Tag: timber

15-10 2024 Election Consequences: Trump’s Triumph vs. Oregon’s Decline

15-10 2024 Election Consequences: Trump’s Triumph vs. Oregon’s Decline

Show 15-10 Summary: In this episode, election consequences under the microscope. We zero in on the seismic divide between President Trump’s wealth-building vision and Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s faltering policies. Natural resources expert Jennifer Hamaker unpacks Trump’s recent executive orders to revitalize federal forests and unlock their potential to shake up Oregon’s economy—despite Oregon’s efforts to take its state forests offline. Let them burn. Then we talk with attorney Peter Ticktin who exposes shocking evidence of voter fraud in Florida’s FL-14 race. This could be the first stone unturned in a national scandal involving millions of “clone voters.” With Oregon’s Democratic supermajorities pushing divisive bills and Trump’s agenda clashing with woke ideologies, this episode reveals the high stakes of the 2024 elections and leaves you eager for more.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: March 8th & 9th, 2025 | Guests: Jennifer Hamaker and Peter Ticktin

This Week – 2024 Election Consequences

Elections matter—and stolen elections matter even more. This week, I Spy Radio dives into the stark contrast between President Trump’s bold vision for America’s prosperity and Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s failing, ideology-driven policies that are dragging the state down. From Trump’s game-changing executive orders to explosive allegations of voter fraud in Florida, this episode uncovers the real consequences of the 2024 elections—and what’s at stake for our nation.

First, we welcome back Jennifer Hamaker, the president of ONRI—Oregon Natural Resource Industries. Jen drops exciting news about Trump’s plans to transform federal forests from a massive (and expensive!) liability into a powerhouse asset. She reveals how these executive orders could revive Oregon’s struggling mills, create jobs, and dismantle the state’s disastrous Habitat Conservation Plan. Jen also flagged critical Oregon bills to watch—some worth supporting, others that must be stopped—especially with Democrats now holding supermajorities after the 2024 election.

A good bill? For once? Read ONRI’s post about HB3103 on Facebook. If you don’t use Facebook, head to this substack page from Cyrus Javadi where the post originated.

There’s so much more to unpack that Jen will return in a few weeks!

Elections Matter. Stolen Elections Matter More

In the second half of the show, we welcome Peter Ticktin (). He’s the Florida attorney leading what could be a jaw-dropping election challenge in FL-14. After veteran Rocky Rochford’s suspicious loss, Ticktin’s team uncovered potential evidence of hundreds of thousands of “clone voters” (or modified duplicates) in Florida’s voter rolls. Possibly millions nationwide.

Read the Rod Martin article: “The Florida Voter Fraud Case That Could Overturn Democrat Cheat-By-Mail” and check the show notes section below for more.

In Pinellas County alone, these potentially fraudulent votes could have accounted for a staggering 99.1% of all returned mail-in ballots. Some 197,000 out of 198,700 could be duplicates. Ticktin discusses the sophisticated cryptographic algorithm behind this alleged fraud—on par with NSA-level tech—and what it could mean for America.

This investigation is just heating up, and Peter will be back to share more soon.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.


Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Peter Ticktin – Election Lawsuit, Clone Voters

Related Stories for 2024 Election Consequences



13-35 The Habitat Conservation Plan Designed to Destroy Habitat

13-35 The Habitat Conservation Plan Designed to Destroy Habitat

Show 13-35 Summary: From all appearances, Oregon’s Board of Forestry seems determined to press forward with their disastrous habitat conservation plan (HCP), regardless of how much opposition there is against it. But there are still a couple of chances to stop it. We talk with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries about the looming vote in Salem this week and what can still be done to stop Oregon from abandoning its state forests for 70 years. Plus, where is all this heading? Are Oregon’s other natural resource industries also on the chopping block?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 2nd & 3rd, 2023 | Guest: Jennifer Hamaker

This Week – The Habitat Conservation Plan

We check in with Jennifer Hamaker from Oregon Natural Resource Industries (ONRI) to get an update on Oregon’s disastrous “plan” for it’s state forests: abandon them for 70 years under a Habitat Conservation Plan. The board had originally pushed the decision back to November but suddenly moved it back to September 6th and 7th — this week. For a 70 year plan, you’d think they’d take the time to get it right. But as we learn, the reality is, they were going to do it regardless. Once again, government has forgotten it works for the people.

