I Spy Radio host Mark Anderson just had an exclusive article published on Laura Ingraham’s Lifezette site about the deal Trump and Cruz should be making, which could unite the Republican party. Here’s a teaser, the link to the full article is below.
Trump, Cruz, and the Deal of the Century
There is one bargain the pair can make to unify the party and appease conservatives
So you’ve just lost every county in every state up for grabs in the Atlantic Quintet — after getting pounded in New York. What do you do now? It’s time to make not just a deal, but the deal to unite the Republicans and set America back on course.
Strategy is never about winning just the next battle. It’s about the long-term win. When it comes to negotiating, timing can either multiply your leverage or weaken it. Cruz should have made a deal right after Wisconsin. Coming off a big victory with so much of the rest of the race still in doubt — now that was a commanding leverage position.
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States are in constant competition for people and businesses — with businesses leaving high tax states and people voting with their feet. Find out why Socialism and “Tax Cronyism” drive people away.
One this week’s show, we give Bernie Sander’s voters a headache.
Over the past ten years New York State has lost millions of residents and thousands of businesses that had all had it with NY’s high taxes and moved to other states. They’ve moved to find a better place to live where owning a business or property isn’t suffocated, to where they didn’t have to feel like they were being held up at gun point by their own state.
Funny how that works, isn’t it? Our entire history is one of moving to better economic conditions. Leaving the “old country” for the chance to make a better, more profitable life. Moving west on the Oregon Trail or the California Gold Rush. People are not chained to their states — and the moment they feel they are, they move.
While Bernie Sanders’ voters may not like to think about economics or the consequences of raising taxes, there are 50 states that all have their own sets of economic policies that have consequences, of action and reaction. And shrewd consumers of democracy can make decisions on where and how they live based on a free market principal—competition is good because it reduces costs and drives efficiency.
In their 8th Edition of Rich States, Poor States, Jonathan Williams and his co-authors, Dr. Author Laffer, and Stephen Moore have once again captured how states make their economic decisions and the consequences of those policy decisions. Policies that impact your pocket book and quality of life and that should influence who you’ll vote into office.
Tune in to find out:
• What drives a state’s economic success or failure
• Tax Cronyism and how it ruins free markets
• Can states or the federal government be run more like a business?
• Which states have changed their liberal ways to create a strong, pro growth environment
With state and federal elections coming up soon this is a show not to miss.
To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon
With so many candidates running in the Republican primary there have been discussions within the media that there won’t be one candidate who wins enough electoral votes for a clear majority, which would trigger a “brokered convention.” Right away supporters of various candidates, and some candidates themselves, were saying this was a set up and that their candidate would be disenfranchised from a fair selection if the process was turned over to “political insiders” or the “establishment” to make the final choice. But what’s the reality?
And if you think politics is messy now, you won’t believe how they used to do it.
Caucus vs. Primary: Process and Differences
Also, we’re less than 10 days away from the Iowa Caucus, the true, official launch of the presidential primary. This week, we take a deeper look at the entire process of electing a president, the historical context, how the process has evolved, and we’ll examine the shadier side of political conventions in terms of what has happened and what could happen.
On this Week’s Show, You’ll Learn About:
How our Founding Fathers originally conceived presidential election, and the uniqueness of our American system
Why parties were created
Why and when conventions and primaries began
How the primary system works and how it has changed over the years
The modern-day elements of a caucus versus a primary vote and whether a “ground game” is as important as pundits claim
What exactly is a “brokered convention” and the chances of one happening in 2016
And if you don’t think your vote doesn’t matter just remember the highest turn out in a general election, ever, was just 63% of the voting age population. Even more alarming the average voter turnout for a primary has recently averaged about 22%.
Find out how to make your vote count — and why it could matter, even if your candidate doesn’t win.
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Air Dates: Month Oct. 10 & 11, 2015 | Lisa Lettenmaier
Remember those crazy, heady days of just being able to go to the doctor when you want and then just paying for their services? Yeah, that’s going to change. And it’ll change here in Oregon first.
And remember the good ol’ days when Obama promised savings of $2,500 per family per year?
This week, we take the pulse of the effects of Obamacare on the system. And it’s not pretty.
Tune in to find out what most of Oregon’s elected officials ought to know: how to connect the dots when it comes to Oregon’s health care transformation. And that includes at least one Republican candidate currently running for governor, who came out in favor of Oregon’s CCOs.
What does John McCain meeting with ISIS have to do with health care transformation? Listen to the show!
Democrats are already funneling billions of taxpayer dollars to Democrat-friendly “non-profits” who help get Democrats elected, who then funnel even more money to Democrat-friendly “non-profits” (like the $500 million in federal funds to Planned Parenthood or the $22.2 billion from global warming). Just wait until they start siphoning off from the $1.2 trillion we spend on health care.
