Show Summary: Last week, the Supreme Court struck down one of two vaccine mandates, 6-3. But in a second case, two “conservatives” joined the liberals to uphold the mandate forcing healthcare workers to take the vaccine. They were both agency rules, so why strike one and not the other? We ask Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys. And would have happened if they hadn’t?
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The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: January 22nd & 23rd, 2022 | Guests: Jonathan Emord
Vaccine Mandate Struck Down
This week: last Friday, in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court struck down one of two vaccine mandates—the OSHA mandate that tried to force companies with more than 100 employees to force their employees to take an experimental covid vaccine. But in a 5-4 decision, they left another vaccine mandate intact. Why? Why the difference?
We welcome back Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys to discuss the difference. And what this means for the vaccine mandates, the other mandates, and, especially, what this means for the future rights of Americans.
The fight for your freedom is not over as neither of these two cases are fully over.
Did these ruling shake the plans for the “Great Reset”, both here in America ans abroad? In the shadow of the rulings, Boris Johnson, abruptly announced the end of all covid mandates. Masks in public, social distancing, masks in schools, vaccines, and their plans for a vaccine passport.
Setting aside the power of career-ending scandals to “suddenly” motivate politicians to do the right thing, listen to this powerful video of a 14-year-old girl describing the damage the mask mandates have done to her and her generation:
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
More bad news on Covid vaccines and myocarditis in men under 40 – even as more colleges require booster shots for students (Alex Berenson, Substack, Jan 5, 2022)
9/11 Twenty-Year Anniversary | America Under Attack by Her Own Leaders
Show Summary: It’s the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Would you have believed on that day that America 20 years on would be less free? That our greatest enemies were right here? A look back. And a look at Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates. The fight is only just beginning.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: Sept 11 & 12, 2021 | Sen. Dennis Linthicum & Scott McEwen
This Week: 9/11 and an America Less Free
In memory of 9/11 we look back at the unity America showed in the days after. And even eight years on, groups like the 912 Project sprang up, formed by people who believed that how we behaved the day after the 9/11 attack was America’s defining moment. Coming together, accepting one another with one goal: stand together as Americans to protect America, her privileges, her people, and her freedoms.
But twenty years later we are faced with governmental actions that have become nightmares as the country is more divided than ever between the haves and have-nots. This time it’s not about money, but about our freedom to determine what is in, and isn’t in, our own body. A government fiercely picking apart the Constitutional freedoms we have relied on, and now telling us we must obey the whims of government to keep our careers. A government that wants to hold us down and force a syringe into our arm whether that person wants it or not.
It’s one thing to have a drug available, should one choose it. It’s quite another to mandate it and make it a condition for a normal life. Yellow Star, anyone?
At this point, does anyone actually believe that taking the vaccines, that it stops there?
But did you know there is no currently available FDA-approved vaccine? If you listen to the mainstream media, you probably think there is. Except there isn’t. And the “vaccine mandate” fail on two points of logic.
Dennis Linthicum: 9/11 Memories and Today’s Mandates
Our first guest, Senator Dennis Linthicum, takes us through where he was when he first learned of the attacks on the World Trade Center 20 years ago this weekend. And he notes that what we’re now facing today with our loss of rights and forced government mandates was nowhere on anybody’s horizon.
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Dennis discusses some of the harsh realities of what Biden’s new vaccine mandate creates and how it compares to what Governor Kate has been pushing. We especially focus on the purposefully confusing language —“exceptions” rather than the legal term, “exemptions”—numbers that don’t add up, and lack of clarity within the mandates, that is twisting them into something that has given him and one other senator the necessary material they needed to request a grand jury investigation.
We will definitely be revisiting that grand jury with Sen. Linthicum—and soon.
Hey! Did you know you can subscribe to our weekly email? You’ll get a first look at what’s coming up each week on the show. Emails sent on Fridays. Drop an email to and never miss a show
Scott McEwen: Legal Side of Vaccine Mandates
So much for “effective.”