Anyone else think they just laugh and laugh at that thought behind closed doors?

Board of Forestry Salem Meeting

Oregon’s Board of Forestry is meeting in Salem, September 6th and 7th, to decide to rubber stamp this disastrous plan. We say rubber stamp because if you read their resolution, the wording is all but identical whether they pass it or not. They will still pursue an HCP. See for yourself:

ODF chair's resolution regarding the Oregon habitat conservation plan
It’s the identical except for “current process.” (click image for full size)

But all that is needed is for one board member to flip their vote to delay the process. A seventy year project needs more discussion. Especially since affected state agencies and school districts, like the Jewell School District, have not known the full consequences or extent of the loss of funding. And the state still has no plans to make up the lost revenue. Revenue, which Tina Kotek calls an “outdated funding model.”

Want to go to the Salem Meeting? The comment period is from 8am – 10 am both days, September 6th and 7th. The Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters is at 2600 State St, Salem (Google map). Even if you can’t testify (all the spots are currently taken), you can drop off written testimony. And just being there in opposition sends the message.

Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan Won’t Work

Because Oregon is abandoning 53% of its state forests, with no human activity allowed, this habitat conservation plan — despite its (allegedly) good intentions —  will destroy the habitat it’s intended to protect. Why? Because here in Oregon, we get forest fires. Lots of them. And with lack of management, we get more of them. What do you think will happen in “protected” areas that have zero management. Does the State think squirrels will don fire gear and put them out?

Find out more about Oregon’s HCP at Oregon Stronger Together

What’s this about “no human activity,” you ask? But Oregon’s habitat conservation plan doesn’t do that, you say. They tell us so.

Yes, they do. But like so much of government, the HCP is just one layer. While Oregon’s habitat conservation plan doesn’t rule out human activity, the next layer does. The Forest Management Plan. Ah, yes. There is always another layer to bureaucracy. That way, they can scoff, honestly, about the HCP not stopping human activity. Silly citizens! Oh, but the Forest Management Plan? The plan we’re not talking about? Well, yes. As you’ll hear from Jennifer Hamaker, that plan will keep humans out of the forests.

And the bigger question is: where is all of this heading? If the state is taking these lands offline, in contravention of its own laws, what’s next? Fishing? Farming?

Perhaps this article will give you a clue: “These 14 American Cities Have a ‘Target’ of Banning Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles by 2030.”

And that’s why this effort by the “environmentalists” to seize Oregon’s state forests and lands needs to be stopped. Now.

HCP Lawsuit

If the state plows through with its plan, the answer is to do what the environmental Left is already doing. Sue the state. According to a Statesman-Journal article, the multiple lawsuits brought by environmental groups to do more to protect endangered species. ONRI is currently looking for a lawyer to take on this case. That will take a lot of money. Please consider helping them hire an attorney. Unlike leftist “non-profits,” ONRI does not get millions in taxpayer dollars from Global Warming.

We’ll have Jennifer on again to get updates later on in the fall.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Jennifer Hamaker is president of Oregon Natural Resource Industries, or ONRI. Their websites are www.onri.us and www.oregonstrongertogether.com . Please donate to help ONRI stand up for Oregon’s natural resources! Right now, they need to raise funds for an attorney.

Why does Oregon need a Habitat Conservation Plan to govern state forests? (Statesman Journal, Aug 19, 2023)

3 years after historic wildfires, report suggests state contributed (Statesman Journal, Aug 18, 2023)

What’s coming next? “These 14 American Cities Have a ‘Target’ of Banning Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles by 2030” (The Federalist, Aug. 19th, 2023).

13-20 Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan = Goodbye Timber – Part 2

13-20 Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan = Goodbye Timber – Part 2

Show 13-20 Summary: This week, we welcome back Jennifer Hamaker from ONRI to continue our discussion about Oregon’s latest plan to lose money. Because Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan will do both. Over 640K acres will be impacted. A loss of millions and millions to schools, emergency services, and so many other agencies that depend on those timber sales. And how are they going to replace those lost funds? Some schools have already said they will have to shut down. And of course, unmanaged forest lead to forest fires, so there goes all that potential revenue. Literally up in smoke.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 20th & 21st, 2023 | Guest: Jennifer Hamaker

This Week – Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan, Pt 2

We welcome back Jennifer Hamaker, the president of Oregon Natural Resources Industries (ONRI), to continue our discussion about Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan. Or HCP.

