Media Censorship: Turns out Conservatives do it too
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Show Summary: We’ve always thought that here in America that we have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, we’ve seen that’s not the case. Media Censorship: it’s not just Obama anymore. It’s Conservatives too. One journalist, shares his experience of being blackballed when he bucked the elites’ narrative.
Air Dates: May 7 & 8, 2016 | John Rosenthal

It’s not always big government we investigate. Sometimes it’s “big environment” and this week, it’s “big media.” We talk with author and political analyst, John Rosenthal, who covers European and transatlantic issues but has also extensively covered the Syrian civil war. John found out that if you don’t write what is the “approved narrative”—you don’t get published. And not just that, but they’ll try to destroy your reputation for daring to report the real news.
As Americans, we’ve always felt that we have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Well that’s not exactly true.
After listening to John’s story and what happened with his relationship with the National Review, a “conservative” magazine, we find that censorship is alive and well—and it’s coming from both sides of the media elites.
Media Censorship: Collusion
Much like Washington insiders who bow to their donors, the news insiders now demands journalists bow to the Washington establishment who want to create a narrative to support their policy ambitions. Tune in to catch this fascinating exposé on what’s really happening inside the news industry.
What’s especially shocking is not that it’s conservative sources doing this. Tune in to hear how conservatives conspired with the Obama administration to create a false narrative in Syria.
And it continues. This week, establishment news sources like Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard find themselves on the outside of the primary process and are actively attacking the presumptive nominee. These are the same elite who demanded Trump sign a loyalty oath but now they’re attacking him? What’s their motivation or fear? Is it that the media elite are losing their power?
We discuss this with John. But, even more chilling, are his accounts of how the news elites and the administration collude to use stories to create a political narrative—a narrative that has had deadly results. Just think about this: how many policies have we seen that are bad for America, but end up being good for the elite in power?
Links Mentioned
- The article that got John blackballed – John’s NRO article on the Houla Massacre
- John’s interview with The BRICs Post about that National Review Online story and their attempt to assassinate his character and credibility
- John’s website: www.trans-int.com
Related Links
- Sharyl Atkinson resigns from CBS after feeling the sting of CBS’s media censorship
- The refugee crisis is accelerating: Lampedusa swamped as refugees arrive daily (Reuters, Oct 2013)
- EU moves on granting visa-free travel to Turkish citizens (AP, May 6 2016)
- Rush Limbaugh: “Of course we distrust the media” (Limbaugh, April 19 2016)
- Remember that secret dinner the elite conservatives had with Obama soon after he was elected? Many of the attendees (Bill Kristol, George Will, etc.) are all attacking Trump now. Curious, wouldn’t you say?