Then we turn to bestselling author and recovering attorney, Scott McEwen, who takes us through a deep dive on the legal principles of lawsuits that have been or will be filed against these vaccine mandates. Scott talks to us about the one to watch, which will most likely wind its way to the Supreme Court. A professor is suing a university over a vaccine mandate.
Why? Because he’s already had contracted covid and has natural immunity.
This and others will be bringing to light many scientific facts that the government would not want proven in a court of law. You know. Real science, not the science-as-political-tool currently in use.
And don’t miss Scott’s take on the government forcing our military to take the vaccine and what it might mean for national security.
9/11 and the Loss of Afghanistan
We also get his take on what the loss of Afghanistan means to those who served there and his memories of 9/11.
Just like what happened the day after 9/11, Americans are fighting to preserve our liberties and constitutional rights. And these are the opening shots.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Links Mentioned & Further Info
Subscribe to Dennis Linthicum’s newsletter. Just drop an email to and ask to be added
Check out all of Scott McEwen’s books on the I Spy Radio Store page. Or head to
Difference between exemption and exception (via Stack Exchange). The former is a legal recognition; the latter is a subjective choice. So why is the governor’s lawyers carefully avoiding the correct term?
The Republican Governors Association highlighted tweets from 19 governors in all who rejected Mr. Biden’s push — including South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, who told Mr. Biden: “See you in court.”
Back in 2014, Obama exchanged five Gitmo detainees for American military deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Now that the Taliban has retaken control of Afghanistan, four of these men are in senior positions in the Taliban.
US Vet Warns He’s “in very dark place” After Biden’s Disastrous Pullout…Another Vet Blasts Biden For Asking Congress For $86K per Afghan Refugee: That’s “More than my yearly salary!” (, Sept 8, 2021)
Vaccines: They’re not Safe, They’re not Effective
80% of Covid-19 deaths in August [in the UK] were people who had been vaccinated according to Public Health data (The Expose, Sept 7, 2021)
“[Isn’t it] extremely strange that the UK is in the middle of a third wave in the middle of summer? Especially when you consider that in summer 2020 Covid-19 deaths flat-lined to zero even though a Covid-19 injection was not available.
[Data] shows that the majority of confirmed cases are now among the vaccinated population. In the most recent week from 28th August to 3rd September 2021 the report shows that there were 20,744 confirmed cases among the unvaccinated population, who are more likely to be tested for the simple reason they have not been vaccinated.
But it also shows that there were 5,508 confirmed cases among the partly vaccinated population, and 16,810 cases among the fully vaccinated population – two populations who are least likely to be tested due to be being vaccinated.
New Study Finds Mask Mandate Failed to Reduce COVID Deaths, Hospitalizations, or Cases (Think Civics, Sept 9, 2021)
New Vaccine Warnings: Pathogenic Priming — And Self-Spreading?
Show Summary: Two more things to worry about the vaccines is hitting the news: pathogenic priming and could these vaccines be self-spreading? We welcome Dr. Henry Ealy to talk about self-spreading vaccines and Dr. James Lyons-Weiler to discuss pathogenic priming. And the persistent worry about infertility and depopulation isn’t going away. But the real virus continues to be the government.
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Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: July 17th & 18th, 2021 | Dr. Henry Ealy & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
For anyone who thinks we’re spending too much time on covid and the vaccines, we are doing so because it is far and away the most important issue of our day. Not the pandemic, not the vaccines, but the govt response and its seizure of power and using them as the excuse to take away your freedom.
To fight back, you need to know the fraud that is happening. You need the knowledge so you can spread it to your friends and family and they to theirs. Knowledge is what needs to be the true self-replicating vaccine until our freedoms are fully restored and the true virus — authoritarianism in all its forms — is truly destroyed.
Big government is the virus. Freedom is the cure.
And, right on cue, Resident Biden said, “The unvaccinated are killing people.” What do you think that opens the door to?
