Tag: Trump

Mislead, Dehumanize, Destroy | Cancel Culture & January 6

Mislead, Dehumanize, Destroy | Cancel Culture & January 6

Show Summary: Cancel culture is the opposite of freedom. It is an organized attempt to create false images to mislead, dehumanize, and destroy your political opponent. And no better example of that President Trump, the target of the biggest cancel culture effort ever. We discuss cancel culture with someone who is a target of it and look deeper into what happened a year ago January 6th at the Capitol.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 8th & 9th, 2022 | Guests: Rob Taylor & Scott McEwen

This week: Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is a fairly new weapon, most often employed by the political Left, to attack and destroy their opponents. In part, because their own political ideology doesn’t hold up under genuine scrutiny so the best attack is to destroy your opposition.

Cancel culture most often targets shows or public figures to get them removed from the public domain. Removed. Destroyed so only the Left’s viewpoints are allowed to be heard. They also target businesses who are themselves conservatives, or who dare to support or advertise on conservative shows.

God forbid there’s another viewpoint than the Left’s.

It is the opposite of freedom. Because rather than just changing the channel the Left wants to remove what they consider “wrong think”. Imagine being so threatened by people thinking. To the point you have to destroy people who don’t think like you.

A Cancel Culture Target: Rob Taylor

Fellow radio host, Rob Taylor, whose show airs on one of the stations that also airs I Spy Radio, has ticked off the Left to the point that they want him removed. You see, differing opinions are just not allowed. Which is an odd thing for Coos County Oregon, which is one of the more conservatives areas in the state.

cancel culture will eventually come for you if you have an opinion different than the political Left
Don’t disagree. Or cancel culture will come for you

Tune in to hear what set off the organized attempt to have Rob’s show, The Rob Taylor Report, removed from the air waves. And find out how he’s fighting back to cancel cancel culture.

What can you do to help fight cancel culture? Don’t wait. Show your support for the shows you enjoy. Contact the stations you listen to (internet search using their call letters, like, “KWRO”) and let them know you like the show. That way, when cancel culture comes calling, they already know that show has support.

The Biggest Cancel Culture Target of All: President Trump

It’s no secret that, to the Left, the mere mention of “President Trump” is like splashing holy water on a vampire. The Left has made every attempt to destroy and remove him from society.

We saw it even before he was President Trump. The Deep State worked in coordination to provide backup to Hillary Clinton’s false claim that Trump was “colluding with the Russians.” Thanks to John Brennan, the then-head of the CIA, we know this to be true. He was in the White House briefing James Comey, then-head of the FBI, President Obama, and Vice President Biden. They all knew it was a lie. But three days after that meeting, James Comey opened operation Crossfire Hurricane.

Why is this important? Because it shows the depth the Deep State and the political left will go to mislead, smear, dehumanize, and destroy their political opponents. Donald Trump stood in their way of bleeding taxpayers for billions even trillions of dollars.

Scott McEwen: January 6 was not an Insurrection

We welcome back fan favorite, bestselling author Scott McEwen, to discuss what happened a year ago on January 6 at the Capital. We talk about the obvious (which means democrats are ignoring it) reason it wasn’t an insurrection.

Remember: Just because a democrat calls it an insurrection, doesn’t make it one.

And that’s true for so much else about this cancel culture we’re in. Just because democrats say it, doesn’t make it so. It’s not build back better, it’s funding for democrats. Donald Trump and his supporters aren’t “anti-American”, terrorists, or white supremacists, or any of a thousand other names and insults. The vaccines aren’t safe and effective. And 2020 wasn’t a secure election.

