Category: Pro-Life

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

Show 15-01 Summary: If Oregon’s newly elected attorney general’s scheme of a “Federal Oversight Cabinet”—stacked with the furthest of the Far-Left—is any indicator, then Oregon is in for a world of hurt. Even worse when you take into account the Democrats have supermajorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and Oregon’s judicial system has had some 40 years of Democrat appointments. Can anything stop Oregon’s schemes to lurch left? There just may be a way to avoid this.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 4th and 5th, 2025 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – Oregon’s Schemes

In a nutshell, Oregon’s schemes will be to lurch to the far left as fast as possible. And with the Democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and some 40 years of Democrat appointments to Oregon’s judicial system, there is precious little that can be done to stop them.

So what is on the Oregon Democrats’ agenda? Spending is at the top of the list. As is further indoctrination of kids. Which means far-left school administrators and teachers in failing public schools will need even more money. And with more spending will come more taxes. Will we see that longtime dream of Oregon democrats finally pass: a sales tax? Quite likely. But they’ll call it something else so the uninformed peasants don’t revolt. (You can see why indoctrination is more important than education in Oregon’s schools.)

The government has been protecting us from climate change since the Mayans.
Government protecting us from climate change

But that’s hardly the end of Oregon’s schemes. Climate Change (meaning spending money on it — which means giving away taxpayer dollars to the Far Left) will be the highest priority. Because nothing saves the Earth like burning money. Which is why have fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese on, to debunk it.

The Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes

There are two wrenches in Oregon’s schemes. One is reality. Sadly, we can’t control when reality will rear its ugly head and bite Democrats in the ass. (See what we did there?) But the other is money. And this is where it will get interesting.

Here’s a fact: Oregon got nearly one-third of its most recent biennium budget from the federal government.

Oregon’s new attorney general has set up what he calls, “The Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet” and staffed it with executives from far-left organizations and unions. It’s to represent all Oregonians. So apparently, conservatives in Oregon don’t exist. Got it.

The main purpose of the Injustice League is defy federal law. And to help hide illegal immigrants from being deported. Because no one is above the law accept illegal immigrants and the government officials who help hide them. Not to mention, it’s defying democracy and the recent election. Which sounds pretty insurrection-y. (Hint to the “attorney” general: the Constitution gives the federal government oversight of states, not the other way around.)

So is this the wrench? Democrats’ defiance of federal law could mean Oregon’s schemes fall apart. Because so much of them depend on all that federal government money.

How Long Before Oregon Tires of Being the Stupid Kid?

Climate Change reality: Antarctic sea ice extent is 17% higher today than it was in 1979. Ice doesn't lie, but climate scientists do.
Another wrench in Oregon’s schemes. Whoops.

We talk with Chuck Wiese about the Global Warming religion and how nothing Oregon wants to do (spend) will make any difference. Not to global temperatures. Not to CO2 levels. Which is not and does not drive Global Warming.

Oregon’s schemes depend on (indoctrinated) people being gullible enough to believe in Global Warming. It depends on federal dollars. If the dollars are cut off because they are defying federal law, where will Oregon democrats get the billions of dollars they need to push their far-left schemes?

But it’s more than just money. Without the federal government wasting 100s of billions of dollars on far-left environmentalism, “green” energy (it’s not green) may also collapse without all those subsidies, mandates, and taxpayer cash. Is this the year Global Warming starts to fall apart?

If what’s happening in Europe right now, the Global Warming movement may just collapse.

Save the Earth from people’s stupidity. And save a lot of money.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Will Oregon Get Banned From Federal Funds? Attorney General-elect Dan Rayfield establishes Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet (NW Observer, Dec 28, 2024)
  • [Washington] State policy on trust lands strikes right balance (The Everett Herald, Dec 28, 2024)
    • Meanwhile, Oregon’s Department of Forestry is so mismanaged, they just went insolvent by not harvesting trees. See Show 14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent.
    • This at a time when timber prices are about to go up? “Expect Price Hikes — USA to Ramp Up Duties on Canadian Lumber?” (Wood Central, Dec 29, 2024). 
    • We should be making more money than ever on our timber but we’re locking up our state forest lands to make less than ever.
  • Why are we locking up our forests? Because of the misguided “Habitat Conservation Plan” to “protect” endangered species.
  • Electric car sales are slowing in the US and Europe as both fans and skeptics share concerns (AP, Nov 28, 2024)
  • Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire (Gatestone Institute, December 27, 2024)
    • “Dunkelflaute” [“Dunkel Flout-eh”} is the German word for Literally “flat, dark calm.”  A weather situation characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter—when, it so happens, demand for electricity is at its highest.
    • These episodes can last from a few days to several weeks
    • On December 12 of this year, German electricity production from wind and solar power was 1/30th the demand for it.
  • AI Data Centers Are Causing ‘Distortions’ in the Power Grid from Coast to Coast (Breitbart, Dec 31, 2024)
  • Oregon Adopts Climate Protection Program Rules (Natural Resource Rep, Dec 1, 2024)
  • Crescent Dunes: Biden DOJ Moved on Election Night to Cover Up Alleged Solar Energy Scandal that Cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions (Breitbart, Nov 25, 2024). 
  • Oregon awarded nearly $200M in federal funding to boost climate action programs (OPB, July 22, 2024)
  • Divest Oregon’s Summary and Analysis of the Oregon Net Zero Plan (via
14-47 Oregon’s Elections: A Deeper Shade of Blue. Is Oregon Hopeless and Helpless?

