Why Oregon’s Health Care Lost Its Way—and Can It Recover?
Show Summary: It was only six years ago that Oregon had one of the health care systems and markets in the nation. But then Democrats “fixed it” with their zeal for universal health care. A look back—and can it be fixed?

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Air Dates: Nov 9 & 10, 2019 | Lisa Lettenmaier
There’s a scene in Star Trek III when the crew of the Enterprise have stolen the ship and they’re being pursued by the Excelsior, the newest, fastest ship in the Federation fleet. The Enterprise goes to warp and the Excelsior prepares to give chase—only to have the engines grind to a halt and come to a dead stop. Scotty turns to Dr. McCoy, hands him some bolts, and says, “Here, Doctor. From one surgeon to another. The more they overhaul the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.”
And that’s pretty much what happened to Oregon’s health care.
Oregon’s Health Care: What Happened?
What happened? In a word: Democrats. In their zeal to push Oregon into “universal health care,” also known as “single payer.” Or, more accurately, “socialized medicine.”
A Look Back at Oregon’s Health Care
This week, we’re joined by Lisa Lettenmaier, the owner and operator of Health Source Northwest. Lisa is our go-to expert for health care, especially the “unique aspects” of Oregon’s health care market, given our lurch toward socialized medicine.
It’s open enrollment time. Do you have an insurance plan? The deadline is Dec. 7th for Medicare and Dec. 15th for individuals. See HealthSourceNW.com
Oregon’s Health Care System Transformation
In 2013, then-Oregon-Governor John Kitzhaber, a huge proponent of single-payer/universal health care/socialized medicine introduced a grand plan for Oregon’s health care. It was generally known (in typical socialist lingo) as “Oregon’s health system transformation.”
Kitzhaber convinced Obama to spend billions on this new innovative health care system that was going to transform health care as we know it: improve care and lower costs. You read that correctly. We spent billions to lower costs.
It introduced regional monopolies known as “coordinated care organizations” (CCOs). This, despite studies that repeatedly shown that ACOs (associated care organizations, as they are known in Obamacare) do not save money. And do not improve care.
Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations
To set up these monopolies, they introduced legislation to bypass antitrust laws, violating the free market. The Oregon Health Authority (nice name, Nazis!) became the overseer of all things health. And the bureaucracies. Multiple layers of bureaucrats between you and your doctor. All of whom end up on Oregon’s PERS. A global budget that removed the ability to track monies allocated per patient. (Because that wouldn’t ever lead to abuse, grift, and corruption.) And a never-before seen cap on Medicare and Medicaid.
Basically, CCOs violated every free-market principle that would lower costs and improve care.
And, sadly, Oregon Republicans helped pass it. Yes, Republicans. How did this happen?
Useful Idiots: Oregon’s Republicans
Basically, the transformation was sold to gullible Republicans under the guise of “saving money” and “local control.” After the fact, they were “surprised” that this turned out to be a big giant push toward socialized medicine.
In reality, it shouldn’t have surprised any of them. Why? Because on the first page, the first paragraph of the bill it clearly said, “It is the intention of the Legislative Assembly to achieve the goals of universal access.” Yes. Universal health care. Single payer. No private health care. The finest that Venezuela has to offer.
True Stories of Socialized Medicine
Here’s a reminder: no democrat running for president has ever lived under socialism. Not one. That’s right. None of them have ever lived under universal health care. And yet Bernie and Warren and several others are pushing for both socialism and universal health care.
Know what’s funny? Have you noticed that when people in those universal health care systems run into trouble, they go to where there isn’t a universal health care system? Instead, they come here to the U.S. rather than waiting weeks or months for treatment.
Well, not everyone. Just the rich. And the politicians.
When you run into trouble in a universal health care system, you go to where there isn’t a universal health care system
Want some true stories from people who have lived under socialized medicine? See this thread on Twitter from Carlos Osweda.
Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.
Links Mentioned
- Lisa’s website is Health Source Northwest: www.healthsourcenw.com
- True stories from someone who has lived under universal health care, the end-game for Oregon’s health care transformation
- Trillium files antitrust suit against OHSU, Providence, Legacy claiming it is being blocked from Portland market (OregonLive, Oct 24, 2019)
Additional Links & Info
- US judge blocks Trump’s health insurance rule for immigrants (Democrat Herald, Nov 4, 2019)
- Gov. Kate Brown assembles Oregon committee to address health care costs (Statesman Journal, Oct 23, 2019)
- Panel discusses universal health care at Corvallis library (Democrat Herald, Oct 23, 2019)
- Obscure Model Puts a Price on Good Health—and Drives Down Drug Costs: Concept called QALY places dollar value on the health medicines can restore; ‘starting to influence decision-making’ (Wall Street Journal, Nov 4, 2019)
- Research for “single payer” health care (via Physicians for a National Health Program, a pro-single-payer organization)
- Don’t want to do abortions, sterilization, or assisted suicide? Tough. Or so says a NY Federal Judge: “Federal judge blocks HHS ‘conscience rule’ for health care workers. Rule was slated to go into effect November 22” (KTVZ, Nov 6, 2019)