Last week, we learned the basics about Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan. Or should we say, Oregon’s Disastrous Habitat Conservation Plan. because it’s not going to do what they think it will. Probably because most environmentalists are angrily typing away about the forests. From downtown Portland’s coffee shops. What do they know about Oregon’s state forests? Well. They’re read a lot, one supposes. But have they worked there? Have they worked at mills? And we don’t mean the coffee kind.

It Grows Back, Stupid

Oregon’s School Trust Fund was set up when Oregon became a state. It would provide an ongoing source of funds for schools when the state sold timber harvested from state lands. But now, elected and non-elected democrats and environmentalists and activists want to end that. They’d love to wean the state off this fully renewable, fully sustainable perpetual income. Yes, democrats. The trees grow back. But why earn money when you can just tax them for it?

Jennifer walks us through what Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan will do to the forests. And the state’s School Trust Fund. There are over 200 public beneficiaries who get millions from this fund. Schools and police and fire and other services. All of that money is about to disappear. If this HCP goes through.

So, how do they plan on replacing those funds? Just where are they planning to get new funds from?

One guess: taxes.

Plan of Action to Stop ODF’s HCP

So how do the sane people of Oregon stop Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan? By speaking up. By letting the Oregon Department of Forestry know what you think of their plan.

And that’s easy! Head to www.OregonStrongerTogether.com and sign the petition. It literally takes 30 seconds to do. At the top of the page, you’ll see “HCP Petition” go there. Fill out the simple form with your name and address. That’s it. Done.

ONRI is looking for more people to head to Sisters, Oregon, on June 7th to be there, in person, at ODF’s public meeting about their HCP. Pack the room. For more details, head to ONRI.us. Please note that at this time, the ODF is keeping the exact time and meeting place a secret. That’s why you should head to ONRI’s webpage and sign up for alerts. Just scroll down the page and look for the big “subscribe” button.

Finally, and definitely not least, please donate to ONRI to help alert people to what is happening. ONRI is trying hard to get the word out but needs donations to buy ads on radio, tv, and digital spaces. Whether $25, $50, or more will help them buy an ad or two. Some websites looking for support say, “buy me a coffee.” Think of this as buying them an ad.

And what’s really cool is the ad you help them buy can be heard by 1,000s of people. So help them out! Head to ONRI’s website. The donate button is under the store tab. Or you can click here and jump to it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mentioned During the Show

What’s Coming

Not Mentioned but Related

  • Standing Up for Rural Constituents (Karen Budd-Falen, Feb 18, 2021)
    • This. “The Trump Administration’s position on State and local government approval prior to federal land acquisition … has now been eliminated by Biden [through an executive order]. That Order claims that allowing local governments to have a voice in land acquisition directly impacting their counties “undermined” the program.” Wow.
  • Will “Fly-Over Country” Have a Voice to Protect Private Property Rights under Endangered Species Act (Karen Budd-Falen, Apr 5, 2021)
    • “This agreement is likely the first step at trying to eliminate regulations that give State governments, local governments, and Indian Tribes a greater voice in designation of critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act… These 2020 regulations require[d] the Fish and Wildlife Service to substantively consider ‘economic, national security and other relevant impacts’ of the designation of critical habitat on private property and federal lands.”



What do Covid, Prisons, & the Elliott Forest have in Common?

What do Covid, Prisons, & the Elliott Forest have in Common?

Show Summary: This week, it’s a roundup of some craziness around Oregon. The continuing boondoggle that is the Elliott Forest. Governor Kate Brown(shirt) seizing power by changing legislation. Using covid to releasing prisoners, closing prisons — and giving one of them to OSU. A prison that just happens to be right on the edge of the Elliott.

Looking for the links mentioned during the show? Click this to jump to the links section.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 19th & 20th, 2022 | Guests: Dr. Bob Zybach & Chuck Wiese

This week, it’s a roundup of some craziness around Oregon. The continuing boondoggle that is the Elliott Forest as, once again, Oregon tries to divest itself of a billion-dollar asset that, by law, is supposed to generate income for the state school funds. But they’d rather stare at trees. (Literally!)