14-47 Oregon’s Elections: A Deeper Shade of Blue. Is Oregon Hopeless and Helpless?

Show 14-47 Summary: In 2024, Republicans won the White House, the House, and the Senate. Other states went red. And in county after county, Trump gained support. Even among practically every demographic group. But while so much of the rest of the country went red, Oregon’s elections went a deeper shade of blue—with super majorities now in the house and senate. Is Oregon destined to be California’s mini-me? Or can Republicans save Oregon from itself? And what is on the way for Oregon with democrats in charge of everything? Brace yourself.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 23rd & 24th, 2024 | Guest: Rep. Ed Diehl

This Week – Oregon’s Elections. What Happened?

While Oregon wasn’t part of it, the rest of the nation voted for a better economy, smaller government, secure borders, free speech, protecting farms, schools that actually teach, and city streets free of crime. Already, Trump’s nominations are causing the Deep State to panic. But he seems committed to keep his promise to downsize and even eliminate agencies.

But not Oregon. For Republicans, Oregon took a disastrous turn as Democrats won all three statewide races (Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Attorney General). And they won a super majority in the state senate and nearly certainly will win a super majority in the house.

After Oregon’s Election, Is there Any Hope Left?

If you remember your Greek mythology, curious Pandora couldn’t resist opening the box and let out sickness, death, and other miseries. That feels like what Oregon just did to itself.

After Oregon’s elections, the prospects of a Democrat super majority in both the state house and senate is a grim reality. Every item on the Democrat wish list of miseries for the state is knocking on the box lid. Demanding to be let out. Taxes and more spending for sure, along with more environmental, “green” energy, and carbon scheme mandates to drive up costs on everything.

But they also have a problem.  Biden’s federal cash flow spigot will soon be turned off. No more federal money rolling into Oregon’s coffers to hide the deficit budget problems like PERS’ huge debt that’s causing school districts and county agencies to feel that debt.

So what can Republicans do?  Like the only thing left in Pandora’s box, Oregon has hope. That’s what we discuss with our guest, Representative Ed Diehl (HD-17).  We take a hard look at Oregon’s election and what Oregonians will be facing. And we discuss the national elections, how other states made big changes, what went right in other states, and why didn’t it go right in Oregon.

See Ed Diehl’s website, for more about Ed and news and information. Follow Ed on X (formerly Twitter), @Real_EdDiehl

We also discuss the sole remaining (as of November 21) undecided house seat—Tracy Cramer’s in HD22—from Oregon’s elections. A race that will decide whether democrats get a super majority in Oregon’s house. Also, possible election fraud, and what about Oregon’s voter rolls? And what are we likely to see out of a democrat dual super majority.

And then in a future Part II, Ed will come back—likely after the holidays—to discuss changes and new directions to turn Oregon—yes, Oregon—red.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Listen to Mark’s April 2023 speech to the Capital City Republican Women, mentioned in the opener. Pretty much everything he said to needed to win Oregon in 2024, Republicans in other states did.
  • Around the Halls: Scott Brown’s Special Election Victory and the Congressional Agenda (Brookings University, Jan 20, 2010)
  • Ed Diehl’s website, for more about Ed and news and information. Follow Ed on X (formerly Twitter), @Real_EdDiehl
  • Biden authorizes Ukraine to strike Russia with U.S.-supplied long-range missiles (NBC News, Nov 17, 2024)
  • Shocking real reason Biden OK’d Ukraine use of U.S. longer-range missiles against Russia (World Net Daily, Nov 19, 2024)
    • This [escalation] entirely has to do with trying to tie Trump’s hands to a war, dampening his ability to achieve the agenda that the American people want him to achieve.” According to Gaub, “This has been in the [Left’s] plan for quite a while, in anticipation of the landslide victory that occurred earlier this month.”
  • SB870: Nation Popular Vote Interstate Compact – (Oregon Legislative Information Services, 2019), (Wikipedia, no date)
    • If enough states had joined before 2024, all of Oregon’s electoral votes would have gone to Trump—thanks to the democrats.
  • Attorney Matthew DePerno and the RNC Stop Thousands Of Duplicate Ballots From Being Counted (Trending Politics, October 30, 2024
  • Drazan selected as new House GOP leader (Oregon Catalyst, Nov 19, 2024)
  • 9 races that could determine the balance of power in the Oregon Legislature (OPB Oct, 22, 2024)


14-42 Get Out of the Pew | Why Christians Need to Vote

14-42 Get Out of the Pew | Why Christians Need to Vote

Show 14-42 Summary: This week we bring you a very important show, one that could change the outcome: why Christians need to vote. In 2020 the official margin of victory was some 10 million votes. But all that was needed for an electoral college win was a few 10s of thousands in the swing states. A recent study, found that 73 million Christians might sit out the 2024 election. We talk Lew Wootan, a protestant/evangelical pastor, and Tommy Valentine, from CatholicVote, to get their perspectives on should Christians vote, why don’t they, and how do we get Christians to vote?

