Category: Shows

Show 5-33 The New Media

Show 5-33 The New Media

Air Dates: Aug 15 & 16, 2015 | John Hawkins & Kristan Hawkins

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

The Fox News “debate” seemed to show one thing: how far the old media has fallen. The “new media” is the only media doing any real investigations. Why?

Well, that and whether you like Trump or hate Trump, it was pretty clear Fox News hates Donald Trump. So much for “fair and balanced.” But why?

Back in the 1980s and into the 1990s, news shows such as 60 Minutes and 20/20 ruled, with their top-notch investigations. But today, they and shows like them, have lost their prominence in today’s media. More and more the “mainstream” is dominated by opinion and commentary, and long gone are either analysis or investigative journalism. Instead the mainstream media is looking more like a series of tabloid features than a hallmark of investigative-journalist excellence.  Is that what the audience wants or are there other reasons that have pushed the mainstreamers into sensationalizing the news?

The New Media

the media - Megyn Kelly
Fox News’s Megyn Kelly – has the media lost its way?

We talk with John Hawkins of Right Wing News who gives us his analysis of the old media and why it has fallen prey to sensationalism.  We also discuss the betrayal of trust and the viewers’ uproar over the Fox News “debate,” and about the Trump phenomenon.

Why is it that news organizations, with millions of dollars at their disposal, are no longer doing undercover investigations like they used to? Instead, we’ve seen the rise of “citizen journalists like the Center for Medical Progress and their investigation of Planned Parenthood. Before that, it was James O’Keefe and ACORN.

The Effect of Good Investigations

Perhaps nowhere in recent memory is the impact of good journalism felt more keenly than the abortion debate, with the exposure of Planned Parenthood. We talk with Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America about the deep impact these Planned Parenthood investigations are having on youth, their families, and on campuses. Once again, it’s the new media that is carrying the torch. And yet the latest video was barely noticed by the mainstreamers.

There is exciting news on the front lines as Kristan Hawkins and Students for Life are engaging with today’s youth. Tune in to hear why today’s youth is, as we like to say, “The Sonogram Generation.”

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5-32 Chinese Invasion – China’s Silent War with the US

5-32 Chinese Invasion – China’s Silent War with the US

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Air Dates: August 8 & 9, 2015 | James Hirsen & Kevin Freeman

Seemingly almost without notice, China is quietly invading the U.S. Perhaps taking a page from the Soviet Union era’s failed communist takeover, China is waging war against the U.S. — not with nuclear ICBMs but through economic and cultural warfare. And the scary thing is, they’re winning.

This Chinese invasion is taking many forms. Some months ago, we brought your attention to the economic warfare China is waging against the U.S. Their silent warfare has intensified. This week, we take a deeper look at the threat no one seems to be paying attention to—at least seemingly no one in the Obama administration. Why are they opening the door to our enemies?

The Chinese Invasion of Hollywood

We’ll start by talking to James Hirsen of Headline Hollywood about the Chinese invasion of Hollywood. Why are Hollywood elites—the uber-liberal of liberals, who famously decry any sort of censorship—getting into bed with Chinese investors? What are the Chinese hoping to get out of this strange marriage?

The Chinese Invasion of US Companies

As of 2008 the Chinese government had hired more than 100,000 full-time hackers to do nothing but try to hack into America’s government and U.S. companies. Given that, and the Obama administration’s penchant for words not actions, it’s perhaps not surprising that a former NSA director recently said that every major US company has been hacked into by the Chinese. This gives the Chinese access to trade secrets, companies’ financial information, and future plans. Talk about insider trading. Are we ripe for a disaster? We’ll talk with Kevin Freeman about China’s silent war with the U.S. Kevin is one of the world’s leading authorities on financial and economic warfare.

Since the mainstream media is focused on Donald Trump, you probably haven’t heard that the Chinese markets have suffered huge losses, more than 30%, in the last few months. The Chinese government has officially accused the U.S. of hacking their system. Did we?

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Hacked?

Given the Chinese hack attacks on our infrastructure, on our government, and that Hillary used a private server for official, classified State Department business, could one of these 100,000-plus Chinese hackers found their way into Hillary emails? Tune in to hear the stunning revelation of how easily Hillary’s private server may have exposed the entire U.S. government to infiltration.