Be sure to listen to the bloviating answer to Bob Zybach’s question during OSU’s Q&A

And we talk with fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese, to give us his punditry about the emptying of prisons, one of which was given back to the federal government — but now Oregon wants to lease one of them (which just happens to be right on the edge of the Elliott) back from the feds and put those men-who-stare-at-trees in it. WHAT is going on.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info

Specifically Mentioned During the Show

  • Visit Oregon Natural Resources Industries (ONRI) facebook page for more details about the Rally at the Capitol on Feb 24th, 2022
  • Talk about nonsense! Listen to the talking-point-yadda-yadda answer from some dope from OSU in response to Bob Zybach’s question.

Elliott Forest

  • Legislative session may finally yield a solution for Oregon’s Elliott State Forest (OPB, Feb 6, 2022)
  • Oregon’s Elliott State Forest into a vast, ‘living laboratory (OPB, Nov 20, 2020)

Covid & Prisoner Release

Emptying the Prisons, Close Them, Spend Money

Governor Kate Sued over Prisoner Release & Clemency Abuse

  • Gov. Kate unlawfully commuting prison sentences (KGW, Jan 21, 2022)
    • Brown announced she was using her clemency powers to let those inmates benefit from Oregon Senate Bill 1008, which passed in 2019 and reforms the juvenile justice system. AG Perlow said, the Governor’s priority is offenders of crimes, many of them violent, and ensuring they have a ‘meaningful opportunity to be released’ before they complete their duly secured criminal sentences,” she said in a statement about the legal petition. “Victims of crime, and all other Oregonians, deserve the enforcement of their rights. It is essential that all Oregonians, including public officials, adhere to the rule of law.
  • Oregon governor sued (WA Examiner, Jan 20, 2022)
    • If Gov. Kate Brown’s clemency powers remain unchallenged, it could mean the release of violent offenders, including a man who stabbed his grandmother to death, another who killed a woman with the mental capacity of a 12-year-old and then burned her body beneath a bridge, and a then-17-year-old who shot his older brother three times in the head.
  • Lane County DA among group suing Oregon governor (Yahoo News, Jan 19, 2022)

Still More Related Info

  • Forest Service allocating $262.7 million to Oregon for wildfire recovery efforts (KTVZ, Feb 9, 2022)
  • Oregon has a plan to avoid a repeat. (OPB, Sept 7, 2021)
  • Would more logging have averted Oregon’s catastrophic 2020 wildfires (OregonLive, Update, Feb 7, 2021)
  • Why Salem’s Mill Creek Correctional Facility will be shuttered by July (Salem Reporter, Jan 21, 2021)
  • Oregon State University receives $7.1 million for six more years of long-term forest research (OSU, Dec 14, 2020)
  • Legislature funds Oregon State statewide programs (OSU, June 28, 2021)
  • Background: Shutter Creek Correctional Institution (Templeton, Nov 25, 2021)
  • Court gives Gov. Brown date to respond (KDVR, Jan 31, 2022)*The firm has reached an agreement with the State that no additional felons will be released between Feb. 2nd, and March 2nd, by which point the court plans to rule on the matter.
Oregon vs Oregon: Urban vs Rural, Politicians vs the People

Oregon vs Oregon: Urban vs Rural, Politicians vs the People

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Show Summary: Oregon’s economy is growing, but politicians want more taxes, including a carbon cap and trade. Why are Oregon politicians determined to ruin a good thing? There is great news out of Trump’s administration with their budget proposal. This should be a time to invest in Oregon, not punish Oregonians with a carbon cap and trade. Plus: Did Gov. Kate Brown and timber companies betray Timber Unity?

Original Air Dates: February 15 & 16, 2020 | Jonathan Williams & Dr. Bob Zybach

This Week: There is some good news that you’ve probably never heard before.

But before we get there, breaking this week were details of what we warned you about a few weeks ago. Details of Governor Brown’s secret meetings with timber companies have come to light, including the start of a deal between timber companies and environmental groups that is taking the wind out of Senate Republicans’ sails. A deal that, despite the 10,000 people who showed up Timber Unity had any say in.