Dr. Henry Ealy: Can We Take De-Population Off the Table?
The news this last week continues to be bleak for the vaccines. Last month, 63% of hospitalizations in the U.K. for covid-19 cases were people who were vaccinated. That’s nearly 2 vaccinated for every 1 non-vaccinated. So much for preventative.
Theories that the vaccines will lead to depopulation persist and, if anything, are growing and have more evidence depopulation may be a side effect of the covid vaccines — whether it was intended or merely a “side benefit” for those who want to depopulate the Earth. But can we take this “conspiracy theory” about depopulation off the table?
In a word, no. And shouldn’t that be alarming to everyone?
Dr. Ealy: Self-Spreading Vaccines?
But as if depopulation and mass infertility wasn’t a bad enough side effect, now there’s a new one. Are the covid vaccines self-spreading vaccines?
Before you think that can’t be possible, that is one of the possible design features of mRNA vaccines. They can be coded to be self-replicating and self-spreading (essentially, they act like a virus and spread from person to person to fight a virus). Or they can be coded to switch off.
Also, it’s known that people who are non-vaccinated do pick up vaccine particles. Something appears to be “shedding” from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated.
Regarding the possibility of self-spreading vaccines, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD Biophysicist, said “There’s no reason that if a person producing these exosomes in your spleen and shipping them out there’s no reason why you can’t ship them out to your lungs. In fact they’ve shown experimentally that those exosomes do get released. Exosomes do get released from the lungs.”
So what does Dr. Ealy think?
Covid Vaccines: Good News?
But there may be some good news about the covid vaccines. Yes, you heard that right. The good news is, there may be some ways to rid your body of these toxic biologics. Tune in to find out.
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler: Pathogenic Priming
Next up we’ll talk with an expert who has been trying to warn the public, the media, government officials, and Big Pharma about a known issue with coronavirus / covid vaccines. Pathogenic priming.
We discuss the basics about pathogenic priming. And why and how people are more susceptible following some vaccines/biologics. Is this new? No. Pathogenic priming was first discovered in the 1950s while researching potential vaccines for childhood diseases.
Essentially, pathogenic priming happens with some vaccines. Instead of preventing the disease it’s designed to fight, it opens the door to more and worse infections. It happened with the MERS-CoV vaccine attempts. And it’s happening now with the covid-19 vaccines.
Pathogenic Priming: Did Big Pharma Know?
Perhaps a better quest to, “Did Big Pharma know about pathogenic priming?” is, “How could they not know?”
Seriously. It’s not like research exists in a vacuum. But when you rush things to market and you have zero liability, why worry? Especially if you stand to make billions regardless of whether people get sick. In fact, you could say there’s a perverse incentive to not only make people sick but keep them sick.
Be sure to catch Dr. Lyons-Weiler and what he’s been fighting to expose for the last year and a half.
Oh. And lest you think Congress didn’t know, doctors testified to Congress about pathogenic priming. Except they used the term “immune enhancement” or ““enhanced immune response”, which are misnomers. In other words, an inaccurate mislabeling. “Immune enhancement” sounds like it’s a benefit. Previously, this effect was also known as disease enhancement. But a better, more accurate label is pathogenic priming.
Knowledge is Power
Finally, we wrap things up with Dr. Weiler with his efforts to spread genuine, untainted knowledge. Not partisan-based knowledge. Not conflict-of-interest research. You know. Like what you see on the mainstream media on a daily basis to promote fear on the uninformed.
Be sure to check the resources below if you’d like to know more. And we hope you do.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
CHILLING: Following the Science? (Outstanding *Must Watch* documentary by Mark Mallet)*PCR tests*Vaccines vs. natural immunity*Depopulation*Self-spreading?*Spiritual awakening by doctors
Dr James Lyons-Weiler
Dr. Weiler’s personal site with his podcasts can be found at
The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK): – a not-for-profit organization that exists to perform scientific research in the public’s interest
IPAK EDU ( – Empower yourself with knowledge
“…when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs”
this “‘paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon’ means vaccinated people may still develop the disease, get sicker and die.”