In fact, judging from January 6, a good rule of thumb is that if a democrat says it, the opposite is likely true.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info

  • Check out the Rob Taylor Report: www.robtaylorreport.com
  • Rob’s show is on KWRO in Coos Bay, Mondays 3 – 6 pm, and can streamed live. Their website is KWRO.com or listen on the air, 630AM or 101.1FM.
  • Gaslighting Coos County (The Daily Resister, December 22, 2021)
    • “…the main goal of Cameron’s letter was to get The Rob Taylor Report removed from the air. He even started a petition and enlisted the support of the Waterfall Clinic in Coos Bay to try to take Rob down. … Ultimately, Cameron’s attempt went down like the Hindenburg because the radio station owner and Rob’s other advertisers basically said “piss off”. Better luck next time.”
  • If you don’t lie, you won’t have to remember what you said (The Daily Resister, Dec 25, 2021)
  • Check out all of Scott McEwen’s books on his website, www.scottmcewen.com
  • The Red State article tearing apart AG Merrick Garland: “AG Garland’s Remarks About Jan. 6 and ‘One Rule’ of Law Defy Belief” (RedState, January 5, 2022)
  • FBI Still Hunting for Alleged Pipe Bomb Planter 1 Year After Jan. 6 (Epoch Times, Jan 6, 2022)
    • “More than a year after an individual was allegedly seen placing two devices that the FBI said were pipe bombs near the offices of the Republican and Democratic national committees, the bureau is no closer to learning that individual’s identity.”
  • What Happened To The Jan 6th Pipe Bomber? (Palmieri Report, Jan 6, 2022)
Davids Fighting Back Against Goliaths | Attacks on Conservatives

Davids Fighting Back Against Goliaths | Attacks on Conservatives

Show Summary: Democrats are acting like they have massive majorities and with the aid of their media and social(ist) media allies, they are quickly working to seize total control. With the aid of the media, democrats impeached with no evidence and pushing a political version of racism. And you better shut up, peasant.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Jan 16 & 17, 2021 | Justin Danhof & Carrie Sheffield

This week: We are now impeaching over imaginary crimes. Crimes of interpretation. Not what someone did. Not what someone actually said. But the imaginary crime of what they think you meant when you said something. And these attacks on conservatives, and especially die-hard Trump supporters, aren’t going to end any time soon.

And, with the aid of their media and left-wing social media allies, the democrats are acting like they have massive majorities in the House and Senate, when they barely have any majority. Once again, they pushed through an impeachment not because he did anything but because they hate Donald Trump so much they lose all control.

Nothing in Trump’s speech incited violence. So democrats must mean he makes them SO MAD they lose all control, and he makes them violent simply by existing

The New Nobility

What the democrats seek is a forcible return to the nobility. Minus the “noble” part. Now they’ve seized control, you’re not to question your betters. But they can punish you just for being a Trump supporter. You must be part of and support all things democrat or you’re in the wrong class. You can be banned. You can lose your job (as has already happened). You can lose contracts. Which has also happened. See our links below.

Stemming the Tide of Hate toward Conservatives

Trump voters thought they had a man who was fair-minded and loyal. Instead, they found out he was a man willing to turn his back on them. As a result, we’re left with an uninspiring, untrustworthy, and in the minds of many, an illegal president who could look to China for even more ill-gotten gains for his family.

So, I Spy Radio is taking a look at ways to correct the ship and support Trump’s efforts as he leaves office and heads to Florida. It is sure to be a time of developing plans to build up even more of the conservative voices in America.

To do that we have a new guest on our show, General Council, Justin Danhof for The National Center for Public Policy Research. They aren’t a “think tank” — they’re a “do tank.” Research for them is just the beginning as they focus on actually making things happen. You’ll be impressed, as we were, about what can happen, such as in corporate settings, to change their narrative and direction.

Then, we check in with Carrie Sheffield, nationally syndicated anchor of Just the News AM, to find out more about the riot in DC as they search for what really happened. Including a FOIA request that was immediately rejected. Could it be because it might be embarrassing to Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi? And expose what really happened? And don’t miss a surprising source who says he knows who did it in DC.

Attacks on Conservatives

If you think that attacks on conservatives is going to end after democrats satisfy their hunger for blood, you’re wrong. They won’t stop until someone stops them. We will be having Justin Danhof on again next week (and possibly Kim Hermann of Southeastern Legal Foundation) to talk about the legal side of things. And to stop attacks on conervatives. With Trump supporters and conservatives being threatened with losing their jobs or their contracts, and other forms of harassment, it’s time to fight back.

If you or someone you know is being harassed and threatened for being a Trump supporter, or if you’ve been threatened with losing your job because of your politics, contact us!