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 19, 2024 | Guests: Lew Wootan & Tommy Valentine

This Week – Why Christians Need to Vote

Why do some people not take action when, if they did, they could have a major impact? And this is especially true of Christians. Who, ironically, are called to be the salt and light of the Earth. That doesn’t mean just standing there. It means doing something. Taking action.

And yet, according to one study, up to 73 million American Christians, may not vote in the 2024 election. Even if just half of them voted it would ensure victory against a Kamala Harris administration that has proven to be hostile to Christians and to Christianity. So why sit out the election?

This week we talk about should Christians vote, why don’t Christians vote, and how do we get Christians to vote. It’s time to get out of the pew and into the voting booth.

Why Christians Need to Vote: Protestant/Evangelical Perspective

First up, we talk with Pastor Lew Wootan from The River Church in Salem, Oregon. Pastor Lew walks us through why Christians should definitely vote and be engaged. And some of the bad information that would encourage Christians not to vote. As Pastor Lew sees it, churches that are not engaged, and pastors that encourage Christians not to be engaged, have a wrong perception about the duty of Christians. Which is to be engaged and active rather than invisible.

Pastor Lew especially takes aim at the notion that we are to be “in the world but not of the world” and how that has been wrongly used to disengage Christians from society.

Tune in to hear from an evangelical perspective not just why Christians need to vote but why Christians absolutely need to vote.

Why Christians Need to Vote: Catholic Perspective

And then we talk with Tommy Valentine, the director of the Catholic Accountability Project at CatholicVote—the nation’s largest lay Catholic advocacy organization. Tommy helps lead CatholicVote’s efforts to keep a watchful eye on Catholic institutions and politicians—yes, we ask him about Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden—as well as defending Catholics in the public square.

Why Christians Need to Vote - CBS Banned CatholicVote’s Commercial
See why CBS banned CatholicVote’s devastating ad against Kamala Harris (click to watch)

CatholicVote came to our attention after several news sources broke the story that CBS refused to air their devastating ad against Kamala Harris’s attack on children. Including mutilating transgender surgeries.

Let’s not forget. The Biden/Harris administration has been openly hostile to Christians of all faiths. Biden/Kamala sent the FBI to spy on Christian parents who went to school board meetings to protest woke, anti-Christian ideology being pushed on their children. Biden and Kamala have defended pornography in school libraries. And they have completely destroyed the protections for girls and women in favor of biological men when they rewrote Title IX. (See our previous show on Biden/Harris destroying Title IX.)

GREAT post on X about Catholics being able to decide the election, and democrats’ open hostility toward Christians—especially Catholics, whom they label as “extremists.”

We get the Catholic perspective on why Christians need to vote in 2024. And some great ideas Catholic churches have to get Christians to vote — by bringing the voting booth into the church.

And don’t miss the discussion from both our guests about the spiritual war happening right now in America.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • The River Church’s website is;
  • CatholicVote, Tommy Valentine’s organization’s website is
  • Study: Millions of Christians not planning to vote this November, could shape election: Study (Just the News, October 7, 2024)
    • “Christians could be the deciding factor in a bunch of federal and state races – and are choosing not to be.”
  • Why (and how) Christians should vote (, September 22, 2020)
    • “Christians have both a civic and a Christian responsibility to vote. … [To] vote is the beginning of our civic duty of Christians.”
  • Great thread on X from CatholicVote, re democrats’ attacks on Catholics and that it must end – Example of the attacks Gov Whitmer, one of the most prominent democrats in the country mocking the Eucharist.
  • Kamala’s Desperate Push For Black Voters, CBS Editing Scandal Gets Worse, And Plagiarism Experts. (CatholicVote, X, Oct 16, 2024)

Articles Mentioned

Related Info


13-24 What a Former Communist Activist Can Teach the Right about Winning

13-24 What a Former Communist Activist Can Teach the Right about Winning

Show 13-24 Summary: At a time when Oregon Republican senators had the win locked up, but chose defeat instead, maybe a former communist can teach them something about winning. Farehlee Nelson, a former activist for Earth First and a lobbyist for such organizations as Greenpeace, joins us this week to tell us about her conversion story and her efforts to unify conservatives in Oregon.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: June 17th & 18th, 2023 | Guest: Farehlee Nilsson

This Week – A Former Communist Defects to the Right

Here on I Spy Radio, we’ve interviewed many people who’ve made studying and researching and dissecting and exposing the Far Left their life’s mission. Ron Arnold, Trevor Loudon, JoAnne Nova, Ron Rychlak and Lt. Gen. Ian Pacepa, and too many others to list. But it’s rare that we get to talk directly to a former communist. Who now wants to expose the Left. And teach the Right how to use some of the same successful tactics to win.

Win. In Oregon? Yes, it’s possible. Tune in to hear her journey getting deep into the Left. And her conversion story that woke her up to what the Left was all about.

We’ll have Farehlee back as soon as we can after the Fourth of July. We’ll dig even deeper into tactics and operations. And one thing we’d definitely like to know about: infiltrating your enemy.

Because something is seriously wrong with Oregon’s elected “Republicans.”

Oregon Republican Senate Walkout Update

After last week’s show with Senator Dennis Linthicum, things were looking great to stop HB2002. Not to mention stopping a bunch of other terrible bills Oregon’s democrats were ready to shove through with their slim margins.