Researchers had seen this same “enhanced immune response” during human testing of the failed RSV vaccine tests in the 1950s. The vaccines not only failed to prevent infection; 80% of the children infected required hospitalization, and two children challenged with the RSV died
Disease enhancement now appears to be caused by initial exposure to a pathogen’s proteins, or parts of proteins, which primes the body to autoimmunity. That is “pathogenic priming.” In COVID-19, every protein in the SARS-CoV-2 has at least one epitope that matches human proteins someplace in the human body. Of those about one-third of them match human immune system proteins
Short List of Research for this Show
Chilling: Biden Allies Now Prepared to Censor Americans’ Text Messages for ‘Disinformation’ on COVID Vaccines (Becker News, July 12, 2021)
Walgreens store mistakenly injects saline instead of COVID-19 vaccine (NY Post, Apr 19, 2021)*“…it was only when the store had too much vaccine left over at the end of the day that they realized the mistake.”
Show Summary: As more information comes out, the more the “official” covid sources are being proved wrong. On a daily basis. But it’s more than just politics. There are real dangers to the vaccines that they’ve been pushing. Why are they shoving this experimental vaccine at people? It turns out some conspiracies about covid have been correct all along.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: June 12th & 13th, 2021 | Guests: Dr. Peter McCullough & Chuck Wiese
This Week’s Show
If you’re like us, you’re running out of conspiracy theories. What we’ve been saying about the virus is proving true. That covid-19 was not a natural virus, that it really was created in the Wuhan lab, and that it may… may have been released intentionally. That remains to be seen. But, because doing so would have been such a horrific crime, we may never know.
And, if you’re like us, you’ve been shadowbanned, blocked, even banned altogether on social media for daring to talk the truth about the vaccines, covid-19, or, Heaven forbid, hydroxychloroquine. Lord knows we can’t talk about anything other than the vaccine and how safe it is.
Which, it isn’t. Yes, we said it. The covid vaccines aren’t safe.
…when it comes to covid, politics is far, far more important than health
Dr. Peter McCullough: Time for some Truth about Covid
A dose of truth about the covid vaccines from Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors
This week, we talk with Dr. Peter McCullough. If you don’t know him by now, you should. But it’s not surprising if you don’t. Because the media and the official covid sources don’t like what he has to say. This, despite the fact he is one of the nation’s top covid-19 experts.
And, worse, he tells the truth without the political spin. And when it comes to covid, politics is far, far more important than health. For example, why is it forbidden to talk about the origins of covid-19? Early on, respected researchers tried to alert the world what they were seeing. That covid had genetic markers, such as from HIV, to make it more powerful and more contagious. Did the world listen to these researchers? No. They were told to shut up. One French researcher, when he refused to shut up, was jailed.
And what about that “conspiracy theory” that the virus was engineered? What does one of the nation’s top covid experts think about that? Is there evidence that points to a man-made origin?
Covid Vaccines: They’re Dangerous
Dr. Peter McCullough talks to us about the vaccines and some of the emerging (bad) data about them. The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting Sytem) has been swamped with adverse effects—including deaths. In other words, there are problems resulting from the vaccines—including deaths—that are being reported to official sources, and yet no one seems to care.
In any other situation, a vaccine with 25–deaths would be pulled off the market. Currently, there have been over 5,300 deaths. And many researchers say the VAERS system usually only reports 1/10th of the actual numbers. Yes. There could be over 53,000 deaths from the covid vaccines.
As of May 28, there have 294,801 adverse effects from the covid vaccines reported to VAERS
Covid Vaccines: Why the Extreme Marketing Push?
With all the problems, you’d think more official sources would be looking into things. Except they aren’t. They’ve stuffed their fingers in their ears and hum a little tune while people are dying.