Have questions in the age of attacks on conservatives? Send us your questions (info@ispyradio.com) and we’ll ask them next week

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned

Related Stories

  • Under a Fog of Pablum, Google Promises to Keep Censoring Conservative Content (NCPPR, June 3, 2020)
  • Gab CEO Lived and Worked In Silicon Valley: “I had very close relationships with Facebook and Twitter…”I got to see the evils of their business model for many years”…”What we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism” (100percentfedup.com, Jan 13, 2021)
  • Carrie Sheffield & Justin Danhof video interview Rush to judgement? (Just the News, Jan 13, 2021)


Election Aftermath – Good vs Evil. Stop the Steal.

Election Aftermath – Good vs Evil. Stop the Steal.

Show Summary: We talk with Burgess Owens, who retook the seat lost by Mia Love in 2018 when she turned anti-Trump, and the fight ahead for the soul of the nation. We also talk with Dr. Jerome Corsi on the plot to bring down the President — and why he thinks Trump will win. Interesting how both men focus on good vs. evil.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Dec 12 13, 2020 | Burgess Owens & Dr Jerome Corsi

We talk with Burgess Owens, former Super Bowl Champ and frequent I Spy Radio Show guest, about the election aftermath. He retook Mia Love’s seat after she went anti-Trump, buying in to the media narrative rather than trust her own president. That’s fine. If she hadn’t, she’s still be there. But betraying party and country, she lost. Which opened the door for Burgess Owens to take the seat.

And then we welcome another frequent guest, Dr. Jerome Corsi, who takes a look at the ongoing fraud and attempt to steal the election. Dr. Corsi has written two books recently, which are borderline prophetic: “The Plan to Remove Donald Trump from the Presidency” and “How the 2020 Election Ends in a Trump Win”.

In the fight ahead to save America, funny how both men mentioned good vs. evil.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned

  • Links go here

Related Links

  • Related links go here
Banned on Facebook | Why doesn’t Facebook want you to see these?

Banned on Facebook | Why doesn’t Facebook want you to see these?

On this page you can find videos or other stories banned on Facebook. Ones that we’ve personally had banned when we tried to post them. Why? Because it’s the truth. And for some reason, they don’t want you to know about it.

Why is Facebook banning these? Because truth is dangerous. Truth might make you question. Truth might make you take action.

Note: every totalitarian nation ever—Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Communist China, Socialist Venezuela—has always tried to control what their people see. Blocking people from seeing the truth is the hallmark of oppression.

As long as Facebook keeps banning videos, we’ll be adding more to this list.

Judge for yourself. Are these dangerous?

Banned on Facebook

Organized by date…

December 1, 2020

Well, add OANN to the list of banned resources on Facebook. God forbid the truth gets out there. Facebook won’t let me post this bit of truth about the election. Check out these screen captures. Keep in mind, I JUST posted another video before attempting to post this one.

Check out the Facebook post.


Your 2020 Election Secret Weapon: Down Ballot Races

Your 2020 Election Secret Weapon: Down Ballot Races

Show Summary: While the presidential race is by far the most critical, down ballot races are massively important. Here’s why.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Oct 31 & Nov 1, 2020 | Jo Rae Perkins, Alek Skarlatos, Angelina Sanchez

The 2020 Election Secret Weapon: Down Ballot Races

Yes, the presidential race is incredibly important. (Vote Trump!) But that’s just the start of it. For too many voters, the down ballot races get overlooked. And, shockingly, a lot of them are left empty. The “down ballot” races are just that: races further down the ballot from the top spot.

Still undecided on president? Be sure to check out Promises Made, Promises Kept!

In most elections, the presidential race gets by far the most votes. Usually, there is a 20% drop off in participation from the number of votes for president to the number of votes for the next race—often a U.S. Senator. From there, the next down ballot race drops another 20% of participation. And on and on it goes until there’s only a trickle of participation for the lesser-known races, like judges, city/county races, and area races like water boards and school boards.

