Category: Culture

Is All that Liberal Hypocrisy about to Bite them in the Butt?

Is All that Liberal Hypocrisy about to Bite them in the Butt?

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Show Summary: Everyone knows the Left is nothing if not hypocritical. And examples of liberal hypocrisy abound. Like Madonna the tolerant liberal spewing hate at a march supporting democracy while rejecting the results of an election. Or Hillary mishandling over 1,000 highly classified emails but getting off scott free—while prosecuting a Navy sailor for having six photos of “sensitive” areas on his cell phone. But is all that hypocrisy about to bite them back?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month # & #, 2017 | Kathleen Saucier, Lt. Col (ret.) Jeffrey Addicott, & James Hirsen

More liberal hypocrisy - Al Gore the eco hypocriteLiberal hypocrisy not only thrives in D.C. and Hollywood but is often rewarded. The problem is, it’s not just “free speech” but their hate speech and hatred of anything they disagree with has ripple effects through society but the justice system as well.

We just finished up a proud tradition in America, the presidential inaugural celebration. We watched as President Trump was sworn into office and the solemnity of the moment when America invested him with the power to be the leader of the free world.

Liberal hypocrisy or just plain stupidity? But with all the excitement of the day, compare that to people on the Left were rioting and destroying property on the streets of DC—along with Congressional members who could have set an example of unity for the good of the country but instead chose to sit out the inaugural ceremony.

And then of course we saw the women’s march and the terrible tone they and many elites in Hollywood set, hypocritically spewing vile hate from their platform—about President Trump’s supposed hate speech. And this right on the heels of Inauguration Day’s pomp and circumstance.

More liberal hypocrisy - Russia was good when Obama was president now its badBut it’s not just hate speech. We’ve seen how Hillary Clinton broke the public trust by skirting federal laws to up a personal server that was proven to be hacked by foreign governments and used that private server to mishandle more than 1,000 classified emails. Was she punished? No. She was allowed to run for president despite flaunting the laws.

Meanwhile, a Navy sailor who took 6 pictures of sensitive areas of a submarine was sentenced to a year in federal court.  Both people did something wrong but the judicial system was clearly not blind and instead tipped the scales for the one who had money and power.
liberal hypocrisy - pro-illegal immigrant; but hating on Melania Trump, an actual legal immigrationThis week, we take on the double standards by interviewing Kathleen Saucier, mother of that Navy sailor, Kristian Saucier, along with his attorney Jeffrey Addicott.  You’ll hear the specific details of the double standards imposed on Saucier’s sentencing and what a President Trump might do to bring back some balance to the scales of justice—both for Kristian and for Hillary.  Since Mr. Addicott is  a world-renowned expert in terrorism law we discuss some of the new executive orders President Trump has put forward this past week.  Don’t miss our conversation about terrorist training camps on U.S. soil and their complicated relationship with the Constitution.

Fact: Obama issued 1,385 commutations and 212 pardons

Then we talk to media analyst James Hirsen (author of Tales from the Left Coast) about some of the outrageous examples of far-left attacks on President Trump and his family.  Listen to find out whether their hypocrisy is so out of control that it will finally cost them. And, if you want to do something about it, stay through to the end on how you can still see the movies without rewarding the studios that push these the hate-baiters.


Kathleen Saucier & Jeffrey Addicott (Segments 1–4)

James Hirsen (segments 5–6)

History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

Show Summary: Celebrating Inauguration Day Weekend! We explore the history and traditions of Inauguration Day in depth. Changes to the oath of office, parades, balls, Bibles, and how they became traditions.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Jan. 21 & 22, 2017 | Greg Leo

Answering the call of many Americans who were tired of Washington working for itself and not for them, President Trump gave an inaugural speech that declared today was the start of putting the people back in control of their government.  And his speech gave Americans the chance to witness once again the peaceful passing of power, without war, following our Constitution, which supersedes all those who have taken office.

Full Transcript of President Trump’s Inaugural Speech

John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.
John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address

So we take a look at the history and traditions of America’s Presidents taking power. The Inaugural Balls, the parade, even the Inaugural Speech itself. Some of these traditions date back to Washington but many of them are recent innovations.

Listen to hear about the President who stayed outside in the cold giving the longest inaugural address and then passed away 30 days later due to pneumonia.  Or hear about the president-elect and president who couldn’t even talk to each other as they rode to the Capitol for the inauguration, the different Bibles some presidents chose, and lots more.

