Tag: what’s at stake

14-41 Competent or Stupid? | What’s at Stake in the 2024 Election

14-41 Competent or Stupid? | What’s at Stake in the 2024 Election

Show 14-41 Summary: What’s at stake in the 2024 election is not just who’s running for president. The whole of government is at stake. This week we continue to look at why elections matter, reminding you that you are giving someone else legal control over you, your business, your church, and so many other facets of your life. Do you want competent people? Or stupid people who will waste your money? We look at the incompetence of Multnomah’s lawsuit against the weather. We also look at some down ballot issues, including Oregon’s Measure 117 to force ranked choice voting on Oregon. if that wins, it would take the democracy right out of democracy. Get out and vote. And stop stupid people from doing stupid things.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 12, 2024 | Guests: Chuck Wiese and Ed Diehl

This Week – Competence at Stake in the 2024 Election

We continue to look at why elections matter, reminding you that you are giving someone else legal control over you, your business, your church, and so many other facets of your life. Do you want competent people? Or stupid people who will waste your money? In the 2024 election, make it your goal to stop stupid people from doing stupid things.

We look at the incompetence (stupidity) of Multnomah’s lawsuit against the weather. The lawsuit is a waste of government money (your money), time, and resources. Worse — even if they win, it will cost you even more money.

We talk with meteorologist and fearsome global warming debunker, Chuck Wiese about Multnomah’s lawsuit against “fossil fuel”companies, blaming them for “heat dome” deaths during a hot summer. But no, sorry global warmers, it was not the hottest ever.

Stupid Government does Stupid Stuff

But first up, we talk with Chuck about the back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton, that hit the Southeast. Is that unusual? And how did Chuck correctly predict that Milton would weaken from a category 5 and hit landfall at only a category 3, and further weaken to a category 1 when it made it to the Atlantic?

Then we talk about Multnomah County suing the sky. Or the weather. Or who they think causes the weather. According to KOIN, Multnomah is seeking $50 million in damages, $1.5 billion in “future damages” and another $50 billion for an “abatement fund.” In other words, a slush fund to hand out to far-left groups.

Here’s how stupid that is. There are 364,000 households in Multnomah County. If the “evil fossil fuel companies” lose and allot that $51.55 billion loss to Multnomah households (because why should they punish Polk or Marion or any other county for this nuisance lawsuit?) over 20 years, that’s $7,081 per household added to their fuel and utility costs. Per year. You can thank Multnomah County for that self-inflicted stupidity.

But it’s not just the cost of things. Stupid people in Multnomah government are attacking people’s rights. They are also suing Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine which isn’t even in Multnomah County. Why? For spreading “misinformation” about global warming. Yes. There’s your stupid people in government suing people for free speech.

Did government forget it’s supposed to defend free speech?

Yes. Because they’re stupid. In the 2024 election, stop stupid people from doing stupid things.

Yes, Oregon, Democracy is What’s at Stake in the 2024 Election

We also look at some down ballot issues, including Oregon’s Measure 117 to force ranked choice voting on Oregon. if that wins, it would take the democracy right out of democracy.We welcome back Representative Ed Diehl (OR-HD17) back to the show to talk about an actual threat to democracy, Oregon’s ballot measure 117. (Sorry, democrats. Trump is not a threat to democracy. If Trump wins, that is democracy.) The measure would change our current voting system to ranked choice voting.

If ballot measure 117 were to pass, it change how we vote for every candidate from U.S. president down to local races. With one exception. Referred to the voters by Oregon’s far-left democrats in the legislature, Measure 117 curiously would not change how legislators are elected.

Ed Diehl walks us through how Measure 117 and ranked choice voting would take the democracy right out of democracy by opening voting itself to strategic manipulation. Apparently, the far left isn’t happy enough with voter fraud and election fraud, they have to game the system for voting fraud.

For a great explanation, see this ranked choice article on Ed Diehl’s website. And for further reading see the links in the show notes, below.

And we talk about the latest on the motor voter scandal. Gosh. They found another 300 illegally registered illegal immigrants. After we just talked about that last week with Dennis Linthicum, who is running for Secretary of State. Do we really have any real idea of just how many fraudulent voters have been registered — through motor voter and Obamacare signups?

Get out and vote. Stop stupid people from doing stupid things.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mentioned in the opener, Frederic Bastiat’s The Candlestick Makers’ Petition.