Why Down Ballot Races are So Critical

There are a couple reasons why down ballot races are so critical. First, because so many people don’t vote in the down ballots, your vote effectively has more weight. That means your vote has more weight. Because your neighbor is ignoring or forgetting to vote those down ballot races, you get to have more say.

Second, down ballot races are important because of the very nature of our system. Yes, the presidential race is critical. (Vote Trump!) As is the governor’s race when it happens. But while people at the top—the President or governor—control the agenda because they have the executive power, it’s the people down ballot races who control the people at the top. Or should.

Here in Oregon, it’s not that the legislature couldn’t have acted to take away Gov Brown’s emergency powers. It’s that the democrat-controlled legislature refused to take away her emergency dictator powers. Flip the house to Republican control. Flip the senate. And suddenly democrat dictator Kate has her endless powers taken away and reined in. 

Red vs Blue. Does it really matter?

People sometimes say, “It doesn’t matter who’s in charge. Both parties are equally bad.”

California's Newsome's Thanksgiving Mandates for a Socialist Thanksgiving
Newsome’s Thanksgiving Mandates

Really? Let’s look at red states vs blue states. Red states have unemployment 62% lower than blue states. In most red states they have lower covid cases than blue states. Lower hospitalization rates. more freedoms and more economic freedom. And on and on. (See more ways Red states are beating Blue states at Just the News.)

If they’re equally bad, why are Red states doing so much better? If they’re equally bad, why is there more freedom in Red states. And why do their people have so much more hope for the future?

If there’s no difference, why is it in California, the king of blue states, Democrat Gov Newsome is trying his best to make Thanksgiving — a day of joy and gratitude and giving thanks — into a day of misery by micromanaging it to death. No more than 3 households. Must be outdoors. Report who’s came. No singing.

So, yes! Yes, it really does matter. There is a tremendous difference between the parties. And right now it comes down to hope and joy and love and embrace of life on the Republican side. While on the Democrat side, it’s fear and doom and life horrible and there’s no point to it. 

Vote Red to Save America

Each election is about giving someone control over your life. At the end of it, somoene will have legal control over your life and business. You have a say. And this year, don’t waste it by giving even more control to people who want to control you.

Whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, Independent, or unaffiliated, we urge you to vote Republican this year. Vote Red in every race, every down ballot race. Because the Democrat Party has made it clear they want socialism. And people who want more power over you, need to have it taken from them.

Timber Unity List of Endorsed Candidates

Download the List of Timber Unity Endorsed Candidates (PDF). Alternately, you can right click on that link and “open link in new tab”

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs .

Links Mentioned

Jo Rae Perkins for U.S. Senate

Alek Skarlatos

Angelita Sanchez

As the Corona Virus War Battles On… Hope

As the Corona Virus War Battles On… Hope

Show Summary: The media-induced panic-mongering over the corona virus reached new heights this week. Or maybe lows. In either case, with their focus on panic, it means they’re overlooking the good news. Also, Timber Unity takes action in Oregon to get leaders with common sense into office.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Mar. 21 & 22, 2020 | James Hirsen & Angelita Sanchez

This Week: As much of America starts slowing down, self-quarantining, or through social distancing, we’ve had to rely on the very media that many have wondered if they will ever be truthful, as we assess our way through this challenge. Difficult times for sure.

Challenges that we never imagined a few weeks ago, after a big win to stop Oregon’s cap and trade bill. Only to end up faced with corona virus, which many states’ governors have used to shut down the economy in their states.

To get a handle on these issues we talk to two people: attorney, James Hirsen, who specializes in media psychology, and Timber Unity’s spokesperson, and small business owner, Angelita Sanchez.

Media’s Corona Virus Panic-Mongering

To help the media, here's a handy visual aid, showing where corona virus didn't start
To help the media, here’s a handy visual aid, showing where corona virus didn’t start

First up is James Hirsen, offering his insights on the media’s irresponsibility on their reporting—or misreporting. And what a shame that truly is. President Trump fights to correct problems that Americans are facing—while having to fight off both media and Democrats attacks every step of the way. Apparently, the constant fight the last three years has given him the experience he needed to deal with Corona Virus.