America’s rich history comes to light this weekend as we watch President Trump take office.

Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural
Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural (click for larger view)

And just think. If it were up to the likes of Karl Rove, we’d be watching Hillary give her speech while Karl explained why the John Kasich/Marco Rublio ticket hadn’t reached out enough to Hispanics.

Thank the Lord!

Join us for a celebration of the traditions of Inauguration Day!


Links Mentioned

Historical Photos of Inauguration Day

Additional Traditions of Inauguration Day Links


Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Show Summary: Illegals and illegal activity. Foreigners and foreign interests. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for America’s current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and continue the decline. The world is officially turned upside down. This week, it’s all about foreigners and foreign interests as we explore the impact of illegal immigrants on our elections with William Gheen of ALIPAC and the impact of the Obama administration on our once proud standing in the world with bestselling author, Scott McEwen.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Oct 29 & 30, 2016 | William Ghenn & Scott McEwen

It is a wild, wild election cycle. It turns out the mainstream media is better protection for Hillary Clinton than the US Secret Service. The mainstream media is better protection for Hillary than the US Secret Service. But they haven’t been able to stop every bullet.

And while the mainstream media is throwing itself in front of every bullet headed toward Hillary, she is vulnerable on two fronts: her support for illegal immigrants and on foreign policy. Think about it. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for the current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and a warlike stance against Russia in the Middle East and bowing to Chinese influence in the South Pacific? The world is officially upside down.

Speaking of upside down, check out the video of Michael Moore endorsing Donald Trump. (warning! A lot of bad language but the substance is worth it)

Hillary Clinton liar liar pantsuit on fireWe start off with William Gheen of ALIPAC ( and the evidence of illegal immigrants voting—illegally!— in US elections. ALIPAC is leading a wave of protests across the U.S. (see links below for list and to add yours) against Hillary. They are even trying to take out a couple of sitting Congressmen.

Then we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the decline of the U.S. in world standing, thanks to the Hillary Clinton corrupt State Department. We’re losing allies and making enemies. And wikileaks is exposing the corruption. Scott is an expert in geopolitical issues, don’t miss his thoughts on Russian and China and the precarious position Hillary and eight years of Obama has left us in.

Links Mentioned

  • William Gheen’s organization is ALIPAC. Americans for Legal Immigration is the nation’s leading political action committee fighting against illegal immigration and for legal immigration.
  • Ryan faces tough reelection bid—as Speaker (The Hill, Oct. 27, 2016)
  • Check out their National Wave of Protests Against Hillary Clinton – start yours today!
  • Scott McEwen’s website is
  • His latest book is Ghost Sniper (July 2016) and his forthcoming book will be released in November – American Commander

Related Links

How to Destroy your Opposition—Legally | Klamath Dams & Clinton Cash

How to Destroy your Opposition—Legally | Klamath Dams & Clinton Cash

Show Summary: Nothing is ever dead for the political Left (not even voters). They just keep at it and at it and at it like a plague of ants. One of our early success stories here on I Spy Radio Show was exposing what was happening in the Klamath Basin and environmentalists’ effort to pull out four perfectly fine hydroelectric dams, under the guise of “saving fish” when what was really going on was a mass effort to push farmers off their land by depriving them of water. At the heart of the matter was the environmentalists’ blueprint: how the Left uses federal agencies and the legal system to destroy opposition and to enact their agenda. Really, it’s not unlike how Hillary Clinton uses “non-profit” laws to make herself and her cronies rich behind the scenes, all while claiming she’s doing it all for “charity.” We talk with attorney Larry Kogan about new efforts to remove the dams without Congressional approval and with Brett Smith, the artist behind the Clinton Cash graphic novel, based on the book by the same name.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Oct. 22nd & 23rd, 2016 | Larry Kogan & Brett Smith

When we were first cutting our teeth on the I Spy Radio Show, we were introduced to what was happening in the Klamath Basin and the effort to pull out four perfectly functioning hydroelectric dams but more importantly, it revealed how environmental activists worked.  Such as, they used public meetings laws but it turned out their meetings were not at all public—at least not anyone’s normal definition of it.  In fact, people who wanted to attend the “public meeting” had to sign non-disclosure agreements and agree to the end results of the meeting, before the meeting even happened.  Talk about a rigged deal. After multiple shows on the matter, including a whistleblower on how they manipulated their “scientific claims,” the effort to remove the dams died in Congress, which should have been the end of it.