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Show 5-31 Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

Show 5-31 Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

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Air Dates: Aug 1 & Aug 2, 2015 | Guests: Myrna Shaneyfelt, Steve Raycraft, & Allan Parker

This week, more videos showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts were released. We take a closer look at the abortion industry and how Planned Parenthood uses devious means to fight real “choice”.

The last few weeks have seen the release of citizen journalist videos that exposed Planned Parenthood selling body parts. Despite their denials, it’s clear that Planned Parenthood is getting money—call it kickbacks, commission, “reimbursed” or whatever—for selling fetal tissue.

Regardless of what you think of abortion itself, the videos showing Planned Parenthood executives and doctors haggling over body parts is, at the very least, disturbing if not outright ghoulish. But think about this: the so-called “mainstream media” has had more than 40 years to expose Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts. And not one single investigation into this practice?

Right to Life in a Rabidly Pro-Abortion State

Maybe if babies were lions, they would get more attention from the press

Oregon is the only state in the nation that has zero additional restrictions on abortion other than those originally in Roe v. Wade. This means Oregonians in the pro-life movement face significant hurdles as they try to change the culture. But could some of those hurdles actually be illegal?

We talk with Steve Raycraft of Jackson County Right to Life and Myrna Shaneyfelt of Josephine County about the battle to protect the unborn in the most abortion friendly state in the nation. We’re especially honored to have Myrna join us, who was one of the original founders of the national Right to Life movement. Tune in to hear the challenges they face just to get into schools in Oregon to offer alternative viewpoints—and yet schools are opening the door to Planned Parenthood, giving them complete access, including Planned Parenthood’s educational and marketing material.

 The Shocking Planned Parenthood Videos

The videos showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts have shocked the nation. Even Hillary Clinton said the “images were disturbing.” Why? The images recently released showing torn apart babies are no different than images available 50 years ago. So why now? It’s because it a huge breach of trust. Planned Parenthood has been telling women, the American public, school children, and especially politicians that abortion merely destroys “blobs of tissue.” If that’s so, then why are there body parts to be sold? Blobs of tissue shouldn’t have organs to be sold. Or arms. Or eyes.

We talk with Allan Parker of The Justice Foundation about the first two videos and Planned Parenthood’s abortion industry. And unlike Planned Parenthood — or Hillary Clinton — we actually talk about the consequences and impacts on women’s lives. We also ask him about the potentially illegal activities by Oregon’s schools to deny access to alternative views.

It’s not about choice. It’s about marketing. Tune in to find out why.

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Related Links

  • The Center Against Forced Abortions, (a project of The Justice Foundation) offers help for girls and women to protect them from boyfriends, husbands, parents, or others who want to force them or pressure them to get an abortion
  • How much is a baby’s life worth to PP? $313.29 That was their projected profit per life taken, according to a former clinic director
Show 5-29 Convention of States

Show 5-29 Convention of States

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Guest: Michael Farris | Air Dates: July 18 & 19, 2015

Whether you’re mad at a Congress that stops nothing, or a president who thinks he can do anything or a Supreme Court that forgets everything about the Constitution, the thing that seems to unite all of us is that the federal government is divisive and out of control. If it is the nature of mankind and governments to gather more power, what can the States do about an out of control federal government that seems all too often to forget it is not an empire but a Republic?

Thankfully, our Founding Fathers provided a solution: a Convention of States.

Want to make this happen? Be sure to check out our guest post by Deborah Lee, Oregon State Director. Using Oregon as an example, she discusses how they’re using grassroots methods to make this happen and what you can do to get be a part of this.

Article V Convention of States

Do you remember hearing in high school about the checks and balances in our Constitution? Do you remember when was the last time you saw that actually happen? Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides a way out. Tune in this week to I Spy Radio to learn about the Constitutional power of a Convention of States (sometimes referred to as an “Article V Convention of States). From the Supreme Court doing constitutional gymnastics to keep Obamacare alive to rulings on gay marriage to the abuse of executive power to more than $100 trillion in federal debts and unfunded liabilities, this is a movement that is quickly gaining momentum.

We turn to Michael Farris, a Constitutional lawyer and scholar, who heads the Convention of States Project for Citizens for Self Governance. Tune in to hear: a brief primer on what a Convention of States is; the Constitutionality of a Convention of States and what it can do; the three distinct CoS movements; the difference between a Convention of States and an Assembly of States; and where the current CoS stands (who’s in and who’s not). We also answer the naysayers who claim proponents for a Convention of States are wrong on history and answer the doubters who claim a Convention of States will never happen, can’t or won’t work. Would a Convention of States open the doors to socialists who are salivating over the opportunity? We find out.