But ask yourself this. Why are the covid vaccines being pushed? Frantically. On TV, online, on social media. The government spent billions of dollars on ad campaigns. And all this for a disease that has an average survivability rate of about 99.9%. So why push the vaccines so desperately? We ask Dr. McCullough that.
The Vaccines’ Side Effects
We talk with Dr. Peter McCullough about some of the reported adverse reactions. Blood clots are among the biggest concerns because they can lead to all sorts of problems and have been reported for quite some time.
But there are some other reports going around. Like the vaccine nano-particles and spike proteins leaving the injection site. And accumulating in organs, such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, and even the ovaries.
Or what about rumors of depopulation? Could this be true? Tune in to find out.
What if you already took one of the Covid Vaccines?
If you haven’t taken the vaccine, should you? And who should definitely not be taking it? But what if you already did? Are you in danger? What should you be looking out for? And what can you be doing to protect yourself.
These are the important questions that need to be asked. But aren’t.
Those Covid Conspiracy Theories that Aren’t
Next up we welcome back one of I Spy Radio’s favorite guests Chuck Wiese. We love good thinkers here on I Spy Radio and Chuck is a great one. Plus, unlike a lot of pundits on the MSM, he’s an actual trained scientist. And he loves nothing better than to debunk (okay, destroy) bad data and bad science.
From early on, Chuck warned people that covid-19 looked lab created. Someone made it. And it was meant as a bioweapon. Tune in to hear the evidence that now truly supports his suppositions.
Hydroxychloroquine: The Evidence is In
If you’ve heard Chuck Wiese in the recent past, you know he’s been all over hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment for covid. That there was never any legitimate reason to ban it. And, it turns out, he was exactly right. Be sure to join us for this sweet, sweet victory lap.
Not just a major but the major anti-hydroxychloroquine studies was retracted. Why? Because the underlying data set could not be verified. Once again. Bad data.
It’s good to be right.
Did you know? Study shows hydroxychloroquine treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by 200%. See “Study shows” in links section below.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
“I think this whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine.”
Authors Retract the Lancet’s Hydroxychloroquine Study. Why? Because the authors used an observational dataset that could not be properly audited. (Reason, Jun 4, 2021)
Video: RFK Jr: “People in authority lie.” (Rumble)
‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage (The Defender, June 3, 2021)
Research obtained by a group of scientists shows the COVID vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries
“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
Crazy, 1-hour long article: “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” (The Bulletin, May 5, 2021)
Show Summary: It’s been a year of being pushed around. Endless mandates. Lockdowns. And now communist-style vaccine passports? Here’s what you can do to push back. And win. We talk with Leah Wilson about Stand for Health Freedom’s winning strategies to pressure lawmakers into making the right votes on legislation that would take away our freedoms. Because we only truly have the freedoms we’re willing to fight for.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: May 22 & 23, 2021 | Leah Wilson
This Week: With all these covid mandates and lockdowns and executive orders that have fines and punishments attached and yet aren’t really laws but are being portrayed as though they are—combined with our loss of freedoms, it’s hard to know where and how to push back. It’s bewildering. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easy toolkit to take the guesswork out of it? Make things easy. And yet still be highly effective?
Well, look no further. We have it for you.
Covid Pushback
In all of this covid pandemic, it’s been the loss of our freedoms that is the most heartbreaking. The country our Founding Fathers gave their lives for, and our ancestors fought to maintain, is being stolen out from under us. Where did America go? When dictator-like governors, like Oregon’s, makes rules with whatever pops into her head.
Take a Stand! Text “stand” to 313131 to tell your legislators you believe in health freedom!
What’s worse is that these rules and mandates are designed to make us weak. We gained our freedoms by a commitment to God and country. We spoke with our fellow man. And we discussed and debated what freedom really was. We came together as a society. All these rules and mandates have driven us apart. They have kept us apart.
They have made us weak by taking away our normal means of standing up for the very freedoms being taken away.