But now we find out that it’s actually very much alive and efforts are in the works with two new deals having been put into place, which again happened out of the public eye. Attorney Lawrence Kogan ( walks us through the latest updates of how the environmental activists believe they have found the go around to take out the dams without bothering to get consent from a Congress that has already said no.  And it’s not just Oregon that is being slammed with this new effort, because the activists are going to use the very same method being used in Oregon to take out dams in Washington and Idaho.  Even worse:  if Hillary gets into office and can weaponize any of these agencies for her open-border, globalist government, we haven’t seen anything yet.

Clinton Cash

Clinton Cash graphic novel by Peter Schweizer, Chuck Dixon, and Brett SmithThen we talk with Brett Smith, the illustrator/artist for the graphic novel, Clinton Cash based on the book by Peter Schweizer.  Brett talks to us about how the right has missed opportunities to engage with youth and how the graphic novel version of Clinton Cash is designed to wake up the next generation to how the Clintons and politicians like them get around bothersome laws to enrich themselves, their donors, and their political operatives. Check out an excerpt via Breitbart: Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel’ Ad Shows How Hillary Clinton Helped Transfer U.S. Uranium to Russia and see for yourself.  Don’t miss our conversation with Brett and how this book is waking up the youth and that people like Brett refuse to surrender the culture war to the Left.

Because despite people like the Clintons, no one should be able to buy democracy.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • Interested in issues like the effort to pull out four perfectly fine hydroelectric dams on the Klamath? Check out Larry’s non-profit organization, The Institute for Trade, Standards and Sustainable Development at
  • Are you part of the grassroots effort to fight the dams? This is happening elsewhere. See This West is Our West — a regional networking site of coalition groups
Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad Part II (How moderates are radicalized)

Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad Part II (How moderates are radicalized)

Show Summary: Part II of our show with former cultural jihadist, Kamal Saleem. We will discuss recent terror attacks and their lack of guns or bombs—a new strategy? How are moderate Muslims “radicalized”? We get Kamal’s inside look at the conversion process and how to prevent it. With the huge influx of Muslim immigrants and refugees we get advice for individuals, families, business owners, and community and church leaders on how to interact and deal with new Muslim neighbors. Finally, we ask this former jihadist, what he thinks about Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, and whether they may have been infiltrated. Does Hillary have some secret executive orders she wants to push through?

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Original Air Dates: July 30 & 31, 2016 | Kamal Saleem

This Week:  We welcome back Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim and cultural jihadist, for the second half of our two-part show on the continuing spread of Islamic terrorism.  Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood, Kamal was sent to training camps starting at the young age of 7, to learn to kill “infidels” and cultural infiltration techniques.  Commissioned by a member of the Saudi royal family in the 1980s he came to America to destroy our western civilization, but due to a chance car accident, where he was helped through recovery by the very people he’d been sent to destroy, he converted to Christianity.

On Part I (in case you missed it you can go to show page 6-28 and listen to the free podcast) we learned how cultural jihadists and their techniques are inciting anger and divisiveness; terrorizing Americans, and subverting our culture and unique heritage through the acts of violence and far more subtle techniques. In this week’s show, Part II, we talk about recent Islamic attacks in Nice and other parts of France, the attack on the priest and other churches. these are different styles of attacks, using knives, axes, and trucks instead of bombs or guns. Is this a change in strategy?

But the main focus of the show is moderate Muslims are radicalized. Kamal takes us through the step-by-step approach of how a cultural jihadist changes peaceful Muslims into radical Islamic terrorists.

Are they really “radical”? Don’t miss how jihadists tap into elements of Islam.

With the increase in refugees coming into our country we also ask Kamal to give advice to individuals, business owners, and community and church leaders on how to deal with Muslim immigrants and refugees who end up in their community — or demand special treatment and accommodations at schools or in the workplace.

If Islam is opposed to democracy, why do democrats support Islam and Muslim immigrants?Given that democracy is the intellectual opposite of Islam, how ironic is it that the once-proud Democrat Party has rushed to embrace (and allow in) this voting bloc?

Don’t miss Kamal’s perception on whether the DNC has been infiltrated by Muslim radicals and his thoughts as a former cultural jihadist, about his thoughts on Hillary Clinton. Find out about her secret executive order she plans to push that, somehow, just didn’t make it into her national convention speech.