And don’t think she didn’t know exactly why she was doing to sabotage Timber Unity. It is with the deepest sense of betrayal we see these kinds of tricks — instead of straightforward, honest discussions where all sides have a say.

The Good News: Trump Administration’s Exciting Budget Proposal

But, as we said, there is some good news and something you’ve probably never heard before: the words “exciting” and budget proposal” used in the same sentence.

This week we start our conversation with Jonathan Williams, of American Legislative Exchange Council. We’ll discuss with him Trump’s exciting budget proposal that does what so many fiscal conservatives have dreamt of: a return to a balanced budget, honest-to-goodness cuts in federal spending. Be sure to tune in and hear about the 6 million dead people who are finally going to get their checks cut off. Jonathan will also give us the honest-to-goodness look at Oregon’s economic outlook.  An article was recently published touting Oregon’s beating the national economic trends — but we dig into the reality.

The Bad News: Did Timber Betray Timber Unity?

Then we have Dr. Bob Zybach back due to the secret meeting Gov Kate has been having with 13 timber companies and environmental groups.  For someone who has defended the timber industries for decades, you can imagine this secret backroom deal felt like a real betrayal. We discuss the timing and look into the memorandum of understanding itself. We can only guess they’re trying to accomplish—because none of it makes sense.

But get used to this type of behavior if the cap and trade bill goes in.  Salem’s Democrats have purposefully put in measures to keep hidden from public records requests how the government will spend their new revenue. And to whom they will give it.

But we can guess.

Get the inside look at the backroom deals, this week on I Spy Radio. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Version

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Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • [CHART] See Oregon’s GDP vs nation. Oregon GDP dollars ranks 25th (via US Bureau of Labor and Statistics
  • Democrats advance Oregon’s controversial climate change policy (OregonLive, Feb 13, 2020)
  • Oregon Department of Forestry requests emergency cash infusion as firefighting receivables outstanding (Statesman Journal, Feb 12, 2020)
  • Why The Green New Deal Would Destroy The Environment: The Green New Deal is anything but ‘clean’ or ‘green.’ Even the relatively modest numbers of solar and wind installations in the United States today are causing serious environmental damage. (The Federalist, Feb 12, 2020)
When it comes to Leftist Policies, Science and Reality don’t Matter

When it comes to Leftist Policies, Science and Reality don’t Matter

Show Summary: Oregon is the Petri Dish of Leftist policies. Find out how and why that when it comes to economics and environment, leftist policies leave reality behind.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Apr 27 & 28, 2019 | Ethan Blevins

This Week: It’s spring with farmers preparing fields, rains soaking our rich soils, and forests turning green.  Our skies are clear from heavy smoke and the air is fresh.  But August is coming when things are far more dry, brown, and dusty.

Oregon’s Forests: A Victim of Leftist Policies

Leftist policies - A product of the socialist brain of a liberalBelieve it or not, August in Oregon used to be free of major forest fires for decades but why isn’t it now?  Why have massive fires become a way of life for the summer landscape in Oregon, California, and the rest of the West?

We’ll talk about this with Dr. Bob Zybach, someone who studied Oregon’s history of forest fires for his dissertation and is an avid proponent for bringing back practical and realistic forest management policies to Oregon. A state that should be leading the way on setting proper forest management polices. Except we’re too concerned that environmentalists will froth at the mouth over policies that actually acknowledge mankind is part of the environment. But we digress.

Dr. Zybach is also a frequent guest on I Spy Radio. Dr. Bob is back on to take us through what should be happening with our forests during spring time as summer is fast approaching. We know that farmers and ranchers are busy during this time of year preparing for the growing season, so should foresters.

Are We Preparing Scientists or Activists?

We hear so much about preparing today’s youth for the challenges of tomorrow. So what exactly is the curriculum currently being taught in today’s forestry classes? And how well prepared are young foresters when they graduate?

Don’t miss the updates on the Elliott State Forest that is supposed to be making the state millions. Yes. The Elliott State Forest is supposed to generate money. Not cost money. Can it?  Yes.  Is it?  You’ll hear about that and what the future may bring for this vital state resource and how it could pave the way for other states. If they just listen.