All Republicans in the Senate had to do was continue to deny quorum and the bills were dead. Just hang on for another couple of weeks.

But then out the blue, Senate Minority Leader, Tim Knopp, gave in. Strike the colors and raise the white flag. He and at least two other republicans gave the democrats the bodies they needed for quorum.

What happened?

Don’t miss next week. We’ll talk with Sen. Dennis Linthicum to find out what happened.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

13-23 The Truth about the Oregon Republican Senator Walkout | HB2002

13-23 The Truth about the Oregon Republican Senator Walkout | HB2002

Show 13-23 Summary: Unsurprisingly, the Oregon democrats and their media have been spinning a lot of lies about the Republican Senators walkout. They’re saying Republicans are refusing to come to work. A dereliction of duty. A vacation on the taxpayers’ dime. Weird. What do democrats call not showing up for work when public unions do it? Could it be a “strike”? But the democrats are also lying about why the republican senators walked out. HB2002. The democrats are claiming this is an important, emergency abortion rights bill, given the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. But they’re lying about that too. HB2002 is perhaps the most extreme, Far Left bill ever passed in Oregon. Tune in and keep reading to find out why.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: June 10th & 11th, 2023 | Guest: Senator Dennis Linthicum

This Week – The Truth about Oregon Senate Republicans’ Walkout

Oregon Republican Senators walked out of the legislature in early May 2023. Doing so denied the democrats the needed legislative quorum to pass any bills at all. The reason is simple. The democrats, who lost seats in both the Oregon house and the Oregon senate but still act like they have a super majority, refused to compromise the extreme far left bill, HB 2002. (Sometimes also called HB2002B.) And while HB 2002 alone would have been enough to make any sane person walk out it wasn’t just HB2002. It was also to stop other far-left bills such as HB2005, an anti-Second-Amendment gun grab bill. And bills that would steal Oregonians’ kicker refund. Not just this year but forever.

But make no mistake. The real reason the Republican senators walked out was to stop HB2002.

The Reason for the Walkout: HB2002

HB2002 is perhaps the most extreme far-left ideology bill of all times to come out of Oregon.

Long-time listeners of I Spy Radio already know that under Oregon’s “healthcare transformation,” much of what HB2002 proposes is already in place. Thanks to Oregon’s Healthcare Authority (there’s that Nazi-esque name again), underage girls can already get abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Why and how? Because the OHA changed the insurance rules covering children from FERPA to HIPPA.

Remember when you couldn’t get aspirin from the school nurse without your parents’ consent? That’s because the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (or FERPA), acknowledged that parents have the ultimate say about their child’s health. And the raising of them. But the OHA changed the guidelines from FERPA to HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). You might know about HIPPA. Because that’s the health care privacy that guides adult insurance policies.

In other words, the OHA now treats all children as if they are adults. Allowing them to make adult decisions about their own healthcare, including mental health. And parents have no rights to know or to “interfere”. The only right parents have is the right to pay for whatever their child wants.

What Oregon democrats want to do with HB2002 is to codify this extreme, anti-parent, far-left ideology into law. Why? Because laws are much harder to undo.

And let’s not forget. The democrats nearly lost the governor’s office in 2022. This is why the democrats are so willing to sell everything to try to get HB2002 through.

So what’s in HB 2002? Read on.

The Truth about Oregon’s HB2002

The Oregon democrats are desperate to confuse people about HB2002 and what it does. What they say it does is guarantee abortion rights and access. It’s an emergency! Women have to have access now that the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade. Well. To use one of Biden’s favorite terms, that’s malarkey.

Women already have access to abortion in Oregon. Hell. Women and children can come here from other states and get abortions. For free if they claim they can’t afford it. Those are already in Oregon law. And absolutely nothing about Dobbs or the overturning of Roe v. Wade changed any of that.

If that’s the case, why are the democrats claiming that’s all there is about HB2002 as if guaranteeing “access” to abortion is the sole and only purpose of HB2002. Well, probably they don’t want people to know what’s really in the bill.

What’s in HB2002

So here’s what’s really in the bill. HB2002 would…

  • Lower the age girls could get an abortion without parental consent to, effectively, zero. Girls can already do this as young as 10. HB2002 makes it age 8 but technically could be lower.
  • Allow children from other states to come here and get abortions. Yes, HB2002 is a great boon for human trafficking. If girls as young 12 or 10 or 8 are getting pregnant a crime has occurred. HB2002 hides the evidence from police and from parents.
  • Allow children to get life-altering puberty blockers. without parental knowledge or consent.
  • It would allow children to get permanent “gender affirming” surgeries. On their own. Without parental consent or knowledge.
  • Allow teachers to indoctrinate children about gay, lesbian, transgender, and all the rest. Without parental knowledge or consent.
  • Punish those who oppose any of the above far-left ideologies.
    • If health care providers refuse or attempt to refuse to provide mental health care that affirms a child’s confusion, they can lose their license.
    • Health care providers who refuse to perform permanent, irreversible surgeries on children, they can be fined and/or lose their license.
    • If you interfere with the operation of an abortion clinic, you can be fined or jailed. “Interfere” is open for interpretation. Does that include simple protesting outside a clinic? Or posting critical social media posts about abortion or clinics?

