotes) to 313131. Fill out the information and they will walk you through the rest.
The Covid Grand Jury
Remember two weeks ago when we had Dr. Henry Ealy on? He talked about the need to impanel a covid grand jury to dig into what really happened in the covid pandemic. The gain of function. How covid-19 was released in the first place. The involvement of our health departments. Dr. Fauci’s role. The bad data that led to the lockdowns. And so much more.
Now, you can help make that happen. Just head to SFHF’s petition page. Or simply text “CDC” to 313131.
Remember: being silent is how you lose freedoms. Don’t be silent.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Links & Info
Leah Wilson is the co-founder and executive director for Stand for Health Freedom, a 501c3 non-profit fighting for your rights to protect your health as you see fit
VIDEO: Leah Wilson Interviews Ilana Rachel Daniel | Stand for Health Freedom (BitChute, May 3, 2021)
If you think things are bad here in the U.S., especially here in Oregon, it’s way worse in Israel. Take a listen.
OSHA Imposes New Guidance For Employer-Required COVID-19 Vaccines: Contractors criticize mandate to classify adverse reactions as recordable safety incidents (ENR, May 3, 2021)
The question asks whether an employer should record adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccination if the employer requires the vaccine. OSHA states that if a vaccine is required, then any adverse reaction is considered work-related and therefore it must be recorded.
Oregon Senator Brian Boquist: Vaccine Passports, Checking Government Power, and More (Oregon Catalyst, May 16, 2021)
Top CDC Official Steps Down Weeks After Emails Surface Showing Collusion With Teachers Union (The Federalist, May 18, 2021)
Use of Fear to Control Behavior in Covid Crisis was ‘Totalitarian’, Admit Scientists: Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior express regret about ‘unethical’ methods (The UK Telegraph, May 14, 2021)
Tucker Carlson: Why isn’t Fauci being investigated for his role in covid? (FoxNews, May 11. 2021)
Constitutional powers and issues during a quarantine situation (March 13, 2021)
The 5 Most Popular Safety Laws (That Don’t Work) (via
The Wokeness just isn’t Slowing Down | Corporate and Racist Racism
Show Summary: Corporate wokeness? What happened to making profits for the real owners of a company—the shareholders? And the Biden administration’s outrageous racist policies to fix racism. But that just makes our government peddlers of racism.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: Mar. 20th & 21st, 2021 | Scott Shepard & Cody Wisniewski
This Week: We know that Oregon is the Petri Dish of Leftist ideology. And in Oregon, many times we conservatives feel there’s a double standard and a double whammy of far-left ideas, policies, and actions hitting us as we watch constitutional rights not only get attacked but many times stripped. This week’s show is all about those double standards, especially when it comes to corporate and racial wokeness.
For those of us who just want America to be America so we can just live in peace and harmony, it becomes tiring to constantly have to watch and react to these never-ending reminders that if we rest, those precious rights go away. But, here we are, Oregon’s legislature once again proves the need for eternal vigilance. Especially when we look at the proposed anti-gun rights bills for 2021. Five bills that include one giving the Oregon Health Authority oversight of gun storage under the guise of a “health initiative” to stop adolescent suicide.
This, while teenage suicide rates have increased over this past year due to covid lock downs and masks orders. As they say never: let a good crisis go to waste.
Wokeness, Corporate Style
As if that weren’t enough, even when you just want to relax and be entertained, the Left inserts their ideology into the corporations that used to entertain us. Now, they want to indoctrinate. On social justice, on race, on everything. It’s wokeness brought to the corporate world. Or forced on it. We hope. Though we suspect many wholeheartedly embrace it.
Funny how companies used to worry about the bottom line. Stockholders used to worry about the customers and if their company was providing quality service and products. Not so much anymore where CEOs are convinced corporations are here to save humanity from itself.
Pushing Back on Corporate Wokeness
First up we talk with Scott Shepard of the Free Enterprise Project (a program of the National Center for Public Policy Research), regarding their confrontation with Disney’s CEO at a shareholder meeting. They wanted to discuss Disney’s embrace of far-left policies that counters what conservative stockholders may want.