Pacific Legal: Fighting Leftist Policies

But first up: Ethan Blevins. Mr. Blevins is an attorney with Pacific Legal Foundation. This is a group that we’ve been following for a long time. No, we’re not stalkers. But this our first time to have them on I Spy Radio.  Pacific Legal Foundation has been growing leaps and bounds and are now all across America, working to hold the government accountable. Just our kind of group.

Oregon’s New Rent Control: Ignoring Science AND Economics

Mr. Blevins litigates cases involving the First Amendment, property rights, school choice, and the separation of powers.  So we talk to him about the new rent control Oregon’s legislature just passed and why its policies will end up raising costs of living—the exact opposite of what they propose to do.

Why? Because the policy completely ignores one of the most basic elements of economics. Not one of those fancy a computer models that predict global cooling—wait, no, warming, er, no, change!—but from long-tested and proven economic science.  But what do we know?

And don’t miss our conversation with Mr. Blevin about Oregon’s supermajority and the potential abuse of powers that come with it. Yes, the Democrats have a 3/5ths supermajority in the House and Senate and yes they hold the governorship. But there’s still hope. And from a surprising source. And it’s why Republicans can’t and shouldn’t give up.

Podcast Version

Links & Further Info

Ethan Blevins (Segments 1–3)

  • Unelected bureaucrats must follow the law, too (Pacific Legal Foundation, Dec 19, 2018)
  • Supreme Court vacates 9th Circuit ruling against EPA victim, Joe Robertson (Free Range Report, April 23, 2019) This is a Pacific Legal Foundation case
  • The Hill: Environmental regulations have become impossible to follow (The Hill, March 18, 2019) found on PLF’s newsroom webpage
  • Ethan Blevins article: Beware the false promise of rent control (Fox News, March 30, 2019)
  • OVERVIEW: How Rent Control Works in New York City (via Oh My Apartment)
    • “People in New York City who have the advantage of renting a rent stabilized apartment, have a very hard time parting with them. Monthly rent under $2000 in New York City is very, very cheap – even for a studio or small one bedroom.” = lack of mobility; prevents people from moving to a better job or moving closer to their current job, thereby increasing commuting distance, time, and expense.
  • Some basic history of Rent Control (via Wikipedia): “In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Emergency Price Control Act into law. The goal of the act was to prevent inflation in the booming, fully employed wartime economy by setting price controls nationwide. ”
    • (Don’t forget: long-time listeners of I Spy Radio know that this is about the time the IRS screwed up the health care system forever. Due to World War II and wage controls in effect, the IRS decided to allow employers to offer health care as a means around wage restriction policies in order to entice workers.

Bob Zybach (Segments 4–6)

Oregon Democrats: It’s Not Your Money

Oregon Democrats: It’s Not Your Money


Show Summary: Oregon Democrats appear to have taken the position that no matter how much or how little you make, it really all belongs to the state. A look at the taxes they have in store for 2019.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of Nov 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Six Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Jan. 19 & 20, 2019 | Jonathan Williams

Oregon Democrats appear to think that if you earn money, it’s really not your money. It belongs to the state. You can tell because Oregon Democrats—who have super-majorities in Oregon’s house and senate plus the governorship—have billions in new taxes they want to unleash. Billions to extract from the 3.3 million Oregonians.

The Short List of Oregon Democrats New Taxes

Doubling the gas tax. Tripling taxes on beer and cigarettes. Fees (i.e. taxes) on restaurants. Vending machines. First in the nation carbon tax — plus a California-style cap-and-trade. (Hello $5 per gallon gasoline.) Fees (taxes) on bed and breakfasts. Spa visits. Fees (taxes) on tourism. Fees on small business. Middle business. Big business. Mining permit fee increases. Fees on timber lands. Fees on public utilities. Fees on home heating oil. Fees on

And if that isn’t enough, Oregon Democrats even want to remove property tax exemptions for non-profits and churches.

Yes, even God doesn’t pay enough in taxes.

At this rate, pretty soon, the State and Oregon Democrats will want to tax money you didn’t earn.

Oregon Democrats 2019 Tax Plans

We talk this week to Jonathan Williams, the Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC.org) to get some insight into what all these taxes the Oregon Democrats have planned will do to the state’s economy.

Some of what we talk about includes Oregon’s cap-and-trade scheme, the fees, and the endless taxes.