What you can do about HB2002

Speak up! Don’t be silent!

  • HB2002 has already been voted out of Oregon House but there’s no reason to not contact your representative and let them know what you think about this horrendous bill. Perhaps they didn’t know the details about it. (How many times have we seen politicians vote for bills they didn’t reads personally and merely did what their caucus told them do?) Let them know what you think by using the link below.
  • Contact your senator right now using the link below to let them know you oppose this bill. Ask them why they want to take away parental rights. Ask them why are they helping child traffickers. And ask them why do they think children should have adult rights.
    • Ask your democrat senator if they realize removing parental rights to raise their own children was exactly what the Nazis did. Are they trying to be Nazis? Seriously?
    • Tell your republican senator how much you appreciate their bravery and that you support their walkout.

How to do all that? Easy! Just go to this Oregon legislative map, enter your address, and there you go. The link will conveniently give you their contact info, including phone numbers and emails. Start writing, stop being silent. This only stops when enough people raise their voices.

When contacting your representative and senator, remember: be firm. But be polite.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Why we’re denying quorum in Oregon’s Senate (Washington Examiner, May 29, 2023)
  • Read the June 2023 ORP Legislative Update (PDF), which discusses HB2002 and other horrible bills worth walking out over
  • Dennis Linthicum Newsletter: Irreversible Harm (May 29, 2023)
  • From Senator Bonham: Protesting the Unconstitutional Actions of the Majority Party (May 9, 2023)
  • Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek hasn’t convinced Republicans to return to Salem as walkout continues (OPB, May 23, 2023)
    • “ Senate Minority Leader Tim Knopp, R-Bend, pledged his members would return on June 25 — the day the session is scheduled to adjourn under constitutional deadlines — in order to pass ‘lawful, substantially bipartisan budgets and bills’.”
  • Cutting Early Kicker Checks part of negotiations with Boycott Republican Senators (KATU, May 30, 2023)
  • Kicker theft SJR 26 would be blow to charities (Taxpayer Assoc of OR, June 1, 2023)
    • “…the May revenue forecast predicted the 2024 kicker rebate would grow to a record $5 point 5 billion dollars. But some [democrat] lawmakers want to ask voters to end the annual taxpayer payout.”
  • Boycotting Oregon senators believe loophole will allow them to win another term (OPB, May 30, 2023)
  • Paychecks, perks continue for absent senators amid GOP-led walkout (Oregon Capital Chronicle, May 30, 2023)
  • Federal Subpoenas Issued to State Agencies (Willamette Week, June 7, 2023)
Dobbs and EPA — What a Whole New SCOTUS Means for America

Dobbs and EPA — What a Whole New SCOTUS Means for America

Show Summary: This week, two momentous decisions by the Supreme Court will have long-reaching impact. We talk with constitutional attorney, Jonathan Emord, about the Dobbs and EPA rulings, why they are so important, and the impact they will have. And why Dobbs and EPA signal a whole new court—and the first true major blow to the deep state in decades.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: July 23, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord

This Week – Dobbs and EPA

Instead of two guests, we have two topics. We are going to dig in deep into two recent Supreme Court decisions: the Dobbs and EPA rulings.

Specifically, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and WV v EPA. These two decisions alone represent a huge shift at SCOTUS.

Both of rulings these are momentous in their own rights.

Dobbs because it erases an imaginary “Constitutional right” of abortion and will open the door to more protections for the unborn at the state level. And the EPA ruling, because it restores some Constitutional balance among the branches of government. And opens the door to weakening the administrative state. Provided that Congress exercises the power that was restored to it.

Did the 2022 elections just get yugely more important? Yes.

Dobbs Overturns Roe v Wade

Why was Roe v Wade so hard to overturn? How did the 1973 court get is so wrong and invent a “right”? Tune in to find out. And, also importantly, going forward Dobbs gives SCOTUS the mental permission — the fortitude and courage — to make other rulings that restore constitutional order.

The era of the John Roberts court is officially over.

Could America, after all the shrieking is done, could America turn more pro life after the overturn of Roe v Wade with more protections for the unborn? And could we be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Deep State? 

West Virginia vs EPA – First Major Blow to the Deep State

As Jonathan Emord reminds us, the administrative state is the true government because they hold all the real power. Effectively. Because Congress has not used its power. And the Executive Branch has both abused its power  through overreach and failed to use its power to rein in unelected bureaucrats.

Want to know how the administrative state (aka the Deep State) took over? Then you must read Jonathan Emord’s The Authoritarians

The EPA ruling just restored the separation of powers in a big way. The EPA grabbed a tremendous amount of power when it decided it could use the Clean Air Act to effectively regulate the entire economy via climate change. Now, its WV v EPA ruling stripped the EPA of that power and handed it back to Congress. Effectively, SCOTUS reaffirmed that laws must come through Congress, not the unelected bureaucrats of the administrative state. And, potentially, could strip billions from the Far Left’s theft of public dollars.

With these two rulings, we stand at the threshold of history. 