Especially since Disney fired a conservative actress from a hit show for her tweets, while allowing similar comments from a progressive actor. Fairness and equity? How about just flat out hypocrisy. Which, of course, Disney can’t see.
Mr. Shepard talks to us about how the far-left got a foothold into corporate America and where its heading. Is America setting the legal stage for its own demise? But you can do something about it.
And don’t miss Biden’s in-your-face racist policies: cancelling farm-loan debts for minorities.
Wokeness, 2nd Amendment Style: Grab the Guns!
Then we talk to attorney Cody Wisniewski, who is with the Mountain States Legal Foundation. We talk about the bad news of Oregon’s latest attempts of eroding our 2nd Amendment rights with five new anti-gun rights bills. But we also discuss what is going right in other parts of the country. Including bills being introduced that would greatly increase gun rights and the states that agree.
Oregonians can take heart that constitutional efforts are winning, which makes it worthwhile to keep up the good fight.
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SB 554 – limits possession of firearms in public buildings, even if you have a concealed carry license
HB 2510 — gives the Oregon Health Authority oversight regarding safe storage of firearms, punishable by fines up to $2,000. Yes. You heard that right. A health agency thinks they should be able to tell you how to store guns in your own home and fine you if you don’t do it their way.
HB 3055, regarding carrying when traveling now adds commercial airlines.
HB 3268 prohibits possession of weapons in the Capitol — except for police or military. Penalties are five years’ imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both.
HB 25 43 prohibits transfer of firearms until State Police qualify the recipient of said firearm. Oregon Firearms Federation says this could allow the Oregon State Police to deny a firearm’s transfer forever — with no explanation or justification.
Human Trafficking is Real and it’s Everywhere — Including Oregon
Show Summary: January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human trafficking is real. And it happens right here in Oregon. Tune in to hear what you can do to help—and a conversation that could save someone’s life.
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This Week: January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month (see White House press release) and here at I Spy Radio, we are doing our part to raise awareness of this important issue.
The thing real Americans fight for is our right to individual rights, even if we don’t always agree what that looks like. Freedom. Freedom is a God-given right. And as Americans, we fight for those freedoms and against those who desire to change our country. And that includes socialist mindsets working against America.
The fight for freedom is expected of every generation. Especially as the next generation experiences its own pendulum swing as inexperienced youth try their hand at the world. Sometimes, we take the idea of freedom for granted and it’s even shocking to learn others, right here among us, have been deprived of theirs.
Tragedy of Human Trafficking
While we enjoy our freedoms and celebrate our American liberties, beneath it all, there is a sinister reality: human trafficking. And not just from the deranged stranger who wants to snatch a soul off the street to abuse for their own evil purposes.
Sometimes, it happens by the very people they put their faith in—parents and relatives. Parents who sell their children, or turn their back on them, as others see an opening of twisting human trafficking into a commodity and servitude. Right here in America, the Land of the Free, human trafficking is not only a reality, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry.
Thankfully, there are those fighting against this and helping the victims.
Buelah’s Place: Helping Homeless and Trafficked Teens
This week, I Spy Radio once again takes on one of the most difficult-to-discuss topics as we look at this issue and to raise awareness of it during January, which has been designated as Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
First up, we talk with Andi Buerger about her book, A Fragile Thread of Hope that discusses her rescue of four at-risk teens from life on the streets. She tells us about her powerful, personal story of lifting herself out of the life of abuse and trafficking. An Oregonian, she talks about her life’s work to help others in trouble, including Buelah’s Place that has exciting news about helping more teens.
Recognize the signs of Human Trafficking Recognizing key indicators of human trafficking is the first step in identifying victims and can help save a life. See the list of signs and indicators of human trafficking via the Department of Homeland Security
How Did Society get Here?
Then we talk with Karen Kataline, an MSW and talk-show host (Spouting Off, which you can catch through her website, We discuss her recent article, The Culture War That Threatens To Upend America that really analyzes how we got here and why the culture seems almost accepting of abuse and sex trafficking. Karen also discusses some of the telltale signs of abuse and how to start a conversation.
This week is a fascinating conversation that you don’t want to miss. And information you need to be aware of—your awareness and question might save a life.