Links Mentioned

Kamal’s website is Koome Ministries – sign up for his newsletter and check out some of these great resources:

  • 13 Lessons on Political Islam (book) – “All Aspects of Political Islam Covered in Less than 100 Pages! Understanding all key facts of Islam, including Mohammed, basics of jihad, treatment of women and Islamic slavery. learning the ethics of Islam allow Muslims to deceive and harm kafirs (unbelievers).”
  • A 2-hour Koran (book) – making the infamously unreadable Koran digestible and readable
  • Unveiling the Beautiful Truth (DVD) – Intended especially for Christians and church leaders, this DVD offers solutions with the Do’s, the Don’t, the How to’s …to reach out, influence and evangelize the Muslim people with the love and redemptive message of Christ.  There is no other product available today as comprehensive, with the expertise of Kamal Saleem, Gen Jerry Boykin and Tom Doyle.”
  • Unveiling the Ugly Truth (DVD) – Intended for all audiences, but especially for those involved in politics, community leaders, and other leaders, this DVD exposes the Threat of Islamic Extremism.  There is no other product available today as comprehensive or so in-depth. Presented with the expertise of Kamal Saleem, Gen. Jerry Boykin, and Tom Doyle this DVD exposes the motivations of Islamic extremism and the dangers it poses.

Islam Links


  • U.N. Resolution 16/18 – the UN Bill Hillary will want to push through as an executive order link 1 and link 2. Stay tuned, we’ll have a more on this bill
Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again

Show Summary: Republican National Convention wraps up and a courageous Black man, Burgess Owens, speaks out against the horrific damage liberal ideology has done to the Black community

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Original Air Dates: June 23 & 24, 2016 | Burgess Owens & Brendan Kirby

Burgess Owens knows what it takes to be successful. He had a standout career in the NFL with the Jets before winning the Super Bowl with the Oakland Raiders in 1980. He has made his life’s mission to throw off the shackles of liberal ideology that has destroyed the once-proud Black communities he grew up in. Growing up in the South he talks about how he was raised to understand duty and honor of his youth and how that mindset has been corrupted by many in the Black community due to outside influences and organizations. His new book, Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps connects the ties between socialism and its infiltration and impact on the Black communities around the nation.

Tune in to hear his powerful story and to find out the origins of the NAACP, its real purpose, and how it and organizations like it have wrought devastation on the people it was supposedly designed to help but instead has done little more than keep the black community emotionally enslaved.

Tiffany Trump gives a speech at the 2016 National Republican ConventionThen we turn our attention to this week’s big political story, the RNC convention.  Brendan Kirby, Senior Political Writer for Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette, was at the convention all week and has “boots on the ground” insights for all of the highs and lows of the week.  What were the delegate’s reaction to the rules committee? How did they respond as events unfolded at convention? Was their unity or not?

Brendan gives us his first-hand information on Ted Cruz’s speech, the delegates’ reactions, and the morning-after reaction by his political supporters.  And what about those 30,000 protesters that were supposed to show up? We discuss the Trump family’s impact and what they’ve accomplished to move Donald Trump’s message into new areas for the GOP.  And don’t miss the impact of Trump’s acceptance speech and what it was like to be there on the convention floor. Unity at last? Or will liberalism continue to infect the nation?

Next week Part II of our show with Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist: How moderate Muslims are converted to become radical Islamic terrorists.

Links Mentioned

Related Links


The Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad

The Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad

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Show Summary: Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist, explains how events like the Orlando shooting and Dallas bear the fingerprints of jihad and the radical elements of Islam. (Cultural jihad is, just as it sounds, a jihad against American culture, Western ideology, liberty and freedom, and of course Christianity.) Foreign nations are funding fundamental Islamic schools; Obama’s signals to jihadists, and much more. Note: This is Part I of a two-part show.

Air Dates: July 9 & 10, 2016 | Kamal Saleem

We welcome back Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim and cultural jihadist for a two-part show on the continuing spread of Islamic terrorism.  Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood he was sent to training camps starting at the young age of 7, to learn to kill “infidels” and cultural infiltration techniques.  Commissioned by a member of the Saudi royal family in the 1980’s he came to America to destroy our western civilization, but instead due to a chance car accident, where he was helped through recovery by the very people he’d been sent to destroy, he converted to Christianity. Kamal is now president of Koome Ministries, the mission of which is to “see Ishmael redeemed.”

