Category: Establishment

Mainstream media is lying by ignoring

Mainstream media is lying by ignoring

Show Summary: While the mainstream media is inventing news about alleged “Russian hacking” there are calls for war from Muslims—right in the middle of London. Former jihadist, Kamal Saleem, on the terrifying aspects of what these Islamists are really calling for and explains why. Plus, bestselling author Scott McEwen (of American Sniper fame) on what his intelligence agency contacts tell him about the alleged Russian hack, his friend Ryan Zinke’s appointment to Department of Interior, and what it means for the movement for the transfer of public lands to the states.

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Air Dates: Dec 17 & 18, 2016 | Kamal Saleem & Scott McEwen

With the mainstream media so focused on inventing news about the alleged “Russian hacking” of our election, there is a lot of real news that’s being ignored—like open calls for war and rebellion from Muslim immigrants right in the heart of London.

We’ll talk with Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist who came to America to destroy it from within but after an accident changed his life, he converted to Christianity. He is now the president of Koome Ministries, which has as its mission to wake up the Church and alert Americans about the un-discussed dangers of Islam and how they really are at war with America, whether America wants to admit it or not.

Then we talk with New York Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the alleged Russian hack and what his military sources are telling him. Also, Scott’s latest book is American Commander, which follows the life and career of Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL who became a SEAL trainer. Zinke explains his never-surrender, always-win attitude as he trains the next generation of SEALs. Now that Zinke has been nominated as the Secretary of the Interior, what will this winning mentality mean to this failing federal department?

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Kamal Saleem’s Segments

Scott McEwen’s Segments


Hillary Clinton Exposed

Hillary Clinton Exposed

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Show Summary: Hillary Clinton exposed (God help us). We looked at the roots of her most-recent scandal: the hack into the DNC’s, DCCC’s (Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee), and Hillary’s own campaign’s emails. Next week we’ll continue our look at what a Hillary Clinton administration would look like—especially her immigration policies and how they are so vastly different from Donald Trump’s policies. So much for the whole “lesser of two evils” meme. This is the first in a series of shows between now and the election that will put Hillary under the microscope. You know, because the mainstream media is so much more interested in what Trump said than what Hillary actually did.

Original Air Dates: Aug. 6, 7, and 8, 2016 | Guests: James Hirsen & William Gheen

Have you ever seen a candidate so completely disappear the week after their convention? Such is the case with Hillary, the Invisible Woman. A week after her convention, she’s nearly completely disappeared from news coverage. Instead, the media is apoplectic in its coverage of something Donald Trump might have said or thought or wondered about.

Hillary Clinton - if you'd stop asking me questions, I could stop lyingUnlike the rest of the media, we are beginning a series of shows that are going to focus on Hillary’s actions.  Instead of looking at some “horrible” thing that Donald Trump might or might not have said, we’re going to be looking at what Hillary Clinton has actually done. This week it starts with a look at her hacked emails. This is not her private server it’s the hacking of her emails and the security breech they caused for three different Democrat organizations. And then we’ll take a look at her secret weapon for amnesty: Paul Ryan. Yes, Paul Ryan the Republican Speaker of the House.

Hillary Clinton Yoga Pants Code Name for BenghaziWe start off with James Hirsen, author of Tales from the Left Coast: True Stories of Hollywood Stars and their Outrageous Politics, and discuss his fascinating, in-depth article on the multiple e-mail hacks Hillary caused — all because she wanted to keep her private emails out of the public eye.  Tune in to hear how she refused help and how doing so exposed three Democrat organizations and countless others. Clearly, she’s guarding her private e-mails, especially the Clinton Foundation emails, as if they were state secrets. But have they been breached?

Hillary Clinton's devastation - I didn't intentionally do itThen we turn to William Gheen of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration), who is very focused on the Paul Ryan campaign and Ryan’s support for Hillary’s immigration plan.  Don’t miss what Clinton’s VP pick, Time Kaine, said on Spanish-language Telemundo about Paul Ryan and how he is Hillary’s secret weapon to push her open border plan through Congress.

Of course none of this information makes it into Paul Ryan’s campaign ads. Instead he claims he’s for “secure borders” despite fully funding Obama’s refugee and illegal immigrant programs. Ryan has even said he’ll block Trump’s immigration reforms. ALIPAC is going all out to defeat Ryan and his blatant lies—tune in to hear the full extent of them. Paul Ryan’s primary is this Tuesday. Want to stop “Lyin’ Paul Ryan”? See below for links and information to help #DumpRyan.

Links Mentioned

Help stop Paul Ryan:

  • Make phone calls – ALIPAC will send you a script and a list of phone numbers. Email William Gheen now to get your list and get going
  • Visit ALIPAC and/or Paul Nehlen’s website to make a donation to support ads, phone calls, emails, and other get-out-the-vote efforts. Believe it or not, $10, 25, or $50 or more go a long way! In many cases, a single ad on a radio station for $25–$50 can be heard by thousands of voters!
  • Contact any friends or family you have in Wisconsin
  • Visit Paul Ryan’s Facebook page to see his latest ad claiming he’s all for border security and to see what people are saying and why he needs to go. Be sure to comment!

Hillary Clinton Links

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Media Censorship: Turns out Conservatives do it too

Media Censorship: Turns out Conservatives do it too

Show Summary: We’ve always thought that here in America that we have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, we’ve seen that’s not the case. Media Censorship: it’s not just Obama anymore. It’s Conservatives too. One journalist, shares his experience of being blackballed when he bucked the elites’ narrative.

Air Dates: May 7 & 8, 2016 | John Rosenthal

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It’s not always big government we investigate.  Sometimes it’s “big environment” and this week, it’s “big media.”  We talk with author and political analyst, John Rosenthal, who covers European and transatlantic issues but has also extensively covered the Syrian civil war. John found out that if you don’t write what is the “approved narrative”—you don’t get published. And not just that, but they’ll try to destroy your reputation for daring to report the real news.

As Americans, we’ve always felt that we have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Well that’s not exactly true.

After listening to John’s story and what happened with his relationship with the National Review, a “conservative” magazine, we find that censorship is alive and well—and it’s coming from both sides of the media elites.

Media Censorship: Collusion

Much like Washington insiders who bow to their donors, the news insiders now demands journalists bow to the Washington establishment who want to create a narrative to support their policy ambitions. Tune in to catch this fascinating exposé on what’s really happening inside the news industry.

What’s especially shocking is not that it’s conservative sources doing this. Tune in to hear how conservatives conspired with the Obama administration to create a false narrative in Syria.

And it continues. This week, establishment news sources like Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard find themselves on the outside of the primary process and are actively attacking the presumptive nominee. These are the same elite who demanded Trump sign a loyalty oath but now they’re attacking him? What’s their motivation or fear? Is it that the media elite are losing their power?

We discuss this with John.  But, even more chilling, are his accounts of how the news elites and the administration collude to use stories to create a political narrative—a narrative that has had deadly results. Just think about this: how many policies have we seen that are bad for America, but end up being good for the elite in power?

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