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Further Reading

Show 5-26 Annual Fourth of July Show

Show 5-26 Annual Fourth of July Show

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

Show 5-26 | Air Dates: June 27 & 28, 2015

Note: In light of this week’s tragedy in Southern Oregon, we’re putting aside politics and partisanship, recognizing that people need space to heal and come together. So we’re re-airing our annual Fourth of July show, to give people some space and time to heal.

It’s our Annual Fourth of July show! This week on I Spy Radio, it’s time to put aside politics, time to put aside partisanship and take some time to celebrate America, our history, and our common heritage.

This week, we welcome back communications consultant and amateur historian, Greg Leo, whose special passion is the Fourth of July, its history, and the many events and celebrations that have happened on the Fourth.

On this year’s show, we revisit the origins of Independence Day celebrations and traditions, and then trace them through early Westward expansion, the Oregon Trail, and on into modern-day celebrations. Don’t miss the 1852 Fourth of July celebration at Independence Rock on the Oregon Trail, taken from a pioneer journal.

Independence Rock
At Independence Rock on the Oregon Trail

Next week, we will re-air this week’s show—with a special twist.

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Show 5-25 Obamacare vs Healthcare

Show 5-25 Obamacare vs Healthcare

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Air Dates: June 20 & 21, 2015 | Grace-Marie Turner

The Supreme Court will decide soon what to do about the Obamacare subsidies, which some say are the backbone to the entire law. What will it mean for the healthcare system if Obamacare is, to use Obama’s words, “fundamentally transformed”? We talk with Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute about what the Court’s potential rulings could mean.

Obamacare advocates like to say we need to keep Obamacare because the Republicans haven’t come up with any plans to replace it. But this is a straw man arguement because a bad “comprehensive” plan is not inherently a better situation than a series of plans. It implies the healthcare system must be run by the federal government without stopping to ask whethere it should be meddling in your health care in the first place.

One aspect of Obamacare that many people haven’t heard of — including Oregonians — are School Based Health Centers. These “health clinics” are not what they seem. Like so much of the tripe pushed by the radical Left, what they claim is different, very different, than what they are. We talk with Nancy Traherne of the Rogue Vally Republican Women, which invited Mark Anderson to speak at their June 24th luncheon. (Note: If your organization would like Mark to come discuss how to fight back against SBHCs, please contact Karla Davenport for booking information.)

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Show 5-24 Ken Ivory Attacked by Far Left Group

Show 5-24 Ken Ivory Attacked by Far Left Group

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Show 5-24 | Air Dates: June 13 & 14, 2015

The battle for control over federal public lands intensifies as Rep. Ken Ivory is attacked by a Far Left group and accused of fraud. Why is the battle so important?  Jobs. If you don’t live inside of a major city, you know that those in rural areas create wealth and jobs by getting their hands dirty. Blue collar, good paying, and living-wage jobs through honest, hard work.

Logging, mining, farming, ranching, all create additional jobs beyond loggers, miners, farmers, and ranchers. For instance, the logging industry would be meaningless if not for millwrights, saw operators, electricians, welders, engineers, and many others. We’ve previously had on guests from Center for America, which has pointed out there is a coming shortage of exactly these kinds of jobs — skilled workers.

American Jobs for America’s Heroes

American Jobs for American HeroesOur first guest, Brigadier General, Marianne Watson, of Center for America is spearheading their campaign “American Jobs for America’s Heroes.” Drawing on her background as Director of Manpower and Personnel at the National Guard, she is leading the effort to connect small business owners with National Guardsmen and veterans. This is a tremendous opportunity for small-business owners to hire America’s skilled service men and women. If you need a job filled, they have a job-posting site that will not only list your job but they will also act as your HR Department to match the right service personnel for it.

Ken Ivory Attacked by Far Left Group

Via Ken Ivory - map showing extent of federal public lands
Lands held by the federal government. Note the difference between east and west of the Rockies

Here on I Spy Radio, we don’t like it when our friends come under attack. We especially don’t like it when the attackers are well-funded, hypocritical leftist organizations. Such is the case with Campaign for Accountability, which filed allegations against Ken Ivory and his nonprofit organization, American Lands Council. Campaign for Accountability alleges fraud on three fronts: that Ken Ivory knows the effort to turn ownership of federal lands to the states is a “fool’s errand;” that, knowing this, he defrauded counties who paid for membership in his organization; and that American Lands Council exists primarily to enrich Ken and his wife.