Highlights from this week’s show:
Examples of fraud in the system
Potential areas for fraud
How Oregon’s CCOs are incentivized to stop people from going to the doctors and why they’ll do it
How much health care is about to go up
What the transition from fee-for-service to “outcome based” health care will mean for you and your health
John McCain article & photos: ISIS brags about links to John McCain, which we reported 2+ years ago (and, yes, we’re aware the NY Times disputes this particular photo is ISIS — but note how they crop the photo to cut off the guy who is a member of ISIS, the one known as “The Cannibal”)
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Air Dates: June 6th & 7th, 2015
Right smack dab in the middle of debate over the Patriot Act renewal, it turns out we are more heavily monitored than ever. That’s right. Just as the Senate continues debate about the Patriot Act expiration, it turns out the FBI is flying surveillance planes over American cities, doing so using “front companies.”
Naturally, if the FBI is up to these games, the NSA, CIA, and probably the EPA are all doing it—or worse.
So what’s to become of the Patriot Act? Over the weekend, Sen. Rand Paul successfully (or traitorously, depending on whom you talk to) prevented Senate’s renewal of the Patriot Act and certain provisions have lapsed due to sunset laws built into the act. It’s not dead by any means and most politicians predict it will be renewed and that this is all just a temporary diversion.
His newest book is Battlefield America: The War on The American People.
“Revealed: FBI recording US cities from above using fleet of surveillance aircraft that can identify thousands of people based on their cellphones” (UK Daily Mail article)
John Yoo, the author of the Patriot Act, calls a federal appeals court in New York blocking of the NSA’s collection of telephone metadata a “grievous” error. Do you agree?
Host Mark Anderson needed to take some time to work on his dissertation requirements this week, so we’re airing our previous show “Red Money for Green Groups” with Ron Arnold.
Head to the original show’s webpage for links mentioned and its downloadable podcast.
The Pamela Geller Cartoons – Fox News on Wrong Side
In the wake of the Garland TX shootings, much has been made and continues to be made, about the “appropriateness” of Pamela Geller’s “Draw Muhammad” cartoon event. As recently as this morning, Martha MacCallum of Fox News interviewed Lars Larson and Jehmu Greene who all agreed Pamela Geller had the absolute right to do what she did but debated the “appropriateness” of her actions to hold the event. Within that heated debate, Martha posed the question “What is the appropriate response to ISIS?” Sadly, due to the combative nature of the interview, it went largely unanswered. So allow me.
Pamela Geller defends herself on Fox News against Martha MacCallum in the wake of the Garland shooting
When responding to terrorists, it is exceptionally appropriate to demonstrate you are not afraid of them. That their threats of violence—to say nothing of their acts of violence—have done nothing and will do nothing to make you cower in fear. That you will not abridge your own speech out of fear they may do something violent in return.
Showing weakness emboldens terrorists. Unfortunately, weakness now passes as official U.S. policy. Even before he became president, Obama launched his apologetic world tour. He has since backed up those apologies by official actions, conceding time and again in the face of radical Islamic threats. When push came to shove in the “Arab Spring” he sided with the radical elements in Egypt and Libya. He sides with the more radical Syrian rebels (many factions of which evolved into ISIS) over the more secular and moderate (though despicable) President Bashar al-Assad.
Reminiscent of Palestinians throwing rocks at well-armed Israeli soldiers, Obama has launched just enough missiles and drone strikes from afar, to give the appearance of doing “something” to the American people. But absent is a bold, authoritative, and crushing offensive strike that would send the message that needs to be sent.
The Pamela Geller Cartoons Entirely Appropriate
In this sense, in the wake of weakness passing as official U.S. policy, the Pamela Geller cartoons were entirely appropriate. She—a woman no less—stood in the face of violence, shook her fist, and proclaimed, “We will not be silent!” Would Martha MacCallum question the “appropriateness” of a woman standing up to an abusive husband with a similar determination of “I will not be silent!”?
Unlike Fox News, we’re happy to show the winning Mohammed cartoon (click the image for a full-size version)
It’s not just Martha MacCallum but many of the Fox News team. Bill O’Reilly, Greta Van Susteren, and others have scolded Geller over the “appropriateness” of her event—while conceding her right to hold it. The only two who seem to get it are Megyn Kelly and Sean Hannity. In an on-air exchange, Megyn absolutely dismantled O’Reilly pontificating with a single question: “You know what else the jihadis don’t like? They hate Jews. Should we get rid of all Jews?”
It’s also highly appropriate to know the mindset of the people you’re fighting, to know your enemy. And judging from the self-righteous comments of those on Fox News and others like Jehmu Greene in this morning’s debate, I would guess none of them have actually read the Qur’an. I challenge them to do so; I invite you to do so. There is a highly respected English translation, fully searchable, electronic version of the Qu’ran available on the page for Show 5-04 (see the “Links Mentioned” section). Take a look. See for yourself about the treatment of Jews and Christians and the absolutely permissible act of killing them if they do not submit to the superiority of Islam. The difference between moderate and radical Islamic beliefs is that moderates view the killing of Jews and Christians as “permissible”; radical Islamists view it as a commandment.