It’s bad enough when the media lies or pushes outright hoaxes, but its perhaps even worse when many times the good news from the president, goes completely unreported.  Instead the, media spends their energy sensationalizing the news, the very information we try to depend on to try to make good decisions for our businesses and families.


Timber Unity: How are Truckers Dealing with Corona Virus?

Then up next, Angelita Sanchez who takes a more personalized approach as she helps us to understand what our nation’s truckers are experiencing; many of whom are small-businesses owners.

Tune in to hear what this vital industry is faced with, as vendors they depend on for work are shut down by government.  She not only gives us insights into the big challenges, and her own personal struggles. Angelita was fortunate enough to join a select number of small business owners for a group telephone call with the President and White House staff to hear how he’s going to help keep small businesses whole.  The aid package includes cash help and some loans for disaster help.  She says it gave her hope. What she shares will give you hope too.

Lots of information packed into an hour that you don’t want to miss.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links, Corona Virus, etc.


Year in Review, Year in Preview

Year in Review, Year in Preview

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Show Summary: 2020 marks the beginning of I Spy Radio’s tenth year on the air. This week, something a little different: the producer speaks. Our 2019 year in review and a 2020 preview. Was 2019 the beginning of the end of socialism?

Original Air Dates: Jan. 4th & 5th, 2020 | Karla Davenport, I Spy Radio producer

This Week:  The end of 2019 and birth of 2020 marks the beginning of I Spy’s 10th year on air.  After a decade of airing shows that we hope have been informative and, at times, entertaining we are trying something different.  Having both Mark and me on air to discuss the issues.

So for this week’s show, we’re going to be doing a year in review AND a year in preview.

Year in Review. 2019: The rise of anti-socialism

To do that we take a look at some of the more interesting trends that took place this year, global and national in nature.  Okay, there were a ton of topics to turn to with a highly active president in office.  In fact he makes news while we’re trying to report it—which happened with this show as President Trump took on Iran.

2020 Year in Preview: Unfinished Stories from 2019

For us, this was a very fast hour to try and cover as many topics as possible and having a lot of fun while we’re doing it.  I hope you have the time to take a listen and see if we’ve discussed the issues you felt were important.  And what about the possibilities for 2020?  Listen to find out our take.

And let us know what you thought. We’d love to get your feedback on this rather unique episode of I Spy Radio.

Happy New Year everyone, and hello 2020!

Podcast Version


Never Miss an I Spy Radio Show

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Links Mentioned

FBI Destroys Itself | IG Report: Lies, Forgery and Errors in Quest to Spy on Trump

FBI Destroys Itself | IG Report: Lies, Forgery and Errors in Quest to Spy on Trump

Show Summary: John Solomon and Scott McEwen weigh in on the IG Report. Horowitz finds the FBI committed gross errors, lies, forgery, and process violations in its FISA warrant and Crossfire Hurricane investigation. The only thing missing was a signed confession. What’s next?

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Jump to podcast | Jump to links & info

Original Air Dates: Dec. 14 & 15, 2019 | John Solomon & Scott McEwen

This Week:  Last week Adam Schiff and then later, Jerry Nadler, held committee hearings that filled with witnesses who had witnessed nothing, but were very willing to pass along gossip.  But it turns out they weren’t the only storytellers. It turns out that’s the same technique the FBI officers were willing to give to FISA judges—a load of fiction.

IG Report: FISA Warrant Based on Lies

Judges on the FISA court assumed they were receiving the highest form of intelligence. But they were misled. Purposefully. And this from the FBI, which used to be considered the premiere and most-respected law-enforcement agency in the world. But no longer.

As Inspector General Horowitz testified, we found out that FBI officers were willing to lie and even forge information to get warrants against innocent people.  Using gossip as evidence, people like Carter Page, who not only professed his innocence regarding contacts he made with Russians but had absolute evidence that he was telling the truth.

And the FBI knew it. At the time they submitted the FISA warrant application. But they kept that proof of innocence hidden, out of sight and away from the FISA judges—the very people who are supposed to safeguard our constitutional rights.  Instead, the FBI buried evidence to obtain warrants as a way to try to make then-candidate and then President Trump appear guilty or willing to “collude with the Russians”. Or both.