The Next Phase: Covid Vaccine Passports
Have those in power learned a lesson? Do they fear the people—as they should? No. Those that have suffered no genuine pushback (like Oregon’s and New York’s governors) are more emboldened than ever. Which is why they are pushing now covid vaccine passports.
Make no mistake. These are completely modeled after China’s social credit score system. Doubt us? China has said they want to run the vaccine passport system. Because this hardened communist country that thinks nothing of murdering, imprisoning, and enslaving their own citizens totally want to make sure the rest of the world is free. Right?
Haven’t taken the covid vaccine yet? Thinking about it? Before you do, watch this short video.
What You’ll Learn This Week
We welcome Leah Wilson to the show this week. Leah is the co-founder and executive director of Stand for Health Freedom. We get to know her organization, what they do, and how they got their start—due to drugs being pushed onto helpless kids trapped in the foster-care system.
On this week’s show, you’ll get some clarity on the health care laws and rules out there. And some things you as an every day citizen can do. Not to mention what you can do to defend your business. We also talk about what’s happening right now in Oregon. The Petri Dish of Leftist politics and ideology.
Pay attention to Oregon. What happens here doesn’t stay here. It spreads like a disease, infecting other states. Right now, Oregon is on the verge of vaccine passports. We NEED to stop this. And here’s how.
Vaccine Passports Pushback: Tools to Win
Activism can be tough. It’s even harder when you don’t know where to start. Or you feel alone and powerless. Which is exactly how those in power want you to feel.
Well, no more. Now, using Health for Freedom’s simple, and easy to use tools, you can take a stand for freedom in as little as five minutes. You simply fill in some details and they do all the work for you. And it works.
Why? Because it applies the biggest pressure known to politicians: daylight. Politicians love to work in secret and not have people know what they’re doing. Stand for Health Freedom’s tools bring public exposure and lets politicians know you are watching them. You know. And you’re against it.
Face it. Politicians say they love democracy. But when it gets right down to it, they hate when people actually get engaged.
And that’s how you win.
Do it Now. Don’t Wait.
And time is of the essence. Oregon’s HB3057 that opens the door to vaccine passports breezed through the House. The bill will allow the Nazi-named Oregon Health Authority to disclose your “individually identifiable information and health status related to covid 19.”
Yep. It’s the vaccine passport. And, as we say, it already passed the House. Now it’s on to the Senate.
Why did it pass? Because people were silent. And not many people knew about it. That’s why it’s critical you get engaged right now.
And remember: if it happens in Oregon, it’s coming to your state too.
There are two ways to do it:
Go to Stand for Health Freedom’s Take Action page. Select your state and look for the action items. And then just follow the simple directions
Text the word “stand” (without the quotes) to 313131. Fill out the information and they will walk you through the rest.
The Covid Grand Jury
Remember two weeks ago when we had Dr. Henry Ealy on? He talked about the need to impanel a covid grand jury to dig into what really happened in the covid pandemic. The gain of function. How covid-19 was released in the first place. The involvement of our health departments. Dr. Fauci’s role. The bad data that led to the lockdowns. And so much more.
Now, you can help make that happen. Just head to SFHF’s petition page. Or simply text “CDC” to 313131.
Remember: being silent is how you lose freedoms. Don’t be silent.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Links & Info
Leah Wilson is the co-founder and executive director for Stand for Health Freedom, a 501c3 non-profit fighting for your rights to protect your health as you see fit
VIDEO: Leah Wilson Interviews Ilana Rachel Daniel | Stand for Health Freedom (BitChute, May 3, 2021)
If you think things are bad here in the U.S., especially here in Oregon, it’s way worse in Israel. Take a listen.
OSHA Imposes New Guidance For Employer-Required COVID-19 Vaccines: Contractors criticize mandate to classify adverse reactions as recordable safety incidents (ENR, May 3, 2021)
The question asks whether an employer should record adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccination if the employer requires the vaccine. OSHA states that if a vaccine is required, then any adverse reaction is considered work-related and therefore it must be recorded.