If the Fox News crew actually knew the mindset of radical Islamists, they would know that the “appropriate” response against radicalized violence is strength. On I Spy Radio, I have interviewed multiple guests on radical Islam and ISIS, from Brigitte Gabriel (Act! for America) to Dr. Andrew Bostom to Joseph Klein to Dr. Bruce Thornton to, most recently, Raymond Ibrahim. In discussions with them both on and off the air, all of them underscore that the Middle Eastern mindset is one that respects strength. This has existed for centuries. The Muslim incursions into Europe did not stop because Christians the world over apologized. The incursions stopped because of strength, because of the Crusades, which proclaimed via actions that Christians had had enough and were also willing to die for their faith.
Free Speech vs. Appropriateness
The Fox commentators have also used the infamous “Piss Christ” (an “artwork” of a crucifix in a jar of urine) as an example to counter Geller’s event in that they agreed the artist had a right to do it but that it too was “inappropriate.” They are correct that it was inappropriate. But it’s a false comparison because his rights as an artist were not being threatened. If Christians were dragging atheists or artists out into the streets and beheading then, yes, “Piss Christ” would have been an absolutely appropriate response. Instead, it was an artist with a cushy fat taxpayer grant thumbing his nose at Christians, whose tax dollars helped fund it. The only way you can compare “Piss Christ” to Geller’s event would be if there had been no radical Islamic killings of Westerners, no threats of violence, no implied or overt threats of forcing America to abide by Sharia law—and that Muslims had funded Geller’s event to insult them.
Another common refrain among the Fox News commentators is that Pamela Geller should not have “provoked” the radical Islamists. Our very existence “provokes” radical Islamists. To echo Megyn Kelly, the very existence of Jews and Christians “provoke” them (unless they admit the superiority and ultimate authority of Islam). Our way of life is an insult to them. They hate that our women flaunt themselves and walk around half naked—to say nothing of their demands of equal rights with men.
Our entire existence as a nation “provokes” them. They hate us for our freedoms and not just freedom of speech but all of them. The very fact that we’re free to worship who we want and how we want throws it in their face that we have not submitted, that we have not turned our society on its head to follow the dictates of Islam. And they hate that we have even enshrined all of this in the Constitution that guarantees us these rights and this ability to thumb our nose at radical Islam.
So many of our Founding Fathers proclaimed the price of Liberty was so high and so precious they were willing to die to defend it. Do you think the Pamela Geller cartoons or those attending the “Draw Mohammed” contest—or the former Muslim who won it—weren’t all keenly aware that they were putting their own lives at risk for standing up for freedom? In decrying the “appropriateness” of Pamela Geller’s event, the Fox News crew admitted her right to free speech. Just as they have the right to criticize. And yet it makes one wonder whether they too would put their lives on the line to defend it?
Standing up with strength and resolve, and knowing that it is the correct response in the face of those who would do violence against you simply because you dared to stand up is appropriate. Because the price of freedom is that, at some point, you will be offended. Some are willing to pay the ultimate price for freedom. Others take the safety of the newsroom.
It’s Easter weekend, and that’s a great time to take some time with your family—which is what we’re doing. That being the case, we aired a best-of I Spy, our show with Barrie Schwortz, the documenting photographer on the Shroud of Turin Research Project. This fascinating show is always definitely worth another listen.
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Air Dates: Feb 21 & 22, 2015
Within hours of Governor John Kitzhaber’s resignation, the FBI issued a subpoena, seeking records from multiple state agencies and 15 individuals. But this is a sitting public official, duly elected by the people of Oregon so what does it take for the FBI to suddenly get involved in the first place? And why didn’t this all happen before the election? We ask an FBI agent.
With the Governor’s attempt to destroy thousands of e-mails, the FBI issued a subpoena just hours after he resigned. The subpoena requests a massive amount of information and documents from 15 individuals and multiple state agencies as a part of their investigation, so this week we go in depth with a former FBI agent to understand not only the process the FBI goes through to obtain a subpoena in the first place but how they build their case and just how far this will go.
Our guest this week is attorney Chris Mazzella, former FBI agent and Inspector General with Dade-Miami County who has a depth of experience prosecuting racketeering and investigating public corruption. We get an inside look at the process of discovery, the relationships the FBI will dig into, and why associates of the former governor and Cylvia Hayes should be worried.
Links mentioned
Many thanks to The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, Inc.! Visit their website.
The FBI subpoena of (former) Gov. John Kitzhaber (courtesy of Willamette Week).
Have information or insights that could help the FBI investigation? Here’s the contact information for the Portland, OR, field office:
U.S. Department of Justice
S. Amanda Marshall
United States Attorney
District of Oregon
1000 SW Third Avenue, Suite 600
Portland, OR 97204-2902