IG Report: FBI set off a Firestorm of Lies

And let’s not forget, the FISA warrant to spy on Trump and subsequent Crossfire Hurricane “investigation” has led directly to the Democrats desperate impeachment hoax. The FISA warrant and investigation became the “evidence” of Trump working with the Russians to steal the election. The mainstream media repeated the lies often enough (thank you, Goebbels) until people believed it.

And this lie became the narrative has become the foundation for impeachment.

Speaking of Impeachment

Make no mistake, the Democrats have tried desperately to distract from the IG Report by announcing they would be drafting articles of impeachment of President Trump. On the same day the IG report came out.

Although wasn’t that odd? The Democrats, who claimed there is overwhelming evidence to convict Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors, a man so dangerous to the country, they had no choice but to impeach—a man so dangerous that merely an hour later, they also announced they liked his USMCA trade deal and would pass it. What?

Talk about surreal.

John Solomon on IG Report: FISA High Crimes and Misdemeanors

About the only real “high crimes and misdemeanors” in Washington DC were committed by the FBI. Because they knowingly lied to the FISA court.

Award-winning journalist, John Solomon, has been doggedly following the FBI corruption and FISA abuse story, to the point that many in the mainstream “media” mocked him as a conspiracy theorist. But not any longer.

We talk to John to get his insights on both the IG report and the Horowitz testimony.  He analyzes the incredible extent that Horowitz’s investigation uncovered and where it goes from here.  He also gives us some insight into Schiff’s collection of phones such as Nunes, and even his own—and what courses of action John will be taking.

Scott McEwen: Examining IG Report through the eyes of a Lawyer

Then best-selling author, Scott McEwen, joins us. He puts on his attorney hat as we sift through how the FISA court was used, why we may not be hearing from those judges, and his reaction to the abuse of power.

Scott also has the second book from his Camp Valor series, The Trigger Mechanism, coming out in February next year but can be pre-ordered now. It might be intended for teens but, trust us, the Camp Valor series is a great read for adults too. (Have you checked out our I Spy Radio store lately? There’s a book for practically everyone on your Christmas list!)

Don’t miss this week’s show – the hour will fly by.

After Devastating IG Report, FBI and Others at a Reckoning Point

Horowitz said that his report should not make anyone feel vindicated; after this week’s show, you’ll hear how they’re not only not vindicated, but maybe some should be start planning what to take with them for a long stay in jail.


But bad elements at the FBI acting outside the law, lying to courts, and creating false investigations isn’t new. Check out this video from nearly two decades ago.

Podcast Version

Never Miss an I Spy Radio Show

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


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Good News for Good News

Good News for Good News

Show Summary: Time for a little good news. Changes to the Endangered Species Act mean species might actually start to recover. Hollywood most famous mainstream pop-culture couple goes Christian. Bernie reveals the real intentions of Global Warming Alarmists. And a new Christian movie continues to prove the viability of movies with an actual story. Go figure!

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Month # & #, 2019 | Dr. Bob Zybach & James Hirsen

Good Time for Good News

This Week:  Over the past few months we’ve been able to experience what President Trump has done for our courts, especially the 9th Circuit.  There have actually been decisions made in the past few weeks that support things like, oh you know, the rule of law.

With just that one amazing change, Trump may finally be able to make a decision without being hauled into court, as the Left tries any trick to try stop. And this subtle but important change means we can look at some of the new rules knowing they may actually be enacted.

Good News for the Endangered Species Act

One of those are incredibly important changes he’s made to the Endangered Species Act. And, naturally, what’s being reported about simple changes that could lead to actual recovery of these species is being mis-reported that it will destroy a “vitally needed” government program.

This act that was to save animals from extinction because the money resource for far-left organizations who abused it through their sue-and-settle actions.  Rather than trying to protect animals from harm they wanted to raise funds by suing while having prelimary agreements from Deep State bureaucrats to happily ensure the government would lose its case so that they could pay out high and outrageous attorney fees back to them.  A legal loop hold that until recently was handing over millions to pro-environmental-anti-human groups.