Mentioned: The Dr. Frank Executive Club Presentation – Link and Chuck Wiese Primer

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jonathan Emord’s The Authoritarians is an absolute must-read
  • Brick by Brick, Courts Build a Roadblock Against Biden’s Administrative State (The Epoch Times, July 20, 2022)
  • Supreme Court Targets the Real Enemy (The Epoch Times, July 1, 2022)
    • When you consider the implications of this one decision, they are awesome. It doesn’t just apply to the EPA and its elaborate plans for changing the global climate through command and control. It also applies to every other agency [all 432 of them], including the CDC and even the Federal Reserve itself.
  • The Dobbs Decision, Explained (The Daily Signal,  June 24, 2022)
  • Historic Supreme Court Ruling a Win for Sanctity of Life (, June 24, 2022)
  • Read this terrific and fascinating post from the wife of Andrew Torba (the founder of on the incredible link between a mom and her unborn child that continues for years after birth. Or after an abortion. Could this explain why so many women deeply regret their choice?
  • The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F (Brownstone Institute, June 27, 2022)
    • The Washington Post in an editorial expressed absolute shock and alarm at the implications: The directive from the White House, issued late Wednesday, sounds technical: creating a new “Schedule F” within the “excepted service” of the federal government for employees in policy-making roles, and directing agencies to determine who qualifies. Its implications, however, are profound and alarming. It gives those in power the authority to fire more or less at will as many as tens of thousands of workers currently in the competitive civil service, from managers to lawyers to economists to, yes, scientists.
Woke Sabotage: A Path of Destruction on Purpose? Or Just Accidental?

Woke Sabotage: A Path of Destruction on Purpose? Or Just Accidental?

Show Summary: We all know the Left’s ideology leaves a path of destruction wherever it goes. That’s why people flee Marxist countries on homemade rafts. The latest incarnation of Left ideology is collectively known as “woke” as they seek to enforce their vision of a socialist utopia on elements of American society. Like making race and gender a hiring criteria. Or pushing unlimited, anytime abortion, even “post birth abortion” (i.e., infanticide). But that wide swath of destruction. Is it on purpose or just accidental? It’s time to wake up about woke sabotage.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: July 16th & 17th, 2022 | Guests:  Donna Jackson & Ethan Peck

This Week – Woke Sabotage. It’s not an Accident

This week, it’s all about fighting woke policies and ideologies. We have two guests on from two different projects of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Donna Jackson from National Center’s Project 21 to talk about the impact Biden’s economic policies are having not just on Black communities but how the policies developed in democrat-run cities are now being unleashed on the rest of America to weaken us.

And she discusses Black pastors being paid to sabotage Black communities and lead them astray.

Mentioned in the opener: Milton Friedman’s “The Social Responsibility of Business”

Then we talk with first-time guest Ethan Peck about woke impacts in corporations. We talk about his experiences as the Free Enterprise Project attempted to present shareholder resolutions to block woke corporate policies. You won’t believe what happened when he was the only shareholder at the annual shareholder meeting of a woke corporation. And we talk Twitter as the prime example of woke corporations getting a pass from blatantly illegal acts simply because they’re woke. And we talk about how woke CEOs have fallen into a huge trap with their knee-jerk reactions to a post Roe v Wade world. Could they be an accessory to a crime?

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info



The Kavanaugh Hearings | Lies, Damned Lies, and John Brennan

The Kavanaugh Hearings | Lies, Damned Lies, and John Brennan


Show Summary: This week, we look at the Kavanaugh hearings from someone who went through something similar. Former CIA officer, John Kiriakou faced accusations from John Brennan, was lied about on a national stage, and his entire life and career hung in the balance because they made claims against him that were impossible to prove or disprove. Did we see the Deep State at work in the Kavanaugh confirmation?

Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, starting May 5, 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of July 2018. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, Six Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: October 6 & 7, 2018 | John Kiriakou

Former CIA officer, John Kiriakou, talked about an unclassified CIA program: water-boarding terrorists. But the CIA didn’t like it and tried to put him in jail. But he was cleared of all charges. Only to have the case re-opened by John Brennan after Obama got elected. As a result, Kiriakou was forced to go to jail when John Brennan bankrupted him into taking a plea deal. Along the way, he was lied about, the CIA and FBI made outrageous claims that couldn’t be proved or disproved. And it all played out on a national stage.

Instead of being called a “rapist,” John Kiriakou was called a “traitor.” He and his family received death threats. This highly decorated CIA officer’s entire life was upended because of a lie.

Needless to say, he knows what Brett Kavanaugh is going through.

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The Kavanaugh Hearings: From Someone who Knows what it’s Like

John Kiriakou knows what it’s like to have your life in the balance — weighted down by a huge lie on the other side of the scale.Crying Democrats at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings with John Kiriakou on I Spy Radio

Because of this, he has some real empathy for what Brett Kavanaugh went through. We talk to John about his experiences, what you go through when you face unprovable accusations, and how he dealt with it.