On this week’s show, you’ll learn how cultural jihadists and their techniques are inciting anger and divisiveness, terrorizing Americans, and subverting our culture and unique heritage, through the acts of violence and far more subtle techniques.

Cultural jihad in America, the Orlando shootingKamal picks apart the Orlando shooter and how his murder-spree was a prime example of how the Islamic holy month of Ramadan played an important role in his decision to unleash horror in Orlando, in a fulfillment of Islamic beliefs.  We also discuss the horrendous Dallas killings of so many police officers. How does this tie into the jihadists’ desires to incite anger and divisiveness?  Is this the type of fear and dissent being spread by cultural jihad? Is Obama actually fanning the flames of cultural jihadists’ goals?

And don’t miss how one foreign country is setting up schools for Islamists right here in America – and how much U.S. taxpayers are paying for them!

Next week Part II: How moderate Muslims are converted to become radical Islamic terrorists.

Links Mentioned

Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military

Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military

Show Summary (Show Promo): Make no doubt about it: Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military. We hear from former SEAL, Carl Higbie, on the attempt by the military to shut down his free speech. After capturing the second-most wanted terrorist in Iraq, the “Butcher of Fallujah”, his fellow teammates faced courts martial because Carl’s commanding officers sided with the terrorist over their own soldiers after he accused them of “abuse.” The Scott McEwen, who wrote the foreword to Carl’s book, weighs in on the damages that Hillary would do to the military, continuing Obama’s legacy.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 14 & 15, 2016 | Carl Higbie & Scott McEwen

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Our Constitutional rights are not forfeited once someone joins the military. Our brave military support and defend the Constitution.  But under Obama’s Administration and Hillary’s State Department the military has been reduced to a social Petri dish that has politicized all things—including orders given on the field of battle.  The politicians and bureaucrats’ actions are not only putting America at risk but is creating such a low morale that 90% of the military will not support Hillary and many of those will leave the military should Hillary be elected.

Last week we brought you the ugly story of a “conservative” news source blackballing a journalist because they were in line with the Obama administration on the narrative of Assad killing his own people in Syria, which wasn’t the case. This week, former SEAL, Carl Higbie, tells us his story about his commanding officers turning on their own troops in favor of a terrorist—and trying to ruin his career once he tried to tell the truth.

Carl shares with us the real-life experiences on the battlefield, the decisions that combat troops made to capture the second-most wanted terrorist, and the ugly betrayal those same troops met from their Obama-controlled commanders who tried to court martial them all based on the lies from the terrorist who accused them of “abuse” during his capture, all detailed in his latest book Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: A SEAL’s Story.  Listen to find out how the second most wanted terrorist, The Butcher of Fallujah, was able to manipulate the US Military into almost destroying his captors.

Then our second guest, former Oregonian, Scott McEwen, co-author of American Sniper and the bestselling Sniper Elite series, who is also an expert in military operations and what happened in the Benghazi attack, shares with us what a Hillary presidency would do to our military.

Scott knows all about Carl Higbie’s case (Scott wrote the foreword to Carl’s book) and doesn’t hold anything back on the travesty of what happened. We also discuss whether we will ever know the truth of what happened at Benghazi, the two new whistleblowers that have come forward about what actually happened that night in Benghazi, and how Obama’s administration is attempting to destroy and weaken the capability of what used to be the finest military in the world.

We also get a peek into his new book Ghost Sniper and updates on the movie for his first book of the Sniper Elite Series: Target America.  And stay tuned for his upcoming non-fiction book American Commander.

Links Mentioned

  • Carl Higbie’s latest book is Enemies, Foreign and Domestic and his previous book was Battle on The Home Front: A Navy SEAL’s mission to save the American dream. Both are available on or Barnes and Noble
  • Carl Higbie on Greta van Susteren
  • Scott’s newest book is Ghost Sniper, which will be released in early July but can be ordered now. See all of Scott’s books here.
  • US’s share of NATO spending has increased from 50% to 75%

Related Links


Thanks Democrats! Oregon’s Train Wreck

Thanks Democrats! Oregon’s Train Wreck

Show Summary: After a decade of one-party rule (just like China!), Oregon is headed for a financial train wreck. From the disastrous Obamacare-Kitzcare deal to insurance companies fleeing the state to state agencies on a spending spree  to counties going bankrupt. And despite this, one particular segment of health care has billions in profits—at taxpayer expense.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 30 & May 1, 2016 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott Jorgensen

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Oregon is in a world of hurt thanks to Democrat policies. Brace yourself for the coming train wreck.