With that atrocious practice eliminated, we turn our focus to the changes Trump’s administration has actually made to the ESA and its new benefits to species and to landowners.  Dr. Zybach walks us through what he’s seen in how the landowner is now empowered to help with the ESA and why that’s a good thing.

Also, don’t miss his personal encounter with the Endangered Species Act, Oregon’s “other Spotted Owl”, the Marbled Murrelet. It’s a good example of abuse by the scientific community and what happens when you sacrifice science on the altar of politics. (You can download his article, Oregon Coast Range Old-Growth: Part III, Marbled Murrelet Habitat.)

Good News from Hollywood. Wait, what…?

Kanye West September 2019 Album leaks, Jesus is King
Kanye West September 2019 Album leaks, Jesus is King

Then we turn to Hollywood, the last place we expected to see good news this week and talk with James Hirsen about one star of pop culture who is making a dramatic change —to Christian music.

Kanye West, who recently became a born-again Christian, has a new album coming out in September.  Mr. Hirsen walks us through Kanye and his wife, Kim Kardashian, have a tremendous impact on pop culture and why the Far Left may push back against them. Or just flat out turn on them. Because, you know, kids listening to an enlightened and positive message is clearly so dangerous.

We also have a momentary dip into the darker side of Bernie Sanders who wants population control because of (drum roll) global warming. He wants to sacrifice life to save us from death, sigh.

But we only stay on the dark side for a little bit and quickly turn back to some more good news—the newest Christian movie, Overcomer, and its powerful message.

This week, it’s all good fun, and uplifting, except for Bernie’s message.  But then again, when is anything socialist ever good news?

Missed the Show? Good News on that: the Podcast Version

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Epstein and Comey – Extreme Abuse of Power

Epstein and Comey – Extreme Abuse of Power

Show Summary: We talk with John Solomon and Dr Tim Ball about the extreme abuse of power and corruption as seen in the Jeffrey Epstein and Comey cases.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Original Air Dates: Aug 17 & 18, 2019 | John Solomon & Dr. Tim Ball

This Week:  In America we know our country isn’t perfect but it has the realization of someday getting there and we love her for that.  Such is the conversation that goes on now as we watch our government grapple with the huge mistakes it’s made. Some of them repeatedly. Mistakes that may have unnecessarily put men in jail or caused people to die— not to mention a massive abuse of power.

Abuse of Power

Two stories that are emblematic of this point are the investigations into the death of Jeffrey Epstein and the Russian hoax.  Both are important, and both exemplify government mismanagement and, quite possibly, deep corruption.  What’s troubling is both of these examples of corruption are right smack dab in the middle of our once-trusted Department of Justice.

Sadly, our government turned its moral compass upside down as insiders grapple to gain power.  We have to fix what some may feel is unfixable: a bureaucratic system that creates an environment where insiders aren’t responsible nor get punished.

John Solomon: Epstein, Comey, and the DOJ

Bill Clinton was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein "pedo island"
Bill Clinton was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein “pedo island”

This week we interview perhaps the nation’s top investigative reporter John Solomon, who has been exposing corruption for his entire career. He’s been on the Comey and Epstein case with unbelievable depth and insights. We’re honored to have him and in true I Spy Radio form, we actually let him talk and go in depth.

John takes us through the recent investigation of Epstein’s death and he delivers clear information of what are the facts of the story and where the investigation may still lead.  He also talks about Comey, who, so far, has escaped justice but there’s a steel trap that may (finally!) be coming his way.

Extreme Abuse of Power and the Immorality of those in Power

Prince Andrew with an underage girl and Epstein's alleged madam
Prince Andrew with an underage girl and Epstein’s alleged madam

Then we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, who as an outsider living in Canada, gives us his perspectives on how other countries see the US investigations, the DOJ’s handling of the Epstein and Comey cases. Don’t miss the discussion on the Epstein case of the horrific abuse of power of those involved at the highest levels of government—including the Royal Family’s abuse of power as they become entangled in the Epstein case.

And the most shocking? The ultimate corruption: they believe it’s their right to abuse. They’re entitled to do what they want.

This is most definitely one of those shows you do not want to miss.

Never Miss an I Spy Radio Show!

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Podcast Version

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