Podcast Version
Links Mentioned
Find out more about Beulah’s Place, a safe home for homeless and trafficked teens
If you’re a homeless teen or know of one, contact Beulah’s Place. You can call them at 541-526-0445. Beulah’s Place is located in Redmond but their help line can point you in the right direction if you’re in other areas.
However, if you’re just looking for more information about trafficking or where else to look, the resources on this page can point you in the right direction.
Help is a text away. Text the words INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733)
National Child Abuse hotline is 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453)
Additional Information & Resources on Human Trafficking
Resources on Human Trafficking via U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The Dept. of Homeland Security is actively fighting trafficking and trying to raise awareness under the banner of The Blue Campaign. They have a tremendous amount of resources and places to get help.
For instance, see this Indicators of trafficking page
According to some estimates, approximately 80% of trafficking involves sexual exploitation, and 19% involves labor exploitation (
Human Trafficking Is an Epidemic in the U.S. It’s Also Big Business (via Fortune, April 14, 2019)
“…Trafficking is estimated to bring in global profits of about $150 billion a year—$99 billion from sexual exploitation, according to theInternational Labor Organization. Nearly 9,000 cases in the U.S. were reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline and BeFree Textline in 2017—a 13% increase from the prior year, according to thePolaris Project. But this data is incomplete, as cases are severely underreported.”
“Some of the biggest factors that lead vulnerable children to become vulnerable adults are poverty, homelessness, abuse at home, the foster system, and glamorization of the sex industry, what is essentially a “pipeline of vulnerability,” said Dr. Sharon Cooper, founder and CEO of Developmental and Forensic Pediatrics.”
“While prostitution is defined as the exchange of sex for money, drugs, or influence between two consenting adults—where consent can be given—human trafficking means there is third-party control.”
“Over the past decade, the FBI’s human trafficking investigations have been responsible for the arrest of more than 2,000 traffickers and the recovery of numerous victims.”
Show Summary: We talk with John Solomon and Dr Tim Ball about the extreme abuse of power and corruption as seen in the Jeffrey Epstein and Comey cases.
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Original Air Dates: Aug 17 & 18, 2019 | John Solomon & Dr. Tim Ball
This Week: In America we know our country isn’t perfect but it has the realization of someday getting there and we love her for that. Such is the conversation that goes on now as we watch our government grapple with the huge mistakes it’s made. Some of them repeatedly. Mistakes that may have unnecessarily put men in jail or caused people to die— not to mention a massive abuse of power.
Abuse of Power
Two stories that are emblematic of this point are the investigations into the death of Jeffrey Epstein and the Russian hoax. Both are important, and both exemplify government mismanagement and, quite possibly, deep corruption. What’s troubling is both of these examples of corruption are right smack dab in the middle of our once-trusted Department of Justice.
Sadly, our government turned its moral compass upside down as insiders grapple to gain power. We have to fix what some may feel is unfixable: a bureaucratic system that creates an environment where insiders aren’t responsible nor get punished.
John Solomon: Epstein, Comey, and the DOJ
Bill Clinton was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein “pedo island”
This week we interview perhaps the nation’s top investigative reporter John Solomon, who has been exposing corruption for his entire career. He’s been on the Comey and Epstein case with unbelievable depth and insights. We’re honored to have him and in true I Spy Radio form, we actually let him talk and go in depth.
John takes us through the recent investigation of Epstein’s death and he delivers clear information of what are the facts of the story and where the investigation may still lead. He also talks about Comey, who, so far, has escaped justice but there’s a steel trap that may (finally!) be coming his way.
Extreme Abuse of Power and the Immorality of those in Power
Prince Andrew with an underage girl and Epstein’s alleged madam
Then we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, who as an outsider living in Canada, gives us his perspectives on how other countries see the US investigations, the DOJ’s handling of the Epstein and Comey cases. Don’t miss the discussion on the Epstein case of the horrific abuse of power of those involved at the highest levels of government—including the Royal Family’s abuse of power as they become entangled in the Epstein case.
And the most shocking? The ultimate corruption: they believe it’s their right to abuse. They’re entitled to do what they want.
This is most definitely one of those shows you do not want to miss.
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