Take Action – Demand Better Forest Management
Take Action Briefing
What: Demand better forest management to prevent forest fires
Who: Any one from any U.S. state. This affects all of us!
How: Contact your state and federal officials (quick link for contact info)
When: Now!
Why: Environmental policies based on fantasy and political agendas rather than actual science has led to decades of mismanagement in our National and State Forests. In 2017 alone over 1 million acres of prime forests have been destroyed. This is NOT normal and must stop now!
The Problem: Bad Policy is Causing Massive Forest Fires

Environmentalists have hijacked forest management, meaning they’re not managed at all. At the root of environmentalism, environmentalists believe mankind is not a part of nature. This leads to policies that urge forests and nature to be left alone and not managed at all. Fuel piles up, year after year, and it’s just a matter of time before a lightning strike lights the match.
This year, over 300,000 acres in Oregon have burned and the fires are growing. In Montana, 500,000 acres have burned. All across the West, in California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, forest fires are raging and it can all be traced to bad environmental policy.
Did you know that prior to the environmental policies of Bill Clinton, Oregon did not have one significant forest fire? Why? Because the forests were actively managed.
Did you know that by law Oregon is required to harvest timber from State lands and O & C lands and use the proceeds to fund schools and roads?
Did you know that Oregon’s three-member land board (governor, secretary of state and state treasurer) recently attempted to sell the Elliott Forest for pennies on the dollar so they wouldn’t have to bother to manage the timber — as required by law?
Did you know nearly one-third of Oregon’s counties are close to bankruptcy because they’re not allowed to log?
Demand Better Forest Management
Things you can do:
- Get educated! If you haven’t listened to our show on Oregon’s forest fires, head to the show page for tons of links and listen to the show. You will have plenty of information and ammunition to hit your representatives with.
- Contact your state representatives (see contact info, below). Tell them you are tired of these so-called environmental policies that allow our forests to burn. Point out that obviously these policies are NOT working and they must be changed to allow timber harvests. Money from trees is better than smoke and ashes. Trees grow back. This must end and it must end now. Send them a link to the show page and ask them, as their constituent, to listen to the show personally or at least have their staff listen.
- Contact your federal Congressman and both of your U.S. Senators. As with your state reps, demand change. Point out that the current hands off policy clearly is NOT working. It is time to end this nonsense. Feel free to send them a link to the show page as well and ask them to listen to the show. Or send them a direct link to the free podcast. (Note: podcast not available until Monday after noon.)
- If you’re an Oregonian, contact the Governor, Secretary of State, and State Treasurer. These three make up the state land board. Again, demand change and point out that the current policy of let-it-burn is clearly not working.
Contact Information
- State – Don’t who your state representatives are? Need their contact info? Problem solved! Get it here. Just type in your address and get your state representative’s and senator’s phone and email.
- Federal – Go to this link, click on your state, and then type in your address to find your Congressman and your two U.S. Senators. This works for any state. (Or just jump here for Oregon’s search page.)
- Oregonians only – Contact the state land board members: contact Governor, Kate Brown; contact Secretary of State, Dennis Richardson (note: expand the “Executive Office” section for full contact info but his email is oregon.sos@oregon.gov); and contact the Oregon State Treasurer, Tobias Read. You may also submit a comment to the Dept. of State Lands to let staff know want changes to state policy.
Further Tips & Suggestions
Remember: when contacting your state and federal representatives, be polite but firm. There’s no need to call them names but you can and should point out that the current situation is failing and must be changed. You should definitely listen to the show on Oregon’s forest fires—you will have plenty of things you can discuss. You can also send them link (http://ispyradio.com/oregon-forest-fires) to our show and demand they listen to it and then take genuine management steps to end this environmental nonsense that does nothing to protect the environment.
These policies are NOT NORMAL! And they must end now.
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