Also, we tap into his training as a CIA officer and how to tell who was lying. The answer may surprise you.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

Not Mentioned but Worth a Look

  • Prison reform – “if a conservative is a liberal who go mugged, a prison reformer is a conservative who was jailed.” (“The Unlikely Force Behind Prison Reform” by John Kirirakou, Consortium News, Aug. 31, 2018) [Refers to Jared Kushner, whose father went to prison for illegal campaign donations)
  • Pardon? (“Why Trump’s Next Pardon Should Be CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou,” The American Conservative, June 12, 2018)
Oregon Governor Candidates

Oregon Governor Candidates

Show Summary: Our best-of-the-best go back-to-back. This week we replay our two previous interviews with Republican Oregon governor candidates, Sam Carpenter and Capt. Greg Wooldridge. Because if Oregon is going to survive, we need different leaders. And that means dumping Kate Brown.  Because you can’t keep voting for the same people and expect different results.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande) | Live Feed
8:00AM Sunday: KWVR (Enterprise) | KWVR’s Tune In Live Feed
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass) | KAJO’s Live Feed

Original Air Dates: March 10 & 11, 2018 | Sam Carpenter & Capt. Greg Wooldridge

Looking for links, websites, and social media contacts for Sam Carpenter or Capt. Greg Wooldridge? Jump to it

This week: We replay our two previous interviews with the two leading Oregon governor candidates on the Republican side: businessman Sam Carpenter and former Navy pilot, Capt. Greg Wooldridge.

Last weekend Republicans gathered at the annual Dorchester event to do a little meet and greet and to plot the end of civilization.  (Or at least that’s what the Democrats think goes on there.) Over the last decade, Oregon has been faced with a Democrat stranglehold on the legislature and governor’s office.  As a result, we’re now staring down the double-barrel of high deficits and a Democrat-led march toward higher taxes.

Oregon governor candidates

First of all, if you believe The Oregonian, the choice for Oregon governor candidates comes down to one person. Oregon is destined (or “doomed”) for another four years of Kate Brown—and more Democrat spending.

The Oregon Governor's Race
The problem for Oregon’s Republican candidates

Well, maybe two people: Kate Brown and Knute Buehler. A Democrat and a democrat-lite.

But are we doomed to go down that road?

No. Thankfully, this year’s Oregon governor candidates include two solid, conservative Republicans. Republican Oregon governor candidates who could actually win not just the Oregon Republican candidacy but win in November too.

Oregon governor’s race 2018

On this week’s show, we replay our previous interviews with the two best Republican candidates who could challenge—and beat—Kate Brown.

With the May primary fast approaching, tune in to hear our previous two interviews with Sam Carpenter and Capt. Greg Wooldridge back-to-back. This weekend’s show will help you compare the two Oregon governor candidates who, we at I Spy Radio believe, are the best candidates in the race.

Did you leave the Republican Party? Find out how you can still vote in the Oregon primary

Either of these two men would be great leaders. And either of these two men would lead Oregon out of the self-digging pit that Oregon has put itself in—if we can’t unseat the Democrats.

Both men are conservatives. Both are strong leaders. And both are turnaround specialists. Sam has helped over 500 companies in Oregon return to profitability. He is the author of a widely respected book, Work the system: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less. Captain Greg Wooldridge was a three-time commander of the Blue Angels and went on to turn around a failing Naval base to make it the top naval base in the world. Like being a CEO of company with 8,000 employees.

In conclusion, let’s say that again: EITHER of these two men will be great for Oregon. They are the kind of leader Oregon desperately needs and one of them will stop us from sinking into a California-style black hole.

So who will it be? Who’s your choice?

Podcast Version

Oregon Governor’s race

(For any links mentioned during the show, see the respective original show pages.)

Sam Carpenter Links

Capt. Greg Wooldridge Links

Campaign website:
Campaign website:
 Twitter: @CarpenterforOR  Twitter: @greg_wooldridge
Sam Carpenter’s Facebook page Greg Wooldridge Facebook page
 Sam’s original show page  Greg’s original show page


The Oregon Primary Secret

Are you a conservative? Did you leave the Republican Party? That’s too bad because when you leave the party, then you can’t vote in the Republican primary. Right? But wait! There is a way you can vote in the primary for the Oregon Governor’s race.

Because here’s a little secret. You can plug your nose and rejoin the Oregon Republican party just long enough to vote in the primary to get a good conservative through the primary. Here’s how:

You have until April 24th to change your registration. Simply visit your county office or go to the Oregon Secretary of State’s website and change your party affiliation. You’ll get a Republican ballot for the primary, vote for your candidate, and then after the primary, May 15th, change your registration back to non-affiliate, independent or whatever.

Or. Consider staying in the Republican party. They need good people like you. And if you’re not in it, you don’t have a voice.


Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Pebble Mine — Winning against Environmentalists

Show Summary: The Trump administration is winning against extreme environmentalists. Tune in to hear some exciting news about the Pebble Mine project in Alaska, its tremendous wealth just waiting to be taken, and how the rabid environmentalists are the past,  not the future. Also, we talk with Jeff Jimerson of Oregon Life United about their plans to turn the tide for pro-life in Oregon in 2018.

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Never miss a show! All stations stream live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Jan. 13 & 14, 2018 | Jeff Jimerson & Mike Heatwole

Welcome to another edition and another year of I Spy Radio — helping you to get a little more intelligence on big govt. If this is your first time joining us, a special welcome to you as we kick off a new year. We hope you’ll join us every week as we give you more intelligence in one hour than most shows do in three.

This week

The first part of a two-part series focused on natural resources. And there is some good news on that front—for once.

Speak Life 2018

But before we get to the natural resources portion, our first guest is Jeff Jimerson, founder of Oregon Life United and lead petitioner to stop taxpayer funded abortions in Oregon.  To help get the word out on this signature initiative, his organization is bringing Mike Huckabee to Oregon, January 21st and 22nd.