Don’t worry. There’s hope. But you’ll have to listen.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Show Summary: The Trump administration is winning against extreme environmentalists. Tune in to hear some exciting news about the Pebble Mine project in Alaska, its tremendous wealth just waiting to be taken, and how the rabid environmentalists are the past,  not the future. Also, we talk with Jeff Jimerson of Oregon Life United about their plans to turn the tide for pro-life in Oregon in 2018.

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Original Air Dates: Jan. 13 & 14, 2018 | Jeff Jimerson & Mike Heatwole

Welcome to another edition and another year of I Spy Radio — helping you to get a little more intelligence on big govt. If this is your first time joining us, a special welcome to you as we kick off a new year. We hope you’ll join us every week as we give you more intelligence in one hour than most shows do in three.

This week

The first part of a two-part series focused on natural resources. And there is some good news on that front—for once.

Speak Life 2018

But before we get to the natural resources portion, our first guest is Jeff Jimerson, founder of Oregon Life United and lead petitioner to stop taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon.  To help get the word out on this signature initiative, his organization is bringing Mike Huckabee to Oregon, January 21st and 22nd.

We talk to Jeff about whether it’s true or not that Oregon has no pro-life laws to protect the unborn. No parental notification, no limits?  And then don’t miss the information on Gov. Huckabee’s visit to Oregon at their Speak Life 2018 event—and that’s not all.  This group has some exciting plans coming up, so we’ll be having Jeff back on to give updates as plans come to fruition.

Progressive politicians are wrong if they think free abortions for all is a winning strategy. Especially for today’s youth. Polls show an overwhelming majority of today’s youth are pro-life. Why? Because they’re the sonogram generation. They grew up at a time mom came home from the doctor with sonogram pictures and say, “See? This is your baby brother or this is your baby sister. Here’s the head… Here’s her arm…” They know that’s a baby in there, not some “blob of tissue.”

Pebble Mine

Then we switch hats to focus on natural resources something environmentalists have fought against for years.  But what these extremists don’t understand is that being an environmentalist doesn’t mean we can’t touch natural resources, it’s more about how you treat the lands and the people when you do harvest resources.

The Pebble Mine. Just waiting for permit approvalWe head back to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to talk about one of the most richest mineral deposits in the world: the Pebble Mine project.  A mine that has been put on hold for years as the Obama administration refused to even allow the permitting process to begin.

Long-time listeners of I Spy will remember that Pebble Partnership was forced to sue the EPA to give them same rights as any other mining company and discovered that the EPA had been conspiring with environmental groups to stop the Pebble Mine from ever submitting a permit application.

Now with the Trump administration in place the EPA has allowed the permitting process to begin, a process that will take years to finalize.  And with a growing economy, America will need the gold, copper, and other minerals of Pebble Mine to build computers, cell phones, and other essentials that we use daily in our lives.

Winning against Environmentalists

But it’s more than just Pebble Mine. Tune in to hear how after years of shutting down and, dare we say, terrorizing industry, the extreme environmentalists are on the defensive.  It’s about time. Don’t miss to hear how the extremists are “old school” and their fear-mongering is out of touch with modern-day approaches to natural resources.

And don’t miss next week’s show as we continue our focus on natural resources: Could there be some hope for Oregon?

Speak Life! 2018

We’re pleased to announce that Oregon Life United is bringing out Mike Huckabee on January 21st and 22nd to help with the signature gathering effort. He’ll be speaking at Portland, Salem, and Medford.  To get the details go to https://www.oregonlifeunited.org/speaklife/ and order your $20 tickets online.  Look for the discount code button and type in ISpyRadio (all one word) to get $5 off per ticket. That’s 25% off!

Podcast Version

Speak Life and Oregon Life United Links

  • More information and to order tickets for Mike Huckabee and Speak Life! 2018 can be found at Oregon Life United
    • Don’t forget to use the discount code ispyradio and save $5 per ticket!
  • An unintentionally pro-life article from The Huffington Post: “Are You a Miracle? On the Probability of Your Being Born” (Aug 16, 2011).
  • Breitbart News – “Study: India Performs 15.6 Million Abortions per Year” (Dec 30, 2017): “A new study finds that about 15.6 million abortions were performed in India in 2015”
  • The new pro-life generation High-school students are organizing and engaging in the fight for life, despite sharp opposition from some administrators and peers (Jan. 2018)
    • “Despite the hostility, Curran and other members of Students for Life Dripping Springs continue to gather once a month in the school cafeteria to hand out flyers describing scientific facts about unborn babies. The students are part of the latest front lines of the pro-life battle: Winning the hearts and minds of the next generation means finding even younger activists.”