Chuck Wiese, Segments 1–3

  • Multnomah County goes after big oil for heat dome deaths, files lawsuit (KOIN6, June 22, 2023)
  • Multnomah County alleges NW Natural is behind ‘substantial portion’ of Oregon pollution (KOIN6, Oct 9, 2024)
  • Hurricane Milton Leaves at Least 10 Dead, Millions Without Power in Florida, (Epoch Times, October 9th, 2024)
    • Exactly as Chuck predicted: “Hurricane Milton made landfall at Siesta Key, Florida as a Category 3 storm, but weakened more than expected after it touched down. Ninety minutes after landfall, it had slowed to Category 2, and crossed into the Atlantic as a Category 1 on Thursday morning.”

Ed Diehl, Segments 4–6

  • For more information about Ed Diehl, see his website, EdDiehl.com.
  • THIS → Everything You Need To Know About Ranked-Choice Voting And Its Glaring Problems (The Federalist, October 1, 2024)
  • Ranked-Choice Voting Is Not the Solution (Democracy Journal, Nov 3, 2016)
  • The flaw in ranked-choice voting: rewarding extremists (The Hill, October 10, 2022)
  • FYI, Oregon’s Measure 117 ranked choice voting create Instant Runoff Voting system. In this method, voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority (50% + 1), the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their ballots are redistributed to the next-ranked candidate.*There are dozens of ranked choice voting methods.*Fun (okay, worrisome) fact: according to the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem, every voting method with at least 3 alternative candidates can be strategically manipulated. Why would you open the door to voting manipulate unless you plan to manipulate the vote?
  • Judicial Watch Warns Oregon Over Lawsuit (Judicial Watch, July 25, 2024)*According to Judicial Watch’s initial investigations, eight of Oregon counties have more voter registrations than citizens of voting age
  • Secretary of State’s office announces deactivation of 1,259 voter registrations (KEZI, Sept 23, 2024)
  • Oregon voter registration error was detected six weeks before top elections officials were told (OPB, Sept 27, 2024)



14-39 The 2024 Election – Two Elements of What’s at Stake

14-39 The 2024 Election – Two Elements of What’s at Stake

Show 14-39 Summary: It’s not just the candidates running. It’s what’s at stake in this election. And we look at just two elements with huge implications. Control over federal agencies, whether those will expand or be reined in and deregulated. And all the federal land that might be at stake thanks to a potential Supreme Court ruling — if they take it up and if the next administration acts on it.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 28, 2024, 2024 | Guests: Kimberley Hermann and Myron Ebell 

This Week – What’s at Stake

It’s never just about the candidates running. It’s what’s at stake after the election. And we look at just two elements with huge implications of those potential futures. While the economy gets most of the attention, it’s much more than that.

First, we look at control over federal agencies, and whether those will expand or be reined in and deregulated. Or even disbanded. The regulatory agencies are the leash on the economy. Will the economy be given more rope or even let run off leash? Or chained up?

You can guess which candidate wants what on that. But with the new Loper-Bright Supreme Court decision, that overturned a previous SCOTUS ruling, Congress could, if it has the backbone, rein in these overreaching agencies that prevent economic expansion. We talk with Kimberley Herman, the executive director of Southeastern Legal Foundation, about what the overturn of the Chevron deference could mean for the future of government.

What’s at Stake: 640 million acres of federal lands

Years ago, we followed the effort to allow states to take possession of the federal lands within their own borders that had been promised to them at the time of statehood. And all the federal land that might be at stake thanks to a potential Supreme Court ruling — if they take it up and if the next administration acts on it.

That is, after all, what happened with the states east of the Mississippi. None of those states have massive amounts of land in their borders still held by the federal government. But for states West of the Mississippi and in particular, West of the Rockies, states have tremendous amounts of land within their borders still held by the federal government. Oregon has 53.03% of its land that is not its land—it’s held by the federal government. and it’s also tremendously mismanaged by the federal government. Meaning they don’t. And that’s why Oregon has massive forest fires every year. When you don’t manage forests they become kindling factories.

Now, a new lawsuit by Utah is at the Supreme Court. All they need are four justices to vote to hear the case before the full court. This could have huge implications for states that have so much of their land held by the federal government which is doing nothing with it. Imagine the impact of land being brought into active production and use whether that’s agriculture, timber, mining, camping, hunting… Kind of activity that will spur the economy. not to mention create taxable wealth for the government. Rather than letting it sit there and rot and burn which only wastes taxpayers’ money.

We welcomed back long-time guest, Myron Ebell (although it’s been a long time since we last spoke), who is now the chairman of American Lands Council.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info