Oregon Senator Brian Boquist: Vaccine Passports, Checking Government Power, and More (Oregon Catalyst, May 16, 2021)
Top CDC Official Steps Down Weeks After Emails Surface Showing Collusion With Teachers Union (The Federalist, May 18, 2021)
Use of Fear to Control Behavior in Covid Crisis was ‘Totalitarian’, Admit Scientists: Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior express regret about ‘unethical’ methods (The UK Telegraph, May 14, 2021)
Tucker Carlson: Why isn’t Fauci being investigated for his role in covid? (FoxNews, May 11. 2021)
Constitutional powers and issues during a quarantine situation (March 13, 2021)
The 5 Most Popular Safety Laws (That Don’t Work) (via
Victory, Valor, and Vaccines – Wait, so the Constitution Matters?
Show Summary: Just when you thought the Constitution didn’t matter any more, along comes Southeastern Legal Foundation’s huge win in federal court to throw out the CDC’s power grab to block landlords from evicting renters. Updates on SCOTUS failing to take up voter fraud, the Texas power grid failure, and covid vaccines.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.
Original Air Dates: Mar 5th & 6th, 2021 | Kimberly Hermann & Chuck Wiese
This Week: Do you ever sit in your living room and think the world today just feels off?
In Oregon that’s not hard to do when we think about what people have endured over the past year. From businesses shut down orders, to losing their sole income—while watching bills pile up.
Victory in Federal Court: Overruling the CDC’s Power Grab
In all of this, renters were hugely impacted; they lost jobs only to find that no job might mean no home. So the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stepped in and upended Constitutionally guaranteed property rights and declared a moratorium to evictions. Which sounds nice. Except, why is the CDC (which is hardly an economics agency) inserting itself into private property rights and contract law? And, as usual, Leftist thinking left out the other half of the equation.
Because on the flip side, people were taking advantage of the situation by not paying rent — and landlords were being forced into not being able to pay their investment mortgages that also kept the roof over the renters’ heads.
Southeastern Legal Foundation: Big Win over Government Overreach
It was bad enough that the government stepped in, telling business owners their revenue streams were shut off, causing disruptions of US free markets like never before. But then to declare that if renters can’t (or won’t) pay, they can’t be evicted. And there sat the landlords, footing the bills. Imagine if the CDC, with their economic insights, had deemed customers could walk into stores and take whatever they want and not have to pay for it. What other powers could the CDC seize for itself? Or what other rights could the CDC take away on a whim? Property rights are the cornerstone of the Constitution.
Enter Kim Hermann , the General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation, which stood up to tyranny and sued to protect constitutional rights. And, in an exciting slam of the gavel, the judge determined the CDC’s moratorium on evictions was unconstitutional.
And suddenly with that decision the world started to right itself. Just a little bit.
We talk to Kim about what this case meant and what does it mean for upcoming cases in the future. We also talk to her about election laws, the Supreme Court’s decision to not hear any election fraud cases, and H. R. 1, the legalizing- election-theft bill just passed by Congressional democrats. She also talks about what the states are working on to correct that election integrity problems. Brave men and women who are stepping up to help fight another good fight.
Updates on Texas’s Green Energy Failure and on the Vaccines
Then, scientist Chuck Wiese returns to give us some of updates on two stories we recently talked to him about: the power grid situation in Texas and the covid vaccines. But before we dip into those, Chuck shares with us his own experiences of being a landlord and what’s happened in Oregon.
Tune in to hear how once again Oregon was the Petri dish for Leftist ideology as it whittled away at property rights of landowners under Governor Kate that perhaps set the stage for the CDC’s eviction moratoriums. We also talk with him about some updates on what is going on in oil-rich Texas and why so many climate and green energy officials in Texas have quit since their big storm. And we touch base to get his thoughts on the latest vaccine and some ongoing concerns about the pandemic and the government’s response to it.
And when we fold all the above information into one big package we have to wonder if we will ever hear the truth from any government officials.
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