We talk to Jeff about whether it’s true or not that Oregon has no pro-life laws to protect the unborn. No parental notification, no limits?  And then don’t miss the information on Gov. Huckabee’s visit to Oregon at their Speak Life 2018 event—and that’s not all.  This group has some exciting plans coming up, so we’ll be having Jeff back on to give updates as plans come to fruition.

Progressive politicians are wrong if they think free abortions for all is a winning strategy. Especially for today’s youth. Polls show an overwhelming majority of today’s youth are pro-life. Why? Because they’re the sonogram generation. They grew up at a time mom came home from the doctor with sonogram pictures and say, “See? This is your baby brother or this is your baby sister. Here’s the head… Here’s her arm…” They know that’s a baby in there, not some “blob of tissue.”

Pebble Mine

Then we switch hats to focus on natural resources something environmentalists have fought against for years.  But what these extremists don’t understand is that being an environmentalist doesn’t mean we can’t touch natural resources, it’s more about how you treat the lands and the people when you do harvest resources.

The Pebble Mine. Just waiting for permit approvalWe head back to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to talk about one of the most richest mineral deposits in the world: the Pebble Mine project.  A mine that has been put on hold for years as the Obama administration refused to even allow the permitting process to begin.

Long-time listeners of I Spy will remember that Pebble Partnership was forced to sue the EPA to give them same rights as any other mining company and discovered that the EPA had been conspiring with environmental groups to stop the Pebble Mine from ever submitting a permit application.

Now with the Trump administration in place the EPA has allowed the permitting process to begin, a process that will take years to finalize.  And with a growing economy, America will need the gold, copper, and other minerals of Pebble Mine to build computers, cell phones, and other essentials that we use daily in our lives.

Winning against Environmentalists

But it’s more than just Pebble Mine. Tune in to hear how after years of shutting down and, dare we say, terrorizing industry, the extreme environmentalists are on the defensive.  It’s about time. Don’t miss to hear how the extremists are “old school” and their fear-mongering is out of touch with modern-day approaches to natural resources.

And don’t miss next week’s show as we continue our focus on natural resources: Could there be some hope for Oregon?

Speak Life! 2018

We’re pleased to announce that Oregon Life United is bringing out Mike Huckabee on January 21st and 22nd to help with the signature gathering effort. He’ll be speaking at Portland, Salem, and Medford.  To get the details go to and order your $20 tickets online.  Look for the discount code button and type in ISpyRadio (all one word) to get $5 off per ticket. That’s 25% off!

Podcast Version

Speak Life and Oregon Life United Links

  • More information and to order tickets for Mike Huckabee and Speak Life! 2018 can be found at Oregon Life United
    • Don’t forget to use the discount code ispyradio and save $5 per ticket!
  • An unintentionally pro-life article from The Huffington Post: “Are You a Miracle? On the Probability of Your Being Born” (Aug 16, 2011).
  • Breitbart News – “Study: India Performs 15.6 Million Abortions per Year” (Dec 30, 2017): “A new study finds that about 15.6 million abortions were performed in India in 2015”
  • The new pro-life generation High-school students are organizing and engaging in the fight for life, despite sharp opposition from some administrators and peers (Jan. 2018)
    • “Despite the hostility, Curran and other members of Students for Life Dripping Springs continue to gather once a month in the school cafeteria to hand out flyers describing scientific facts about unborn babies. The students are part of the latest front lines of the pro-life battle: Winning the hearts and minds of the next generation means finding even younger activists.”

Pebble Mine Segment Links

  • More information about the Pebble Mine can be found at
  • Breaking the backs of the Enviro movement (something we’ll see more of under the Trump administration): “Exxon Prepares To Sue California Cities, Says They Contradict Themselves On Climate Change” (Jan. 8, 2018)
    • Cities in CA at sea-level on the one hand claim in their lawsuits against Exxon a high risk of flooding due to Climate Change, in some cases, a 99% chance of flooding due to sea levels rising. But now Exxon is suing them, saying that if that’s true then those cities defrauded investors who bought bonds those cities issued, which somehow failed to mention flooding risks.
  • Trump moves to give local communities more control over public lands near those communities — opening it up to mining, mineral exploration, farming, etc. (need link)
  • (Gov) Walker doubles down on opposing Pebble Mine (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Oct 8, 2017)
  • Trump’s EPA Is On Course To Retire Half Its Staff (Daily Caller, Jan 9, 2018)
  • The EPA’s Waters of the United States Rule pits the EPA against farmers, miners, and other industry (Politico, May 27, 2015)
  • With new life under Trump administration, fresh Pebble Mine details released (Alaska’s Energy Desk, Jan 5, 2018)
  • Pebble Partnership EPA Application (Application Dec 22, 2017)
  • First glance at Pebble’s new plans (KDLG Bristol Bay Public Radio, Oct 5,2017)
  • Pebble names First Quantum Minerals as new partner (KDLG, Dec 18, 2017)
  • The Senate tax bill would allow oil drilling in Alaskan wildlife refuge (CNN Money, Dec 4, 2017)
  • Developing Alaska’s wildlife refuge is a win-win-win (WA Post, Nov 30, 2017)