We start off by talking with Lisa Lettenmaier of Health Source NW. Lisa is our “in house” expert on the insurance industry and the broader aspects of health care. She has been following the disastrous (for consumers) roll-out of Obamacare and its ugly stepchild, Oregon’s Health Care Transformation.

Tune in to hear her shine the light on Oregon’s insurance industry and why customers can expect to see huge rate increases in the next year.  There are some parts of the healthcare industry that are benefiting from Obamacare but it’s not the insurers as they face steeper and steeper declines in revenues.  Oregon has lost two more insurers in Oregon and another one on a national level.  Listen as we unpack the reasons they are leaving the state and what’s happening behind the scenes.

Oregon and Its Free-Spending Ways

Scott Jorgensen, the chief of staff for State Senator Whitsett, then joins us to share insights into the consequences of government attempting to push policies that force expensive programs (think Medicaid without federal funding).

The Oregon Democrat Leadership’s answer is to continue to raise taxes to pay for the spending spree.  Ask most Oregon voters and they’ll tell you that by our own state constitution we’re supposed to have a balanced budget; which, to many, means we don’t spend more than we take in. Well, not under Democrat leadership. It’s “balanced” because we borrow huge amounts to make it balanced.

Tune in to hear how much every man, woman, and child—all 4 million of us—are on the hook for under this new model of funding Oregon’s government.  And guess what? It’s only going to go up. Did you know we borrow money against Oregon Lottery Revenue? Talk about a gamble!

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Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Deniers? Plus a new movie: “Climate Hustle”

Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Deniers? Plus a new movie: “Climate Hustle”

Show Summary: An exciting new movie is coming out: Climate Hustle, which destroys many of the sacred myths of the Global Warming Alarmists, like the whole 97%  catch phrase. Plus, it’s no fiction—the Obama Administration wants to prosecute Global Warming Deniers. Except our guest has the evidence to turn the tables on Obama and his Nazi-like thought police.

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 23 & 24, 2016 | Paul Driessen & Ron Arnold

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It’s not really “news” that Obama and his administration hate dissent.  If you don’t think in the right way be prepared for the Attorney General’s minions to be knocking on your door, ready to lock you up.  Ever heard of RICO? That’s the legal tool that Obama’s attorney general is asking the FBI to consider using to prosecute scientists and corporations who are “deniers” of global warming, aka climate change. Astounding. Except one of our guests has the goods on the Alarmists.

Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that it’s America in the 21st century and not 1930s Nazi Germany. Fortunately, we have some very brave patriots on the side of true science who are not going to stand for the treatment Obama’s administration is willing to dish.

Climate Hustle: the Movie

Climate Hustle the Movie - are they trying to control the climate… or you?
“Are they trying to control the climate… or you?”

Our first guest, Paul Driessen, is part of that has been leading the effort against the global warming alarmists and they have a new movie coming out: Climate Hustle.  They go after the false notion (yet so oft repeated in the press) that 97% of scientists believe there is climate warming and much, much more.

The movie is a national, one-day release on May 2nd with many showings in Oregon (including Salem, Eugene, Portland and many other cities) and across the United States. Just go to to find theater locations and times.  This is definitely a don’t-miss movie for all you global warming deniers out there!

Plus! We’ll be giving away some tickets, stay tuned for details — or send an email now to be sure to notified about the contest.

Obama to Unleash FBI on Global Warming Deniers?

Global Warming Alarmists' mindset: The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.Then our second guest, Ron Arnold, returns to I Spy Radio to give us the insights into the secret e-mails and documents he obtained that shows collusion by attorneys general offices, criminal manipulation by the State Department, and even the involvement of college professors who plan to “get” the global warming deniers.

Don’t miss this shocking interview with a behind-the-scenes peek at the Far-Left’s attempt to lock up people who refuse to buy into their agendas.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact Global Warming is a $1.5 trillion industry? Is that why Obama and his minions are trying so hard to silence the deniers? (See what a trillion looks like and check out this infographic.)

Links Mentioned

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