What’s interesting is that most of those “reporters” in the press who covered this, didn’t bother asking, “Just who is this group accusing Ken Ivory? Are their accusations even valid?” So we did.

On their “about us” page, Campaign for Accountability says, “Millions of Americans’ lives are negatively impacted by decisions made behind the doors of corporate boardrooms, government offices, and shadowy nonprofit groups.”

You’d think an organization that calls itself “Campaign for Accountability” might want to, you know, be accountable and transparent. Especially when they accuse Rep. Ken Ivory of using his nonprofit to “primarily” enrich himself and his wife. So how much does the Executive Director for Campaign for Accountability get paid? Or the rest of their staff? What percent of their revenue goes to salaries — “enriching themselves” to use their terminology.

We asked. They refused to answer.

We also asked who their major donors were, so they wouldn’t be perceived as a “shadowy nonprofit group.” Again, they refused to answer. So much for accountability. And they accuse Ken Ivory of fraud?

Ken Ivory’s Responses

Tune in to hear Ken not only defend himself against the accusations of fraud but respond to what we found out about Campaign for Accountability. He is joined by Montana State Senator, Jennifer Fielder, who was part of the commission Montana assembled to examine the management of public lands.

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Links Mentioned

  • Center for America’s website
  • Are you a small-business owner? Need staffing but don’t have an HR Department but want to find skilled workers? Find out more about American Jobs for America’s Heroes
  • Ken’s organization, American Land’s Council. You can see what’s happening in your state in the effort to take control of federal public lands.
  • Campaign for Accountability’s website. You can download a copy of their accusations of fraud here.
  • An investigation into Campaign for Accountability suggests a tie to George Soros (I Spy has not been able to confirm ties between CFA and Soros)
  • Campaign for Accountability appears to be a spinoff of a Far-Left “nonprofit” funded by George Soros. While CFA is only a few months old and hasn’t filed tax forms yet (for nonprofits, these are known as “990s”). However, CREW has. Check out CREW’s tax filings for 2011, 2012, and 2013.
  • Feel free to compare these to Ken Ivory’s American Lands Council’s 990s for 2012 and 2013.


Show 5-20 IRS Targeting Scandal

Show 5-20 IRS Targeting Scandal

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Air Dates: May 16 & 17, 2015

Two years on and the IRS targeting scandal continues and, worse, the arrogance of IRS attorneys continue unabated. So where are we? Will anything substantial ever happen to the people at the IRS who targeted conservative groups? (Other than paid leave or retiring on the taxpayer dime, of course.)

This week on I Spy Radio, we take an in-depth look at the IRS targeting scandal. First, we’ll talk with former Oregon State Representative Jeff Kropf about his experiences with the IRS when he tried to form his nonprofit, Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation, the chill it sent through conservative circles, and a startling new development in his lawsuit against the IRS. Not only has the IRS not learned their lesson, but the arrogance of their attorneys continues unabated.

And then, there is probably no one who epitomizes the IRS targeting of conservatives more than Wayne Allyn Root who has been harassed endlessly by the IRS, including audits of previous returns and one roadblock after another as he tried to set up a conservative nonprofit organization. Wayne ended up joining the Judicial Watch Foundation lawsuit against the IRS. And, he has new evidence showing IRS collusion.

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Links & Research on the IRS Scandal

  • Jeff Knopf’s organization, Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation: website ( and its Facebook page.
  • Links on the Z Street case… ACLJ write up: the IRS tells a panel of judges that the IRS can discriminate for 270 days until they’re forced not to by a lawsuit;
  • Jewish Press: characterized it as the IRS taking a pummeling by the judges: “Standing in the figurative shoes of the IRS, she was unapologetic and resolute, and with heels dug in, confirmed [the discrimination against conservative groups] is precisely the government’s position”;
  • A reprint of a WSJ commentary on Z Street
  • Wayne Allyn Root’s article on Fox News: “I’ve got proof it was a Democrat-led conspiracy
  • See for yourself—article in the Blaze, showing the photos of the documents and notes in Wayne Allyn Root’s case
  • Wayne’s website –

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