What Hillary doesn’t Want you to Hear about Immigrant Vetting
Show Summary: Despite doing everything possible to not call the recent terrorist attacks “terrorist attacks,” Hillary is suddenly saying she thinks we need immigrant vetting. Not that she’ll turn any away, mind you, just that we need better vetting. We talk to two experts who know about this: Jeff Schwilk, a border security expert, and Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist. If anyone knows about proper vetting for immigrants from Islamic nations, it’s Kamal—and he lets us know what a real vetting program would take.
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Air Dates: Sept # & #, 2016 | Guest(s)
Suddenly, after Trump begins to surge and recent bombings (that Hillary didn’t think should be called bombings) Hillary now is calling for better immigrant vetting. Naturally, she did not say that immigrant vetting needs to focus on immigrants from Islamic countries but how realistic can vetting be while she still wants borders kept open and easy to cross and with no calls for fewer immigrants or refugees.
Maybe she wants to immigrant vetting from those ever-dangerous Scandanavian countries. You know, to keep the Vikings out.
But it’s typical of progressives like Hillary Clinton. They pretend that they can close their eyes and ears and wish it all better. Like, if you don’t call it a bombing (doing so would be irresponsible) then it really isn’t a bombing. This kind of world, that the progressives like to create, that makes the rest of us feel as if we’re living in Alice’s Wonderland, where up is down and down is up.
So, this week we wanted to take a closer look at what would it take to have an actual immigrant vetting system that could weed out those who want to do America harm.
To start we go to San Diego and welcome back border security expert Jeff Schwilk, who reveals what the federal government is now doing to save sanctuary cities. Tune in to hear the newest turn of a phrase and progressive repackaging with the introduction of “Welcoming Cities”. He discusses how they’re being brought into communities under the citizen’s radar and trying to put them in place without a vote taking place.
Then we talk with Kamal Saleem, and what he feels the U.S. must do to vet refugees that are coming into our country. He walks us through what a real immigrant vetting process would entail. And it is very exciting to hear what a real program would look like, why it can be effective, and why the FBI are missing the recent jihadists in our mists—even when people have called them to say we think this guy is radicalized.
Right now, Kamal is touring cities in Michigan and other states to overflow crowds. Don’t miss what Kamal is seeing in many states about the hope and excitement the Trump campaign is bringing to Evangelicals and to small churches.
Links Mentioned
- Jeff Schwilk’s recent oped on welcoming/sanctuary cities
- Kamal’s website is Koome Ministries
Links on Borders, Welcoming Cities (Segments 1 & 2)
- Busted! Hillary Clinton is funding the “welcoming cities” movement through her crooked Clinton Foundation!
- Special Report: Border crisis reality check (San Diego News Channel): Shocking new report from KUSI News in San Diego. Obama has ordered all Border Patrol agents on the Mexican border to release all illegal aliens they catch when they claim to be “refugees.”
- Ten Times in Past Two Years Terrorists Slipped Through Immigration Process (Breitbart, Sept 20th, 2016)
- WND article exposes the nationwide scam of “welcoming cities”
- Watch these slick “immigrant rights” group leaders sell this bleeding heart city council on their “proclamation” to make Imperial Beach a Welcoming City a couple weeks ago. Of course the council wouldn’t say no, lest they be labeled as “racist” or “deplorable”. Sound familiar?
Islamic Terrorism & Immigrant Vetting (Segments 3–6)
- Fox Host to WH Spokesperson: People with shrapnel in the shoulder don’t think this is a narrative battle (Breitbart, Sept. 19th, 2016)
- Revealed: Chicken shop terrorist’s mom AND wife both left the US for the Middle East days before attacks as ‘strict Muslim’ father claims he had no idea of his son’s plot (Daily Mail, Sept. 20th, 2016)
- Father of Chelsea Bomber Reported Rahami to FBI in 2014 (Breitbart, Sept 20th, 2016).
- Poll: 74% Voters Reject Obama’s Middle East Refugee Plan (Breitbart, Sept 20th, 2016)
- “Attack the infidels in their backyard”: New York bomber’s bloodied, bullet-ridden journal showing he was inspired by ISIS and Al-Qaeda leaders is pictured for the first time (UK Daily Mail, Sept 21st, 2016)
- Not Kamal but another former Muslim explains Why I am a Christian and no longer a Muslim