Pebble Mine Segment Links

  • More information about the Pebble Mine can be found at pebblepartnership.com
  • Breaking the backs of the Enviro movement (something we’ll see more of under the Trump administration): “Exxon Prepares To Sue California Cities, Says They Contradict Themselves On Climate Change” (Jan. 8, 2018)
    • Cities in CA at sea-level on the one hand claim in their lawsuits against Exxon a high risk of flooding due to Climate Change, in some cases, a 99% chance of flooding due to sea levels rising. But now Exxon is suing them, saying that if that’s true then those cities defrauded investors who bought bonds those cities issued, which somehow failed to mention flooding risks.
  • Trump moves to give local communities more control over public lands near those communities — opening it up to mining, mineral exploration, farming, etc. (need link)
  • (Gov) Walker doubles down on opposing Pebble Mine (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Oct 8, 2017)
  • Trump’s EPA Is On Course To Retire Half Its Staff (Daily Caller, Jan 9, 2018)
  • The EPA’s Waters of the United States Rule pits the EPA against farmers, miners, and other industry (Politico, May 27, 2015)
  • With new life under Trump administration, fresh Pebble Mine details released (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Jan 5, 2018)
  • Pebble Partnership EPA Application (Application Dec 22, 2017)
  • First glance at Pebble’s new plans (KDLG Bristol Bay Public Radio, Oct 5,2017)
  • Pebble names First Quantum Minerals as new partner (KDLG, Dec 18, 2017)
  • The Senate tax bill would allow oil drilling in Alaskan wildlife refuge (CNN Money, Dec 4, 2017)
  • Developing Alaska’s wildlife refuge is a win-win-win (WA Post, Nov 30, 2017)
Show 5-16 | Oregon Public Lands

Show 5-16 | Oregon Public Lands

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Air Dates: April 18 & 19, 2015

This week, we’re investigating the latest scheme to “save” the timber industry by doing everything possible, short of actually cutting any trees. It never ceases to amaze that the so-called “smart people” in the room, our elected officials like Sen. Ron Wyden, want to do everything except the obvious.

In related news, Sen. Ron Wyden announced a plan to “save retail” by making it illegal to sell anything.

But with all this talk about forcing the feds to give control of state lands to the states, we’re hearing concerns from listeners who want to know more about what, exactly, this would look like. What about miners’ rights who hold federal mining claims? What about the wilderness areas — how do we develop areas without losing our natural heritage?

With guests Nick Smith of Healthy Forests and Rep. Ken Ivory (UT) of the American Lands Council.

Links mentioned

Rally ‘Round the Flag Event

When: Saturday, June 20, 2015, 10am – 4pm
Where: Fairgrounds, Cottage Grove, Oregon
Cost: Free!

Here in Oregon, we have a strong heritage of using our natural resources wisely. But well-intended yet weak-minded “environmentalists” believe they are “protecting” the environment by not touching it–or allowing anyone else to harvest them. Worse, our lands are being controlled by people out east who’ve never set foot on them and have no idea about how to manage them; people who’ve been persuaded by the well-funded environmental lobby that we should never touch these lands.

Oregon Citizen’s Lobby invites you to join them for a fantastic day of speakers, networking, and fun! And a chance to learn more about the effort to transfer control of the federal lands to the people who know best how to manage them: Oregonians.

The event will feature prominent leaders in this effort, booths, networking opportunities, and a panel discussion to answer your questions.

Featured Guests:

  • Rep. Ken Ivory (UT) of the American Lands Council
  • Noah Wall, FreedomWorks Grassroots Director
  • Jeff Kropf, Oregon Capital Watch
  • Mark Anderson, host of I Spy Radio
  • David Hunnicutt, Oregonians in Action
  • Dennis Linthicum, former Klamath County Commissioner